A/N: Hello my lovelies! I've always wanted to try a crime story out, and I think Gajevy would be the perfect pair to try this with! Before getting started I would like to of course disclaim that I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its characters, they are the work of Hiro Mashima. Secondly, I would like to shamefully admit that I don't know much of anything about the police, so if anything is inaccurate please excuse me, I'm doing the best I can to do my research. And last but not least, this story is gonna be pretty citrusy, so if you don't like mild bdsm (just bondage and stuff nothing wild y'all this isn't 50 shades lmao) ((also the bondage is kinda inspired by Mashima's recent comic so whoops)) this may not be the story for you!

With that all being said, thank you for giving this story a read and welcome to Cafe Rouge!

Chapter 1:

In the settling depths of evening came the strong hum of music that poured through the cracks and crevices of the apartment building squeezed between the third avenue and a row of classic town houses, stacked high with multiple stories and thoroughly detailed with intricate iron. From the side door of the apartment a bob of blue hair could be seen, standing out like a soft, flickering flame against the rough brick and dimly lit setting. With her heated skin in sharp contrast to the biting, rigid brick pressed against her back shoulder blades, the cold almost aided Levy in zoning back to reality. She cork screwed her eyes shut and shot them open as she tried to focus her vision, and when the world stopped spinning slightly she stepped forward into the bristling night. A few too many drinks had left her under the influence and too disoriented for her own comfort, for the intoxication she was experiencing was more than what she'd even endure in the comforts of her own home with a glass or two of blush wine.

She watched in amusement as her shadow danced along the worn down cobblestones every few seconds, only to vanish and blend into the darkness whenever she escaped the illumination of the overhead street lights. She felt as if her shadow was carrying her, and she was floating on air, light as a feather yet with every step she took she felt gravity grow heavier and heavier, like an amplifying weight on her shoulders. She sighed as she rubbed her temple with her free hand, whilst the other swished around a rather deadly concoction of vodka and God knows what else. She hadn't been this wasted since her foolish days in high school, back when getting completely hammered was out of peer pressure or something stupid like that. She stared down at her cup with distaste, embarrassed and regretful of her drinking. If the alcohol were from Cana, she'd immediately pour it down the drain whenever the busty brunette had turned around, however, this drink had been whipped up by Lucy, who wasn't a big drinker neither, and with that being said the alcohol had been tweaked and mixed into something significantly sweeter, which hadn't helped Levy like she had hoped it would. Sugary drinks were never delightful in the morning, and she urged herself to stay up long enough to down a gallon of water to hopefully dilute the toxicity in her system.

Now ready to let out all the alcohol she had voluntarily just poured down from both peer pressure and hopes that she'd wash away the pain of a broken heart, Levy went against what she had been told by Cana and Lucy and kicked her heels off as she made her way home. The wet asphalt beneath her soaked through her stockings and chilled her feet, and from that point she didn't know if she were more focused on how she was losing feeling in her toes or the pounding migraine that had been growing worse and worse as the hours ticked by. Frustrated by the aching pain of it all, Levy tossed the red solo cup towards the dumpsters to the left of her, only to effortlessly miss it completely. She shook her head and waved the idea of picking it up like a good citizen, racking her memory of the laws of littering and the consequences and she honestly couldn't find herself to care. She gripped the straps of her heels tightly as well as the strap of her bag with just as much strength as she sped walk out of the shadows of the alley and into the Orange like streetlights, which were made of cast iron to give this part of Magnolia a more classic appeal.

Levy begged her body to cooperate as she could see the main road right up ahead. From there it would only be a fifteen minute walk to her apartment, and she tried to not contemplate how on Earth she was going to climb up those troublesome flights of stairs in this condition. She reminded herself of the wonderful bed awaiting her at home; silk, satin sheets and a mattress gifted to her when she finished school, one of those nice ones from the commercials where the memory foam curves into your body. She almost drooled and passed out right then and there at the thought of it. In fact, she was so fixated on her destination and the awaiting, well deserved relief to her aching head and sore feet that she almost completely disregarded the large gentleman she had just passed by. Levy was a girl constantly lost in her own world and consuming thoughts that she would have successful disregarded him if he hadn't called out to her for what seemed to be two or three times given the scratch of irritation he had in his voice. He had called out to her twice but she didn't hear him, or perhaps she did and she assumed the cat call was for someone with a more appealing body, like Lucy or maybe Ezra, but despite all she had attained from her past experiences with cat callers who embarrassingly were calling to the woman beside or behind her, this particular moment in the alley way weren't the case. Now, in the biting cold of the settled night Levy found herself coming to a halt and turning to the stranger who had snatched her out of her personal thoughts and placed her in the cold and unforgiving Magnolia night.

Levy's eyes widened with subtle surprise as she met eyes with a olive toned man with a chilling aura that matched his raven hair: uninviting and something about the dimly lit alley and the way his red eyes glared with a simmered glow in the dark, Levy couldn't help but pick up something sinister about him. Perhaps she were just being drunk and paranoid, and she honestly hated to judge a book by its cover, but something about the gentleman's mysterious nature sent chills up her spine, all the whilst igniting her curiosity on fire. The man took a drag from his cigarette and released the smoke towards her, puffing out at her to the point she could smell the tobacco; it was only then that she had realized she was dangerously close to the man, who at this distance she noticed wasn't much of a stranger at all. She remembered his name was Gajeel, but she couldn't for the life of her remember who introduced him to her, and she couldn't recall when exactly she had been introduce, neither. She was sure that Juvia had some history with that she didn't go into much detail with, not that Levy particularly wanted to pry either, but word around the block told Levy that the two of them were somewhat close at one time. College or something. For as long as Levy could remember he was a background face at a few parties, his voice blended in with the white noise that she always expertly tuned out, and from the encounters she had where her eyes randomly landed on him across the room he never looked happy. In fact the man that everyone who knew physically yet nothing further than that had appeared at many parties that Levy had been invited to. Surely if he were the background noise in all of those get together he must have been a mutual friend some way or another.

"Ya listenin', Shorty?" The man asked her as he leaned against a rather expensive car, one that Levy couldn't make out the year or model since she hardly knew anything about cars anyway, but she knew enough that she conclude it cost easily around 300,000J . It was impressive in both color and make, and it had a sleek sort of shape to it, a shape that kind of reminded her of the cars in all of those stupid racing and action movies that she never fully finished watching. It was a dark, metallic gray that blended in with its immediate surroundings, and it seemed that everything about the man had the same reoccurring iron like color scheme. Completely dazed out and lost in her thoughts, the man puffed some smoke out into a cloud above him and smirked at her. "Shorty," the man tried again.

"U-um," Levy started and felt nervous laughter rise out of her like soda bubbles. "S-sorry, I guess I wasn't listening." She felt her face heat up and in the embarrassment the heels she carried and the bag slung across her chest grew heavier as she stood still in place. She wasn't good at conversations like this even if she were sober, and unlike her many female friends, alcohol didn't give Levy a huge boost of confidence like they promised it would, in the end all it was good for was making her a giggly, hot mess.

"Had a few too many, huh?" The man pointed with his nose at the red solo cup still rolling around the dumpsters. Levy hiccupped as she felt under the spot light, and with nothing better to do she shook her head sullenly.

"Afraid so," she coughed into the back of her hands and focused her red glazed stare at him. "I'm sorry, but... I don't think I've ever gotten your name," she started off, knowing full well his name but feeling too informal towards the stranger than to just call him by it. They've never actually introduced themselves, she doesn't believe, and when she did catch his name it was so quick and even quicker to be forgotten that it's as if she never learned it all, but out of everything she had remembered it.

The man— Gajeel —evaded the topic. "Yer really gonna ditch a party that was specifically made for ya?" He exhaled another puff when Levy's tired gaze turned into a more guilty expression. She kept her eyes low on the cobblestone as she realized what he said was the truth and that it sounded god awful, and she knew it was horrible to leave something the girls had planned for her. Gajeel brought her back to the conversation, "It was the blonde's doin', wasn't it?"

Levy felt her cheeks tint red when she realized after a brief moment that he didn't introduce himself that in fact her statement earlier about his name had been completely stepped over. She didn't take it too personally and held her chin up, masking her emotions and mimicking the mysterious man only a few tiptoed steps away from her. "Cana's doing, actually. Parties aren't my scene."

"Yer birthday or something?"

"No, no. That's not for a while." Levy smiled softly at him.

"Huh," he responded, which would have terminated the conversation if Levy had better things to do, which she did, but her legs didn't move. It was like she was caught in his orbit, his gravity reeling her in like a fish caught on the line with a snowball's chance in Hell at escape. She couldn't tell what it was, it had to be the vibe she received from him, and she couldn't tell if she were uncomfortable or pleased with the conversation brewing outside of the muffled apartment.

"I'm getting over someone," she admitted, and she weren't sure if she was just intoxicated or if she's come to the point where she truly felt nothing about it at all. This might have been the confidence boost the girls had mentioned earlier; it's not like he even asked her anyway, she just spat it out. Gajeel nodded shortly with nothing else said, and she twisted cerulean hair between her thumb and two fingers as she contemplated what to say. Her muscles ached, her mind was numb and she wanted desperately to go home, and the man in front of her had descended from the shadows at just the right moment. Seeing in the softly lit lighting he wasn't too bad on the eyes, and she was sure he was far more handsome if she could see him correctly. "I... could use a ride home, if you don't mind?"

Her bold suggestion made Gajeel's lips quirk into an impressed smile. "Askin' a ride from someone whose name you don't even know, huh? Aint that dangerous?" Though, not once did he reject the idea.

"Please, I think I can handle myself," Levy replied sharply, before making her way across the hood of the car. To make her point more clear, she stopped shortly to give him a head to toe inspection and brushed him off with a quick smirk of her own to prove he wasn't a threat to her. Gajeel snickered at that, her attitude that he found more amusing than cocky, and looked over at her before extinguishing his cigarette with the quick twist and turn of his boot. He had given her a one over glance as well, but he hesitated at all the right parts of her, feeling his smirk turn into a twisted grin. When the orange light of his cigarette died out, he joined her in the car.


They had only been in the house for five minutes and already she was in a fumbling panic. Fortunately there wasn't much mess lying around given Levy was never home enough to create any, and it's not that her apartment was too shabby neither; large windows and a balcony lined one wall of the quaint living room, and from there one could see the beautiful view and of the Magnolia skyline. Not the whole thing, but a few sparkling buildings that resembled starlight in the shadowed sky, and it gave the apartment the city-like feel she had craved, so no it wasn't the appearance of her home that made her frantic. She'd recently moved in after she'd graduated from the academy, and now that she'd given it some thought, only a few of her close friends and Jet and Droy have been over; of course, these were all people she were comfortable with and usually in her pairs, and never had she been alone with a complete stranger. She had good social skills, she was an open and perky girl, but all of that grew distant and foreign to her when the person she was socializing with was a blessedly attractive man who looked out of place in her dining room. Now with full lighting on she could conclude that he wasn't too bad on the eyes at all; in fact he was a blessing to the eyes if anything. It's as if God or the universe or whoever had taken extra care into carving out his features, guaranteeing only the best to be created; he had beautiful ruby eyes that glistened whenever they caught the fluorescent light glowing from her tightly packed kitchen, and a chiseled jawline with hollowed cheeks that gifted him a lean, handsome face. To top it all off he has soft, full lips of a neutral dusty pink, and she wondered what it would be like to taste them, only to fuel her panic even more when she realized at this rate she may very well get her answer.

He scanned his surroundings without a comment and situated himself at her dining table. His large stance and height made the furniture in her house appear smaller, and what she believed to be a spacious floor plan now looked stuffy and cluttered in her eyes. To stop her restless nerves, Levy avoided conversation for a moment and tried to think of something worth saying, and she found the perfect opportunity to do so by offering a drink. "It's pretty cold out right now, would you like a coffee?"

He nodded at her.

"Um, how do you like it?" She asked nervously.

"Just the coffee," he replied.

Levy decided to fix him up a cup before she tore out of her soaked stockings and into something more comfortable, and as she prepared his drink she was surprised that the silent man was so willing to speak to her. After they had locked eyes so many times in the past, she never expected them to actually hold a conversation. "Who are ya tryna forget?" His voice rumbled from behind her as she tripped over herself and clumsily dropped instant coffee everywhere. "Yer boyfriend?"

She paused shortly to shake her head at his question. "I don't think I'd even consider him my boyfriend... but something similar to that." She handed him the untouched mug and he thanked her abruptly. She sighed as she pressed her coffee mug to her lips and blew the steam away from the beverage, and the man in front of her was silent as he waited for her to finish. She didn't plan on saying more than that, but his intense stare burned into her, almost silently demanding her to explain further. "More like a friend with benefits, only the benefits weren't all that beneficial," she admitted.

"So you and speedy didn't work out. Saw it coming," the man drank his coffee without even blowing on it, something that made Levy question if he were human. He also didn't accept the different creamers she set aside for him, or even the small glass container of sugar. Apart from his strict taste in coffee, she almost choked on her own given that Jet wasn't a stranger to the man.

"Are you talking about Jet?" Levy asked almost embarrassed at the idea and slightly insulted. "Please don't call him that, first off." She took a long sip from her drink. "And secondly, Jet is my friend. Nothing more than that, I couldn't even imagine getting with one of the guys, it would just be too weird!" She giggled to herself at the crazy idea of her even batting an eye at her childhood friends; they weren't just friendzoned, they were like brothers to her.

"The both of them follow ya around like dogs, just a guess," Gajeel justified his assumption, and with that Levy didn't exactly blame him for thinking she was getting over one of the boys. She shook her head no and stared down into her mug, focusing into the light, creamy color of her drink in hopes of finding something to say.

"No, no, my ex is this guy named Laxus, you probably don't know him. He's not much of the partying type; we didn't go out that often." She glanced over at Gajeel with raised brows, wondering if maybe he did know Laxus some way or another; Magnolia was a big city, but this was a popular spot in town given the amount of night clubs and tourist attractions it had. There was at least some kind of chance that he knew who she was talking about.

"Probably, probably not," he said after a long gulp, craning his neck to finish the last drop of the drink. "Know faces, not names."

"It's not like it matters anyway, I can't believe I even told you," Levy snorted with a laugh, "Oh wow, this is so embarrassing," she laughed to herself, and the worst part was that it wasn't very funny at all, but she couldn't stop laughing, which was expected from her drunken self; unfortunately, it was great at parties but horrible in moments like these. The man didn't laugh along, and she felt humiliated when his studded brows furrowed at her.

"Shorty, I know yer drunk and all, but..." the man sighed at the state of the woman in front of him, pushed against the counters and bending over slightly from laughing so hard. In a way the drunken woman was humorous. "So ya invite me over to help ya forget yer ex, is that what ya were thinkin'?"

Her laughter cut off completely when she processed what he had said. Levy smiled shyly towards him, and she was glad that he didn't look offended, but rather neutral at the idea. "I'm sorry, it's very rude when you put it that way," she rolled the mug between her hands to warm her frigid fingers that itched to tap on something due to how nervous she was feeling. "I was hoping you'd help me more than the alcohol would. Help me get over what I'm feeling— I don't really know what I'm feeling," she mumbled to herself, and she looked up to see the man's serious stare had averted to a softened look that could have meant anything. "You could leave if you want," she added sadly, and she turned to place her half-finished drink in the sink where she moped silently. What in Fiore was she thinking, anyway? Having a fling with a man she's just met in hopes of getting over Laxus? Is this really what she wanted? She considered all of her actions that had led her to this point right here, and she found no regret in them, but now as the alcohol was dying down in her system, she began questioning her plans.

"Now it makes sense why ya weren't too interested with my name, and didn't introduce yerself, neither." He started off, and she was taken aback when he got up from his chair and strolled towards her. She hadn't realized how tall he was until she was completely backed up into the kitchen counter; and she was so wildly turned on by his build that she carelessly swished her mug around and caused the hot contents to splash against her. She looked down to see the mess she created only for her chin to be lifted up by his index finger, which brought her face only inches away from his. "Using me to help ya forget someone, huh? Users ain't my type, Levy."

"Y-you know my name?" She asked shyly.

"Yer the rookie," he said with a mudslide grin, and that itself felt like a sharp slap to her face even though he had no intention of it sounding like an insult. "Not even a few weeks on the job, aint that right?" His eyes narrowed as he stared into her, and never had Levy felt so much like an open book. "Yer workin' with Juvia for the time being," He gazed into her eyes as he kept his finger propped under her chin. "For experience," he added.

Levy sighed with relief once it all clicked in her mind how he could have known about her. The party did in fact have a lot of people from the station, the young ones who didn't mind staying up past midnight, at least. She didn't recognized Gajeel as an officer from the department— he would have known Laxus if he was - and she wondered about his origins, but clearly if he knew Juvia and was invited he had to have been a mutual friend. Juvia was careful with those she kept close to her, and Levy felt more comfortable as she familiarized the face with that of her partner. When he took his hand away from her she almost felt an electric zap from him breaking apart from her orbit, and she found herself longing for his touch once more. "Y-yes," she started softly. "Lucy and I, we just got on the job a couple weeks ago."

"Police officer doesn't seem like yer style," he continued. Levy didn't take the stabbing comment to heart given how used she was to receiving it. At an impressive five feet exact and only weighing perhaps one-hundred-twenty pounds, it was no surprise that she was looked down on even when wearing her uniform. Despite her size, it hadn't stopped her so far and at this rate it never would.

"It's been my dream," Levy started off sheepishly. "To be honest, I'm just as surprised as you are, yet here I am!"

Gajeel chuckled at that. "Here ya are," he agreed. His eyes narrowed when he got close enough to lean over her, and she was immediately swallowed by his shadow. "So yer gonna keep pretending ya don't know my name?" He pushed closer to her and all she could do was set her coffee aside and prop herself against the counter.

"Well, I guess it won't be weird to address you by your name since you already know mine... I mean, we never properly introduced ourselves, so I felt weird just... oh, I don't know..." she stopped short when he pulled away from her. "Gajeel, isn't it?"

He smiled when she called his name. He looked so out of place in her small kitchen, and she wondered if the makeshift apartment was suffocating for a man twice her size, when even to her it could feel a little stuffy. "How was that idiot not beneficial?" He asked.

"His name is Laxus," she pouted disapprovingly at him, but a smile curved her lips and she swallowed another drunken fit of laughter waiting to explode out of her. "I don't even know where to start with that conversation. We were friends who completely stepped out of line, and..." she grew shy just thinking about it, and just mentioning Laxus made her eyes water as she reflected back on how carelessly the whole relationship had slipped out her hands, like sand pouring through the cracks of her fingers. "It was mostly a sex thing, nothing more. I don't believe he ever truly loved me, so that's why I don't call him a boyfriend." It had to be the alcohol that made her admit something like this so willingly, but even that was eventually fading and she felt herself begin to regain her mind. When Gajeel smirked towards her something tugged in her chest that only made her mad. Before she could stop herself, she was venting out in the small kitchen. "It wasn't beneficial because I don't find the point in any of that, anyway. Sex, I mean. It's so stupid, and even then it's like he never even wanted it. He never had time for me. I couldn't take it anymore! I'm glad we're over, whatever we were, I..." her eyes watered and she turned away from him. Crap, she thought to herself as she tried to blink the tears away. She didn't plan on spilling this entire thing out especially to someone like Gajeel who she'd never even had a conversation with. Besides, talking about her disinterest in sex didn't exactly set the mood for her one night stand.

"Ya never came before, have ya Shorty?" He asked nonchalantly from behind her, and she turned around sharply to find him examining the mug she had given him earlier. He read the quote on it, something about books of course, and his nose wrinkled at how cheesy it was. Levy was surprised that he could even ask something so vulgar with the same tone you'd have when discussing the weather and her face heated up and she couldn't help but feel offended. What made it worse was how there wasn't even a speck of surprise in his voice, like her entire boring sex life was stamped on her forehead word for word.

"Wh-what makes you think that?" Levy's eyes narrowed as she asked defensively, ashamed at the fact that she was twenty and her sex life was so pathetic. When glanced over at her she gulped at how intense his stare was.

"Just a feelin'," he chuckled a distinct laugh that she's never heard before. "And from the sounds of it, the benefits were one sided. Musta not known what he was doin', stupid bastard."

"I've come before," she spat out as if this were something worth arguing about. She wanted to scold him again for talking down on Laxus, but she was far too triggered by his commentary that she let it slide. "I'm an adult you know; I know what I'm doing."

"Sure ya do," he replied. He snickered when she bristled up, "if ya hadn't told me ya little back story with what's-his-face I woulda just assumed ya were a virgin."

This man! Levy's face heated up at the sound of that. "I'm not a—!" Her face flushed and she quickly placed her hands against his chest and pushed him a few steps away from her. "You're so stupid, Gajeel! Get out of my way!" She stormed off passed him and marched towards her room. When she slammed the door behind her she gripped at her wavy hair and seethed. How could she have picked the most insensitive man to be the one she used to aid her in getting over Laxus? There wasn't much to forget, only the horrible argument they had that wounded so badly that it even ruined their friendship. There was no going back to how things were, not after everything that happened. To make it worse, getting into a relationship with Laxus had destroyed her trio with Jet and Droy, who had been driven so mad with jealousy that they gave up on her altogether. Now she was alone and breaking, and reminiscing on the events that had only happened in the past three months made Levy's chest tighten with pain. Maybe Cana was right, maybe she didn't drink enough after all. She just wanted this one night stand to be over it, and it would take too much effort to try to pick up a conversation with another man and do this whole thing over again. The tasteless, rude man she left behind in the kitchen would just have to do.

She tore out of her damp stockings and replaced her revealing top with someone more comfortable. She hesitated in only her skirt as she went rampantly through her closet and drawers. She felt her face heat up when she realized she didn't exactly have the lingerie like the other girls did, and in that moment she panicked when she couldn't figure out something sexy enough. Not that it mattered, did it? She was going to be naked anyway. Her heart pounded when reality hit her; she had only ever experienced anything with Laxus, and even then that left her beyond inexperienced. An impatient knock rattled her bedroom door and she darted around in vain only to answer the door in her tight, pencil skirt and black laced bra. Not the best, but it was better than her pajama shirts that were her second option. Levy's heart beat sped up when Gajeel's eyes scanned her body, and without knowing what to say in the moment she pouted. "Ready to insult me some more?"

"I was just sayin' ya look a little innocent, yer the one who blew it outta proportion," he explained himself before allowing himself into her bedroom. Levy flared at him as he closed the door behind him and gave a quick scan of the bedroom. Between four green walls was a queen sized bed with iron detailing wrapping around four posts and forming into a canopy. To the left of them were the white paned double doors leading out to the balcony that overlooked the partial skyline of Magnolia and the long strip of townhomes and condos. Behind him was the master bathroom, with the large mirrors and the upscale porcelain tub that Levy always planned to use for a romantic night in, though so far its main use was for bath bombs and movies with her lonesome.

"Well?" Levy asked when the silence became unbearable. "Are you just going to look around?" She felt her heart flutter when all of the strong man's attention was turned to her, and they locked eyes for the longest as he shrugged off his jacket.

"Yer quite bold for someone so quiet," Gajeel grinned at the short girl. "I'm not sure if yer ready for this, though. Are ya sure this is what ya want?"

"I want this," Levy assured him. "And I told you before I—"

Levy cried out in shock when her body was slammed against her bedroom wall. The photo frames and pictures were no match for the brute force and fell to their demise against the crème carpet. Levy gasped as her wrists were held down against the olive walls, and she wrapped her legs tightly around Gajeel's hips to keep her from falling. With her squeezing him closer to her, she felt his hard on press against the fabric of his dark washed pants, and feeling something so intimate so suddenly drove her mad. She gasped at the contact only to be silence when his lips found their way towards the soft skin between her neck and shoulder. He pushed forward, shoving himself against her and closing the gap between them. Completely turned on like a switch, Levy wanted to remove everything in between her and that undeniable pleasure, all clothing and tension, but all she could do was perch against him impatiently as he held her right where he wanted. Her breath hitched as she felt his warm tongue trail up her neck, starting from her collar bone and ending into a swirled kiss right under jaw. She groaned at the devil work he did against her skin, and she squeezed her hands into fists so tightly she could feel her finger nails cut into her palms.

"G-Gajeel!" She cried out as the man continued to lick up her neck; when she turned to see what his next move was, his lips captured hers and passionately pressed against her with a pressure than was both harsh yet enjoyable. Kissing him was so different compared to the man she was with before; his lips were plumper, easier and more enjoyable to suck gently on, and oddly every so often she could feel the studs beneath his chin brush against her own. He slowly incorporated his tongue, before returning to a pace that he set, and in the heat of the moment their tongues tangoed as they kissed, and his hands released from her sore wrists to further explore the rest of her body. He expertly unsnapped the restraints of her bra and the lacy undergarment fell to pool beside his feet, allowing her perky breasts to spring free from their captivity. Levy cried out when he dropped her onto the bed, catching her fall with his arms, and that same whimper churned into an elongated moan when his lips clasped over one of her sensitive, erect buds.

"Oh my God," she whimpered, just as his hand reached up her torso to give attention to her other neglected nipple. He twisted roughly, far harsher than Laxus had ever touched her before, but something about the pain processed in her mind as pleasure, and as badly as she wanted to shriek for him to stop, she couldn't help but encourage him to continue the torment further. It was in such sharp contradicting sensation, the rough tugging compared to the soft, teasing licks on her other breast. Never had she ever felt so confused, for something so painful could feel so damn good, and when he squeezed her sensitive bud between the rough pad of his thumb and index finger, she cried out with a "oh yes, please!"

Gajeel chuckled at her vocal reaction, and when she stared up at him panting, he placed his face only a breath away from her. "By the time I'm done with ya, yer gonna have a different perspective on fuckin'," he promised her, and the devilish glint in his eyes both threatened her and sparked her curiosity.

"Is that so?" She asked with the best flirtatious grin she could muster. "Well, Mr. Redfox, perhaps you should enlighten me!" She giggled cheekily, excitement rushing through her, but the smile was wiped off of her when he continued onward. She gasped when his hands came to her hips and tore her skirt off from her milky thighs. Now left in only her revealing lingerie Levy felt more exposed than she had in ages. She clasped her thighs closed impulsively and sat up with a worried look. Gajeel had just finished taking off his buttoned down shirt, and when he saw the small girl so closed up and shy he furrowed his brows. "Don't tell me yer closin' up already," he grinned mischievously when she pouted back at him. "C'mon now, there's nothing to be shy about."

"I know I just... haven't been with someone for quite some time. It's... it's embarrassing!" Levy cried out as she looked away from him. If the way he toyed with her body wasn't enough to make her heart pound against her chest, just the sight of Gajeel without his shirt on was enough to make her faint. His body was ripped with muscle and all of his hard work that he put into his workouts was displayed like fine art on a fresh canvas. In other words he was absolutely beautiful, and she felt the heat pool between her thighs at such an attractive man giving her so much attention. She gasped when she was caught off guard and his large hands pulled apart her thighs for her. Beneath the revealing underwear there wasn't too much to hide; through the mesh and lace he could see her glistening core already dripping for him, and through the lace he dragged his finger, which immediately picked up on how wet she was for him. He stroked his finger back and forth between her lips, soaking her panties further and causing a cute shiver to rush through her body.

Her thighs shook at the mere touch, and he snickered at how easily she melted from just the simple flick against her most sensitive spot. She cried out more than she moaned, and he loved how loud she was when she was getting pleased. He slipped off the lace material until she was completely naked in front of him, and for the first time in a while Gajeel had felt flustered. Her body was perfect, from her large hips, thick thighs and a rounded ass that anyone would be fond of, he found himself almost drooling at the sight before him. It didn't help how undeniably wet she was either and the sight alone made his hard, impatient dick press against his pants demanding release. He gritted his teeth when she looked up at him worriedly. "Is something the matter?" She asked carefully.

"Just a shame you've never been touched properly," he answered when he lowered himself between her thighs. He wasn't a cheeky man who smiled constantly, Levy never associated herself with a more serious man, but in this moment he smiled softly, though it was still darkened with lust. He found it cute how wide eyed she was, and like he had mentioned earlier, she gave off such an innocent look that only turned him more on. "Hmph, sobered up pretty quickly, haven't ya, Shorty?"

Her brows furrowed cutely, "Sh-shut up, stupid Gaj—" but she was stopped shortly when his tongue made its way from the bottom of her core, all the way up until it swirled around her swollen clit. Levy cried out and impulsively squeezed her legs shut, so fast that her thighs knocked against his ears. Gajeel glanced up at her with a look cold as steel and she felt herself blush vividly.

"I'm so sorry, it's just so sensitive," she mumbled her apology, and a short smile formed on his lips.

"Bad girl, what're we gonna to do with ya?" Gajeel asked with a curious lilt to his voice; the tone of his words slightly tugged at Levy's sporadic thoughts as his almost whispered question laid out a land of endless possibilities. Her heart couldn't have pounded harder against her chest, and although she sobered up and this was by far the wildest thing she'd ever willingly done herself, despite being thrown in completely foreign waters— which she had basically dived right into —she didn't want this moment to stop. No matter how anxious she was about being with someone new, she couldn't describe how undeniably right this all felt to her; everything from the red satin sheets beneath her to the crisp, cool air of the apartment to the handsome man between her legs. Even if she were to regret it in the morning, or if she'd forget it ever happened, all she could conclude with was that she whole heartedly wanted this. Her mind was snatched back to the cold hard ground and out of the clouds she were dreaming in when she heard the familiar few clicks and snap.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" She squeaked out when her wrists were handcuffed together. Levy's face heated up as Gajeel stepped back up to his full height to look down on the scene he had created. Levy jerked effortlessly at the restraints that were luckily bonded in front of her rather than behind her back like the many criminals she witnessed at work, however it didn't change the fact that Gajeel was still somewhat of a stranger. Apart from how uncomfortable she was doing this with someone she met, she couldn't shake off how erotic it was and how she kind of didn't mind it. "These aren't a toy, you know!"

"Oh, I know very well that they aren't a toy, Miss Levy." He twirled the second pair of cuffs that he discovered on her dresser, and slipped his index finger inside the ring as he twirled it around. The handcuffs circled around as he spun it in a circle tauntingly above her. "If I didn't know ya were a rookie cop, I woulda just thought ya were a perv."

"Y-you're the perv!" She spat out with a reddened face as Gajeel pulled the chain between her bound wrists and lifted it upward, causing her arms to rise against her will like thin strings controlling a puppet. With her arms above her head and the rest of her vulnerable to his desires, Levy felt herself grow even wetter than she already was, and being completely under his control was both frightening and so absolutely erotic.

"Never been tied up, have ya shorty?" He asked her with the tug of the slender chain. "Ain't out of yer comfort zone, is it?"

"N-not even!" She bit back challengingly. Despite how nervous she was to be doing this with someone she just met, as an officer she believed she had to be completely fearless, which Juvia had explained to her in careful detail was different than being careless. Even with the man she had just met, she didn't feel any danger with him. He wasn't someone she felt would hurt him, she could read people like open books even before the academy had trained her on doing so. Looking up into his crimson eyes she somehow felt comfortable; as if this weren't the first time they had done something like this. Seeing his challenging smirk only made Levy feel a bit more daring herself, and with a cheeky grin she chirped her reply. "This is nothing to me!"

"Is that so?" Gajeel asked with a quick tug of the chain. Satisfied with the consent he was given, he allowed the chain to slip off of his finger and drop back down, allowing Levy some relief as her bounded wrists returned to in front of her torso. "Good to hear; now we can get started."

Levy didn't have time to think of a reply when her body was flipped over onto the bed. The room spun around her and before she could process what was happening she felt his fingertips dig into her hips and pull her lower body towards him. Now with her tightly handcuffed wrists underneath her and her plump bottom thrust in the air, Levy gasped at the position he had placed her in. Feeling the heat race completely to her face like hot air rising to the ceiling, Levy squealed with something she couldn't distinguish between excitement and fear. Probably both. "Wh-what are you doing?!"

"First things first, Shorty," Gajeel started, and Levy's body reacted with a soft tremble as she felt his breath brush against her wet core. "I'm gonna make ya cum, somethin' that's been long overdue."

"I- I don't think I know how to cum," she admitted shamefully as she dug her face into the blanket beneath her.

"Ya don't, huh…" He asked with no tone to his voice. With such little emotion in his words she couldn't picture what he was thinking, and she wanted more than anything to turn around and look the man in his eyes, but with her face down and ass up she was stuck fixating on either the window sill or her headboard. She grew restless when he remained silent.

"I'm not trying to kill the mood," she explained herself. "I'm sorry, that's probably stupid to say right in the middle of what we're doing, it's so not sexy... I just, I just don't think I—" Levy's explanation was slammed to a halt as her breath hitched and cut off her words. The way he had tasted her moments before was now labeled as only a teasingly, playful lick. Levy curled her fingers tightly as his lips took in her clit and sucked heavenly against it. Never had she felt a sensation such as that, nor had she ever known that the pressure could be so overwhelmingly pleasurable. She gasped as he released her and swirled circles against the sensitive bundle of nerves, and just as she thought she'd melt completely off the bed and through the cracks of the floor boards his fingers spread her lips further and the speed in which he worked his tongue against her increased. Now with his tongue rapidly darting in a session of both flicks and swirls Levy couldn't keep up with the sensation, but when she began picking up on the pattern in which he was going she felt something forceful build up between her legs.

"Oh my God!" She cried out. "Oh my God, oh my God!" She whimpered as her legs began shaking uncontrollably from behind her. She felt his strong arms wrap around her thighs and hold her legs in place, and her eyes widened at the realization that she couldn't clamp her legs close no matter how overwhelming the sensation became. Testing her limits and pushing against his hold with all her might, Levy noted that she was completely under his control, only able to move with the slightest wiggle of her fingers and slight shimmy of her shoulders.

"I think this is much better, don't ya Shorty?" Gajeel asked from behind her as he slowly licked up and down her inner thighs. "Right where I want ya," his voice rumbled with lust, causing his words to come out with an animalistic growl. His teeth sunk into the supple flesh of her inner thigh and like crazy she rocked her body towards him, eagerly hoping he'd get the idea and continue what he had started. "Somethin' the matter? Yer legs are shakin'." She could just hear the smirk in his question. "Do you want to keep gettin' eaten?" He asked her slowly, and his voice rung with an aww type of tone, like her restless need was something he found cute.

Levy shook her head frivolously. "What kind of stupid question is that? St-stupid!" She cried out.

"Hm, so that's a no?" He asked, and if his teasing couldn't have gotten any worse, he dipped his finger into her inviting core, only to take it out faster than she had hoped, and traced the now wet finger against her throbbing clit. Levy moaned painfully at the agonizingly slow pace that he circled around her, and she tried her best to push her hips towards him, hoping to God that she could somehow get herself to climb this mountain she was so foreign to.

"Please, I need it, please continue!" She practically cried, throwing her pride aside and hoping that this at least was enough for him to continue the wonders he had begun on her. Gajeel grinned at her desperation and rewarded her by inserting a finger deep in her, curling it so that the tip would stroke across her G spot. Her mouth dropped open and she relished in the intense feeling, but she was snapped out of it when again he retracted away from her and left her craving more.

"Sorry, don't think I heard ya," he chuckled as he pumped the digit in and out at a purposely slow pace. The frustration was unbearable as Levy gritted her teeth and blinked the tears away from her eyes. Feeling her tense up around him, Gajeel felt a bit sorry for the woman, but he was enjoying himself far too much to give the feisty girl what she wanted so easily. "Ya gonna have to beg for it, Shorty."

He can't be serious! She thought to herself angrily, but at the rate he was going she wouldn't be able to take the teasing any further. Her cheeks were on fire, and carefully she tested it out. "Oh please," she started off softly, embarrassed at how pathetic she sounded. When his finger began pumping at a faster rate, Levy couldn't control herself, and naturally the cries came spewing out of her. "Oh please, oh please! Please, Gajeel! Please, please— please—!" She was practically screaming as he dramatically increased his speed and fingered her eagerly, and although it was a different route she could feel herself climbing the same mountain. Her panting mixed with her moans to create a beautiful symphony of her vocalized pleasure, and pleased to hear her cooperate so easily, Gajeel felt she deserved to be rewarded. "Good girl, I'll give ya want ya want since ya asked nicely."

"Gajeel..." Levy moaned out, only to cry once more when his tongue returned to her clit; sucking and darting across it all the while continue to finger her at the wonderful pace she had begged so wholeheartedly for. With so much attention on both sensitive areas Levy was overwhelmed and intoxicated with the pleasure, and before she could even cry out in delight she felt her eyes roll back to her head as something unexplainable happened between her legs. She felt the pressure grow astonishingly, and she found herself incapable of even speaking, and her moans fell short for a few moments as only small cries and yelps came out of her, causing her body to jerk around before that said pressure would burst, and before she could even wrap her mind around it her body was shaking and an unbelievable heat crashed through her. She screamed out then, amazed at the scorching heat that coursed through her veins; she rode that wave with a heavenly moan filling the apartment and an enthusiastic cry of his name. Gajeel grinned against her as he continued until he knew she was finished, and he watched happily as her body slumped downward against the bed. Levy felt as if all the energy had been sucked out of her, and she sighed as she felt a tired haze slip over her like a comforting blanket. With such a long night she almost wanted to close her eyes, but like an alarm going off in her, she jumped when he flicked his tongue over her painfully sensitive core.

"No, please!" She whimpered as her body reacted to him.

He chuckled, "hmph, that was one Hell of an orgasm," he watched as her sweet nectar trailed off of her reddened lips and rolled down her thighs. He twitched just watching it, and his tongue lapped up the mess she made and caused her breathing to differ once again. "Still think ya can't cum, Shorty?" He asked teasingly.

"Heh," she replied with a soft chuckle. She was too tired to protest, like she'd even want to at this point, when Gajeel flipped her onto her back. Levy marveled at the sight of him cleaning her off of his fingers, and she bit down on her lip when he slipped out of his clothing and released the large erection he had painfully kept to himself. "Wow..." she whispered as she analyzed his length, relieved that he wasn't ridiculously big, but far from average as well. A perfect size she thought to herself, and she opened her legs willingly for him. He raised his cock some to meet her entrance, and just feeling the head press against her caused her eyes to flutter. Gajeel ran his fingers through her unruly curls and grabbed a fistful of hair as he brought her upwards so she could see him position himself between her.

"Heard it feels better to get fucked after ya came," he muttered from some past knowledge she knew nothing about. It was news to her however, and given she had never came during her last few times she had intercourse, Levy couldn't imagine what was in store for her. "I love the way yer watchin' me, shorty." He rubbed his head and down her entrance, and she drooled slightly as his velvety tip ran up and down her already stimulated nub.

"It's because I want it," Levy mewed, learning quickly that he enjoyed the dirty talk. "I want it so badly, please..."

"Hmph, when ya ask like that," Gajeel smirked just as he slipped his length inside of her. Levy would have snapped her head back if Gajeel weren't pulling her hair and keeping her head forward, and along with the discomfort of the restraints and the dull pain against her scalp, Levy was surprised to see the pain only enhanced the pleasure. Gajeel remained where he was to help her adjust to his length, and he gritted his teeth when seeing her in so much ecstasy turned him on so badly.

"Holy..." Levy whispered as she felt her walls accommodate his girth. She trembled but she couldn't believe how amazing it felt, and with every soft movement she made she could feel him deep inside her. "Oh my god," she repeated.

"Feels good, huh?" He smiled at her enthusiasm and the way her eyes rolled back slightly from him filling her. "I'm gonna start moving, alright?" He asked her.

"O-okay," she whispered, and he released her curls and placed his hand on her wrists instead, pulling the handcuffs above her head so she was pinned to the bed. They smiled at one another momentarily, only for both of their faces to harden at the pressure between both of them. Gajeel attempted to start off slow, but after filling her and her encouraging cries of enjoyment, he couldn't help but pound in and out of her frivolously, relishing in the way she clamped down around him, and with every pump he went deeper and deeper into her, listening carefully for any cries of protest or pain, but instead his actions were fueled with her constant "yes, yes, yes," that begged him to go faster. His lower stomach was almost slamming against her as he pushed himself as deeply as he could inside of her, and Levy cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain, but didn't dare ask him to stop.

Gajeel gritted his teeth and swore underneath his breath; never had he ever felt the need to release so quickly, and it was the vixen underneath him who had caused this. She felt so fucking good, and as badly as he wanted to prolong his pleasure he knew he'd be done for in the next ten minutes. It was embarrassing almost, but relief struck him as he heard her beautiful cry once more, announcing to only the both of them, but with a voice that the whole world could hear, that she was about to orgasm again. "Oh my God," Levy screamed, "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna— I'm—!" She moaned as she released for the second time that night, and Gajeel snickered when he still had some ways to go. He pumped harder as he watched her spasm around him, with her eyes screwing shut and her breasts bouncing up and down with the pace he was going in and out her, it was sight to see. She cried out when she returned from her high, only to find Gajeel lowering down so that both their chests pressed against one another.

"Oh God, I don't—!" Her eyes widened up at him when he didn't even look close to being finished. "I don't think I can again!" She cried out when she realized it wasn't over, and he admired the way her eyes fluttered as he relentlessly pounded in her. His fingers curled around her neck and his other hands held her down by the restraints. At first she had thought he was choking her, but instead his fingers applied pressure on the side of her neck, and oddly it had felt so enticing that she could help but moan. Slowing down between her legs, Gajeel imprisoned her lips once more, pushing his tongue past the barricade of her mouth and tasting her screams.

"Yer gonna cum again," he ordered her. "I ain't given ya a damn choice," his voice rumbled, and when the flustered girl didn't cry for him to stop or plead him otherwise he returned to the fast pace that made her spasm the first time, and she opened up for him wider as he gave her everything he had.

"Oh God, oh God!" She whimpered, and she squeezed her eyes tightly as she was propelled up that same damn hill at top speed. Gajeel grunted as he himself felt the pressure building in his lower stomach. His fingers dug into the sheets beneath them as his thrusts became faster and harsher, causing the bed frame to shake from the force of it all. Her moaning and cries of ecstasy only helped him reach his climax sooner, and he roared her name as he released inside of her, finally letting go of the urge he had for months and feeling his clenched muscles release. Levy had cried his name out as well, and he toppled on top of her, catching himself with his forearms before crushing her with his weight.

The two of them lied there as they caught their breath; once the both of their eyes met they found themselves laughing together, both incredibly pleased with the spontaneous one night stand. Gajeel's hand ran across the sleek surface of the nightstand until his fingers brushed against the key. He released Levy from her restraints. Levy rubbed her sore wrists and Gajeel's satisfied look was replaced with one of concern. "Sorry 'bout that, got a little carried away."

"No, I liked it," Levy smiled softly. She turned to him to see some of his bangs sticking to the slick heated skin of his forehead, and carefully she brushed it aside and back to the way he had it slicked back before their steamy moment. They were silent as she fixed his hair, and his eyes swirled with something as he watched her do so, and shivers ran up his spine as her fingers raked his scalp and combed out his hair. Levy blushed vividly when she caught herself lingering too long with his hair, and she retracted her hand back. "Wow, it's pretty late," Levy noted as the alarm clock beside her read three A.M. She had completely forgotten that she'd skip the party and that Cana and Lucy would be worried sick about her, but that was something she'd confront at a later time. She was glad to have the handcuffs removed from her, and when she sat perched at the foot of the bed she smiled warmly when Gajeel pushed the bangs out of her eyes and smoothed the hair against her head the same way she had before. It was comforting that a man with such a rough touch could soothe the pain with such a soft brush of her bangs. Enjoying the way he played with her hair, Levy batted her eyes up at him. "Would you... like to spend the night?" Levy asked carefully, in which to her surprise the large man who had already buckled his belt gave it consideration.

"Wouldn't hurt," he answered with a grin.