Long time no write! Sorry about that. I've had this one in the works. I still haven't decided if I want it to be a one shot or just a sporadic one. Enjoy!

Warnings: Lemon, Boy

The hotel was noisy, more so than run of the mill business could account for. Then again, that should be expected when said hotel was hosting KID's latest target. Blue eyes scanned the area with scrutiny worthy of an eagle. Something was off. There was the usual hustle and bustle of before heist excitement. There was the smell of sweaty bodies, and the scents of several omega's, beta's and alpha's all mingling together. The screaming of die hard fans outside the hotel and the flash of camera's as they snapped shots of the detectives, and what they hoped was KID's disguise. Yet there was something more in the air tonight, and Shinichi couldn't put his finger on it. Something that especially bugged him considering his status as a detective and an Alpha.

"Keibu! A minute before the announced time!" An officer called out to Nakamori, who was pointedly giving Shinichi a wide berth. The teenage detective gave a wry quirk of lips at the beta, he couldn't really fault the man for obeying his instincts. Shinichi knew his dominance was rolling around the place, but he was having a hard time reining it in with that unknown thing bugging him.

"Sorry Nakamori Keibu." Shinichi murmured to the man as he made his way over to the other side of the room where he knew he'd have the best view. The man jumped before giving a shaky nod, letting the Alpha do as he wished. The moment Shinichi's back met the wall, the lights in the room flickered before washing the room in darkness.

KID's maniac laughter filled the room as Nakamori bellowed for the lights to be turned back on. Shinichi stayed stork still, deciding moving would probably land him in some hidden trap. He couldn't help the full body shudder as a floral, roses Shinichi decided, scent mingled with gunmetal filled the room.

When the lights flashed back on, momentarily blinding everyone in the room except the phantom thief standing on the display case. The thief stood proudly on the display case, hand on hat, tilting it down to shadow his eyes.

"Ladies and Gentleman!" KID yelled out, sweeping his cape dramatically behind him. Shinichi's nose flared delicately as the magician's scent was pushed toward him. Sugar, chocolate, adrenaline, a scent that had an undertone of sweetness. He bit his lip to stop his tongue from wetting his lips. KID's arms spread out in a showman's welcome, as he grinned at his audience.

"KID!" Nakamori yelled, lunging at the magician as the task force began their game of dog pile the bandit. The man in white laughed, nimbly dodging the men as he seemed to dance around them. Shinichi tracked his movements with his eyes, only losing sight of him for mere milliseconds when he used a smoke bomb. The magician cackled when the task force tripped into traps, setting off colourful smoke bombs that dyed their uniforms. With target in hand, KID darted passed Shinichi, his breathing more laboured then the acrobatics warranted, considering that the thief pulled off less then his usual amount of stunts that is.

The Heisei Holmes quickly darted after the white cape, that enticing scent billowing towards him as he chased the thief. They raced to the top of the hotel, flash of white cloth disappearing through the roof door. Shinichi followed it, hand reaching out to grab the cape. Surprise shocking him for a moment when he realised he had actually managed to latch onto it. He tugged, sending him and KID careening across the floor, ending with Shinichi straddling the thief. The man in white stared wide eyed up at the detective as he panted.

"Hello Meitantei." KID breathed out, feeling his eyes dilate at the warm weight on him. Shinichi's own eyes dilated, nose taking in KID's scent, his hands tightening slightly in the thief's wrists.

"Hello KID." Shinichi returned, voice husky as his Alpha genes forced their way to his mind.

"You've gotten faster." The thief commented, eyes idly tracing the outline of the detectives profile.

"Your off your game tonight. What's wrong?" Shinichi asked, leaning forward so that he could look into the thief's enigmatic eyes. KID flushed red, opening his mouth before closing it and swallowing.

"It's nothing. Just having a rough day." KID said flippantly, beginning to squirm, trying to find a way out of the hold. Shinichi's grip tightened on his wrists, the dominating action sending a spike of heat to Kaito's blood. He bit his tongue to withhold a whimper for more.

"No, it's something else. It's -" Shinichi cut himself off as he took another deep breath, suppressing a growl.

"Your in heat Kuroba." He rumbled, tipping forward slightly as he confirmed what he'd said. The thief shuddered, turning his head away in a huff. Shinichi forced himself to lean back rather then nibble the inviting expanse of skin that the thief had exposed.

"We're at a heist." Kaito grumbled, trying to ignore the heat in his blood, and the very accommodating Alpha sitting on top of him.

"You shouldn't be having heists when your in heat." Shinichi growled, glaring down at his friend. Kaito childishly stuck his tongue out. Shinichi glanced away at that flash of pink tongue. He forced himself not to straddle Kaito, forced himself to push his Alpha senses to the back of his mind.

"I'll be fine. It only just started today, and I can be back home before it really sets in." Kaito excused, sitting up as Shinichi got off of him. The detective glared at him, but there was something off in his eyes.

"You haven't been in heat before have you?" Shinichi muttered, pointedly not looking at the omega.

"Why does that matter?" Kaito asked, feeling a bit defensive.

"You have no idea what your scent is doing to my senses." Shinichi growled, finally looking at the other male. His eyes were largely dilated, fists clenched at his side, it was only then that Kaito noticed the dominance that was fighting to reach him. He scrambled back, before turning his head away with a flush.

"Sorry..." He mumbled, standing up and fixing his suit, not that it needed fixing, he just needed something to do.

"Come back to my place once your finished with your heist." Shinichi said, looking towards the stars rather then his friend.

"Won't I just cause issues for you?" Kaito asked, turning to look at the detectives back.

"Your home is back in Ekoda. You'll cause more problems for me if you ran around this city smelling like you do. You could be taken advantage of if the heat becomes too much before you get home." Shinichi answered, and Kaito felt a little hopeful spark disappear. Stupid detective for not realising what he wanted. He opened his mouth to argue that he would just fly home, regardless what the detective thought.

"Besides, your mine. I don't want anyone else touching you." Kaito barely heard it as the detective mumbled petulantly, but he probably wasn't meant to hear it. The omega grinned, bounding over to the alpha, hugging him from behind. Kaito pressed a kiss to Shinichi's cheek, grinning at the rumbling purr that escaped the alpha.

"See you back at your place Meitantei." Kaito whispered, before running off the top of the building, letting himself free fall for a bit before engaging his glider. He had to force his giddiness down to be able to fly straight. Shinichi was going to claim him tonight.

At that press of soft, warm, pliant lips to his cheek, and those heated words whispered in his ear, Shinichi had gone completely ridged lest he pin the thief to the wall and ravish him. When that luring scent disappeared off into the night, he let out a tight breath.

Patting his pockets, he found the heist target in his back pockets. Where else would Kaito put it? He thought with wry amusement. Grabbing it out, it was an alluring unset sapphire, one that was almost the colour of his eyes. Probably the reason why Kaito chose it. He'd known it, from that first clock tower heist, that the thief had been his mate, his true mate. Then Conan had happened, and he couldn't expect to greet the thief properly. So he'd kept his distance by only going to his heists, rather then tracking him down by his scent.

Shinichi turned to go down the stair well, letting the door slam shut on its own. Then, once everything had been taken care of, it had finally been safe enough for him to become Shinichi again. What he hadn't expected, was for KID to appear as Kaito by his bedside as he changed permanently into Shinichi. He still remembered the mix of worry, fear, and anxiety on his face. Clearly remembered the way he'd reached out and bushed a strand of hair behind Kaito's ear, pulling him down for a chaste kiss on the lips before he'd succumbed to the pain and unconsciousness again.

As he walked into the foyer, he sighed. Kaito had left him some clean up to do. It would at least give them some time to cool their heels... or get frustrated. Sighing through his nose, but able to rein in his dominance now that he knew what had been feeling weird, he went around releasing the task force.

Escaping to his memories as the debrief commenced, he could remember waking up to his bedroom and a warm weight on his hips. As he'd glanced around, he'd found that Kaito had fallen asleep at his bed side, hands clutching his own, and head resting on his waist. Smiling fondly, he'd carded his fingers through that birds nest called hair. Kaito had moved instinctively in his sleep, pressing his nose to Shinichi's wrist with a deep breath. It was then, that Shinichi knew he'd been right all those years ago in believing that the thief during the clock tower heist was his true mate. He wanted to do this right. Become friends first, and slowly build a steady relationship with Kaito. Wanted to learn everything about him without their disguises. What he liked, what he didn't, fears, hopes and dreams. Learn about him as Shinichi and Kaito, no longer KID and Conan. Court him how he should be, treat him as if he was as precious as those gems he stole, even though he was so much more.

"Dismissed!" Nakamori yelled out, despite the distinct lack of reason to. Shinichi snapped out of his daydream, and hurried over to his car. Something he'd been grateful for ever since becoming Shinichi. He could finally drive, catch up to the rest of the people his age and get that independence. He had to consciously watch his speed, knowing that his Alpha genes were telling him to hurry home to his mate. Soon to be mate, he corrected. Only if Kaito wanted it, and it wasn't just a heat induced reaction. As he pulled into the Kudo mansion, he could smell gun metal and roses from where he stood. He urgently made his way to the door, unlocking it quickly.

The door swung open before slamming closed behind him. His azure eyes largely dilated, he gazed around the room. He shrugged his jacket off, the sense of mine, home and want thrumming through him. He glanced around the room seeing traces of Kaito everywhere. His jacket from his post heist get up, shoes at the door way, a black baseball cap on the kitchen table. Shinichi toed his shoes off, he could fix them later.

Following the scent upstairs, he came to his own bedroom. He cautiously pushed the door open on silent hinges, ears pricked for any sound. There were no lights on in the room, only his open curtains allowing moonlight to spill into it. His breath hitched at the sight of Kaito curled up on his bed, seemingly unaware of anything but the heat thrumming through his veins. Quiet needy little whimpers escaped from the clenched lips, his body sweating as it was overwhelmed with the need to be with its mate.

Shinichi wasn't even conscious of the fact that he'd shed his shirts, leaving him in pants and boxers. He crept up to the thief, sitting on the edge of the bed. He reached over, rolling Kaito over to face him. Hazy violet eyes blinked up at him, another whimper escaping him. Shinichi caressed the other mans jawline, admiring the features that made them different from each other. Kaito leaned into the touch, pressing a kiss to Shincihi's pulse point. The alpha shuddered, before straddling the omega.

"You sure?" Shinichi whispered, leaning his head down, breathing in lungfuls of gunmetal and roses. Kaito pushed his own nose into Shinichi's neck. The heady warmth of the others weight on him was addictive.

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." Kaito whispered, gasping out as Shinichi's hands made their way under his shirt, resting just above the jut of his hips. Twin prints of warmth pooling were those hands pressed and massaged the skin. Kaito reached out, tugging the alpha to his lips. Shinichi gently kissed him, teeth nibbling on the pliant lips. He quickly abandoned that for licking his way into Kaito's mouth. Kaito obediently opened to his detective, arms circling around his neck. When Shinichi pulled back, Kaito whined, tugging insistently.

"Nichi', more." He demanded breathily. His face was flushed red, eyes glazed over, body pushing into every grazing touch.

"Shh." Shinichi hushed, brushing Kaito's fringe back. He kissed his neck, oh how he wanted to mark him, but he couldn't, shouldn't and wouldn't. Not until they'd talked about this when Kaito wasn't in heat. When Kaito lent his neck back with a whine, Shinichi's domineering scent filled the room. Okay. Maybe talking could wait.

Shinichi let his hands divest Kaito of his clothes, lips pressing eager kisses to the heated body as new expanses of skin were exposed. Mine. All mine. No one else's. The alpha inside Shinichi chanted, yanking at the tight chain that he kept it on, like a hound baying for the hunt. The metaphorical chain slipped when Kaito let out a needy little whine, making Shinichi's dominance fill the room. Kaito let out another whine, head thrown back, arching into every grazing touch.

"Are-" Shincihi stared only to be cut off by a growl and glare from Kaito, whose hand had gripped the back of his neck, pulling them eye level. Shinichi couldn't help but revel in the challenge for dominance that Kaito had issued.

"If you ask me if I'm sure, I'll fly away and find some other detective that will accommodate me, maybe Tantei-san or Tantei-han." Kaito hissed, biting back a whimper and the instinct to bare his neck in submission when Shinichi's eyes darkened at the mention of other alpha's. The chain snapped, and Shinichi pounced. Kaito's clothes disappeared into shreds, Shinichi pressing his weight fully onto him.

"Cheeky." Shinichi murmured, nosing the junction of Kaito's neck and shoulder. The omega let out a cross between a breathless laugh and a groan for more. The magician's hips bucked up in clear demand, and Shinichi hissed at the beautiful friction.

"Mine." Shinichi murmured, still holding back.

"Yours." Kaito agreed easily, hoping that Shinichi would stop teasing and get on with it already. Seemingly satisfied with the answer to do something, anything, Shincihi reached between their bodies. He froze when his hand met wet slick, but hard already occupying Kaito. A deep growl rumbled out of him, his hand gripping the end of the butt plug and gently thrusting it a bit deeper. Kaito whined, wriggling in place.

"More." Kaito pleaded, grinding down on the hardness. Shinichi's nose flared, as he obliged, but going gently. Kaito whined, bucking to try and get Shinichi to go harder, faster.

"So you did know a bit about heat." Shincihi observed, watching Kaito writhe.

"Of course I do. Who do you take me for?" Kaito gasped out.

"An idiot thief who still held a heist despite being in heat." Shinichi growled, removing the plug completely, slick easing its passage and drooling onto the sheets. Kaito whined and struggled to lean up, resting on his elbows, a flush high in his cheeks.

"Why'd you stop?" Kaito growled through his panting.

"Thought you'd want something a bit more real." Shincihi murmured, eyes dark with promise, need and desire. Kaito froze then whined, leaning his head back in submission. He wanted that, he wanted it so badly. Had wanted it the moment he'd realised he wasn't a creeper crushing on a child, but a hot teenager who'd been an idiot and got himself shrunk.

"Please." Kaito whined, not caring about the fact he'd just begged.

"Gonna hurt a bit, I should prep you more." Shinichi whispered, burning desire still in his voice.

"No, I want it now. I've had that in me since yesterday, I want you. Now." Kaito demanded breathily, completely oblivious to the heat that had just surged into Shinichi's veins.

"As you wish." Shinichi rumbled before he flipped Kaito onto his stomach, getting a startled yelp before pressing his weight onto his body. Kaito purred happily, feeling the warm weight of Shinichi against him. He obligingly lifted his hips, shaking them teasingly. He sent a smug smirk back at Shinichi when he heard a possessive growl. Large hands gripped his hips, teeth nibbled at his neck and Shincihi's member nudged at his entrance. He rocked back, the warm weight breaching his walls. A breathless moan escaped him as the member continued in, long, hard and deep. He mewled when Shinichi was finally seated inside of him completely. They laid immobile for a moment, before Kaito glanced back over his shoulder, cheeks flushed and eyes dilated.

"You, you can move now." Kaito panted, body quivering. When Shinichi remained still, his hands instead skated across Kaito's body, pausing to tweek a nipple, before continuing down to caress the skin just above his erection. The thief shuddered, a groan for more clawing its way out of his throat.

"Stop teasing." Kaito moaned, head leaning back and eyes glaring faintly at Shinichi. Shinichi merely leant forward, taking Kaito's lips. Tongue inviting itself into Kaito's mouth, before licking that sensitive spot just behind his teeth. Kaito whined, toes curling.

"Please." Kaito breathed, rocking back to get his point across. Both moaned at the beautiful friction. Unable to restrain himself anymore, Kaito repeated the action, groaning as his beloved's member slid in and out of him, warmer, heavier, thicker and longer than anything else he'd ever had.

"Shincihi, Shincihi, Shinichi." Kaito chanted, hips greedily rocking back. Giving in to his lovers one worded plea, Shincihi timed it so that he thrusted forward when Kaito next rocked back, resulting in them both groaning. Shinichi didn't waste any time snapping his hips forward and setting a brutal pace that knocked the breath out of Kaito. Shincihi was kissing his neck, and taking to nibbling it.

Kaito's arms quivered, before he dropped from his hands to his elbows, stars flashing before his eyes. A yelp followed by a breathy moan came from his throat as the angle was changed. Pleasure raced along his body, his nerves constantly sparking like a live wire as Shinichi hammered into his sweet spot. Gooseflesh rippled across his skin despite the surmounting heat.

"More, I need more." Kaito grunted, shifting his hips back into Shinichi. He wasn't sure if Shinichi had heard him or not over the wet slide, and the slapping of skin on skin, but his breath did hitch. On the next roll of Shinichi's hips Kaito's eyes went wide, a guttural moan escaping him. Something hard and so much larger was bumping against his rim, fighting to get in.

"Nichi, is that?" Kaito choked out, his passage tightening in anticipation, but his slick now running freely making the passage slippery and smooth.

"Yeah," Shinichi grunted, instinctively changing to more of a grinding motion to encourage Kaito's entrance to allow his knot to slip in. Both of them let out breathless gasps as it forced its way in. Kaito trembled at the increased strain on his rear that had his toes curling.

"Fuckā€¦" Kaito breathed out as Shinichi picked up his momentum, each thrust tugging on his stretched hole that drew out a long throaty moan. A high needy whine escaped his mouth when he felt the knot begin to expand, starting to lock them together. Oh god, it felt so strange. It hurt but felt good. It was so conflicting it made his head spin.

Shinichi wrapped his arms tight around Kaito, clutching him to his chest. His knot swelled, locking them together. Kaito whimpered, shuddering his release as the knot lodged itself against his prostate. It was constantly being stimulated by Shinichi's grinding motions as he was limited to the minute movements. Despite already just cumming, Kaito's cock was already flushed and still hard from his heat. His body hyper sensitive to his beloveds every touch.

Shinichi grunted and his hand reached around to loosely fist Kaito's member, giving him the slightest hint of pressure that had him breathily moaning. Shinichi shuddered as Kaito's hole fluttered around him, seemingly unable to decide if it wanted him to go or pull him in deeper. That was the final straw, Shinichi trembled as the tight coil wound in his stomach released and he thundered out his release. Kaito's eyes widened on a loud moan as he felt his mates essence fill him. They trembled together, euphoria racing through their veins. Shinichi clutched desperately to Kaito, his hips unable to stop the gyrating motion they'd begun. He tugged Kaito up so that he was sitting on his lap, still intimately untwined, still steadily being filled. Kaito choked on his next breath as the knot was lodged just a bit deeper a bit harder against his prostate. A whine escaped and his hands instinctively clutched his stomach. His spine arched, pressing his back firmly to Shinichi's chest who was murmuring silly romantic things that all Alpha's instinctively felt they had to.

"Kai, your so good. The only omega for me. But your not just that, your perfect, I'm so happy that you chose to be my mate. I don't know what you see in me, but you make me so happy." Shinichi muttered, giving into the urge, and pressed his lips to Kaito's neck and breathing deep. Kaito whined and tilted his head to the side, offering to bare his mark.

"Please Shinichi, I need it. Don't make me wait. You know I want this. Please." Kaito murmured, pressing more insistently into Shinichi, unable to stop his desire for more. His body pressed down on Shinichi's member despite how he knew he'd lose his mind just a little bit more. Shinichi shuddered at Kaito's begging.

"But babe-" Shinichi whispered, nose tracing the line of Kaito's neck.

"Please..." Kaito whined, a shaky hand reaching up and tugging Shinichi's hair to pull him to his neck. Shinichi groaned as his teeth bumped Kaito's neck. Oh god, he wanted to, so badly. He fought with himself until another tug had his lips, teeth and tongue brushing against the flushed skin. Kaito whined, arching into the touch.

"Alright..." Shinichi whispered, giving into the soft whispered pleas. He kissed the line of Kaito's neck, and nibbling the spot he was going to mark. The most sensitive spot he could find, if only because he was a possessive bastard and wasn't ashamed to admit it. Kaito moaned in anticipation. He breathed for a moment, the scent of sweat, sex, and a mixture of them heady in the room. It only served to make him dizzy and drunk on the scent. His head tipped forwards and his one armed grip around Kaito's waist tightened. This was it. Shinichi kissed the spot before latching on and biting down hard enough to draw blood. Kaito moaned. Shinichi's voice rose in agreement, the taste was nothing like the coppery smell at crime scenes, it was like you favourite tastes mingled and spreading through his pallet. That wasn't even the best part, it was the sense of wholeness, or fulfilment that came with the bond establishing itself.

Kaito let out a breathless gasp as a thick gush of slick made its way through his system, as he came. His cock was overused and sensitised, and had calmed down, for now.

Shinichi released his teeth's grip on Kaito and just simply held him as he lapped at the blood sluggishly oozing from the bite. His hands wrapped around Kaito, their bodies still having faint tremors. Shinichi gritted his teeth as he forced his body to stop rocking, to still and just bask in his mates company. His cock was still sluggishly cumming, however it had slowed. Kaito allowed his own body to relax against Shinichi, his head a little more there now that they'd established half of the bond.

"You caught me Tantei-kun." Kaito murmured, a fond smile on his lips, and a breathless gasp escaping his lips as Shinichi chuckled, the movement jostling the member still lodged up his ass. It wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon though considering the knot.

"I think this is more of a trap you wouldn't want to escape though." Shinichi murmured back. A soft smile tugged at the edge of Kaito's lips, and he twisted his head around to gently kiss Shinichi. A sweet sigh passing between them.

Let me know what you thought!