Author's notes: So, I decided this is gonna be oneshots of just different moments with Elide and Lorcan. A few of the chapters will probably relate to each other but I'll letcha know if they do! Hope you enjoy!

Elide ran through the waves, her tiny legs splashing up the water around her. She let out a shriek of laughter as her father chased behind her. With a smile, he raced forward sweeping her up into his arms and throwing her up into the air, her laughter echoing across the beach. He pulled her into his chest, pressing dozens of kisses to her cheeks as he swung her around, his own laughter in perfect harmony with her own.

"Elide! Cal!"

Father and daughter swung around, the waves splashing around them as they watched Marion walk down the beach.


Elide flew from her father's arms and raced across the sand into her mother's waiting arms. The girl's wet dress seeped into her mother's clothes, but Marion didn't seem to mind as she held her daughter close, pressing kisses to the top of her head.

Marion straightened up, propping her daughter against her side. Elide wrapped her legs around her mother's waist and both women watched as Cal made his way toward them. When he reached them, he wrapped his arms around them both, pressing a kiss to his daughter's head and then one to his wife's temple. And as Elide fiddled with her mother's bracelet, the family watched the sun rise on the horizon, the splash of orange, yellow, and red burning like a fire across the sky.

Elide sat on the beach her toes buried beneath the sand as she looked out into the ocean. The sun had set long ago, the once warm air now cool as it rustled her dress. Lorcan sat silently beside her, his presence a reassurance in the dark of the night.

As the tide grew closer, Elide rose to her feet and stepped forward, letting the cold water wrap around her legs. As she walked deeper into the water she felt an invisible force wrap itself around her ankle. And not a few seconds later, Lorcan stepped up beside her, his hand brushing against her own.

Elide closed her eyes, her head tilting back as she lifted her face toward the night sky, "I remember coming out here so many nights with my father. We would lie on the sand, and would count the stars. He would point out all the constellations. And tell me the stories of the gods. Anneith was my favorite."

Lorcan's fingers laced with her own, and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze, which she reciprocated with a smile.

"Night after night, I would sneak out of bed and talk to the stars, wishing that they could talk back. Wishing that they could be my friends."

A breeze blew toward them as the cold water splashed around their legs and Elide shivered slightly. Lorcan gently tugged at his mate's hand as he steered her back up the beach. Lost in her memories, Elide didn't realize that Lorcan had stopped walking, until her hand in his jerked her back toward him. She looked up at him curiously as he pulled her toward him, and then down onto the sand. He settled down, pulling her to rest her back against his front, his arms wrapping around her, his warmth engulfing her.

"Show me."

With a smile, Elide began to point and Lorcan followed her gaze as she told him the stories of the gods.

Lorcan woke as a breeze of warm air blew over his face. When he reached out his arm to where Elide should have been, his hand hit sand. Sitting up, the sun burned his eyes as he squinted around the beach trying to catch sight of Elide.

He ran a hand over his face, holding back a yawn. For the past few weeks, Elide had been coming to the beach every night. She had whispered one night that it felt like something was calling out to her. Most nights they went back to bed, but sometimes they stayed out all night. Lorcan didn't mind. There was something about the silence of the beach that called to both of them.

The sun had already risen high in the sky, the early morning long gone. Lorcan glanced toward the ocean, finding Elide waist deep in the water, a pile of shells in her hand. The sun shone off her midnight hair, her skin a richer color than when he'd first met her. After being locked away for so much of her life, Elide had fallen in love with the feeling of the sun kissing her skin.

Without realizing, Lorcan had moved toward Elide. When he finally reached her, she spun around, her face lighting up when she caught sight of him. She quickly raced through the water and grabbed his arm, dropping the shells into his hand, her eyes bright with excitement.

"I can't believe I forgot!"

Lorcan cocked his head as she continued, "Black gemstones! They're found in the ocean. Very rare. My mother had one, it was a gift from my father. He found it during one of his trips and made it into a bracelet for her. She wore it every single day. She showed it off to everybody."

Elide smiled wide, "She said it was a representation of their love. I loved it. I wanted one so bad, for weeks I would dive deep trying to find one. But I always came up empty handed. My mother promised that one day she would pass it down to me, but..."

Lorcan watched as her eyes grew dark and her mouth pulled into a painful smile. But just as he opened his mouth, she shook her head and offered him a happier yet still sad smile.

She shrugged as she shuffled some sand with her foot, "Never mind. It was silly. I was never able to find one before. I don't think I ever will."

And much similar to the night prior, Lorcan tangled his fingers through Elide's and they walked back toward the house, their hands swinging slightly between them.

But just before they stepped off the beach, Lorcan cast one last glance over his shoulder at the endless ocean.

Elide eyes counted the lines on the ceiling for the fifteen time. She had been lying in bed for the past three hours, unable to sleep. Lorcan was still out. After they had returned from the beach that morning, he had seemingly vanished without a trace.

And she couldn't find herself to sleep without him. After sleeping next to him for long, it felt strange not to have a body to curl up with.

Elide sighed and had just closed her eyes again when the door to the bedroom slammed open.

Elide shot up and then quickly stumbled out of bed, her eyes focused on the drenched form of Lorcan standing in the doorway. Her eyes were wide as she raced over to him, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him fully into the room. Water dripped off of him, leaving puddles scattered on the ground. His clothes stuck to him like a second skin, his hair plastered to his face.

Elide pushed him down onto the bench at the end of their bed and brushed his hair back from his face, looking into his pitch-black eyes.

"What happened? Why are you all wet? Did you fall off the pier or something?"

However, unlike the usual storminess of his black eyes when he was annoyed or upset, his eyes were instead bright. Elide's thumb brushed across his cheek as her gaze studied him carefully. But then a shiver rocked his body and Elide quickly stopped scanning his face and turned grabbing every towel and blanket she could find, wrapping his body until he resembled a pile of laundry.

After he was completely covered, Elide took his face into her hands and his eyes met hers.

"Lorcan? Are you alright?"

He smiled slightly and silently held out his hand. Elide looked down in confusion before reaching out her own. He dropped something into it and as she looked down, her heart clenched.

An iridescent black gemstone tied to a black band. So perfectly and strikingly similar to her mothers.

Clearing his throat, Elide's eyes shot up to his, "It took a few times, but I dove down until I found one."

Elide stared her mate wide-eyed, "Lorcan, you hate swimming."

"I know."

She was stunned, "Why did you do this?"

Lorcan's brows furrowed, "Because I wanted to make you happy."

As if there was no other possible answer.

Lorcan motioned for the bracelet and Elide handed it to him, watching as he gently wrapped it around her wrist, before placing a kiss on her wrist and glancing back up at her.

After a beat of silence, Elide leaned forward and gently pressed her lips to his before pulling back.

Lorcan's eyes darkened and he pushed through the pile of towels, grabbing Elide by the waist and flipping her so that she was lying under him. Her face was bright with amusement and he leaned down nipping at her jaw before littering kisses up her neck. He kissed her cheeks. Her forehead. Her nose. Always skipping but just touching her mouth each time.

When he finally brushed a kiss against her lips, it was light. She let out a little growl and he stifled a laugh as he brushed another kiss across her lips. This time, her hand rose weaving into his hair. She pulled him close and deepened the kiss, the black stone on her bracelet shining under the light of the moon.

Author's notes: Fluff fluff fluff fluff... fluff fluff fluff fluff...FLUFF also this is early on in their relationship so just because they are mates doesn't mean they have already said I love you and etc which is why Elide was so surprised about the bracelet...I mean in my mind they do love each other in this but they're still learning how to be in a non-abusive relationship and such soooo yep. Next chapter will either be puppy time or Elorcan at Aelin's coronation or something else possibly...whatever I get inspiration for I have at least 10 ideas for future chapters haha love you all!