
After a long absence I'm back. With the world being upside-down at the moment and not being able to work, it thought why not take some time to continue this story, as a means for not only me to escape from the current reality but hopefully to take your mind off of all the doom and gloom of the world.

Thank you for the reviews on the last chapter, it was very much appreciated and like always I will answer those reviews at the end of the chapter. Again, now more than ever can we try and spread the love, leave a review if you have a minute and if you enjoy the story please share it far and wide, whether that's amongst other Potter fanatics, Facebook groups or any other form. We all feel a bit down and for someone to know their work is appreciated means the world and motivates us to keep going.

I hope you are all keeping safe at home during this uncertain time, and if you need someone to talk to or an escape, I am here. Even if I seem like a stranger on the internet I am here for you and will do my bit however I can,

Stay safe, stay home and if you work on the frontline, whether that's at the stores, in a hospital or anywhere else that hasn't closed. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Love and light to you all.

Lumos Nox

Hermione stumbled and almost fell flat on her face when she appeared back in London, she could see her apartment building less than a block away but the thought of going back into the apartment and being alone made her feel almost trapped. She grabbed the compact mirror from her bag, quickly fixed her running mascara and set off into the evening. It was her favourite time of the day but not even the beautiful golden blanket that draped London could take her mind off the events of that day.

She didn't think she was in the wrong and was re-running the situation over and over in her head, trying to see if from Draco's perspective. Yes, she could understand that he could be slightly insulted because he thought she was embarrassed to be spending time with him.

Was she? She asked herself as she bowed her head continued to march down the London street, determinately but with nowhere to go. It wasn't that she was embarrassed, but she didn't know if she could take the articles ripping her apart, her family rolling their eyes at yet another thing they would learn from the press instead of their daughter's own mouth, and her friends, Harry and Ginny, would they understand why she had been spending time with Draco? She knew Ron would hit the roof once he found out, and he would find out because Hermione knew that Pansy would love to tell Ron how his ex-wife was now seeing her ex-husband being his back. She felt the tears threatening the brim of her eyes again.

"Pull yourself together" she snapped at herself "you're being pathetic"

She continued to walk aimlessly until she found herself at the entrance of the Leaky Cauldron, it was a walk that she had made so often that it seemed that her feet had memorised the walk and taken her there without her fully realising it. It was either being here or going back to her apartment and being all alone, so she pushed the door open and made her way to the bar.

The Leaky Cauldron was busy, people who had been shopping all day were having a drink before heading home, families who had enjoyed their Sunday lunches at the cauldron were hanging onto the last moments of the weekend.

"fancy seeing you here" said Hannah "what will you be having?"

"A glass of white wine please" said Hermione "how have you been?"

"Busy" said Hannah taking her time getting her drink so she could talk to Hermione "but from what I hear so have you"

"What?" Said Hermione her cheeks blushing furiously

"Well" said Hannah pouring her a large glass and sliding over the her before leaning over the bar and lowering her voice "rumour has it someone has been getting friendly with Draco Malfoy"

Hermione let out a sigh of relief, at least she hadn't heard about Neville, that wasn't a conversation she wanted to have with anyone, especially not Hannah.

"He was my lawyer for my divorce case" said Hermione taking a sip of her wine "nothing more"

"See when Neville and I divorced, I didn't spend evenings at my lawyers house drinking" said Hannah "but maybe that's just me"

"Who told you…" started Hermione before answering her own question "Pansy?"

"Yep!" Said Hannah polishing a glass "people to forget her and I are friends"

"Beats me" said Hermione darkly

"She's not a bad girl" said Hannah frowning "she's been through more shit than most people have, and granted her methods aren't always conventional and seem cruel, but her heart is in the right place"

"Bullshit" said Hermione putting her drink down "sleeping with my husband behind my back, cheating on her husband, showing me a memory of my husband screwing her, that's all with good intentions?!"

"Sorry to tell you" said Hannah cooly "but by the looking of things you seem to be screwing her ex-husband so I wouldn't act too hard-done by"

"I have not" said Hermione going pink "we've just been talking"

"That's none of my business, but just know, that I tend to know everything that goes on. Alcohol loosens tongues and people confide in me" said Hannah

"Well whoever's told you I've been sleeping with Draco is sorely mistaken" said Hermione downing her drink and Hannah filled it automatically.

"Can you blame Pansy for thinking you have?" She said "let me level with you Hermione, she has a massive row with her boyfriend's family who still see her as scum so she goes to the only place that feels like home where she makes a fool out of herself only to have her ex-husband quick her out because he's seeing another woman"

"It serves her right for everything she's done" said Hermione although she did feel a pang of guilt, she almost felt bad for Pansy. Almost.

"I'm not taking sides" said Hannah "I just see two people who are very similar hating each other for following their hearts, maybe Pansy caused more destruction by not waiting until you and divorced, but you're not exactly being honest about Draco"

"We just had a few drinks and a chat" said Hermione confused "who am I suppose to tell?"

"Does Ron know? Do Ginny and Harry?" Asked Hannah "You've not even told your best friends and you know that Ron is going to hear it from Pansy whenever they make up, and Ron will tell his sister and Ginny will tell Harry"

"If they make up" said Hermione darkly

"When" corrected Hannah "you might think she's a terrible person but when she loves someone she will move heaven and earth for them, and whether you like it or not, she loves Ron"

"I guess" said Hermione as she watched Hannah refill her glass again. She was starting to feel drunk, her inhibitions were lowered, and she felt the alcohol and its warmth filling her body, reaching the tips of her fingers and toes.

"Just something to think about" said Hannah "you both deserve to be happy, and it would be a lot easier if you stopped getting in each other's way and making each other so miserable"

"You're right" said Hermione downing her glass and standing up. She wobbled dangerously.

"You alright there Hermione?" Said Hannah looking slightly alarmed at the state that Hermione was in "do you need me to call someone or get you a…"

"I'm fine!" Said Hermione beaming at her "I need to go see Ron"

"Wait…What?" Said Hannah

"He deserves to know" said Hermione "he deserves to stop getting false hopes about getting back together"

"He what?" Said Hannah her eyes wide

"Yeah guess Pansy didn't tell ya that did she!" Said Hermione "today Ron passed by my flat and asked me to go to the burrow, he asked whether we made a mistake so maybe she should think before moving heaven and earth or whatever"

"Hermione you're drunk" said Hannah "let me get you a room or"

"NO!" Said Hermione a bit louder than she had intended to "I'm fine Hannah"

She breathed in and concentrated very hard on exiting the bar without making a complete fool out of herself. She wrenched the door open and felt the cold air on her face. It was as if she'd drank another bottle of wine. Why was it that cold air made you feel more drunk? Wondered Hermione as she made her way to a quiet street. She saw the sun was setting and the sky was a gentle red. She turned on her heel and moments later saw that same red sky, and there stood the burrow, rickety, imperfect but warm and as close to a family home as Hermione had had in years.

Before she had even begun to make her way across the front garden she heard a shrill shriek.

"What is SHE doing here!?" Pansy was strolling down the garden like an angry bull

"I was…well" started Hermione

"I invited her" said Ron cutting Hermione off "but she told me she had plans…"

"You invited her?" Screamed Pansy "Why on earth would you invite her?!"

"Because mum asked me to" said Ron calmly "and because my family like her Pansy, whether you…"

"How sweet!" Shrieked Pansy "and do your family know what the perfect Hermione Granger was doing instead of accepting your kind invitation?"

"She was busy" said Ron frowning "she told me she was out with the girls, weren't you Hermione"

Pansy let out a mirthless laugh

"Well" said Hermione started "that's why I came. You see, I didn't… Well I wasn't… then Hannah"

"Are you… Drunk?" Said Ron in disbelief

"A bit" said Hermione "not like you can judge" and stumbled almost landing flat on her face but Ron caught her

"Easy there Granger" said Ron laughing

Pansy looked like she was itching to kill Hermione, there on the spot but she smirked and said

"So Granger, you going to tell Ron where you were or should I?"

"I was having food with Malfoy" said Hermione making sure to emphasise the food part, as if that explained everything.

"Food" laughed Pansy "let me guess, he was the main course and you the dessert?!"

"No" said Hermione taking a few steps and standing right in front of Pansy. She didn't know what was possessing her to square up to her but before she could think she blurted "unlike you some of us are capable of talking to a man without fucking them"

Pansy snarled and reached for her wand and Ron quickly got in the middle of them.

"No one is hexing anyone" he said sternly, more to Pansy than Hermione who despite being the brightest witch of her ages was very unlikely to be a duelling champion whilst being this intoxicated.

"Just one hex" purred Pansy in his ear and Ron snapped "cut it out Parkinson!"

"I'll just go" said Hermione turning to leave "just wanted you to hear it from me before she came out with her signature bullshit"

"Say one more thing and I'll hex you into next week" screamed Pansy

"Shut up!" Ron yelled at her before turning to Hermione "why were you with Draco?"

"Not that I owe you anything, but we talked a lot whilst he was my lawyer and now we are both divorced we both were just meeting up for food and a few drinks"

"So it was just a formality?" Said Ron

"Did you get this plastered with your lawyer?" Laughed Pansy "come on Ron you might not be the brightest but you can tell she's full of… "

"WILL YOU SHUT UP BEFORE I MAKE YOU" bellowed Ron at her, his ears were red and he ran his hands through his hair

"I'm just meeting up with a man and having food and drinks" said Hermione as clearly as she could "make of that what you will. Even if I was to do more, it has nothing to do with either of you"

'But…you…we… Draco?" Ron couldn't get a sentence out, he kept on babbling random words as he paced backwards and forwards

"I just thought it was best we both move on" said Hermione

"Is this just to hurt me?" Said Pansy rolling her eyes "because it's a pretty pathetic attempt Granger"

"Believe it or not" said Hermione smiling her sweetest smile "the world doesn't revolve around you Parkinson" and she turned around and made her way down the field

"Hold up!" She heard and Ron was jogging to catch up with her leaving Pansy by the front gate. She was staring at them like a hawk.

"Ron I really should go" said Hermione "and you should get back to Pansy"

"So is that your answer" said Ron softly, his eyes looked sad

"My answer?" Said Hermione was confused

"Earlier on I asked whether we made a mistake and whether we should give this, us, another shot" said Ron

"I'm sorry Ron" said Hermione taking a step back "you deserve to be happy and you have a woman right there who would move heaven and earth for you…"

"You use to be that woman" said Ron softly "guess you don't know what you have till it's gone…"

"I suppose" said Hermione "but you have a good thing going. Even if I don't like her"

"I'm not a fan of Malfoy either" said Ron "but if Pansy's taught me everything it's that people can change"

"That's very mature of you" said Hermione smiling "thank's for not hitting the roof"

"You deserve to be happy too 'Mione" he said "even if it kills me seeing you with another guy"

"We're just friends" said Hermione softly "nothing more, for now"

They stood there and Pansy started pacing in the distance, she seemed restless.

"Go back to her Ron" said Hermione "I need to go now, I have stuff to do"

"Hermione" he called out before she was about to disaparate "If he hurts you, I'll kill him"

"Thanks Ron" she laughed and turned on her heel once again.

And for the fourth time that day Hermione's feet hit solid ground. She rubbed her eyes as they grew accustomed to the darkness. She checked her watch and saw that was just past nine-o'clock in the evening and the sun had completely set, giving way to all the stars that were scattered in the night's sky. She took a deep breath and started walking, this time with a purpose, a woman on a mission.

She strode up the gravel, her eyes on Malfoy manor. She could see a golden glow coming from the living-room window, that meant he was still awake.

She felt the blood pounding in her ears and she wasn't sure whether is was confidence of liquid courage but she threw caution to the wind and broke into a jog, racing up the stairs and pounding on the door. The silence was deafening apart from a few rustlings in the hedges. Everything else was quiet. Then she heard some muffled footsteps inside, growing closer and muttering until finally the door creaked slowly open and Draco's pale face came into plane sight. He was wearing grey tracksuit bottoms and a plain white t-shirt that hung off his muscular shoulders just right. Confusion spread across his face.

"Hermi-…" he started but Hermione took a step forward, threw her arms around his neck and kissed his lips gently feeling his soft lips against hers. He kissed her back before leaning back and withdrawing and stepping back to take a look at her.

"Kiss me" she whispered and he kissed her again, fiercely, his tongue in her mouth, his hands tracing her back, hitching her sweater, his warm palms against her lower back. They backed into the mansion and the door shut-in behind them and Draco pushed her up against it, kissing her cheek, her neck and her mouth.

Hermione kissed him back with a newfound urgency, she felt like she wanted him, no she needed him. She felt it in every inch of her being. He breathed her name into her neck and Hermione wrapped her leg around him, drawing him closer. Feeling him against her. He let his hands explore her body as he continued to kiss her neck, making his way down her torso, to the slope of her breasts. Hermione groaned, anticipating the feel of his mouth upon her breasts and he paused. Lifted his head and kissed her, but more gently this time, more tenderly. His hands firmly on her waist, and he pulled back and looked at her.

"Keep going" whimpered Hermione

"If I keep going, I may not be able to stop myself this time" he murmured softly

"Then don't" she said and took his hand and headed towards the stairs "I take it your bedroom is upstairs?"

She smiled mischievously and he smiled back. In a swift movement he pulled her towards him, and lifted her up as he walked up the stairs, Hermione in his arms giggling madly.

Draco's room was grandiose, it had beautiful wooden floors and high ceilings with big windows that opened onto a balcony. The bed was a four-poster king size bed with beautiful white curtains surrounding it. In the corner was a fire place, in front of which was a white fur rug. Hermione gasped as he set her down on the ground.

"Are you sure about this?" He whispered and she kissed him


He turned around and with a flick of his wand that had been in his pocket the fireplace came to life, roaring vibrantly, casting a beautiful golden glow in the bedroom. With another flick the curtains all closed, drowning out all the clarity from the outside world. It was as if they were in their own little world of golden flames.

Hermione felt the warmth of the fire embracing her and she slipped off her sweater and wriggled out of her jeans, casting them aside on an armchair that was in the corner of the room. She took a few steps forward and flopped onto the fur rug, the golden light licking her body.

"Damn Hermione" said Draco biting his lip

"What?" She said rolling onto her belly and propping her head on her hand.

Draco discarded his white t-shirt and sat down next to her. He wasn't overly muscular, not like the jocks who spent their lives at the gym for vanity purposes, but ever one of his muscles was defined, a bit like the a greek sculpture, well chiseled and defined.

"You're beautiful" he whispered and Hermione got up and straddled him. Kissing him, and feeling his body against hers. It was electrifying, feeling his hands on her thighs, travelling up to her bum and pulling on her undergarments. Hermione smiled and in one swift movement unhooked her bra and flung it across the room where it joined the remainder of the discarded clothes. Draco's mouth dropped as he took her in, every inch of her, his gaze rested on her perky chest, hard from the stimulation.

She rolled over and lay on her back again, opening her legs. A silent invitation.

Draco lay on top of her and kissed her, she could feel him against her. He kissed her neck and again made his way down to her torso, towards the gentle slope of her breasts but this time he did not stop. He licked them, sucked them whilst sliding his hand between her legs, massaging gently, coaxing, stimulating.

Hermione moaned and Draco slipped off her remaining undergarments, kissing her stomach, continuing to move down her body before stopping between her thighs where he feasted on her. Hermione felt the wave inside her begin to build, She moaned Draco's name and arched her back, but he did not stop, he continued stimulating her with his tongue and fingers, responding to her moans and body until the wave came crashing down and Hermione broke down, right into Draco Malfoy's mouth.

He quickly got up and whilst Hermione continued to moan his name he inserted himself into her in one deep, sharp movement. Hermione moaned even louder but this time so did Draco. He let out a low hiss and he filled her. Feeling her warmth around her. They continued to move together, passionate, hands all over one another, moaning loudly as they became one, glistening with sweat in front of the roaring fire. And Hermione felt herself near her climax and she moaned "Draco…I'm cumming… again" only this time so did Draco and the same time as her. And they lay there, still as one, in front of the fire, kissing slowly, deeply. Until they fell asleep.

At some point durning the night they re-awoke and they made love. This time it was slow and purposeful unlike earlier. And at some point, after much kissing, caressing, licking and moaning they fell asleep once again in each others arms.

The next morning Hermione rolled over, the fire had died out but a blanket had been placed on top of her and her clothes were neatly folded on the armchair. She pulled them on hastily, she had forgotten yesterday that she had work the next day and if she had any hope of progressing, or even maintaining her job she couldn't be late. The house was quiet but a sweet smell came from the kitchen. Hermione charged in and found Draco pouring two coffees, whilst a plate of pancakes sat on the kitchen table, two plates set and an array of fruit, chocolate and syrups at their disposal.

"Morning" he said smiling at her. He was ready for work, his white shirt was as crisp as ever and he smelt incredible. Hermione looked dishevelled next to him, her hair a curly mess, yesterday's makeup still on her face and on top of not looking fresh like a daisy, she didn't smell like it either.

"Why didn't you wake me!" She said flapping about "i'm going to be late for work!"

"No you're not" he said calmly placing a coffee in her hand and taking a sip of his own "just breath"

She took a sip of her coffee and groaned, she felt more awake and alive.

"There's an ensuite off my bedroom, feel free to use that if you need to and then we'll have breakfast and head off for work"

"Oh you don't have you wait…I can just go home"

"Nonsense!" Smiled Draco "there's far too much breakfast for me on my own" and he kissed her cheek.

Hermione blushed and rushed up the stairs, coffee still in hand. She took a quick shower, did her hair with her wand and did her makeup with some bits and bobs she found in her bag. She had no other clothes so she slipped into yesterday's and sprayed herself with her perfume. She didn't look as professional as she would have hoped but she didn't look bad either. She would have to make the most of the situation.

Heading back downstairs. She found Draco at the table sipping his coffee and reading a heavy potion's book. As she entered he looked up and Hermione took a seat across from him. They tucked into their breakfast, Hermione couldn't believe how good it all tasted and how fresh and juicy the fruit were. Normally she would grab a piece of toast and run, but this, this was incredible!

"So…" said Draco softly "about last night… Do you regret it?"

"No" said Hermione quickly and earnestly "it was… amazing"

"Good" smiled Draco and sipped his coffee

"I just…" Hermione didn't know how to explain it

"Just say what you feel" he said

"I'm not ready to call this" she gestured towards them "anything, or at least I'm not ready for everyone to know yet"

"That's fair enough" Draco said nodding "we are still getting to know each other and it would be unwise to jump into something so quickly, especially publicly"

"So you're not angry?" Said Hermione raising an eyebrow at him

"Why on earth would I be angry?" Laughed Draco as Sparky the house elf bounded in and started to clear the table.

"It's just" Hermione said "yesterday you felt like I was embarrassed of you and today you're fine not labelling this or telling anyone"

Draco got up headed around the table and planted a kiss on Hermione's lips.

"As long as we know" he whispered "that's enough for me"

She smiled and got up, grabbing her bag.

"Shall we?" Said Draco and they headed outside and disaparated to work together. But once they appeared they took a step away from each other and walked in, chatting as if they had just met outside moments before as they strolled into the auditorium. No one took any notice of them and they reached the lifts where Draco turned around and said

"Have a good day Ms Granger"

"You too Mr Malfoy" she smiled and he winked at her before getting into a lift and heading up to his office. Hermione took another lift and moments later found herself at her desk where she buried herself into new cases and read up on what was needed for the week ahead. But every so often her mind would wonder off to thoughts of her and Draco in front of the fire. She smiled to herself, allowed herself to think about it for a bit, and then returned to her work, pushing those wonderful moments to the back of her mind.

The day came to a close and Hermione headed home, she unlocked her apartment and found it all as she left it. Except the window was open and a piece of parchment lay on her kitchen counter. She flung her bag onto the sofa and grinned as she recognised the emerald ink and delicate scrawl, she unfolded it and read.

"Dear Hermione,

This may seem too forward,

Or too soon,

But I miss you.

Yours Faithfully,


Hermione didn't know how to feel. It was too soon but she couldn't help but feel the same way. She re-read it wondering what to do. What to say. All her life she had been cautious, she had calculated every situation and for every action she had always thought of every single consequence and reaction. But where had that ever gotten her?

She grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote back

"Dear Draco

I kept thinking about us today.

I think I miss you too.

Yours Faithfully,


She transfigured it into her signature paper airplane and watched it zoom off into the evening. She headed into the bedroom and stripped out of her clothes that she'd been wearing for two days. She headed into the shower and scrubbed every inch of herself, before hopping out, wrapping herself in her bathrobe and drying her hair. Feeling fresh and clean she returned to the kitchen and felt slightly disappointed that there wasn't a new piece of parchment. She busied herself making a quick dinner and eating it at the kitchen counter whilst reading the Daily Prophet she had picked up on the way home. Stories of Ron and Pansy were strewn across the pages but Hermione was relieved to see that her name had been kept out of the stories. She wondered whether Draco had had anything to do with that. After having eaten and done the dishes she threw herself on the sofa, opening a book, still wrapped up in her fluffy towel.

An hour later she was just about dozing off, her book in her lap when a knock sounded at her door. She frowned and placed the book on her coffee table and headed to the door wondering who on earth it could be. She opened it and saw Draco standing there, in a pair of washed out jeans and a black t-shirt.

"Miss me?" He whispered

"You have no idea" Hermione smiled and he stepped in, kissing her gently.

"Looks like I got here just in time" he said as he untied her bathrobe and pushed it over her shoulders, letting it fall at Hermione's feet….

Thank you for sticking with me through this chapter! It's a bit different and I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Let me know what you think of it - what do you think happens next?! I thought with all the sadness and heartbreak we could all do with a bit of love and passion!

Please share far and wide and I will be back next week with a new chapter to the story - lockdown is giving me a lot time to get writing done thankfully!

All my love,

Lumos Nox


magiustheelder: Yeah it did didn't it! I don't know whether that is a good thing though! Haha!

AuntCori: I think it shows his insecurities and how he has been hurt in the past - but from a neutral perspective it does seem a bit out of proportion!

CherryBlossomFall: I can't tell you how much your review meant and it did give me that kick up the backside to continue this chapter and get it published - I hope you continue to love it and share it! PS: no I began writing it two years ago, I took a few months break though!