"So you wish to save humanity. Then please allow me to assist."
Rider's true name is Mashin Chaser, one of the antagonist and later supporter of Kamen Rider Drive.
Class: Rider
Alternate classes: Berserker, Assassin
Alignment: Lawful~Chaotic Good
Characteristic: (varies to the form he is using)
-Gender: Male
-Height: 199.5 cm
-Weight: 114 Kg (Do keep in mind that I'm a robot)
-Blood type: None (Does oil count as blood?)
-Likes: Friends, feeling anything in general
-Dislikes: Injustice, a person who believes he is worthless
-Talents: None (he can learn anything and easily apply them but this count as studying rather than a talent)
Natural enemy: Mad scientist and alike
Image color: steel & violet
Active Skill
-Execution technique A
-On death's door A
-Dreams of a machine A
Passive skill
-Riding skill A-
-Machine's mind EX
Noble Phantasm
For my Friends
Everything I have Everything I am
-Rank: C++
-Classification: Anti unit (self)
Originally a known as Proto-0 Chase the only Roidmude who did not rebel against his creator and humanity itself and instead combated his own kin in the name of justice, of course he himself is merely following what he was told to do.
From the beginning he was fighting a losing battle, despite being capable of defeating his brethren he lacks the means to destroy them completely thus it was only a matter of time before he falls. However in the wake of his loss he ended up being 'liberated' by the one whom had defeated him.
Having his programming changed and his memory altered Chase become one of the most notable adversaries that Drive have ever faced, but as the story progressed his old memories began to resurface and he ended up in a crossroad where he continuously questions the meaning of his own existence and purpose.
And it was during a conspiracy involving two Roidmudes higher-ups that he learned the truth.
Suffering defeat at the hands of Drive he was thought to be dead by his peers and was left for dead, and yet as if led by fate he was saved by the one whom he had saved in the past and afterwards...
"I... will start over... with this package you've sent me..."
Becoming a Kamen Rider and once again betraying his own kin Chase become involved in many battles and all sorts of plots, but his most prominent feature lies in his wish to understand human emotion. To laugh, to cry, to hate, and to love, that is his one and only true wish and yet he wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice the bliss of feeling if it means saving humanity.
However the first human emotion he had ever truly felt was that of a heartbreak, falling in love with his savior only to learn that she loved another. Even through the excruciating pain he still manages to smile and wishes for their happiness.
His end is also the proof of how much he cherish his friends. In a desperate attempt to save the one who hated him the most he threw away his own life without a second thought. And while his sacrifice affected nothing, his death serves as the fuel that allows his friends to emerge triumphant.
Helping those in need, and protecting his loved one. A person who would rather be remembered as friend than a hero.
"Everything I did was for them after all..."
"This appearance belongs to officer Koichi Kano... I wonder what kind of person he is?"
Cool, calm, and collected, Chase is a servant capable of completing any type of task. Whether it is battle or mundane chores he will carry it out with the utmost efficiency and no complaints, truly he is an efficient and perfect machine.
"Master, I heard that playing music can help you express yourself more easily. Therefore let us form a band."
No matter how ridiculous or far fetched is the activity he would do it in a whim if it carries the word express and self discovery. Listening to music, painting, singing, interprative dancing, cooking, acting, etc, he would do all of those activity in order to gain emotion and in the end...
"It doesn't work huh... But i won't not give up that easily!"
He himself doesn't notice it but he grew more expressive with each passing moments.
Socializing is also one of his hobby in his spare time. He would casually approach anybody who is seem to be free and tries to enact conversation with them before turning into a listener, due to him being a machine he could store a large amount of information and would be able to keep up regardless of the topic being discussed.
Of course he would try to avoid the topic of romance the best he could, but if the second party insist on ranting about his love affair he would try and endure the pain whilst listening. However two out of three time he would end up crying.
Chase opinion regarding the master heavily depends on his/her personality. Should he be a gentle person who tries to save humanity the Chase would follow him without a speck of doubt. Should she be a deranged magus who is obsessed with a certain Saber and disregard human lives however...
"Initiating self destruct."
With that being said he would try to improve the live hood of his master should he/she is not evil, ranging from telling her to have more confidence in herself or dragging him to a psychiatrist because of his martyr complex Chase is basically a genius caretaker with social awkwardness.
Chase is armed with multiple C ranked Noble Phantasm, his primary weapon the Shingou-Ax is a giant axe capable of cutting through most material, while his Break-Gunner serves as a sidearm that allows effective mid-long range attack.
His mount is the Ride-Chaser a C++ Ranked mount taking the form of a modified Honda NM4-01, while it's somewhat modern it's endurance and performance is slightly above the average Rider's mount, it's appearance is also (somewhat) inconspicuous so he can blend in more easily. Though anyone interested in vehicle will most likely says something along the line of 'That's one hell of a bike.'
It can also combine with a fellow rider's noble phantasm to form a A- Class mount.
Chase is extremely proud of his ride although he refuse to admit it, should the master brought up the topic what awaits him/her is a two hour one sided discussion on his precious mount.
Execution Technique A
A skill that he gained due to the dilution of his legends. During his time within the ranks of Roidmude Chase serves as the one who 'restarts' his fellow android should they steps out of line, resulting in him being scorned as the 'Grim Reaper'.
Originally this skill only serves to increase his strength against his own kin but in the modern day "Since he's an executioner then he must have known some execution techniques" so people said.
And thus he gained the skill that allows him to fight with maximum efficiency which require a certain amount of energy.
On death's door A
Chase escaped destruction not only once but twice, and on both occasion he was saved by his enemies. Of course in the current scenario it is impossible for an enemy without ties to suddenly change their side and save him.
In the end the skill allows him to survive any fatal wounds at the cost of attracting his opponents.
Dreams of a machine A
The ability to increase his performance at the cost of becoming more vulnerable against mental attack, though due to him being a machine merely turns his mental resistance down to the normal level of a normal Heroic spirits.
Chase himself is particularly not fond of this ability stating that it's not worth the cost. In truth however the ability helps him become more human-like, it is the fear of failing the master due to being clouded with emotion that scares him.
Noble Phantasm
For my Friends
Everything I am Everything I have
Rank: C+++
Classification: Anti-unit (self)
A noble phantasm that is the crystallization of Chase's story, for him that would give up everything for his loved one. Upon activation there will be neither visible change in his ability or status but if he considers the master to be his friend then victory will certainly come to his/her side even if Chase got destroyed.
Other Servant
A machine who wants to be a man and a Human who considers herself to be a machine. Being polar opposite the two would instantly be engulfed with uneasiness on their first meeting/interaction.
After learning of her background Chase who both pitied (due to the fact that she was made this way) and dislike her (for not trying to change herself) will coerce her into joining one of his many activities in the hopes that if she gain 'something' then she can orally transmit the information to him.
During said 'activities' the two would most likely ask each other questions out of curiosity. The Saber would asks Rider about 'modern magecraft' while, Chase would retort with question regarding Aliens and her 'Century too early noble-phantasm'.
The relationship would also benefit both of them. Chase would be provided with a friend that could keep up with him, while Saber would no longer fumble to initiate contact with Rider's assistance.
Truly these two are good friends...
"This feeling... I remembered it from back then... But it can't be... Right?"
"His Noble Phantasm... Is really something..." so he said.
Charles Henri Sanson
Despite sharing similar backgrounds Rider and Assassin's relationship is somewhat minimum. They do however get along well due to their aligned opinion regarding Humanity and their nature.
If they were to converse than the following dialogue would be extremely short, and each topic of exchange would be different from the last. Of course it goes without saying that the two shares the same 'topic which is best to be avoided'.
They are also somewhat prideful when it comes to their Noble Phantasm. Marie at one point found the two discussing their 'tools', though the misunderstanding was cleared up once they explains that they were just comparing their weapons.
Voidwalker77 here, what you are seeing is completely out of the blue, In truth i wrote this because I'm having mental block with my other story.
Regardless I kinda enjoyed myself when I wrote this, and if I have the time I'll try to make a Fragment of Chaldea-ish chapter after finishing the profile of the four cavalry class.
So untill then Ciao.
Next: The Assassin that we all hate
Hint: Mai-san