Jaz nervously stood by Adam's bed, unsure what to do. There was a metal folding chair tucked between the head of the bed and the wall, but after three flights and seven hours' worth of layovers between Incirlik and Landstuhl, standing seemed preferable than sitting.

Dalton cleared his throat and shifted in the bed. "Jaz."

His voice was quiet but Jaz's senses were on high alert. She jumped at the sound of his voice and they both chuckled, grateful to break the tension a bit.

"Here," Dalton stretched out his right arm, motioning for Jaz to rest on the bed next to him. "It's more comfortable than the metal chair behind me, and you're not standing there beside the bed for hours on end."

Even in this fluid situation, there were vestiges of his authority as a captain that bled through. It was in his nature to protect and that was always more pronounced when it came to women and children, even more especially this particular woman.

"Top, I don't want to hurt your shoulder," Jaz protested.

"One, my shoulder is healing well and it's my left shoulder that's hurt anyway. And two, I thought we agreed that you would call me Adam." He patted the bed beside him. "Come on."

After another moment of pause, Jaz gingerly settled on the bed, taking care to keep a sliver of space between herself and Dalton. That electric intensity was back and building like wildfire. It was all Jaz could do to breathe normally.

It was no different for Adam. Perhaps this hadn't been the best idea since he was still her Commanding Officer. His body was acutely aware of hers less than an inch away. Her scent was more intoxicating than any Scotch he'd ever tasted. The pain meds he was on didn't do him any favors towards clearing his head.

Jaz turned slightly and angled her head so she could see Adam's face. Her eyes traveled his face, those intense ocean-like eyes, the boyish blond hair, the lines on his face that spoke of too much war and death, his nose that would occasionally hold up those ridiculous glasses, his strong cheek line, chiseled chin, and those lips that she knew already were oh so soft.

"Adam..." Jasmine's voice trailed in a whisper, unable to deny this magnetic pull he held over her.

He dropped his arm around her shoulders and drew her close, their bodies curling together like they were made to do so.

"Jaz..." Adam whispered in return, his left hand painfully rising up to brush her jaw with two fingers. His touch sent shivers down her spine and she curled her fingers around his thin hospital gown, careful to avoid his wound dressing.

Using his bad hand and good arm to adjust Jaz's position in his embrace, Adam brushed a tentative kiss to her temple, then further down on her cheek.

Her softness made him ache. This tough sniper had somehow found her way under his armor and she wasn't only rough and tough like she tried to portray. She was fully female and in this moment, she was all he wanted.

His lips inched towards her mouth and her lips parted in anticipation. He hesitated, that annoying voice in his head that said this could ruin any chance of them working together, that he had a responsibility to the entire team not to mess things up, that he was completely out of line to come onto one under his command like this.

"Jaz...say the word, and this goes no further," he wouldn't, couldn't just assume to know what she wanted.

Jaz froze. Was he having second thoughts? Realizing the implications of crossing the line, not like a line hadn't already been crossed with them cuddled up in his bed, fingers entwined in her hair and his bedclothes. Her eyes sought his and she felt that now familiar shiver-burn run down her arms and settle in her stomach. He hadn't said it aloud, in all honesty, he probably never would, but Jaz could clearly read unfathomable love in his eyes. He wasn't second guessing. He was giving her an out because he loved her and refused to presume on her intentions.

"Adam," she said slightly breathlessly "will you shut up and just kiss me already?"

He paused only long enough to smile and take her face in both his hands. His lips hovered over hers for a split second before they hungrily claimed hers. His fingers threaded through her thick hair, each silky strand an anchor for his soaring heart.

Her arms were cold with goose bumps, but she barely noticed; Dalton's lips were sweet and gentle, yet persistent and assertive. His fingers grazed her scalp, and she heard a faint beeping.

Jaz pulled away just long enough to realize it was Dalton's oxygen monitor that was beeping. Apparently kissing was bad for oxygen intake or something crazy like that. Adam reached a desperate hand to shut off the alarm on the monitor like he'd seen McG do before his lung capacity tests.

Once they were returned to silence, Dalton and Jaz locked eyes once again, their raw desire unmistakable.

"You are...exquisite." Adam breathed and threw caution to the wind, deepening the kiss.

Dalton's head was swimming and throbbing so much all of a sudden that he abruptly broke off kissing Jaz. He drew a steadying breath, willing himself not to give in to the unexpected waves of nausea rolling over him.

Jaz's vision cleared and she realized what was going on. A smirk danced across her face and she snuggled into Adam's chest.

"Guess the nurse knew what she was talking about when she said you needed to rest, huh, Top? I mean...Adam..." her voice started out sheepish, but softened considerably when she corrected herself.

"Yeah," Adam drew in another deep breath, still a bit shaky. "I guess she did."

"Can you rest okay if I'm here?" Jaz double checked. She loved hearing and feeling Adam's heart beating strong under her ear, even if she was on his right side.

Dalton squeezed her gently, drinking in every moment. "I feel like I'm finally home," he whispered raggedly, burying his nose in her silky hair. "You bet I can rest with you here."

The pair didn't speak again after that, but quietly rested until each of their bodies became heavy with sleep. It was the best sleep either of them had gotten in months.

Hours later, Preach carefully eased the door shut, a silly grin on his face, as he retreated from the hospital room. Looks like those two kids had finally "communicated" and he wasn't about to interrupt what looked like a deep slumber for both of them. He sank to the floor and scrubbed a hand over his face. He was ready to get back to his family - though the team was special and he loved each member like family, nothing could replace feeling three sets of teenage arms being thrown around his neck all at once, so many words tripping over themselves as each of his daughters clamored for his attention, and then, the sight of the one who drove his passion and kept him alive, his stunning wife, his home.

A/n: well, I think that wraps it up! This story was seriously so fun to write! Thanks for cheering me on!