I am so sorry that this is late. We bought a new house! Which is awesome! We had to move, which bites. Then the holidays… Now I'm back. I hope everyone enjoys the latest chapter. On with the story…

A Petal on Still Waters

Chapter 20: Apologies while Dodging

Sakura left the lab nestled in the basement of Suna's hospital clutching the precious vial to her chest. It had taken her days to perfect the recipe, tolling well into the night to create the exact formula needed. Finally, she had achieved the desired results.

The perfect pink hair dye.

It had taken many tries, and more than a few pilfered strands of Sasuke's black locks, to finally create Sakura's exact hair shade.

Hurrying down the street of hard-packed sand, she only gave a quick wave to acknowledge the Sand villagers who greeted her along the way to her temporary residence. The black of her roots seemed to get larger by the day, much faster than normal hair growth would allow.

'It has to go today!' Sakura growled inside her mind. Her fingers clenched the vial tighter, and, for a moment, she worried the fragile glass might have cracked under the pressure of her anger.

Nope, it was fine. Sakura let out a breath of relief. Only a few more yards and she was at her door. A few minutes and a much-needed shower later, and she would finally be herself again. Pink hair and all.

The sun was just touching the top of the jagged cliff surrounding Suna. Soon, a shadow would fall over the streets, bringing a coolness to the shopkeepers setting up the market and the residents going about their business out of the harshness of the daytime sun.

Normally, Sakura loved watching the village wake up at dusk instead of dawn, like she was used to. It gave a feeling of seeing the world in an upside-down way. Today, she didn't linger on any of the sights. She went directly to her own door. The shadow past over her street as she let herself in, collapsing against it as soon as she was inside. With a flick of a sign, she reactivated the lock jutsu.

Sakura brought a cupped hand closer to her grinning face. The precious liquid swirled around in the glass vial. She allowed herself a chuckle at her success. The maniacal sound drifted through the darkness of her front room. With a flick of her wrist, she twirled the bottle into the air before snapping her hand out in a blur to secure it again. A happy whistle burst from her lips as she made her way towards the back rooms of the apartment, where her bedroom and bath were located.

She did not bother to cut on any lights because she knew the sparsely decorated space pretty well. Her feet were dancing to tune of the song she was now singing the words to out loud. The hair dye was serving as her microphone.


Her name, roughly whispered in the darkness, startled Sakura so badly that the delicate glass bottle flew up into the air. Several seconds of clumsy, un-shinobi like, juggling and she finally secured it against her heaving chest. She turned slowly to face her intruder.

"Shisui," she gasped with surprise, "What are you doing here?"

He stepped out of the darkest shadows in the room. Shisui moved in her direction until she took a step back away, then he halted his advance.

"I just…I just needed to see you." His voice was raw with emotion. He extended one hand towards her, pleading for her own to grasp it.

Sakura took in his worn, haggard appearance and the tired strain around his eyes. She knew he must have traveled hard to get here, but he still had a boyish grin upon his lips. Her gaze flickered to his out-stretched hand. With a sigh, she turned and set her precious hair dye down safely on the counter. Then, she took a few steps in his direction, stopping just out of his reach. Her gaze fastened to his own the whole time.

"I thought you weren't allowed to leave the village for now." She wasn't willing to make things easy for him.

Shisui squirmed at her statement, "Itachi needed a second man for his mission so I just tagged along." The guilty little boy look fell away and his face became serious. "The truth is, I had to see you. I would have come on my own, if needs be. I have some things that I need to say to you, Sakura, in person. The most important being, I'm sorry."

Sakura's eyes widened at his words. She could no longer bear not to reach out to him, so, she took his hand in her own and moved closer to him.

He must have taken that as permission because, he immediately engulfed her in his strong hold. Burying his face into her hair and placing one large, warm hand over her mark, Shisui continued, "I should never have marked you in this fashion. It was selfish and wrong of me to do so without your permission. I can only say in my defense…"

Shisui choked on the difficult confession he was trying to make to her. Sakura felt his distress through his touch on her mark. She snuggled closer into his chest, resting her palm against the flower blossom there, her very own symbol emblazoned on his skin. Her gentle touch, completing the circle of their marks, filled him with her love and understanding and gave him the courage he needed to continue.

"The loss of my parents almost drove me mad. They were my whole world and then, suddenly they were gone. The emotional pain awakened my Mangekyo. Itachi and his family took me in and cared for me. They became precious to me. I would die to keep them safe." He nuzzled his face deeper into her rosy and black locks. "Then I met you again…"

Shisui stopped speaking to gulp in air. Her scent filled his senses and a deep groan erupted from deep in his chest. Need pulsed through his body, causing shivers in its wake. He wanted to give in but, there were things left to say.

He pulled away, gripping Sakura by her shoulders to hold her in place. "When I saw you, it was like my broken world had been handed back to me, whole and new."

Sakura couldn't take her eyes off of his handsome, mesmerizing features, even though his face twisted and pulled with strong emotions. Words that sprang up, froze on her parted lips. Only a soft sigh was allowed to escape.

Shisui looked away from her intense gaze. Her extended silence was beginning to make him nervous. He sought her comforting warmth to dispel his fears, pulling her tight into his embrace. His broken whisper brushed along neck, "I love you, Sakura. You are my world now."

Suddenly, all the things Sakura had wanted to say came tumbling out through the lump in her throat, however, they became just a low moan of his name.


That one word, spoken so soft and low, told Shisui all he needed to know. He wasted no time in scooping her up into his arms. His lips met her own as he carried her with haste toward the darkened bedroom. The kiss continued as he laid her down gently on the bed. It deepened and intensified as nimble fingers made quick work of her clothing.

The slight chill in the room caused Sakura's now bare skin to pucker and woke her from the daze brought on by Shisui's wonderous kiss. She pulled her mouth away to breathe and give her brain a moment to think. She briefly pondered the idea that maybe they should talk first, clear the air so to speak, but her hands were steadily stripping him of his clothing.

Shisui climbed onto the bed, positioning his knees on either side of Sakura's hips. Her legs had no choice but to drape over his upper thighs and he stroked them both to show how much he appreciated them being there. All of her clothes were gone, except for her white, lacy underwear.

His hands moved from her thighs up slowly to grip her at the hips. His thumbs rubbing along the lace edging her panties.

Sakura ran her hands up his bare chest. One paused over the flower-shaped mark and the other continued upwards to curve around his neck. She looked up at Shisui's face. His bright red eyes, lit up by his Sharingan, were scanning slowly up her stomach, then to her heaving breasts, before meeting the bright green of her own, half-lidded gaze.


Shisui's whispered compliment was spoken so reverently, it made tears spring up in Sakura's eyes as emotion overcame her. She arched up of the bed to kiss him. Her desire for him made clear with each lick and nibble. He responded by lifting her body flush with his upright torso, securing her against him with a grip in her hair and one hand on the tattoo on her lower back.

With his control rapidly burning away, Shisui broke the kiss to meet her lust-filled gaze. The black tomoes in his scarlet eyes began to twirl and Sakura felt a tingling along her skin as the genjutsu took hold. He created a dream where he took his time doing all the wonderful, sensual things he wanted to do to her. A place where he could really worship her body at their leisure.

Shisui slipped off the bed. He stood long enough to roughly rid himself of his pants before crawling back over her writhing body. He kept a close eye on her facial expressions as he slid down the lacy underwear. His ears listened intently for her every gasp and moan as she was pleasured in the grip of the jutsu.

He kneeled over her for a moment, taking in the erotic picture of her sprawled out over the bed. Sakura let out a low whimper of need and Shisui could stand it no longer. He pulled her upright against his chest again and dispelled the jutsu. The action of setting her naked form on his lap ground their cores together. A warm, dampness coated the hardness of his shaft. A groan of need tore from his throat.

Shisui grabbed Sakura by the shoulders and shook her slightly to get her attention. Her gaze was clouded by desire and she leaned toward him, rubbing her hardened nipples along the taunt muscles on his chest. He shook her again, causing her focus to snap to his face, her lips tight with growing irritation.

His hands trembled with the effort to hold firm to her and not travel along her silky skin. His chest heaved as he took deep breaths to regain some control. His face was tight with the strain of holding back, but there was something he needed to say before he gave in his baser desires.

"Haruno Sakura," he managed to growl out through clenched teeth, "Stay with me and be my world. Marry me."

Her lids closed, hiding her eyes from his view. He held his breath until they slid open again, revealing the blood red of a new Sharingan over-taking the emerald normally found there.

His mark made flesh for all to see.

"Uchiha Shisui," came her husky response. Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck, forcing their naked bodies together tightly. She leaned forward so her kiss-swollen lips tickled his ear as she spoke, "Fuck me first."

Her erotic demand snapped the last remaining thread of Shisui's control. With a triumphant, animalistic cry, he lifted her by the hips and slammed into the wet tightness of her core. His grip tightened with the wave of intense pleasure and was sure to leave bruises on her delicate skin. He braced his knees apart on the futon beneath them and lifted her up until only his tip was still inside her. He held her suspended like that for several moments.

Sakura let out a whimper of need and Shisui responded. He slammed her back down onto him, snapping his own pelvis upwards to intensify the movement.

She arched her back and cried out loud her approval, over and over in time with his pounding rhythm. Her carnal vocalizations called out to his dark instincts. His arms gripped her tighter and he leaned into the crook of her neck. His need to mark her as his own overwhelmed him again. With a flash of white teeth, he bit into her soft flesh, securing her further as he increased his pace frantically.

It was all too much for Sakura and her body flung itself over the edge. Color flashed before her vision and her muscles clenched as the waves of pleasure washed over her body. She could only weakly cling to Shisui as his own climax rocked through his taunt, muscular frame.

The explosive ripples of release gave way to sated exhaustion, so Shisui gently laid her down onto the softness of the covers. He released his bite, peppering the abused area with gentle kisses. He kept them connected as he lay his weight on top of her, his elbows taking some of the burden.

When he had enough breath, he raised himself back up to look into her eyes.

"Well, do I get an answer?" Shisui huffed out with a grin, still winded from the exertion of their love-making.

Sakura looked up at Shisui, a warm, contented smile on her face. She ran her hands along his chest, up to his shoulders, and with her enhanced strength, flipped him over on his back. She giggled softly and leaned down to kiss him lightly on the lips.

"Before I can give you an answer, I have one tiny thing I have to do," she informed him in between kisses and soft laughter.

Shisui grabbed ahold of her tiny hands and tried to sit up, "What could be more important than giving me my answer?" He demanded in an indignant tone.

Sakura tugged her hands free gently and reached up to entangle her fingers into his dark, wavy locks. She wiggled her pelvis, drawing attention to their still-joined bodies. She purred with pleasure when the sensations forced his eyes closed with surrender to her motions.

"What is more important, my love," Shisui felt her moist lips brush against his own. Her next words blew hot across his cheek. "…is revenge for my hair."

Shisui's eyes flew open in surprise and confusion as soon as his brain processed what she had said, but it was too late.

A flash of green chakra and the last thing he saw as the world around him faded was the evil-looking grin on his lover's face. Then there was nothing but darkness.

The persistent knocking on the front door roused Shisui to alertness. He sat up on the bed, his body responding to the stimuli while his brain struggled to awaken. He rubbed his hands over his face to clear away the remaining sleepiness.

"I'm coming," he mumbled crossly. Looking down, Shisui saw that he was nude in the middle of Sakura's bed. A quick glance around and he realized he was also alone.

The irritating knocking continued, only with more force. Shisui swung his feet over the edge of the bed. Snatching his discarded pants off the floor, he stumbled his way toward the door, tugging his clothes on as he went.

Grasping on to the doorknob just as he managed to slide his shirt over his arms, Shisui yanked the door open with force.

"What?" he snarled out at the frozen Sand genin standing stiff with his arm raised up to knock again.

The startled young nin just stood there, mouth opening and closing, eyes as wide as saucers.

His patience already thin, Shisui just wanted to leave and locate his wayward lover, who had some explaining to do when he finally found her. This gaping buffoon blocking the door was delaying his search, so Shisui barked at him again, "I said, what do you want?"

Then Sand nin jumped at Shisui's harsh tone, sputtering out, "Kage-sama and Uchiha-sama sent me to fetch you for a breakfast meeting, uh, Uchiha-san. I'm…I'm to take you to them immediately."

'Breakfast?' Shisui mused to himself. 'I guess she knocked me out for the whole night.'

He nodded his understanding to the young genin and shut the door behind him. Shisui waved a hand in front of him, prompting his guide to show him the way.

The Sand shinobi hurried off, glancing over his shoulder at Shisui as if to ensure that the Uchiha was still following. The two men's path took them down the crowded streets of Suna towards the Kazekage's office.

As Shisui strolled behind his nervous guide, he noticed that there were a great many of the locals staring at him with odd expressions. The Uchiha had only just started to ponder this weird behavior when the stuttering voice of the Sand genin interrupted his thoughts.

"Right…right through here please." He opened the door to a small, private dining area. Shisui entered the room and the Sand nin gave a quick bow before slamming the door shut. Deep gasps for air could be heard even through the thick wood.

Shaking his head at the youth's strange behavior, Shisui turned away from the door to face the other occupants of the room.

Itachi was seated at a round table, along with the Kazekage, paused in the action of lifting a teacup to his lips. His eyes were fastened on Shisui, his eyebrow twitching strangely.

"What was that kid's problem?" Shisui grumbled to Sand's leader. Gaara just blinked slowly in response to the question, his mouth slightly agape.

Shisui was starting to lose his patience, "Will someone tell me what is going on around here? And why are you both looking at me like that?"

A strangled noise bubbled in Itachi's throat, but he valiantly choked it back. Gently setting the porcelain cup back on to its saucer, the Uchiha heir met his cousin's exacerbated express. He pressed his lips tightly together, holding in what was threatening to spew out. Raising his hand, Itachi pointed to the wall behind Shisui.

With a grunt of irritation, Shisui glanced quickly over his shoulder. All that was behind him was some ridiculous-looking fella with bright pink hair.

Gaara lost his battle for composure first and a snort of laughter burst out. The Sand leader covered his mouth to muffle any further sounds. His shoulders jerking with badly suppressed amusement.

Shisui's confused expression flited back and forth between his cousin and the struggling Gaara until Itachi took pity on him.

The Uchiha heir said nothing, just rose and, taking Shisui by the shoulders, spun him around to face the wall.

Shisui didn't hear the Kazekage give in to rude, loud laughter, or the chuckle that slipped past Itachi's control.

No, Shisui could only stare in open-mouthed disbelief at the gold-framed mirror in front of him. Gone was the absurd man with pink hair. All that was left was Shisui's own reflection.

He was the ridiculous looking man.

His dark, wavy Uchiha locks were now a rosy pink.

Shisui opened his mouth wide and gave a very unmanly scream of horror.

Naruto and Sasuke, even as powerful as they were, could barely keep up with their kunoichi teammate's happy, energetic pace as she sped across the dunes. Neither man questioned her when she awoke them at dawn to return to Konaha.

They were happy to be headed towards home and readied themselves swiftly to leave. Now, hours past dawn and with the heat of the dessert putting a damper on their enthusiasm, the two men were increasingly disturbed by Sakura's smug smile and pleased aura.

"What are you in such a good mood about?" Sasuke questioned her, his surly tone thick with his annoyance.

Sakura just gave a blinding smile over her shoulder, shrugging and flipping her ponytail with a slender hand. The move brought attention to her rosy locks, newly-dyed back to their original color.

A loud wail reached the two men bringing both to a sudden halt. Dropping into defensive positions, the Leaf shinobi searched the landscape between them and Suna, trying in vain to locate the source of the cry.

Only sand and wind remained.

Reluctantly, the two men gave up the search and turned back to race in the direction of their kunoichi teammate. The memory of the scream and the tinkling laughter drifting back from ahead of them, made both the elite shinobi shiver with unease. Their eyes trained wearily on the disappearing dot of pink.

Author's note: Sorry to make everyone wait so long for this chapter and I apologize for any errors. I looked over the chapter for mistakes, I promise, but I am sure a few got past me. Thank you all for reading my story. A new chapter coming soon.