Another idea that I've been mulling around in my head and another candidate for a full-length fic. There really aren't enough of these crossovers out there (And frankly, really not enough of Kill la Kill fics in general, at least not good ones). There are exceptions, however, and if you are reading this and not aware of them, I suggest you take a look. They're not hard to find.

Also keep an eye out for a RWBY x KilllaKill crossover as well. Because let's face it: Ruby would be hilarious paired up with Senketsu. Not sure which way to go with that one though, so it might be a while.

So of course, it does base its concept on a couple of other fics already out there. So what I have to offer mainly is that if you actually like it, I will actually update it. And for those of you who know me, you know that I never go back on my word (whether or not that's good or not, I have yet to determine).

Summary: As Senketsu's threads burn up protecting Ryῡko from the intense friction of atmospheric reentry, the heat carries them into stratosphere, where solar winds pick them up and scatter them to the cosmos.

In what seems like centuries, but in reality, is only a few months' time as Senketsu's parts accelerate to near-lightspeed. He is shot across the universe and somehow winds up falling into another gravity well, where this time he descends to the surface as gentle as a leaf, somehow reformed after all that time adrift.

While time passes back on Earth, everyone else tries to move on with their lives. But this is easier said than done for the young heroine, who refuses to give up hope of seeing her friend once again because of a niggling feeling that she can't seem to shake. But soon enough, graduation day arrives. The day when they all say goodbye to Honnouji Academy and perhaps one another forever.

But who is this mysterious stranger coming to interrupt this most prestigious occasion? And why can't these students just go through normal drama in peace?

Graduation day.

Beautiful, as the brilliant sun shone down on the hardpacked field inside the castle-like walls, whitewashed surfaces shouting confidently in every direction across the seas, that here, a proud occasion was about to transpire.

She'd never thought she'd live to see this day. Actually, to be fair, she hadn't given it much thought in the first place, having even forgotten she'd been officially enrolled in Honnouji Academy before the shit hit the fan with alien lifeforms disguised in everyday garments trying to consume the world, and even before that when she tried to beat the truth about her deceased father from the student council president who later turned out to be her sister.

Today seemed kind of dull in comparison.

Satsuki Kiryuin shot her a menacing look with her characteristically sever eyebrows when she yawned during the young woman's speech. She was still student council president after all, and had to keep up appearances. Not that she wasn't still an ice-cold b**ch most of the time anyway.

And Ryῡko Matoi was still the school delinquent. At least she wasn't falling asleep on her feet like her barnacle of a friend Mako Mankanshoku who's head was only buoyed up by the massive snot-bubble ballooning from her snores. They were both just lucky Disciplinary Committee Chair Ira Gamagōri was too focused on Lady Satsuki's speech along with the veritable sea of nervous students to notice their typical slacking.

Ryῡko shot her sister a smirk which she caught out of the corner of her twitching eye. They might have been on friendlier terms than when they were trying to kill one another, but that didn't mean they always saw eye to eye. Satsuki's academy would always be a sore spot between them, especially now that every other distraction in their lives had been tied up in a neat little bow. Ryῡko saw little need to keep up the pretense of student life whilst her sister still vehemently held on to her responsibilities ingrained into her upbringing.

It was one of the things she loved about her. Things just weren't as fun when they always agreed.

Mako snapping awake was the only thing which keyed her in to the fact that Satsuki had finished her speech, and it was their turn to take center stage as they filed up one by one to receive their diplomas in front of what seemed to be the entire population of the city built around the fortified school.

It wasn't hard to spot Mankanshoku's family amongst the sea of human flotsam, sticking out like a sore thumb with a tacky billboard sign which cheered on both their daughter and Ryῡko, whilst simultaneously advertising their back-alley medical services.

She smiled brightly at the animated family, and waved shyly as Guts- the family dog- backflipped off of Mataro's head in a cheerleading maneuver complete with puppy-sized pompoms the destitute family had secured from god-knew-where.

She was so lucky to have such a welcoming surrogate family which took her in without a second thought literally on her first night in town. But still, just then, she couldn't help but lust wistfully after the idea of a family of her own- normal, loving, and alive.

Though she was still damned glad her biological mother was dead, eviscerated by her own hand in the vacuum of space.

Satsuki shot her a knowing look as she took her place in line (Student council president or no, she still had to follow the rules!), and Ryῡko felt a momentary pang of guilt for those selfish feelings. Her sister still didn't have anything close to that sort of relationship, and had dealt with their mother her entire life before her timely death by their combined efforts.

But if it affected her in any way, be it known that Satsuki-sama would never let it show! She strutted to her place in line like the arrogant princess she had been before everything had changed, the resilient persona impeccably emplaced and able to fool all but her blood relative that she was still entirely in control of her life's direction.

Ryῡko shot her a soft smile and reached out to brush her hand as she passed, earning her another arrogant huff and an upturned nose for her efforts. But immediately after she had passed, Ryῡko knew that her sister donned a cautious smile of her own as she approached the rest of the club presidents waiting for her in focused attention.

She sighed and looked away as the line inched forward amidst the resounding applause, carefully ignoring the faux-lackadaisical smile of her homeroom professor, one Aikuro Mikisugi (why the hell was he even there?! He had long since been routed as a spy for Nudist Beach and she assumed dismissed outright even before he had plowed Naked Sol into the Academy's wall).

Everyone was there it seemed. She even caught a glimpse of a red mohawk peeking out amongst the crowd. It was supposed to be a happy day, and yet it wasn't.

It all just felt pathetic, artificial, hollow. Empty, without her most important friend at her side. The loose, flowing robes so gaudy as to be stifling (not to mention itchy as hell, much like every other garment she had tried to wear after being used to Life-Fibers for so long).

She felt disconnected, removed from this idealistic scene. It was almost like a play, and she, merely a supporting actor in front of all those crowds which were more like a laugh-track than an actual audience.


Now she was all that remained of the once dominant race of extraterrestrials, the living threads still pulsating with every muscle twitch, still thrumming with every beat of her immortal heart.

She felt so alone.

Explosions in Honnouji Academy were so routine as to be a part of the de rigueur, and under any normal circumstances no one would bat an eye if one or two students were violently 'disciplined' to within an inch of their lives (even after the threat posed by Life-Fibers had vanished, the militaristic dominance of the school remained so long as it's student council president had anything to say about it). But graduation day was as sacred a day as any, including 'No Late Day'. And unlike the former, it was important enough that it warranted better dress than one's pajamas.

Disruptions, needless to say, would not be tolerated.





Gamagōri's massive girth dwarfed the shocked throngs of people who scattered to either side of the blast, and totally blocked Ryῡko's view of the interloper.

She sighed heavily, lamenting how she could never once have a normal day without something turning it on its head. Inside, though, she was cheering the sidelining to this drudgery.


His voice echoed clearly throughout the arena without a microphone so that all the gawking students could hear every word that was being said even without seeing the disturbance for themselves behind the ring of spectators nervously flocking to the intriguing confrontation.


The response was a whisper in comparison, though the terrific acoustics in the Academy's courtyard made certain that they were heard by everyone (seriously, the designer of that school should either get a medal for his work or a prison sentence).

Students and parents alike gasped in horror at the blatant disrespect to one of the most fearsome (even without his Goku uniform) people in the Tri-City region. Never had they seen such impudence since the arrival of the former transfer student who was coincidentally currently watching with a curiously cocked eyebrow under her shock-orange bang.

Gamagōri growled menacingly, which was nothing compared to the bug-eyed stare he was surely hammering down upon the stranger on the other side of his bulk. Whoever it was, was no doubt being crushed under the sheer pressure of the man's burning irritation, even though his only spoken word had been tensioned with only impatience.


The crowd scrambled to get away from the danger zone as the massive man sprung into action, wrecking-ball fist cocked back as he leapt at the shadowed figure.

Screams echoed throughout the courtyard as the impact caved in the hard-packed earth and the shockwave rattled the reinforced concrete walls. Even the students up at the podium felt the back blast ruffle their gowns, and Ryῡko found herself smirking in delight at the show of unadulterated strength from the man even without any augmentation, proud that she herself had held her own against so strong an opponent.

"You…" As the dust settled and the wind died down, they were all surprised to hear that soft and undeterred voice speak up from the impact zone. "…are in my way."

Gamagōri seemed to be struggling with something under his fist. It was inconceivable that his shaking spine was due to fear of the person on the other end of his attack.

But as inconceivable as that was, it was even more impossible what happened next, as suddenly the hunched-over hulk of muscle was sent rocketing back into the stands, where blindsided students were too shocked to get away in time before his mammoth body caved in the risers and went tumbling into the school building behind.

While everyone else's eyes were agape looking at the sitzmark profile where Gamagōri had sunk into the wall, Ryῡko was eyeing the interloper with anxious anticipation.

His unassuming profile was almost completely covered in a tattered brown cloak, much like the one she had adopted when hiding her body back when she was ashamed of exposing it with Senketsu's risqué cut. The only thing visible apart from the man's (for it was clearly that, based on the way the cloak clung to his square shoulders) dirty feet bound in sandals which were falling apart at the seams, was his bandaged right arm extending from the garment. Steam was still wafting off his palm from where it had plunged into the Disciplinary Chair's gut.

And even though the shadows from his hood hid his face apart from the barest hint of a sharp and pale chin, she could tell he was looking right at her.


He needn't have yelled, for the entire stadium was already shocked into abject silence so that one might have heard a pin drop. But his elevated voice did accomplish two things in that it sent shivers down Ryῡko's spine, and caused the rest of the Elite Four along with her sister to take up defensive positions in front of her, cumbersome gowns tossed to the side to reveal their normal combat uniforms underneath.

"What do you want with Matoi?!" Satsuki asked forthright, not bothering with her usual proprieties and tensing her hands around Bakuzan's children blades: Gako and Kōryῡ.

"That's between me and her…" Though there was plenty of anger behind the difference, the accused woman thought she heard the barest hint of embarrassment coming from the cloaked figure.

"If you want to hurt my sister, you'll have to get through me!" Satsuki asserted to the surprise of both her sister and apparently the stranger.

"Yeah! And if you want to even think about facing Satsuki-chan, you'll have to get through us first!"






Undeterred by their compatriot's easy demise, the three other members of the Elite Four brandished their weapons at her side, fierce determination on each and every one of their faces.

Ryῡko could tell that the man was frowning behind his hood, and felt herself adopt that dissatisfied expression as well, not knowing what he was thinking at that moment. From what he had displayed thus far, the other three, and perhaps even Satsuki herself stood little to no chance of defeating him if he had indeed come to do them harm. But somehow, she didn't get that sense from him, and so stepped forward with her own hard-won confidence.

"Ryῡko-!" Satsuki shot a glance as she walked up next to her. Ryῡko stayed her sister with a steady hand and a serious look on her face which the Kiryuin recognized from her own determined bearing.

"If it's me he wants, who am I to deny him?" She gave the stranger a menacing grin which showed off her sharp canines and the half-crazed glint in her eyes, as if the gear-like irises were grinding into motion. "Mako!"


The girl, always eager to please, had somehow already retrieved the guitar case which housed both halves of the scissor blade and chucked it at her bestie who plucked the two basket-hilts from mid-air as the case opened up in flight.

Though she didn't think the man really wanted to do her harm, he did just blow away one of the Elite Four like he was nothing. She also wasn't about to take any chances after dealing with the Life-Fibers the first time, plus knowing that more were still floating around aimlessly in the universe set her particularly on edge.

She had never noticed a difference before, always being surrounded by their disguised presence. But now, being the only example of such life on Earth, she began to realize that she was getting the same vibe from this man that she did when confronting the Goku uniforms, not to mention Ragyo Kiryuin.

She took a step out past her comrades and with a tornado of motion, shredded her ceremonial gown. And with the well-placed application of her body's imbued Life-Fibers, stitched herself a battle-garment from the pieces.

Behind her, the Elite Four couldn't help the exasperated sweat drop forming on each of their brows.

"That's awfully revealing…"

Ryῡko's clenched eyes twitched amidst an embarrassed blush, seeing as she unwittingly tailored herself a garment not dissimilar to Senketsu's old cut out of habit and instinct. Plowing past this brief flash of mortification (she had long since come to terms with her body), she returned to address the mysterious man who had shown little surprise at her quick change, glaring down the original half of her scissor blade at his unflinching exterior.

"So, you are Ryῡko Matoi…" He drawled, and she got the sense that he had long since known this.

"Yeah, and what of it?" She ground out, not showing the trepidation she had buried deep within at the possibility she would have to confront a Kamui without one of her own. "Are you going to tell me what you want from me, or am I going to have to beat it out of you?"

The man smirked for a brief second, before the irritated scowl returned on his exposed features. The young woman shivered for that quick flash, as she thought she caught a hint of bestial scars and fangs jutting out from the man's bottom lip, and began to question what she was getting into.

"I have come a very long way, Matoi-san, so you are going to have to forgive my rudeness."

She scoffed before cocking her blade back, making it known she wasn't going to indulge idle chatter for long if he wasn't going to reveal his purpose.

"I am here…"

All five of them tensed, and the crowd which was split between fleeing out the front gates and placing bets on the sidelines also froze in anticipation when the stranger's bandaged arm reached out and grabbed a wad of the threadbare cloak.

"…to make sure that…"

Ryῡko felt the sweat slough off her brow, ready to pounce the moment it touched the ground. But as the man's arm whipped to the side and wrenched off the swaddled garment with an almighty rip, she lost all initiative and nearly dropped her weapons in shock of what she saw. Or rather, whom she saw on who.











One of these days someone is going to kill me. Please let it be sexy decapitation mode.