A/N Hi everyone this is my first Fanfiction and I hope you like it. I would appreciate it if you could give me feedback on the story and if you'd like to read more off it. And of course I don't own anything Hunger games related all the characters are owned by the author Suzanne Collins.

Chapter 1

Katniss loved her family, she would do anything for them, she even gave up her chance at going to university because she had to stay home and take care of her little sister Prim. Although, she was smart and was the top achiever of her class she still couldn't leave her family behind. So, she settled for her full-time job at the shabby old diner ran by Greasy Sae. The diner was always booming with high schoolers, as they were known to have the best cheese burgers in town and therefore, was always packed on a Friday night. She was just barely making ends meet to support herself, her sister and her mother and therefore worked every hour she could get in order, to help save for Prims college fund. Katniss didn't necessarily hate her life, but she did have dreams, she dreamt of owning her own pharmaceutical company but after the death of her father at the age of 11 and her mother slowly began going into deep depression Katniss knew that her dream would become just that… a dream, it would never become a reality because she loved her sister more than life and needed to stay to help support her. However, Katniss didn't want her sister to suffer, to stay in the drab dreary town that was district 12, so she saved every penny she could to help her sister become a doctor. Prim was 18 and Katniss was 22, at the age of 18 Prim was beautiful, with her clear blue eyes and long blonde hair, she was popular and loved by everyone and even had a boyfriend "Rory Hawthorne" who idolised her and was planning to follow Prim off to university so they weren't apart- Katniss however was subdue, she only really ever had one crush and after he left for university out of state Katniss never had time to think of anyone else, she put all her time and energy into working. Peeta Mellark, was the popular boy in school and every girl fancied him, even Katniss. It wasn't until Peeta bumped into Katniss at the diner and caused her to trip over and spill drinks all over him that Katniss became infatuated with him. She fell for his eyes- the bluest eyes she's ever seen that gave a twinkle when he smiled, when Peeta reached out his hand to offer Katniss a hand up that Katniss felt that rush of heat travel, up her arm and spread all over her body. She didn't know what it was, but it was electrifying and made Katniss blush. She uttered a stuttered apology and ran straight for the kitchen where she was met by her best friend Johanna who gave her a knowing smirk and a wink before she left to serve her tables. She never talked to Peeta after that and every time she seen him in school she would always turn her head a way before they could lock eyes because she knew that once she looked, into those blue eyes that she grew to fantasies about that she'd be a goner just like every other girl in school.

By no means was Katniss popular but she was well known for being the smartest girl in the school who ran like sheet lightening and could hit a bullseye with her eyes closed. She was captain of the running club and archery club and took part in the school choir were often shed be offered the solos at most of the school concerts. So, it was a shock to everyone when Katniss turned down her offer to go to university and settle for her waitressing job instead.

Katniss usually hated Friday nights working at the diner, they were the busiest of all and she was constantly bombarded with immature high school boys who would grab her ass or whistle at her as she bent over to clear their table or take their order, Katniss hated the attention she got because she didn't understand how boys found her attractive with her wavy chestnut brown hair and smouldering grey eyes, slender figure and average sized bust. She would often avoid it as much as she could but on Friday's it was often unavoidable, high school girls would send her death glares as their boyfriends would flirt with Katniss and she would more often come home drained from her shift. But this night felt different for Katniss she couldn't understand the feeling she got in her stomach when she entered the diner to start her shift, she felt a sense of comfort and calm wash over her, she felt safe and didn't understand why she felt like tonight would be a good night. She went straight to the staff room were she dropped off her things and was met by her best friend Johanna who noticed something was wrong with Katniss " Hi Brainless, what's that look about" Katniss just glared at Johanna who laughed at Katniss and said " Oh Brainless you've got this confused, deer in the headlights look about you" Katniss sighed and said " I don't know Johanna I just feel like somethings going to happen tonight and its weird, I've never come into this place on a Friday night feeling comforted and calm because I fucking hate Fridays, I hate getting my ass grabbed and I hate those little shits whistling at me while I try to take their order, so I don't get why I feel calm about working tonight" Johanna just shrugged and said " beats me, maybe you just had a good shag last night or a very mind blowing self-indulged orgasm" Katniss chocked on air as she sent death glares to Johanna and told her to fuck off, that she wasn't like that, Johanna just walked off laughing and shouting how pure Katniss was. With a huff Katniss put her things in her locker and tied her apron to her slender waist, as she made her way to the counter to collect orders for the tables Katniss would be serving she banged into someone and fell straight to the ground, as she realised what happened she was about to scream "what the fuck" when strong hands pulled her up and as Katniss looked up at the figure who picked her up all she could do was freeze and look into those deep blue eyes while he laughed and said " we really have to stop meeting like this"