Mega Pokemon crossover.

I don't own anything except my oc. So please no sueing.

A/N I had my original story for this lost on another tablet somewhere, but lost it. Now I have to retype it. Anyways, this story is one where I believe the best mega crossover would work. I will let you know at the beginning of every chapter when characters from other shows are joining the story I already have the main story planned out. But for now, the show Heaven's' lost property. Also I will mainly following the main plot of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. I will the plots of other shows too, but loosely. Also let me know if my character is too OP (Over Power for newer readers.) But enough talk, let's start this story.

Also the age to be a pokemon trainer in Alola is amped up to 14. Why? Because I want to try to make a story no one has read.

Chapter 1 prologue

Hello, my name is Parker. I usually wear a blue polo shirt with white stars on it, short blue pants, white socks, orange blue shoes, and a (Aloan) baseball cap. I have pale skin, black hair, and silver eyes. Now normally, this is where I tell you my backstory and how I go on an epic adventure. That seems a little overplayed to me. so I'm going to tell you a different kind of tale. One with love, action, harem, and transformations.

Now my story starts, like most stories do, at home. I had just finished helping my mom move stuff when professor oak called. He wanted me to check out the field that is a little way out of town. He said, "There's a weird anomaly that you check out. I would go there myself, but I have way too much stuff to do in the lab. And, since your moving to alola, I'll pay you 5000 pokedollars for helping me out. What do you say?"

"Ok." I said.

It only took me a few minutes to get there. But when I got there, there was nothing there. It still look like the same field that it ever was. I even walked to the hill that was near the end of the field to get a better look. Still nothing. 'Well this was a waste of time.' I thought. Then suddenly, my phone rang.

What? You think I would go to a field, after dark, with no cellphone? I might jump danger most of the time, but I have a plan when I do it. Or a half-baked plan… Usually something that resembles a plan. I am by no means an idiot, but I don't always have time to make a full plan. Ad as the old saying goes, Plans never survive first contact with the enemy. So I usually just improvise. But I am getting off topic here, back to the story.

I answer my cell phone, "Yes professor?" I said. (Caller ID is how I knew.)

"Parker, GET OUT OF THERE!" He shouted, "Something is coming through the anomaly."

Just after he said it, I saw a black hole open up. It shot something out, leaving a crater in the field. You can guess what I did next. I told the professor to hold for a minute while I check out the crater. He tried to say something but I already turned off my cell phone. I did this for three reasons. 1, I thought I saw someone crash in that crater. 2, I didn't want the professor convincing me not to go investigate the crater. And 3, I wanted to save battery life on my phone.

I peeked into the crater. I saw a girl lying on the ground in the middle of it. Then the ledge I was standing on gave way. Thus, I went tumbling into said crater. When I stopped tumbling, I saw the girl passed out. She had pink eyes, I also saw she was wearing a rather revealing outfit. The outfit was white and black. She also had matching boots. Though it also looked to be a sort of uniform. I checked for a pulse, and she was still alive. I went to pick her up when I notice her wings. 'Wow! Their beautiful.' I thought.

"Wait a minute." I said, "Does that mean she's an angel!? I'll have to find out later, but for now I have to get her home and to the professor."

I picked her up and had her on my back. I would carry her bridal style, that way it would be easier to move her, but I have to get out of a crater. It took 15 minutes to gt out of the crater. This was mostly due to me having to have climb a slope, and making sure I don't drop her. Also, in about three months, I will be 14 years old. She looked to be about, say…, 21 I believe. So a 13 year old trying to carry a 21 year old out of a crater, harder than it sounds. 'Good arceus, did that take long.' I thought, 'Should be smooth sailing from here.'

That's when the giant hole in the sky started shooting pillars at me. I had jinx myself. At that point, I switch her from on my back, to carrying her bridal style. I shot of like a rocket to my house. But the pillars kept on trying to hit me while running.

I should point out that I am different than a regular person. I can run fast enough to go 50 mph, but not for very long, I can lift up a snorlax 10 ft off the ground, and I can withstand having a truck thrown at me. "How are you this powerful?" You may ask. This from training, being picked on, and going through a traumatic event that lead to something I will discuss later in the story.

So I should have out runned the falling pillars, right? Wrong. Those pillars were shooting at me like they were being shot from a machine gun. And just as we were about to get out of the giant field, pillars shot out right in front of me blocking my path. And just as I was going to turn around to go around the pillars, another pillar went to me. There was no way I could get out of the way in time. I thought to myself, 'Well … this is going to hurt.'

As I turn i the opposite direction that the pillar was coming in at, I braced myself for impact and hoped the girl I tried to save won't die. Then suddenly my vision was blinded by a bright light. Then suddenly we were flying through the air. I could barely see, but it seems that she destroyed the pillar that was coming towards us and started to fly to my house. Se said something, but I didn't quite hear it due to the ringing sound in my ears. What happened next, was kind of chaotic.