Black Widow. The world's greatest art thief.
Yes, it sounded like a bit of a dramatic title; to others, at least, but never to her. Black Widow was not like any other art thieves in Poptropica. It was not because she had multiple names, and definitely not because she was a woman. What made her unique was due to her true identity; to the public of Counterfeit Island, she had been commonly known as Chief Inspector Charlotte Vueve-Noire. She had always looked up to becoming the world's greatest art thief even before she was the chief of police, and was clever enough to be one in order to become less of a suspect to thievery, or any other crime, for that matter. She knew another criminal, as well, on a different island. Her name was Gretchen Grimlock, a gold-digging snake from Cryptids Island. She and Black Widow were, of course, best friends, but that is a different story.
Rumors about her had spread across the island like wildfire, even if the people had never even seen her in real life. What they did not know was who she really was. By day, Charlotte was a very trusted chief of police. She was very serious about her job, and nothing ever seemed out of the ordinary to anyone. But by night, she would transform into the notorious Black Widow. The thief was, indeed, very skilled at her scandals, swiping priceless art pieces from famous paintings to busts clean off of the display and leaving little to no evidence behind. In fact, she stole enough to create her own art gallery deep in her underground lair, located expertly underneath her cottage. In addition, she had also hired a few of her own trained henchmen to guard her art gallery and, on some occasions, bring along on her heists for assistance.
Despite her evil ways, she was also one of the most attractive villains in Poptropica. In her villainous disguise, she has her wavy, jet black locks of hair spiked, and she wore cherry red lipstick and red eye shadow. Her emerald green eyes would allure almost any young man who would dare to look directly into them. The symbolic clothing she wore was a black, tight, latex jumpsuit with the emblem of a red hourglass on her prominent chest, and brought out her curvaceous and busty figure. However, even though she was very appealing to the eye of many who have encountered her, including that of a few other infamous villains and even some of her own henchmen, she did not put much interest in any of them. However, not only was the Black Widow vicious and shifty; she was also a very flirtatious type. Sometimes, for the pleasure of herself, she would entice some people who would supposedly get in her way, as to lure them into a trap. Black Widow would even use them for helpful information to make her next art robbery.
Clever. Impeccable. Bewitching.
She was ingenious.
She was unstoppable.
It was a sunny, late afternoon on Counterfeit Island. All seemed peaceful for citizens wandering around the streets; that is, until someone zoomed past them in a motorized scooter, in a hurry of not getting caught.
"Stop right there!" the woman shouted after the man she was chasing, on a motorized scooter of her own. This woman was not an officer, but she was determined to catch the crook who she believed stole the famous painting, The Scream.
When they approached the docks, the man suddenly sped up straight towards the wooden pier and drove right off, making the one chasing him stop. Unfortunately, the man landed into a speedboat and escaped the harbour.
"Drats!" Hyper Hawk exclaimed in defeat, getting off her scooter. "He got away... But I won't give up that easily. I'll turn him in for framing me and stealing The Scream, that dirty little..." As she inched closer to where the thief leaped off the docks, she noticed something strange on one of the boards. She bent down to pick it up and examine it. It was a red card with a silhouette of a spider in the center, and a bar code at the bottom. "But it looks like he dropped something," she muttered to herself, and moved her eyes up to the sunset, where the man was now far off into the distance. With a sigh, Hyper Hawk turned around to go to the art museum.
The speedboat sped off far away from the docks for a couple minutes, then made a large circular turn all the way around to the opposite side of the island and parked onshore. Without stopping, the man jumped out of the boat and ran towards and up the doorsteps of the cottage of Inspector Vueve-Noire. His head shifted from side to side before he pounded on the door.
"Who's there?" another man's voice demanded on the other side.
"It's me," the man said hastily. "Open the door!" He heard a few murmurs between a woman and a few other men. Moments later, the door gave off a few clicks as it unlocked. "Get in," the voice said.
The man rushed inside the door and slammed it behind himself. He looked straight ahead and stared into the emerald green eyes of his companion. "Charlotte," he said breathlessly, "she's onto me. That 'Hawk' lady knows that I took that painting and chased me across the island."
"Should I be concerned?" the woman asked.
"What? Of course, we should! We need to either get off this island or get rid of that girl."
She just flashed a smirk at him. "'We'? Oh, I don't think it's my problem anymore."
The man's panting rate immediately slowed as he looked at her questionably. "Huh? What do you..." Before he could finish, Black Widow snapped her fingers and said, "Garçons, take him to the basement." This caused the two henchmen behind her to walk up to the man and seize him, grabbing his arms and hauling him towards the large wooden chest in the corner of the room.
Somewhere underground, right below the cottage, was the lair of the Black Widow. It was massive and had multiple rooms, but only few exits to unlikely locations in the surface. Every room had at least one basement, except for the boiler room, where the man was taken to.
After one of Black Widow's henchmen finished tying the man tightly on to the chair, Black Widow nodded at him as a signal to leave the room. The moment he had walked out, she looked down at the man to see him staring back up at her.
"What is this?" he asked her.
Black Widow's smile grew as she stared down at him, deliciously tied to the chair. "I've brought you down here to tell you some bad news."
His shades slightly sunk down to reveal his vexed eyes. "Bad enough that you gotta tie me to a chair to tell me?"
She grabbed the head of the chair with one hand to lean closer to him. "I'm afraid I won't be needing you anymore."
"What!?" The man was in utter disbelief at her words. He could feel himself starting to shake. "But Charlotte, I thought..." he stammered. "I-I'm your right hand man! We've been working together for years!"
She put a finger over his lips. "Hush," she ordered. Then, flashed a wicked smile, and ran her tongue across her red lips. She loved seeing him tied up like this. "I'm sorry that you don't get it, honey, so I'll give it to you straight: I am not just after The Scream; it's the gallery of the world's finest art pieces I'm after." Her finger trailed down his chest. "And after your lousy performance this afternoon with that girl, I'm afraid I won't have anymore room for you here."
Despite her seductive voice, the man glared at her and gritted his teeth. "You backstabbing-"
"Let's not start name-calling, shall we?" she teased, stroking the beard stubble on his face. The man was still in shock of her betrayal. He could not even think for the longest time. Black Widow broke into his trance by saying, "Anyway, don't get too comfortable. I'll be right back."
Just as she was about to leave, the man found himself mumbling, "You won't get away with this."
Black Widow responded with a giggle. "Oh, silly. You know I will." She started walked out of the room, but then she paused to add, "And that girl you were talking about earlier?.. I've already set plans for her." As she continued to exit the boiler room, she smiled evilly at the thought of tying her new enemy, Hyper Hawk, up to a chair, as well. Perhaps she could do the honors to do so.
Hopelessly, the man closed his eyes and bowed his head down. If he could not stop her, he thought, then no one could. After all, she was a sly one. It seemed that nobody could save him, the girl, or the art museum from the Black Widow. The world's greatest art thief.