A/N: This is for the Insane House challenge prompt #145 Rodolphus/Hermione.

Forever. That had been his promise to her and he broke it spectacularly.

"Did you really think that I would stay married to a mudblood like you?" Rodolphus asked.

"You told me you loved me," Hermione replied tearfully.

"It was a lie. Everything I said and did was to get closer to Potter. My mission was to kill him and destroy the Order. I've done my job and now I don't need you anymore," he told her cruelly.

After everything had fallen apart, Hermione had been shunned by the remains of the Order and been branded a traitor. They seemed to have forgotten that Dumbledore's policy of handing out second chances was what got them into this trouble rather than her ability to love.

"You! This is all your fault! Harry wouldn't be dead if you hadn't of kept your legs together!" Ginny screeched at her.

"No, that's not true," Hermione said as she shook her head.

"I bet you planned it together didn't you? I bet you lay in bed laughing at how gullible we were to trust you. Well we won't make that mistake again," the other girl asked viciously.

"No. I had no idea. Please, it wasn't like that at all. I thought...I thought he was telling the truth," Hermione replied closing her eyes knowing how weak it sounded.

"It doesn't matter anymore. You're no longer welcome here, and don't ever try to contact us ever again," Ginny said coldly.

Heartbroken and lonely, Hermione decided to stay at her childhood home which had been empty since her parents had left for Australia. The familiar place was the only thing which connected her to happier times, but she knew that it was no way to live.

A few months later, Hermione saw a notice in the Daily Prophet she had managed to steal that Rodolphus had managed to get a divorce in lieu of her abandonment of him. It felt both heartbreaking and relieving at the same time for her. Heartbreaking because the man she loved really didn't love her, and relieved because he would never be a part of their child's life. Hermione's sole focus was the baby and doing everything she could to keep the both of the safe.