Hope You all like my new story. this is inspired by DeliriumDescending,One,Two,Three

Chapter one:

When Checkerface him to a meeting with the strongest seven he went even though all his instincts were all bu yelling at him not to go, but dam his curiosity and pride got the better of him. He should have known it was the worst mistake he would ever make but like the idiot he was he didn't listen to his instincts and now it cost him big time.

He should have known something was going to happen when the day after the first meeting The sky named Luce pulled me aside told me in no uncertian terms that she refused to harmonize with me. At first i didn't understand what she meant Harmonize then I remembered a long almost forgotten memory about what that meant. When she told me that I was hurt until she told me that I was meant for another sky and she didn't want to ruin that for me.

The others took noticed that Luce wouldn't Harmonize with me and started treating me worse than when they thought I was just a useless civilian. To them I was just an outsider, that i was intruding on their little family and it hurt. It hurt to once again be and outside, a priah. The only good thing was that after each time that reborn beat me Luce would come to my room and patch me up. She adventually became a friend even if she wasn't my sky.

After what is coming to be known as the fated day I finally truely understood her reasons for not Harmonizing with her and was in a way I was thankful to her even if I was a little angry that she led us into this curse. I know that if I did Harmonize with her would have lost my trust in skies. I may be thankful that she refused to bond with me but I was still feeling betrayed. Although probably not as much as those that truely harmonized with her.

When we got back to the house that we had been staying at they all took out their anger on me. They acted like I didn't have any feelings. They didn't take into account that maybe just maybe i'm hurting as well. i mean do they not understand that while they could aventually get back into their line of work, where as I can't no one would accept a toddler do crazy death defying stunts. the people would shout about child endangerment.

It took a while to adjust but once we did we all went our own way Luce back to her famiglia and me to wander around trying to figure out what I should do now. whatever the rest did I didn't pay attention nor did I care.

The most sucky thing about being stuck as a toddler is that he couldn't go and hunt for his own food. Being a baby vampire with a adults mind sucked. y thats right your very own Skull de mort is a vampire. A born vampire, and as a born vampire we don't get our own fangs until they were at least five and right now he is stuck in the body of a two year old so ya he couldn't get his food on his own. A baby gets blood from his or her parents until they get their fangs.

He didn't know where to go in order to get blood, expecially the type of blood he needs. not many people know that the supernatural exists. I guess I could always go and see if Luce will help me until I find my sky.

So with that thought in mind I decided that I would head to find the Giglio Nero mansion.

When I showed up on Luce's door step so to speak. The person who answered the door let me in the moment it saw the pacifiar around my neck and led me without a word to what I guessed is Luce's office. When I got there Luce was sitting a her desk with paperwork towering over her little body. The what I guessed is a servant bowed and announced my presents to her. Her head shot up so fast that for a breif moment I was worried she'd get whiplash. If I wasn't here on such serious business I probably would have been laughing at the look on her face when she saw me.

She snapped out of her shock when I moved to sit down uninvited into the chair opposite from her.l

I opened my mouth to tell her why I was there but she spoke first. "What are you doing here Skull? I didn't think you'd want to see me ever again." she started out with a confident voice but then it turned into a sad whisper.

I gave Luce a small sad smile and started explaining why I was here and What I needed." I was angry at you and a little betrayed at first that's true but I was also feeling thankful as well. Grateful that you warned me off of Harmonizing with yo. St the time I was sad and hurt and resented the bonds that you had with the rest of the Arcobaleno but now I understand why you wouldn't harmonize with me." I paused to take a breath and to give Luce a minute to let what I said sink in before i continued on."To tell you the truth i'm still angry and hurt that you didn't tell me, us what was going to happen. why Luce? Why didn't you say anything to us or at least me. You do know what I am right?" The last question I asked tentevly.

Luce looked at me and her eyes softened in what I think is understanding."yes Skull I know what you are and you don't have to worry I don't really care that your not human, that you need blood to live. I'm thankful and happy you came here even though your still upset with me but you've got to understand I didn't tell you because I couldn't. There would be consequences if I were to tell any of you.

When she told me there were consequences I couldn't help my thoughts straying towards the worst. How dare this person who ever they are threaten my friend. she's mine! Just because she isn't my sky doesn't mean she's now one of mine. When I find out who dare threaten one of mine i'll kill them in the most painful way.

Unnoticed by Skull Luce was looking him with worry, wondering what is wrong with Skull to have him growling.

"Skull are you okay?" Hearing Luce's worry filled voice snapped him out of his thoughts and growling. I took a deep breath in order to calm down enough in order to answer her question. "I'm fine Luce, Just wondering who thought it was a good idea to threaten whats mine!" I growled the last word out. "No one threatened me Skull you don't have to worry about that." That shocked me out of my murderess thoughts. "Huh, well then what did you mean by that?" "I meant that no one threatened me. I'm a seer so I saw what would happen if I told you guys what was going to happen. We had to take this curse but If i told you what was going to happen everyone but us would have backed out."

I stared at her in shock, it took me a few minutes but when I snapped out of my stupidor. I couldn't help but ask the question I didn't know if I wanted an answer to."Ok so what would happen if we didn't take this curse?"

Luce looked at me with sad and haunted eyes."The earth world will slowly break apart and all life human and animal will die." By this point in our conversation she had brought a chair infront of the chair Skull was sitting on and sat down so she could be closer to Skull to make it more personal.

By this point i started to wonder how it is that I haven't passed out from how many shocks I have gone through in less than an hour. It took a few minutes but I was finally able to nod in understanding.

They sat in companionable silence before Luce broke it going back to the original topic of conversation. "So Skull what is it that brought you here?"

"Oh ya, I came here to ask for your with something."

"What do you need help with?"

I rubbed the back of my neck suddenly nervous." Well you know i'm a vampire." She nodded and so he went on." Well what you may not know is that born vampires is that we depend on our mother until we get our fangs, which is usually at age five." She nodded again not interrupting my explanation though I think i can see a light of realization appear in her eyes. "So as you can probably guess being turned into a two year old I can't feed on my own anymore. I need some one to help me feed. I don't exactly have a mother to ask to do this."

She had a look of guilt on her face before it turned into determination. "So you want me to feed you? Why me?"

"um, ya it's gotta be a sky and well your the only one I know, plus your my friend so I trust that you won't do anything to me while i'm feeding. It would be better If it was my sky but since I don't know where mine is, I need to improvise so that's where you come in." I started figetting with my stunt suit afraid to look up. Afraid to see anger or disgust in her eyes.

After a few minutes I gather my curage and look up only to be surprised. She had a soft smile on her face. when she seen she had my attention she got off her chair and went to stand infront of me. She took my hands in hers and says,"It's ok Skull I understand and I will help you with your feeding problem. After all it is partially my fault." I couldn't stop the tears gathering in my eyes. I got off the chair i was sitting on to stand infront of Luce and pull her into a hugs which she recciperated. "Thank you Luce, thank you so much." I could here her heart beat and smell the blood flowing just under her skin that's when I realized how thirsty I was.

I pulled back from her and I could feel that my vampire face had surfaced. when she saw my undoughtfully red eyes she didn't flinch like I was sure she would. Instead she smiled and guessed that I needed to feed. She took my hand and started to lead me out of her office and into what I guessed was her personal lounge. She let go of my hand and sat on the couch in the middle of the room. I followed her and sat beside her on the couch.

She took my hand in hers to get my attention although it was unneeded as I couldn't look away from her, then she started to talk." Ok so before we do this I need to set down the rules. First is that you try not to be to messy. second you have to stop the moment I tell you to." She said all this in an stern voice.

When I nodded she picked up the knife she brought with her.

When she slit her wrist I was on it like a man dying of thirst. The moment the first drop touched my tongue I was addicted. I couldn't help the moan that I let loose. The world around me didn't exist.

Well this is the first chapter I really hope you like.