Helloooo, my dear readers! Here is Saint again, with this 'unexpected' spin-off to give you all!

Well, not so much as I vaguely mentioned I was considering it during OPG:CoF's latest chapters. Basically, this is a small relaxed series of 'chronicles' about what our dear Heroes got up to between both major fics, as there was quite the noticeable time-skip between both, obviously, and I teased some things that happened there during Chains of Fate's second prologue :P

More importantly, though, is both to help give everyone a bit more of the 'classical' OPG feel, as I know CoF's plot and higher level of seriousness isn't everyone's cup of tea (Though Alicization's plot should be epic enough to make up for it as we keep going, in my humble opinion) and because I'm so busy these days because of my upcoming work practices that my writing speed had decreased notoriously, and these will be short and fun enough…probably XP It will also let us see the most 'human' side of the UHA, when there is no big plot on the horizon weighing down on them and they're just normal teenagers...well, not-so-normal teenagers that have kinda saved the world, 2 super AIs and a girl-turned-virtual-ghost, but you get the idea XP

That said, though, I won't bore you anymore and leave you all with the first of these 'chronicles'! To start off, and in honor to how the upcoming SAO Gameverse game, SAO Fatal Bullet, is coming out soon and almost all the characters GGO Avatars were already revealed, let's see the UHA having some fun in GGO :3!


Disclaimer: Neither SAO nor One Punch Man belong to me. I only use the plot of one and the idea of the other for my amusement and everyone's enjoyment!

Chronicle 1: Playing with Bullets

February 28th, 2026. SPC Glocken City, Gun Gale Online. 12:15…

Staring out into the post-apocalyptic city from atop a building, Asuna couldn't help but let a challenging smile appear on her face, feeling the dry virtual wind slightly blowing her hair backward.

"Heh…looks like it's going to fun exploring around here."

"Hmm, you may be right, but I can't really say I completely like it…" spoke a familiar voice from behind the chestnut-haired girl (Something she was happy for, given how long it had been since she had her IRL color inside the virtual world). "I mean, I know we haven't even gotten out into the field yet and that the game's genre is wildly different from ALO's, but…I just feel kind of naked without my wings and Justice…"

"Well, Leafa-chan, maybe that has something to do with your getup, you know?" playfully teased the Second in Command of the United Heroes Association to the girl she was, arguably, the closest in the world with. "After all, that suit somehow manages to cover most of you but still leave very little to the imagination."

What Asuna was referring to was, of course, the green and silver-white bodysuit (Skintight, of course) that covered most of the blonde girl's (And how strange, yet still charming, was to see her without her pointy Sylph ears) upper body, sans for the side of her hips, leaving her shoulders, arms and a noticeable cleavage exposed, rough fingerless gloves, greenish pants and knee-high silver metallic boots completing her attire.

Compare to it, the chestnut-haired girl's own clothes, white and magenta, had much more metal than cloth, combat armor in her central body, useless-looking wrist, shoulder and kneepads completing it, with several holsters around her waist and an overly long 'half skirt' being the major piece of actual fabric she wore.

"A-Asuna, don't say that!" complained the younger girl while blushing, barely resisting the urge of covering herself with her arms. "Thi-this equipment was a gift already, and more than decent enough, s-so I wasn't going to complain and have Sinon-san remove heaven and earth for something else…"

"Heh, I'm sure Sinonon would have been more than pleased of doing that for you, but you're kind of right…" mumbled the older of the two while shaking her head and looking down at the clothes she was wearing. "Knowing how currency works in this game, I already feel bad enough knowing that she and Sensei got equipment for everyone, even if they assured us it was no problem…"

Being honest, the only reason they, and the rest of their friends from the UHA, were there that day, was because GGO had suddenly come up with a surprising 'Offer' of one free week for anyone who wanted to 'test out' the game. Of course, the offer also extended to all currently paying Players, to make things fair.

In all honesty, the company in charge of the arguably most popular VRMMO worldwide (With ALO coming a close second after many recent events) still ended up winning, given that they had the chance of getting many new players hooked and willing to pay the monthly fee to experience the full game.

Asuna knew very well that, before joining them, Sinon had been one of those 'High-Grade Players', those who were able to keep playing the game without expending any actual money because they earned enough Credits to cover their monthly fee once they converted them to Yens, and maybe with some spare change for themselves.

That was still nothing compared to the so-called 'Professional Players' of GGO, though, who were, in the popular opinion, 'able to live the dream': Those able to actually LIVE off playing Gun Gale Online, earning enough from playing the game to actually cover their living expenses.

Honestly, they idea make the chestnut-haired girl shudder a little, especially as if was no secret how reclusive said players were outside the virtual world. Sure, she and her friends may play a lot, but only to spend more time together (Something useful when several of them lived many cities apart) and none of them was eager to spend more time playing than in reality.

They had enough of that with SAO, thank you very much.

So, when they had heard the news and the sniper of their group had asked if they would like to convert their accounts and have some fun with her, the group had been a bit hesitant, only accepting when it was sure all of them would be able to get the game and both Sinon and Kirito convinced them they would have no problems getting decent equipment.

After all, they both had ended up first and second place in the latest Bullet of Bullets. They had more than enough Credits to spare for such a thing, despite the UHA's size.

It was obvious more than one of their friends had actually wondered if that was okay, given that, while not massive, the amount of money both teens could make by just converting those into Yens was still noticeable, but they had quickly been waved off after saying how having fun all together was a good enough way of spending any kind of money.

Also, Sinon had said they would be 'paying her back' in a way. The next BoB was coming soon, and the Sniper was more than determined to keep her title of Best GGO Player (Especially now that Kirito wasn't participating and there were no super-powered lunatics ready to fuck things over).

"…well, worrying about this won't make us any good. What's done is done now." sighed Leafa while shaking her head. "We should go and meet with the others already; they're probably waiting for us…"

"Heh, yeah, you're probably right…" giggled Asuna while equipping and materializing her weapon, giving the assault rifle a troubled look, clearly not used to something so different from her rapier or her trusted swords. "Besides, I shouldn't be making fun of your clothes; these also feel kind of weird on me. I keep feeling that my arms and legs aren't armored enough…"

"And besides, it's not as if you haven't seen me with less…on…" trailed off as she realized what she had just said, the blonde girl's face turned scarlet in a second, her gaze moving towards the chestnut-haired one to see much of the same, both looking away with an awkward air.

It had already been some weeks since they decided to take their relationship with the boy they loved 'to the next level', and even if it had been only in the virtual world, for now, there was no denying that things had been a bit awkward after that every time they recalled the 'activities' out loud.

A complete opposite of when they were actually in the 'act', when awkwardness seemed to fly out of the window for them and Kirito, but that wasn't something they exactly went around commenting.

"Pro-probably not the best subject to talk about right now, eh?" chuckled the older of the two while the younger one nodded and materialized her machinegun, also looking very awkward with it, but very happy about changing the subject.

"Yu-yup! Let's go out there and shoot things!" declared Leafa with false cheer…before looking back at her friend and biting her lips. "…say, Asuna-san…you and Onii-chan haven't…you know…in the real world…?"

"Wha-wha…?! O-of course we haven't!" shouted the chestnut-haired girl while feeling her face about to combust. "I-if anything I should be the one asking that! Not only do you two live together, yo-you were also the one that started doing bolder things with him!"

"Tha-that has nothing to do with that! I-I would have told you right away if anything like that had happened!" protested the machinegun-user while waving her arms comically.

"We-well, same here, s-so don't go asking…!"

"Please, could you two stop, like, right now?" asked a familiar voice with a tinge of annoyance (And a lot of envy) in her tone, making both girls freeze and their heads to snap towards the rooftop's entrance, where 2 equally familiar females, and one small feathery dragon, were staring at them. "Because, frying Silica's brain aside, you're starting to make me feel dangerously annoyed…"

Just as Lisbeth had said, the youngest human member of the UHA seemed very out of it, her eyes swirling and her face red as she looked at both girls and beyond, like lost in some fantasy. There on GGO, while her usual pigtails remained, her new dark-blue and dark-red attire exposed way more skin than even her usual ninja one did, with a miniskirt exposing almost 3/4 of her legs, at least not counting the half covered by the warm-looking knee socks coming from her nor-quite boots (Seriously, why were those things metallic and trying to imitate sandals?). On her upper body, her entire belly and a small part of her lower chest were completely exposed, the rest covered by a high-collared and tight shirt-armor, over which a vest with long sleeves gave her enough modesty to not seem completely weird on her. Besides some metallic accessories on her wrists and hips (And some suspicious canisters around her right leg), bluish gloves completed her attire, though the hand holding her submachinegun seemed unusually limp as Pina tried to snap his partner out of wherever the two girls' talk had taken her mind.

In comparison, the pink-haired girl had a much more conservative and military appearance, with cargo shorts and a military vest over her silver and dark-pink clothes, white metallic gloves and boots completing her attire. Also, she had what looked like half a headphone over her right ear, which gave her an unusually 'serious' look, especially when added to her twitching eyebrows and the deadly-looking heavy shotgun she was causally slinging over her shoulders.

"Li-Liz, Silica-chan…ho-how long have you been there?" asked Asuna while making the most forced smile she had done in a long time.

"Enough to know what I'm probably going to be dreaming about tonight and for our self-proclaimed kunoichi's brain to short-circuit." growled the UHA's blacksmith before stomping towards them…and looking about to cry as she held onto Leafa's shoulders. "Kuuuuh, is SO unfair! Sure, it's no secret since you told us all the next day, but I haven't even kissed him yet and yet you two have already gone all the way! Do you know how hard is to accept that for someone two years older?! What am I doing wrong?! Why can't I get my perfect moment too?!"

"Li-Liz-san, ple-please calm down…" sweatdropped the blonde girl while her chestnut-haired friend tried and failed to contain her giggles at the sight.

Remembering that particular moment brought a complicated smile to her face, though. After all, they had decided that, if they were even going to try and make their bizarre group-relationship work, keeping secrets when it came to such things was not an option, and so they had gathered all their 'fellow girlfriends' and told them what they had done with Kirito in ALO that night of Valentine's Day.

Reactions had been…diverse, to say the least. Silica forcibly Logging Out because her face seemed to have spontaneously combusted had been quite a surprise, but Sinon almost suffering the same Fate even more so. The rest had seemed between extremely embarrassed, calculative and slightly jealous.

Except for Strea, obviously, who had happily decided to add fuel to the potential fire by proclaiming how she 'was next' in case anyone was thinking about it.

The former MHCP-002 hadn't yet tried to fulfill said declaration, though, nor had any of the others seemed to even hint at wanting to 'escalate' their still growing relationship with Kirito at such level, but a part of the Second in Command knew it was just a matter of time…

"Ye-yeah, Liz, is not Leafa-chan's fault that you just seem to have bad luck with that…" chuckled the rifle-user while dispelling her earlier line of thought and smiling through the pouting glare her friend sent her way. "Besides, Silica-chan hasn't kissed Sensei yet either, remember?"

"…tha-that's right! What am I doing wasting time in fa-fa-fantasies like this?!" suddenly shouted Silica while coming back to her senses, scaring the shit out of her dragon partner. "I-it may be the virtual world, but still, one step at a time! I'm totally going to kiss Kirito-san today! Let's go, Pina! Our Ninja Way leads to victory!"

Those words said, the pig-tailed girl turned around and jumped off the building without hesitation, a tired-looking Pina flying after her. The three remaining girls blinked before walking towards the edge and looking down, watching the Acrobatics-Maxed kunoichi somehow maneuver herself through windows, metal cables and lampposts, landing perfectly on the street before running off.

"…li-like hell I'm letting HER, of all people, get a kiss before me! My self-esteem wouldn't survive a hit like that!" screamed the shotgun-user before running off towards the stairs, unwilling to let the youngest of their group to claim their shared boyfriend's lips before her.

Left alone on the rooftop once again, Asuna and Leafa exchanged a look before smiling and running after their friends.

Moments like these were what made them so glad of all the choices they had made, no matter how crazy others would have considered them.

Standing over the rocky formation, the lonely figure looked down at the robotic creatures circling what seemed like a destroyed car.

With nothing but ultimate determination shining in her reddish eyes, she raised the object on her hand.


Shining with more power than the midday sun over the deserted wasteland, a greenish beam of energy shot upwards, taking the shape of a long blade, its light reflected on the warrior's eyes.

Then, in a single move, she jumped down, a scream announcing her presence with all the power and seriousness of…!

"Use The Force, Yuuki, ahahahah!"

…a young girl having the time of her life.

Not missing a beat, the lightsaber rip-off let the grinning purple-haired girl bisect the first of the robotic creatures with no effort, the other shocked robots turning around as she blurred forward, slashing away at them.

With the clothes she was wearing, very small reddish cargo shorts and purplish skintight top covering her whole upper body, shoulders and half her forearms, she was more than able to move like that with no effort, light armor over her chest, legs and wrists completing it, together with her knee-high boots and fingerless gloves.

All but one of the robotic mobs were dead in less than ten seconds, the last one barely managing to jump away and start charging a laser, aiming straight towards Yuuki's exposed back.

It didn't even have time to complete the attack before the swordswoman's free hand shot to her hip, aimed and shot the handgun she carried, all in an instant and without even turning back, hitting its cannon just as the beam finished charging.

The long-haired didn't even turn around when her last enemy blew up into an impressive fireball, never losing her happy smile.

After all, cool girls don't look at explosions.

"Man, that was cool!" happily declared the human-turned-virtual-ghost while pumping her fist into the air. "Comin here with everyone was really a great idea! What's next?!"

On cue, the sound of a powerful and furious engine echoed through the desert, making Yuuki blink and turn around in time to see an honest-to-God flying mecha emerging from over the sand dunes, the crude and menacing-looking machine glaring down at her as it aimed a massive rifle towards the virtual swordswoman, seemingly eager to avenge its fellow machines.

"Hey…that's unfair as hell, I only have a pistol and there is no way I can jump that high in here." whined the purple-haired girl before a massive energy projectile was discharged against her.

Not missing a beat despite her declaration and seeming inattentiveness, Yuuki jumped out of the way at the last second, rolling over the sand and hiding behind the destroyed vehicle in time for the next shot to make it shake.

The next one blew it up, but the virtual swordswoman emerged from the smoke unharmed, in time to swing her Photon Sword and cut the next energy blast in half, both of them exploding around her.

She was forced to run away while dodging to her utmost limits when the flying robot kept its assault, though, making her frown at her seemingly helpless situation.

The purple-haired girl had a terrifying level of skill and a monstrous reaction speed that only Kirito's absurd power could surpass, this was something that couldn't be denied. However, that was all, and while she could still rise victorious against most of her friends, that didn't change many in the UHA were better than her in one way or another.

Sinon could slash endless times faster than she did. Philia unsheathe her blade as much.

Silica could never hope to win against her in a straight fight, but her agility and acrobatics could keep her jumping around as long as the kunoichi wanted. Lisbeth wouldn't be able to even exchange blows with her without God Hand, but it would be a cold day in Hell before she could forge even the simplest weapon better than the blacksmith.

She may be able to beat Leafa in an aerial fight, but she would never outrun the girl in an actual flying race. And while even Asuna's reaction speed could never hope to match hers, her pseudo-sister was much faster on the ground than she could ever hope to be.

And finally, she had grown way too used to being 'Yuuki the Imp', with wings at her disposal and Excaliber at her side, ready to face anything with Holy Sword. None of which she possessed in GGO.

Some people would feel depressed at such thoughts. Or use them as misguided motivations to try and surpass themselves.

Yuuki felt neither.

Because all of that didn't mean she didn't like being worse than her friends in determined things…

"Yahooo! You shouldn't try and hurt my friends, Mr. Gundam!" declared a happy voice before the flying robot was engulfed in a rain of devastation.


…but that she could always count on them to cover her with those skills.

"Go, Strea!" cheered the virtual swordswoman as she saw the MHCP standing atop the rocky formation she had jumped from earlier, a grin on her face as she casually unleashed Hell from the massive minigun she was carrying, all the Projection Lines of which seemed to suspiciously aim straight for the robot's weak points, making it unable to retreat as it kept getting Stun-Locked by critical hits. "Show him who is boss!"

"Can do, Yuuki!" happily replied her fellow red-eyed female while effortlessly adjusting her grip on the absurdly heavy weapon, advancing without a care in the world and making quite a bizarre sight.

It most likely was by the massive contrast between her expression/clothing and the brutal slaughtering she was unleashing with the overpowered weapon. After all, Strea's was dangerously treading the line between sexy and erotic, looking outright like some futuristic purple and lilac bodysuit that someone seemed to have purposefully designed to give a generous view of the AI's ample cleavage, which, coupled with the way in which all the 'armored' parts of it only seemed to accentuate how absurdly skintight it was, made her a sight that would have paralyzed any straight male.

Finally, the flying machine was able to escape the absurdly precise barrage from the extremely powerful but supposedly imprecise weapon, flying downwards to dodge any more bullets and all but catapulting itself towards the MHCP, almost touching the sand as it kept moving almost at ground level…

"Got you!"

…and as such more than in reach for Yuuki to jump on its back and, in a nigh-inhuman show of skill, pierce through the back of its head and most of its back with her not-lightsaber, the mecha's own momentum being its undoing.

All the while, the minigun-user kept smiling, even as the humanoid robot crashed at the rocky formation's base and shook it with its dying explosions, its remains shattering into polygons.

"And that's another victory for the UHA in this foreign land of guns!" cheered Strea while sliding down the rocks and landing beside her fellow virtual dweller, having put away her weapon to do so. "You were amazing as always, Yuuki!"

"I wouldn't have been able to do so without you, Strea…quite literally." pouted the virtual swordswoman while looking down at her Photon Sword as she turned it off, also sparing a glance to the gun she had once again holstered. "I guess I just have grown too used to my wings and, you know, being an Imp, especially since…that, so it's a bit hard to adapt to new limitations…and…"

"You miss Excaliber?" asked the minigun-user with a sympathetic smile, earning an embarrassed nod from Yuuki. "Heh, it's nothing to feel bad about, Yuuki! I also feel a bit weird without Gram at my back and Darkness Blade randomly activating, but new experiences are always fun, especially if we have friends around!"

"Ye-yes, I know, but…Excaliber kind of make me feel 'safe', you know?" muttered the virtual girl while fidgeting in place, her hand unconsciously seeking the golden blade of Bonds. "Like, sometimes, whenever I held it, I can almost feel as if Aiko-nee was still with me…but it's more than that. I have accepted I have to move on and grow into my own person without her, so Excaliber helps me with that in a way, because it also reminds me of the bond that joins me together with everyone. You, Asuna, the rest of the UHA, my dear Sleeping Knights…and Kirito."

"Hmm…that's why you feel safe whenever you're holding it, uh?" questioned the lilac-haired girl before happily rushing towards the swordswoman's side and smothering her against her bosom, earning a surprised squeak from her. "There! Feeling better now?"

"A…ahahah, Strea, what are you even doing?" laughed Yuuki while barely managing to raise her face from between the youngest of the remaining MHCPs' breasts.

"Giving you something else to 'hold' that reminds you of those Bonds, of course." sincerely smiled Strea, looking at her with care and also…a distant regret. "You don't need a sword to remember how much we love you, or you love us, Yuuki. We will never leave you alone."

"Strea…I didn't really think that…sorry for saying silly things." apologized the virtual swordswoman before narrowing her eyes slightly at the still distant gaze of her friend. "Wait, is anything bothering…?"

"Hey, you two, quit playing around already!" called a familiar voice even as a familiar whiskered girl called to them from over the rocky formation, apparently having just arrived in a small vehicle. "Everyone is gathering back in the city and we still need to find Sachi's group!"

The one calling to them was wearing what was probably one of the simplest outfits out of the whole group, an orange-mustard colored one piece 'dress' that was tight around her torso but fell like a skirt just enough under her hips to be decent and left most of her arms exposed, with black leggings and knee-high boots completing the set. Honestly, if it wasn't for the handgun at her hip, one would have a hard time placing her in the post-apocalyptic wasteland that was GGO.

"Ah, sorry Argo, we're going!" happily replied Strea while waving towards the Info Broker, who simply sighed at her usual cheerfulness, even as Yuuki frowned at realizing that strange 'feeling' in her eyes had vanished. "C'mon Yuuki, we don't want to make the rest wait!"

"Ye-yeah, of course, right behind you!" quickly followed the purple-haired girl as she raced after the MHCP.

Well, it probably was just her imagination. After all, it wasn't as if Strea would hide something that troubled her from them, right…?

"Hop on, I think we will find the others if we head south for a bit. Phili-chan told me earlier they were going to try and grind a bit in that direction." informed them the whiskered girl as they boarded her small jeep, she already seated behind the wheel. "What were you two even talking about down there all alone anyway?"

"Ah! We…"

"Yuuki was worried about our weapons and equipment back in ALO!" chirped the youngest of the virtual girls while giving a wink to her friend. "Given a lot of it are Unique items or things that Liz forged herself…"

"Hmm, yeah, I can see why you would be worried…" muttered Argo as she drove through the sand dunes, still a bit iffy with the vehicle's troublesome controls. "I mean, we didn't really have that many options of people to leave them with if we didn't want to lose them before the conversion, but I'm still not sure if leaving it to them was a good idea…"

"Well, the Sleeping Knights decided they were going to try going back to Asuka Empire for a bit while I was out of ALO…" laughed Yuuki while scratching the back of her head.

"Besides, I'm sure Klein-san and Fuurinkazan are doing a great job keeping our things safe!" nodded Strea with a happy conviction. "I mean, sure, they're not the most reliable people when it comes to many things, but they were one of the only guilds in SAO that could proudly say they went through the entire game without losing anyone! They're probably taking their job very seriously right now!"

Meanwhile, back in ALO…

"Muahahaha! Behold, we're the almighty UHA!" laughed a certain red-haired Salamander while posing 'epically' with a certain pair of blades, one jet-black and the other of a beautiful emerald, his friends and guildmates doing similar things all around him. "Beware, evildoers, for your days are numbered!"

"…say, is anyone else…feeling a bit ashamed of this?" asked Harry One, one of the members of the guild known as Fuurinkazan…even as he raised Sachi's massive spear over his head with a giddy look.

"I suppose we should. In fact, we should feel like adults playing with children toys…but man, I just can't help but think how COOL this is!" answered Dynamm to his guildmate as he adopted a badly copied Battoujutsu stance with an oversized katana while 'aiming' at his leader. "Hey Klein, look out! I'm going to take you out before you can even do anything!"

"Hah, hah, very funny Dynamm…" dryly laughed Klein while rolling his eyes at the reminder of his 'fight' against Philia, lowering Elucidator and Fafnir's Fang to gaze back at them with a giddy look. "That aside, though, I'm so happy Kirito and the rest asked us to guard their things! Do you know how it feels to wield these things, even if I can't use them right for the life of me?! It's like I'm holding Goku's staff or something!"

"Yeah, the times we saw those two blades epically ending a Boss back in SAO and saving who knows how many lives…" dreamily sighed Dale while raising Gram over his head, though it was clear he was barely able to properly wield the Demonic Sword. "…they look better when Asuna-sama uses them, no offense boss."

"None taken, my friend, it's the honest truth." casually replied the bandana-wearing man before stabbing both blades on the dirt and manipulating his menu…bringing a beautiful golden blade to his hands. "Oh yeah, now this is epic too! Behold, the Mightiest Blade in the game!"

"Dude…for some reason, it feels incredibly wrong to see YOU wielding that." muttered Kunimittz while morbidly looking at his leader and friend swinging Excaliber around…as if he himself wasn't casually (And childishly) moving a massive Fuuma Shuriken in his hand, having absolutely 0 skill to even try and throw it.

"Oh, shut it, Kunim. You're not making me feel bad for feeling cool for a bit." groaned Klein before blinking and looking towards the youngest member of their guild, the only one who had barely moved at all since they got here and that was seemingly just staring into his menu with indecision. "Hey, Recon! What's the matter, my boy? Weren't you going to bring out that cool katana and use it?"

"A-ah, ye-yes, Klein-san!" all but shrieked the green-haired Sylph while blushing, getting out of the admiring gaze he had been giving to the weapon in his inventory and finally gathering the courage to materialize it, holding it by both the blade and the handle in both hands with the reverence one would give an invaluable treasure, his gaze moving over the strange symbols on the katana's flat side and the wheel-like carvings on the guard and handle. "Ah…thi-this is Leafa-san's sword…holding this in my hands, it almost feels as if I can feel her own holding it too…and even…!"

Whatever else the fantasizing Recon was going to say was lost in the wind as the wheel-like carvings of the blade suddenly came alive, the weapon spinning by itself and severing half his right hand as it rose angrily into the air, cutting through the squeaking boy's face as he fell on his back and the rest of Fuurinkazan froze, staring at the floating and shining blade with incomprehension.

In answer, Justice's Wings seemed to hum angrily….somehow.

"What the fucking hell is going on here?! I was already depressed enough when Master told me I had to stay in someone else's menu because she was converting her Avatar for a while, even if we can still see each other IRL, but then THIS happens?!" screeched the weapon/bicycle/spirit/whatever as it shook with the fury of a scorned woman…weapon…something. "I'm forcefully dragged here by a dumbass obsessed with Master, and I find you buffoons defiling my fellow weapons! Hell won't be enough of a punishment by the time I'm done with you! Starting with…stop dirtying Excaliber-chan with your greasy hands!"

Of course, none of the present guildmates could hear anything except angry hums coming from the blade. However, when it flew through the air and spectacularly decapitated Klein, they realized it may be a good idea to get the fuck out of there.

None of them would manage to, even as one of the most bizarre one-sided slaughters in the history of Alfheim started…

On the deserted wastelands near a post-apocalyptic ruined city, 2 girls waited, crouched behind the remains of some futuristic flying machine, though it looked ancient in its current state.

The dandelion-haired one, who was holding a sniper rifle, wore form-fitting clothing, a silvery top that doubled as combat armor over a black shirt with sleeves that went down until half her arms and short sky-blue shorts, boots of an identical color to her top and black kneepads also covering her. Fingerless gloves and black stockings that went above her knees completed the attire.

At her side, with an extremely focused gaze on her own, the girl with bluish-black hair tightly held a long weapon that seemed too big for her. Wearing what seemed like a black bodysuit that covered her entire body from neck to toe, pieces of bluish combat over all the key parts of her body, she looked like the epitome of someone ready to charge into battle in a futuristic setting.

"…they're taking too long." whispered Philia while looking at her friend with uncertainty. "What's the delay?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't worry." smiled back Sachi without losing her focus on the road for even an instant. "Knowing Keita and the rest, they must be about to enter in a spectacular…"


The sudden scream was accompanied by the sound of the earth splintering and cracking, making the rifle-user's head to whip around in surprise while her friend just tightened the grip on her weapon, also looking at the spot where dirt suddenly exploded upwards.

An honest-to-God giant mecha-worm emerged from underground, roaring menacingly all the while, bleeding sparks and with its red eyes (Though one had to question why anyone would put eyes on a creature that moved under the earth) destroyed and burning.

All probably thanks to the 4 boys that all but hung for dear life on its back, the one with the military armor, poncho and cowboy hat trying his best to keep his machinegun rammed on the monster's eyehole, shooting while he continued screaming.

"Sachiiiiii! Philiaaaaa! Noooow!" roared Keita while the worm shook him and the rest off its back with a violent movement.

The moment it did, a single sniper shot caught it on the center of its upper mandibles, drawing all the Aggro and making it turn its blind and monstrous robot-head towards the offender, who didn't seem to know snipers were supposed to attack from very far away…

…in time for the girl beside her to finish aiming and shoot a missile straight into its open mouth, the rocket launcher she held barely even making her tremble as the worm exploded into a glorious blaze of devastation from the inside out.

"…boom, headshot." grinned Ducker while standing up from where he had fallen, wearing what seemed like a red and green version of a WW2 Soldier's uniform, almost letting go of his rifle in relief, only the bayonet on its tip stopping it from doing so. "Great job, Sachi!"

"Indeed." commented Tetsuo while dusting off his vest, the other former Black Cat wearing what seemed like a black-ops uniform, but that was of an extremely eye-catching white color, for some reason, walking to grab his grenade launcher again. "I gotta say, I had my doubts when you chose to get THAT weapon, but you certainly know how to use it."

"Heh, I didn't doubt for even a second she could do it." smiled Sasamaru while giving his female friend a thumbs-up, the last boy of the group wearing a stereotypical modern-day 'mercenary' outfit, like one would see in some American movies, red beret and combat vest included, a couple of Uzis hanging from his belt. "After all, she is the wielder of the Infinite Spear, remember?"

"Gu-guys, stop it, you're embarrassing me…" muttered the rocket launcher-user while bashfully looking down, even as Philia laughed at her side. "S-stop it, Philia!"

"So-sorry, I just can't get enough of how different you keep acting in and out of combat…" chuckled the 'sniper' while shaking her head. "Also, the fact that you're not spouting any of that crazy talk that mecha anime got you hooked at…"

"I-it's just not the same without my spear, okay?!" retorted Sachi with a blush while muttering about the epicness of drill and the power of believing in things, getting her friend to roll her eyes with a smile.

"Don't tease Sachi-mama that way, Philia-mama." called out a familiar young voice, making the group turn around to see a little girl with a complicated smile walking towards them. "Besides, at least you can actually enjoy fighting here. I can't even be close to a battle without being in danger in this world…"

"Oh, c'mon Yui-chan, don't say that!" protested the dark-haired girl with an encouraging smile. "Be-besides, you look truly adorable with that outfit!"

Sachi was talking, of course, of the stylish, and, certainly, cute-looking, one-piece dress, colored a soft lilac and white, with boots and gloves completing it, giving the first MHCP a certainly cute and charming look.

She didn't look exactly thrilled by it, though.

"I don't like it. The colors are too bright, I prefer my black dress a lot more…" complained Yui while looking herself over and sighing again. "And it's just another reminder I don't have my 'powers' here…"

Certainly, while it wasn't that big of a surprise in hindsight, the virtual little girl had been shocked when she realized, once everyone had converted their accounts to GGO and she followed, that her 'Psychic Powers' (Passive Gravity Control) were gone.

Of course, that was to be expected, given the only reason she had 'conserved' them in ALO was that the game's system was an exact copy of that from the original SAO Servers. That was also the only reason she and Strea had been able to 'restore' themselves so easily once Kirito dove in the land of fairies for the first time, and also why the UHA members had conserved their Unique Skills once the Sword Skills system had been added (And back in Utopia, Equinox had purposefully constructed her System to be compatible with such).

Gun Gale Online, however, was a completely different world, and while the Seed-based game allowed an easy way of Account Converting, it worked on a completely different game system, so it was more than obvious that nothing would carry over except average equivalent Stats (Which was the would reason the rest had left their equipment and Items with Fuurinkazan in the first place).

Sadly, that meant the youngest-looking member of the United Heroes Association and unofficial daughter/niece of the group had not only become basically unable to protect herself, she had also lost the easy mobility of her Pixie form, making her less than a sitting duck out in the field (Unlike Strea who had an actual Player Character).

It had taken a lot of convincing for them to even allow her to follow them out in GGO's non-safe Zones, and only under the condition that she stayed far away enough from the battles.

Given how used she was to be in the thick of things with everyone, all of it was frustrating the usually happy Yui.

"We-well, how about we start heading back to town?" asked Keita upon noticing the MHCP's sour mood, hoping to distract her from it. "Kirito just sent a message saying he and Sinon finished getting all the basic Items we would need to getting really started in some Dungeons!"

"Tha-that certainly sounds like fun!" quickly caught on Sachi while grabbing the virtual girl's hand and dragging her away with a smile. "C'mon, Yui-chan! We don't want to make Kirito-sama wait, right?"

"A-ah, wait up, Sachi-mama! I can walk by myself!" pouted Yui towards the dark-haired girl, but there was a clear smile back on her face now as they rushed through the edge of the post-apocalyptic city.

"…heh, surprisingly, Sachi always knows how to raise your mood." grinned Philia with a smile as she watched both of them go. "Maybe is because of how much her own changes when she's in and out of battle?"

"Or when she's with Kirito." chuckled Tetsuo with a small shake of his head.

"To be fair, everyone's mood does when they're with him. Philia-san here is a testament to it." added Ducker with his own grin while elbowing the strange sniper, who blushed and scowled at him in return.

"Oh yeah? Well, you're also always pretty excited whenever he's around!" challenged the dandelion-haired girl with a playful smile. "Anything you want to confess, Ducker?!"

"Wha-what the hell are you saying?! I'm not g…!"

"Children, children, please, let there be peace!" stopped them Sasamaru before they could actually think of drawing their weapons on each other. "We should probably follow those two before they get away, you know?"

"Heh, don't worry, Sachi isn't going anywhere fast enough to lose us while carrying that rocket launcher." pointed out Keita while gesturing towards the just slightly distant forms of the two girls. "See? Just a quick run and we will catch…"

And, of course, it was in that moment that the half-destroyed road over which Sachi and Yui were running cracked with a thunderous sound, letting them fall into the darkness bellow.



"…dammit Keita, you jinxed it!" shouted everyone while rushing towards where their friends had fallen, the boy with the cowboy hat quickly cursing and following cue.

"…owieee…" muttered Sachi while shaking her head, the fall not having really 'hurt' her, but the slightly less dampened Pain Limiter GGO had to make things more 'realistic' in the gun-based game (Coupled with the massive weapon still on her back) had been enough to bring back memories she wasn't too fond of, from their battle against Equinox's daughters. "Yui-chan? Are you okay? Damn, this place is so da…"

The girl with the rocket launcher was silenced when dim lights suddenly turned on, weakly illuminating the strange place they were in, which looked suspiciously like the inside of some abandoned airship, looking ancient despite how absurdly futuristic it would be in the real world.

Her attention, however, was drawn towards the most noticeable and most intact-looking thing in the room. The pod-like capsule resting on its center, which had suddenly started to rise…and in front of which Yui was standing, staring at whatever was inside with wide eyes.

And even as it started to open, confused purple eyes staring into her dark ones, the first Mental Health Counseling Program couldn't stop the massive smile suddenly blossoming in her face.

"…this is the coolest thing ever."

Sachi could only watch on in shock, even as the shouts from the others came from above, from the hole they had fallen through…

Sitting outside a building of Glocken City that was clearly a very old-looking and dingy bar, a certain long-haired boy clad in a costume most would consider ridiculous was trying his best to evade the deadpanning glare of the blue-haired girl beside him…and failing.

"…I can't believe you actually went and did that." finally sighed Sinon with exasperated amusement.

"I-it was a lapse in judgment, okay?! I mean…we needed more money for better Items, and that game looked pretty simple! I wasn't even meaning to use any speed or agility beyond 'normal' when it became clear it was meant to be nigh-impossible to beat!" complained Kirito with a blush while looking down. "I-I didn't mean to break the damn thing! O-or for that crowd to suddenly form all around us…"

"Yeah, next time before causing a commotion try and remember you're arguably more famous among the player base here than in ALO, okay?" replied the sniper while shaking her head.

"I…I won't cause any more commotions to begin with…" muttered the gamer dejectedly in answer.

"Heh, you even had to carry me out of there bridal style at super speed so that we could get away." laughed the blue-haired girl while looking to the sky. "That certainly brought memories…"

"It certainly did…and don't try to act as if you don't enjoy being carried by me." joked the black-haired hero with a smile…which faltered slightly when Sinon looked at him with a bright smile on her own.

"Why, I never denied it. I'm also your gi-girlfriend, after all…right?" replied the sniper while putting a hand on his cheek, Kirito suddenly realizing how close they were.

He had a moment to entertain how being back in the land of guns and carrying Hecate on her back certainly seemed to boost Sinon's confidence before their lips met, both of them melting into the kiss, the world around them suddenly seeming to vanish…

"…no fair." mumbled a voice from over the couple, making them all but jump apart and look up to see a dejected Silica hanging upside down from the streetlamp just above them. "After such a perfect moment, there is no way I'm mustering the courage to do anything similar today…"

"Si-Silica?!" shouted the gamer with clear surprise, his face slightly red.

"Kuh…I agree with you, Silica. Sinon completely stole the day with that." mumbled Liz from a few meters away, pouting and looking away with crossed arms. "Anything after that would only be second place at best…"

"Si-since when have you been there?!" demanded the aforementioned blue-haired girl with her face of a surprising crimson.

"Like 30 seconds, really. We didn't want to interrupt, but I guess the sense of 'defeat' got the better of those two." added Asuna nonchalantly while walking towards the group, an exasperated Leafa just behind. "Sorry about that, Sensei, Sinonon."

"Honestly, you two should know better than to suddenly interrupt such a moment." sighed the blonde girl before looking at the interrupted pair with sympathy. "We're really sorry, Onii-chan, Sin…"

"There is no need to apologize, Leafa-sam…san!" quickly interrupted Sinon while holding her hands, her mood changing radically like every time her 'Heroine' praised her, making everyone chuckle/roll their eyes while the other girl just laughed awkwardly. "Any moment with you is certainly not wasted!"

"Heheh, Sinon always says the funniest things!" laughed Strea while she and her group made their way into the small street. "Don't you think?"

"Depends on your definition of 'funny', really, but yeah, Sinon-nya is certainly amusing." grinned Argo while categorically ignoring the glare which was being sent her way by the sniper. "What do you think, Yuuki?"

"Ah…I was kind of thinking that I want to kiss Kirito too now…" accepted the swordswoman with a blushing laugh, making many look at her in surprise and for most of them to blush instantly, caught off guard by the sudden request. "Heh, so-sorry about that…"

"There is no-nothing to apologize for, Yuuki." assured her Kirito while trying his best to give her a calming smile. "And, uhm, if you want, later…"

"Why not right now?" innocently asked the virtual girl with a smile on her own, making many around her cough awkwardly. "It's not as if anyone here would have a problem with that, right?"

The black-haired boy was still debating how to properly explain Yuuki that they were trying not to 'force' things that were too awkward in their 'unique' group relationship (And to ignore Strea's non-verbal agreement with the proposal) when he was saved by the bell…

"Papa! Hey, Papa, everyone!"

…or by his virtual daughter, in this case.

"Yui!" all but shouted the gamer while turning around with a relieved smile, everyone's gaze also moving towards the incoming form of their youngest-looking member. "What's up, dea….?"

Kirito's words died in his throat while his eyes widened, everyone else's doing the same.

And it was because of the strange-looking teenage girl that Yui was all but dragging by the arm their way with a happy smile, and that was looking at the MHCP like a lost puppy would do at the sun.

It was neither her violet eyes nor her neck-length grayish hair what surprised them, though. Nor was it the full-body bodysuit she was wearing, silver-white and purple, with nothing in the way of armor to offer more protection at her petite figure.

It was her eyes, which looked almost totally 'empty' of anything, except for a bright and almost blinding spark that only was noticeable when she looked at the black-haired girl dragging her, vanishing the moment she looked around or at them with hollow curiosity.

"Wa-wait up, Yui-chan!" called Sachi as she and the rest tried to recover their virtual breaths, at the other end of the street as they rushed after the suddenly untiring little girl. "I-I told you…you shouldn't…drag her…and we still don't…know what…!"

All but ignoring the dark-haired girl's words, Yui finally stopped before her shocked 'father', looking up at him with glee and pointing towards the girl behind her, who looked up at him and tilted her head to the side with clear incomprehension of what was going on.

"Papa, this is ArFA-sys! I call her Arfy-chan!" explained the virtual girl with the most radiant smile anyone had seen her in a long time. "Can I keep her?!"

And it was with the feeling of an upcoming headache for their leader that the UHA's adventures in GGO officially started…

Author's Notes: And there! Done! Did you have fun with this relaxed silliness :P? I certainly hope so!

Getting it out of the way now, everyone's outfits except for the former Black Cats' (For obvious reasons) are the same as the ones revealed for the upcoming SAO Fatal Bullet game. You can see them online by looking for the game's official Japanese page, but if you have trouble or don't want to go through the effort, you can tell me and I will give you a link directly to it XP Also, yeah, Yui made a 'friend' that's also part of Fatal Bullet's new cast, but don't worry, the crazy ideas I have planned for her and the UHA here won't be affected or based on anything that happens in said game :)

And now, let's get to the important matter, how these 'chronicles' will continue! And the surprise is that it will be up to YOU all to decide! Right now, a Poll should be appearing on my Profile to let you all vote from among the few ideas I had for these small sidestories and chose which one you want to see next, chronological order be damned (Though they will all have the Date in which they happen on the timeline at the beginning, of course XP). Given that this fic's Update rate will be very random and not really a main focus, I think it's fair, though I do want to try and get at least one out for every future OPG:CoF chapter.

And so, it's up to you know, my dear readers! Do you want to see what happens next on the UHA's bizarre GGO adventure? Or perhaps for some of the girls' teased first kisses? Or something else hilarious and/or crazy? I certainly look forward to know!

Until next time, this is Saint, signing off!