Okay! Here it is! The second part of my serie "Life Is Something that Happens (Between Werewolves and Magic)" I really hope you enjoy this! Leave your thoughts!

Thanks to my Beta CosmicStarlight21! A godsend, I swear!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Everything belongs to their rightful owner.

Wolf Moon

"Guys! I'm going out! Behave!"

Two set of footsteps could be heard as soon as the banging door stopped. One light and the other attempting to be soft but failing miserably.

The first was coming out from a room in the second floor, the second came out of the kitchen. Both of the runaway teenagers stopped dead a couple of steps close to the front door. Green eyes gazed into honey brown ones, both locked in a silent conversation.

"I'll drive you but you have to promise you won't tell a soul," the owner of the honey eyes whispered.

"Only if you promise not to rat me out."

"You wound me My Queen," said the boy in a hurt tone which was completely fake in the girl's ears.

Once in the car, they felt relaxed enough to talk.

"Where to?"

"Jax. Where are you going?"

"It's better if you don't know. And really Lydia? Nat is out of town, dad is working late and you're going to meet with that idiot?"

"I don't question your decisions. Don't criticize mine," The redhead could only huff at Stiles' words. She knew Jackson wasn't nice to Stiles but she loved him.

They drove silently until they got to the big pretentious house of the Whittemoore's.

As Lydia was getting out of the Jeep Stiles spoke once more, "Remember to be at home before 3am. Dad always tries to get out of the station around that time with calls like this."

Lydia nodded with her head, she regaled Stiles with a soft smile before turning to keep her walk. They were trying to be siblings, she thought. They fought but they also looked after each other, even if it was for breaking the rules.

It took Stiles another 15 minutes to get to his destination. As soon as he got to the house he saw some lights inside. Unsure about who might or might not be inside he decided to climb up to a second floor window. As he was climbing up he realized something. He couldn't move his freaking leg, in an attempt to free the said limb he couldn't help himself but flailing.

And that was how he ended up facing his friend. Upside down.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" yelled the teenage boy, shaking the bat he was holding.

"You weren't answering your phone. Why do you have a bat?" Asked Stiles, hanging limply.

"I thought you were a predator."

"A pre..." He couldn't really believe his friend sometimes. "Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police."

"For what?"

"Two joggers found a body in the woods."

"A dead body?"

"No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body."

"You mean like, murdered?"

"Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties."

"Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?"

"That's the best part. They only found half." After a pause and a maniacal grin he added, "We're going."

"We're seriously doing this?" The crooked-jaw teen asked.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town."

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow."

"Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles was growing tired of this topic.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line."

"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."

"Aren't you supposed to be excited too? You could be on the team too if you tried! We've been spending a lot of time training because Lydia insisted on it."

Stiles turned to look at Scott as if just to make a point. "That's the thing isn't it? I'm on the team for almost everyone but myself!"

Scott could feel the path where the conversation was heading to. Ever since Lydia and Natalie had moved in with Stiles and the sheriff, Stiles had done everything in his power to make everyone happy. And after an stupid comment of his own about trying to get on the Lacrosse team, Stiles found himself trying too at his family encouragement. Stiles didn't hate Lacrosse per say—Scott was sure of it but the pressure was too much at times he decided. Trying to change subject he asked next. "Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?"

"Huh! I didn't even think about that."

"And, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?"

"Also something I didn't think about."

A breathless Scott commented annoyed; "It's comforting to know you've planned this out." Feeling himself starting to gasp and wheeze he said, "Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" They walked some more until they found the police also searching in the woods and Stiles went ahead. "Wait, come on! Stiles! Wait up! Stiles! Stiles!" whispered Scott.

"Hold it right there!" Someone yelled.

A flashlight blinded Stiles.

"Hang on, hang on. This little delinquent belongs to me," said the sheriff with a resigned face.

Dogs kept barking around them. "Dad, how are you doing?"

"So, do you listen to all of my phone calls?"

"No!" After a moment, he added. "Not the boring ones."

"Now, where's your usual partner in crime?"

"Who, Lydia? She doesn't even know where I'm at."


"Oh! You meant Scott! Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow. It's just me. In the woods. Alone."

"Scott, you out there? Scott?" Hearing no response or any type of noise from the surrounding darkness, the shieff sighed and addressed his son with displeasure steeping in his voice. "Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car and you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy."

It hadn't been more than five minutes of driving for her to speak. The silence in the jeep wasn't anything like the night before. It had been just a little bit awkward and just begging to be broken.

"You're grounded."


"A dead body in the woods?"

"No! A body of knowledge!"

"Don't take that tone with me!"


"That's seriously morbid!"

"I already feel bad enough Lyds."

"Noah wasn't that rough from what I heard."

"You haven't been on the end of his disappointed look. And after I left Scott, he got bitten by something so I'm really the worst everything today."

"Ewww, he has to get his shots. And you're not the worst brother yet. But I would like for my boyfriend not to make fun of you if you suck at training today."

"Scott wants to get in first line this season."

"He has severe asthma. You will get in before him and you barely try."

They got to school within the first bell. Lydia went to her clique and Stiles to Scott.

It wasn't until before practice he saw her again.

Lydia was talking to the new girl Scott seemed to be obsessing over and someone was complaining about how the new girl was already on Lydia's clique with an annoying tone.

Some of the things Stiles heard about Lydia when he had an ear out fueled a fire inside of him. The same kind that would make him look for a way to protect her just like he would do for his dad and Scott, even Melissa and Natalie. No one knew Lydia, and no one had the right to believe any of the things that were being said about her.

It had been almost a whole year since the Martin girls moved in and he felt quite fiercely for them. Natalie made his dad happy, helped Stiles with his father's health and had become a real support for him. Lydia, even with their rough start and her attitude outside their home, had become his confident, even more so than Scott. She was the first person he came out to, which apparently wasn't a surprise and as much as Stiles considered himself bisexual he knew Lydia was right about the fact that he's definitely a bit more gay in the Kinsey Scale. She was there for him when he came out to his dad and Natalie and as much as she was annoyed by him he was sure they cared for each other very deeply.

So the only thing he was able to do was glare at the girl who was talking shit about Lydia and telling her off. A clear case of satisfaction coursed through him as the girl scurried away.

Lydia was sitting on the bleachers with Allison as she tried to explain the basics of the game.

"Who's that?" asked Allison as Scott made his way to the goal.

Lydia sighed, resigned "Scott McCall. My brother's best friend. Stepbrother actually. He's the one on the bench. They suck."

After ten minutes of some amazing catches from Scott, Allison turned to Lydia with a grin. "He doesn't suck!"

"Ha! Believe me, I'm quite surprised," And suspicious added the red-head to herself.

"I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things."

"Smell things? Like what?"

"Like Mint Mojito gum in your pocket."

"I don't even have any Mint Mojito," Stiles started checking his pockets and surprisingly found the gum. "So all this started with a bite."

"What if it's like an infection? Like my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"

"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this. It's a specific kind of infection."

"Are you serious?" Scott said, feeling both relieved and scared.

"Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy," the matter of fact tone Stiles was using was soothing to his friend.

Scott could count on his best friend to always have an answer. "What's that? Is that bad?"

"Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month."

"Once a month?"

"Mmm-hmm. On the night of the full moon. Aroooo! Hey, man Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling," Stiles couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me," Scott was mad. He loved Stiles but his best friend didn't take anything seriously.

"I know! You're a werewolf! Okay, obviously I'm kidding." Still laughing, he added, "But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon."

They had finally found the spot Scott was looking for. "No, I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler."

"Maybe the killer moved the body."

"If he did, I hope he left my things are like eighty bucks."

They were both on the ground looking for the inhaler when they noticed that someone else was there, with them.

Stiles could only look at the man in front of them. Dark hair, broad shoulders, piercing eyes, and if Stiles hadn't figured out he was bisexual a long time ago, he definitely would be having a crisis now. "What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property." He so didn't have a thing for voices. Not at all...

"Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know."

"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but uh, forget it. "

It was when Mr. tall, broody, and Handsome threw Scott's inhaler their way before walking away from them that a click went off in Stiles' memories.

"All right, come on, man, I gotta get to work."

"Dude, that was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us."

"Remember what?"

"His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, 5 years ago. I wonder what he's doing back here."

But that wasn't all he remembered.

He remembered some of his mother's delirious tales about the Hales on her last days.

Talia Hale on Claudia's funeral.

He remembered the night of the fire, not long after his mom's death. Derek and Laura on the station, their crying, their sorrow; the way he wanted to hold them and take away their pain. That need to protect the remaining members of the family; as if a deep connection long gone had awaken at the sight.

He remembered all.

Or so he thought.

Scott was a werewolf.

Scott McCall, his best friend, was a freaking werewolf.

One who had almost killed him moments ago —okay, that's overreacting but still—and one who had also left claw marks on his desk chair. He loved that chair.

He needed help. This was definitely not something he could do on his own. As he rushed to tide everything left from his researches so he didn't notice the strawberry blonde figure standing by the threshold.

"What are you doing?"

Taken by surprise Stiles couldn't help the shriek that came out of him. "Good god, Lydia! Make a sound next time!"

"So, what's up with you? You are acting weird."

"Nothing is going on here, everything is just peachy. I just need to go out for a second."

"Okay. But the moment you are back we need to talk about this new abilities Scott seems to have acquired over night."

"I have no idea what you..."

After a pause Lydia asked with a serious voice. "Please, just tell me it's not drugs."

Stiles stopped in his tracks to look at Lydia. "It's not. But I'm kinda hurt you actually thought that," He took his phone and keys. "So if you excuse me, I'll go cry somewhere else."

"Where are you going? My party at Jackson's is in two hours!"

"Out. But don't worry. I'll be back soon enough."

He ran out of the house as Lydia yelled some comment about his clothes but he decided to ignore it and started the jeep. He drove like a mad man until he got to the burned remains of the old Hale house.

"Derek Hale! I know you're in there!" He yelled. "I know you know what's happening with my friend. I need your help." He waited for a second without an answer, kept waiting. "Please," he whispered more to himself than to anyone else. "Please I need help."

But even if he wasn't trying, he was still heard.

"What do you think you know?"

The voice didn't come from the house but from behind him.

Stiles jumped and gave an squeak at the voice. "Lord dude! Put a bell on!" He turned and there he was; Derek Hale with his piercing eyes and chiseled cheekbones. Yep, this man would be Stiles' undoing. With all his courage, Stiles answered, "You're a werewolf. And somehow my best friend is one too. And he won't believe that something is happening to him. I need your help."

Those beautiful pale green eyes looked back. A glare was directed to him as if his mere existence annoyed the hell out of the guy. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Whatever that nonsense is about I don't care."

"Hey, you have to help me! You have a hand in this, I know it!"

"Give me a reason why I should listen to you, let alone help you," growled Derek.

"My mother once said that if something ever happened to me and things didn't make sense with any kind of logic I could always trust in a Hale." Why was he breathing so hard? "It was one of the most insisted requests she made me do before I lost her. I always thought they were only delusions, crazy thoughts, but a lot of weird shit has happened and you are the only Hale around."

This made Derek face flatter.

He turned around faster than Stiles could follow with his eyes and from one second to another he was pinned to a tree and green kaleidoscopic eyes looked at the honey brown ones; then a flickered of recognition went through the pale eyes and Stiles was certain he saw some sort of hope in them too. As fast as that had come it left without a trace. Derek let Stiles down and gave him a brooding frown which moments later softened. "What do you want?"

"I need help with Scott..."

"Your friend, I know. He was bitten by the Alpha."

Stiles wanted to ask what he meant but there were more important things. "No! You don't! The full moon is tonight. But the only thing he wants to go the party my sister is hosting. All he wants is to go on a stupid date, with a new girl who makes him lose control of his hormones! I don't know about you but I think that's a recipe for disaster."

"You're right."

"Of course I'm right! Wait, what?"

"You are right. The full moon is tonight and there's no way your friend won't lose control."

"So you're gonna help me?" asked an impressed Stiles. "I thought it would be harder to convince you."

"Just drive and tell me what you know on the way."

"Has anyone told you you are a charmer Wolfman?" Snarked Stiles as the wolf pushed him to his car.

Derek didn't know what in all the hell he was doing. Laura would be laughing her ass off if she could see him right now. Who knew, she probably was. He was going to a high school party to find a recently bitten teen wolf who was on denial of his situation, in a beat down jeep that seemed way too familiar and with a loud babbling whiskey-eye sixteen year old boy who also was tremendously familiar. Which made the next situation confusing.

This pale skinny defenseless boy beside him was his mate.

And as much of a problem that was there was also something bigger.

He already knew that scent, his mate's scent was supposed to be unique to his wolf; the first time catching that scent was supposed to be like a lightning bolt hitting him square in the chest, intoxicating and filled with the uncontrollable need to claim. And it is true it was a feeling of that sort what came over him when he had Stiles against the tree but it was more of a banging recognition than a discovery.

And of course there was also the fact that, this boy, his mate, had a pair of honey brown eyes Derek once had known. Someone he couldn't really remember.

This whole trip was becoming a nightmare. His sister was dead, murdered by some power hungry wolf he couldn't find; a teenage wolf turned by said Alpha who also seemed to be best friend with his mate, which apparently was already known by his wolf.

"We're here," he was pulled out of his thoughts hearing Stiles' voice rambling about how annoying it was to come to those things but he had to because his stepsister always planned these kind of parties and even if they barely talked around high school she always asked him to be there. Then, he went on about the thing he disliked more than this kind of party was the stuff his stepmother organized which made him and Lydia -who Derek assumed to be the stepsister- look like some sort of socialite kids around those kind of people. He went on about how Lydia seemed to fit but he just hated it.

Somehow even with the loud music of the party, he still could focus on Stiles and keep him close. A whiff of his scent passed by Derek and it took a lot of Derek not to grab the boy and claim him. He was just a boy and he was not her. He wouldn't!

They got to the back of the house near a pool and he located the young wolf dancing with a girl. He pointed them to Stiles and catching him off guard, Stiles took him by the shoulders and started dancing while getting close to the couple. Without even thinking twice, he grabbed Stiles by the hips and held him closer. Stiles turned to him like a deer in the headlights but Derek could still smell the arousal emanating off Stiles and as intoxicating as it was they were on a mission and-

"What are you doing here?" a voice said from beside them. He turned to see Scott looking at both of them with mad eyes.

"Dancing! Duh!" said Stiles. His attention passed to Allison and with a smile, he added, "And you must be Allison! I've heard so much about you from Scott and Lydia!"

The girl seemed to be taken by surprise but she regained her composure and smiled, "You must be Stiles! Lydia's brother!"

"The one and only."

Suddenly Derek felt Scott getting mad and losing control. He turned to Scott and grabbed Stiles a bit harder to catch his attention.

"Scott! Are you alright? Is it an asthma attack?"

"What?" The question came from Allison.

Before anything could happen, Derek took Scott by the shoulder, immediately missing Stiles's warmth and started to guided the younger wolf out of the house.

He could hear Stiles calming Allison and offering her a ride.

He turned to see Scott who was losing control faster and faster. Well he decided, this was going to be a hell of a night.

Hours later Stiles kept pacing in his room without any kind of news. He felt like losing his mind. Lydia had decided to stay at Jackson's and his dad was on a night shift. He was alone in the house and he couldn't do anything at all.

A window flew open and suddenly Derek was in his room. The memory of their dancing earlier that night pass through his thoughts and who could blame him? He was a teenager and Derek was probably the fantasy of every person on earth.

Derek didn't say anything but for a moment his eyes looked hungry but a second later his patented brooding face was in place. "Your friend is fine. We had a run in with some hunters but everything is okay now."

"Oh my god! Thank you dude!"

Derek nodded. "Well, my job here is done."

"Wait! No no no, you have to help us! Scott needs to learn to control whatever this is and we can't do this alone! Besides, I have a hunch that you're doing something else here? Maybe looking for whoever bit Scott? 'Cause I doubt that it was you, at least judging by how you've acted. We don't trust each other but we might as well try!"

Derek's gaze softened; he knew he couldn't do it alone. He needed Scott and his connection to the Alpha. But he had hoped for Stiles to stay away, he didn't deserve a mate; not after what he had done, but it seemed by the way his fierce honey brown eyes shone he would not stay away and eventually he would probably get himself killed. This way Derek could protect him. Derek sat down in Stiles' desk chair trying to avoid the young man's gaze.

Since the fire he had never opened up to anyone. He couldn't trust. But he knew that the situation was already too complicated just by himself and trusting his wolf he said "My sister came here a couple of days ago. She didn't say why and I had promised myself to never come back but when I felt the pack bond breaking I knew it, she had been killed."

"She was the body," said Stiles in a breath.

"Yes. Werewolves are divided into Alphas, our leaders are the only ones able to give the Bite; there are Betas like Scott and I; then there are the Omegas who don't have a pack. After my mother's death, Laura became the Alpha but the wolf who killed her took the Alpha Spark from her and turned your friend. I need to kill him. He's probably trying to create a pack but it feels like they are feral somehow. I need to take him down before things get ugly. That's why you should stay away."

"Are you kidding me?" jumped Stiles. "That thing hurt my friend, it's probably all around going on a killing spree, my dad will probably be looking for it and you want me to stay away? Newsflash Sourwolf, I'm in this whether you like it or not, dude! I don't really trust you but you felt honest enough I guess."

Derek gave him a hard look. "First, don't call me dude and second, if you're getting into this, you'll do it by my rules. Your friend doesn't trust me and I might need help with that but there's no way in hell I'll let you get involved!"

"We'll have to agree to disagree, but I'll do what I can with Scotty." Derek could only roll his eyes. He was doomed.

Hope you like it! Leave your comments!