Outside was an unexpected gift of rain. The wet season didn't generally start for another fortnight but the skies didn't lie. It wasn't a mean rain either, the type that got everyone wet without filling the rain barrels. It was the type that got the streams running with pristine water from the mountains. Jaune tightly held himself as if he was receiving his own kind of affection. The type that a child desperately craves from their mother. The presence of a tender kiss to the forehead, a gentle pat on the head, and a sweet whisper in the ear to remind the son that everything is okay under her presence. Jaune loned for those moments, a sense of comfort to be back in his safe space. Back in the woods of his parents and his loving siblings. They wanted his return. Come back to where you belong, he remembered the line writing by his eldest sister. There were other ways to become a huntsman without being at the Academy, his other sister had written. It was a joint letter, each paragraph contained their descriptive feelings about him. He held the letter like it was his true love for he made it in his mind that some time off from the Academy can make him reflect.

He hated to say goodbye to the roommates, friends, and teammates he had made since his entrance to Beacon Academy. Neverending friendships that he would forever cherish.

The letter from home was stuffed in his pocket. His weapon, no longer in his grasp since the Ozpin retrieved it upon his notification of expulsion. His back was against the door in the former classroom he yearned and gained his knowledge from the staff that were entrusted in his care.

Well, not every staff member had the best interest in their students. There were some who had special interest in their students. The type that went beyond the curriculum and wanted to explore more of his craft that wasn't of a potential huntsman candidate.

Glynda Goodwitch had other plans for Jaune. Plans that were currently leading him in the predicament he was currently facing. He felt her heartbeat. She was leaning against the very door that was separating the two from each other. He panicked, feeling the cool sweat dripping down his back. He bit his lip to entice silence, but Professor Goodwitch wasn't a fool. She knew the blonde was hiding beneath those doors.

Afterall, it was her classroom.

"You're in there, aren't you?" The voice was deep, very cold. In a way sort of fragile as her voice was cracked at the latter half of the sentence. He heard the knob fumbling. With much of his strength, he kept his back to the door, not allowing the professor entry. "You're in there, aren't you? I was waiting for you back at my residence, but you didn't show. I...I...was searching for you throughout campus. However, it started to rain."

Jaune kept his silence. He didn't want to answer. He had no reason to answer. Fear struck like the clock hanging on the wall. It was midnight. He had live to see another day. Another year.

He had finally made it to his eighteenth birthday.

A flash of lightning released its presence from the sky. Only Oum knew what was brewing into the night. The rain became heavy, pelting and cascading along the window. Jaune tucked his eyes, knowing that the last thing he wanted to do was spend his birthday expelled from the school he loved and being chased by a woman he had learned to despise.

"C'mon, darling. Can you let me in," questioned Professor Goodwitch. "If you be a good little boy, then I promise to show you good things." She hit the knob once more. "It is wet out there. I am wet. I searched all over campus to look for you. I am soaked to the bone. I am even cold. Can you give a woman like me shelter please?"

She turned the knob, but Jaune kept his back to it. Why should he feel any remorse for the blonde witch. She may have displayed a pristine look, but beneath the glasses and the strong demeanor lied a demon who was willing to destroy anyone in her wake.

"Jaune, darling. You know what? If I were in the room with you, then you and I can be together, my darling," she said against the door. "Seeing you would make my day."

"No," he mouthed silently. His hasten breath wanted to say more. He want to shout, dispeling his frustration to his former professor, but fear took hold of him. His mouth was entangled for it questioned how much longer would he barricaded himself from this door. This was a game. He knew how powerful the huntsman really was.

Her nervous, but crackling laughter confirmed his fearful truth. She breathed heavily against the door. She was tickled, bewildered in this game she was playing with her student. No longer was she teaching him anything of particular importance.

However, this cat and mouse game was a wonderful change of play for her. For she knew which position she was playing. She held her hand to the knob, wiggling it to alert Jaune that she was still there.

"Jauney, darling. You know what? If I were with you, then I can get warm with you. You know that, right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right?" She knocked on the door heavily with her hands. She kept tapping to the door. "One, two, I am coming for you. Three, four, open the door. Five, six, don't take the risk. Seven, eight, choose your fate. Nine, ten, don't make me plan your end." She giggled in that sing-song. She purred against the door.

"Lovable, dorky, gullible, fallible fool. My dear Jauney," she giggled. "Must we play this game of cat and mouse. You know how powerful, capable being of a woman I can be. I am just enjoying this because it seems like you have the upper man because of your physique." She tsked. "Foolish, foolish boy. Seeing boys like you turn me on. That was why I picked you from amongst the gentlemen of this academy." She sighed. "They were such children. Kids I just raise. But you, I see you more than what you are. You are a beautiful man. Yes, yes." Jaune can hear her breath vibrating through the door.

"The very day you have rescued me from those orc opened my switch. You were quite a gentleman to rescue this damsel," she said in a bedeviling manner. "You were on my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I felt moist. I felt I was covered in the sunkissed raindrops of you. I felt wet. My thing got wet. It got wet for you. I have left it wet for you, my precious, precious Jaune."

She knocked on the door.

"Now, c'mon, open this pitiful door, my loving blonde," she said. "Or else, you are going to make me do something else I don't want to regret. How about your friends? Maybe I should I pay Nora or Lie Ren a v…."

"Leave them out of this!" Jaune shouted, causing an echo to bounce in the room. A flash of lightning displayed his frustration and anguish. "Leave them out of this!"

She crackled once more. "What's the matter, Jauney. Did I step on a nerve? Did this kitten catch your tongue?"

"Keep them out of this! Please? I don't want them to cause any more heartbreak."

"Then, you should know what to do. I mean, you didn't think you were going to leave me," she snapped to him. "I mean, you made me this way."

You made me this way, Jauney.

Come and play with me.

You are a good boy, aren't you?

What's the matter, Jauney? You don't want to play?

Her rambling of her voice made him cover his ears. He didn't want to be there. He wanted to be home. He never expected this to play into place, but he cried out to Oum to help him.

He cried out for his mother. He cried out for his sisters.

He even cried out for Pyrrha.

His eyes snapped open quickly as he heard the unlocking of the door.

"Jauney, come out and play!"

He put all of his might to the door as she pushed it open.

"Jauney, come out and play!"

The twisted sing-song was nerve wracking. He pushed hard with all of his might. As the moment he thought he had the upper hand, he felt the shock of a volt hitting his body.

His body went into convulsion. He yelped loudly but the thunder masked his screams. As he struggled to gain composure, he heard the footsteps coming to his direction.

"Poor, poor Jauney," she tsked. "It's a good thing no one is going to see what's going to happen next." She smiled, displaying her teeth from ear to ear. She held the taser in her hand.

"Please, Professor."


The sound of thunder masked his cry.

Silence followed thereafter.