Author's Note:

Hi everyone. Hope everyone is well.

Sorry this is up late. I've been really stressed out as of late. Also, I have written this chapter twice and then my battery died. Yep, twice.

This chapter is a little long. I tried to divide it into two however, it didn't make sense. I hope you like it. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Chapter Ten

Bella was eager to open her gift. She saw a medium box and a smaller box. Both were wrapped neatly in silver paper with a pink ribbon. Next to it was her gift to Edward, also in two boxes. She framed a picture of them cuddling when they were in high school. It was from their prom. It was one of her favorite pictures of the two of them. In the smaller box next to it was a watch that Edward showed interest in when they had gone to the mall.

"Hey," Edward said as he walked through the door. He had just taken Alice's dog Penny for a walk and walked through the door with a bouquet of flowers. "Sorry. We had fun at the dog park and lost track of time. We need to get a dog someday." Edward told Bella as he gave his wife a kiss. "I know I all ready said it but happy anniversary Mrs. Cullen. One whole year."

Nodding in agreement, Bella smiled. "One whole year into our life time together."

"Just legally," Edward said as he bent down to give Penny her water. "You have pretty much had me wrapped around your finger since you moved here."

Laughing, Bella smiled. "I have always had my way with you. Also, happy anniversary Mr. Cullen. I love you."

"And I love you. Did you peak?" Bella shook her head no. "Then open your gifts," he smiled as he sat down.

Bella opened the medium size box first. It was a tin. Confused, she opened it and laughed. "Did you con Esme into making these?" She asked as she bit into a sugar cookie.

"I sure did. They are your favorites. We have our cake from our wedding that has been defrosting but these are special," Edward grinned as he recalled giving them to a young Bella when she moved next door.

Bella offered Edward a cookie as he opened his larger box, the framed picture. He gushed over it as he recalled their senior prom. They had danced and held each other tight. That night they made love for the first time. Bella brought up how incredibly awkward and uncomfortable it was.

"But look at us now baby. Practice made perfect," Edward chuckled.

They both opened their second gifts together and cracked up. Not only did they buy each other a watch, but it was the same brand, Movado. "Why don't you get the wine and I'll bring in the cake and we can get cozy in the living room," Bella suggested.

"I think that is a great idea. I'll get the sparkling red, I know that is your favorite. See you in a few," Edward smiled.

Once Bella was in the room, she set the pieces of cake in front of them.

"Um, why did we keep this again and why are we eating it a year later?" Edward asked as he bit into a cookie instead of the cake.

"It's supposed to be a good luck omen, or something," Bella explained as she picked up her piece. She bit into it. "It's a little dry but it tastes fine. That's why we have the wine, right, cheers Edward."

Edward picked up the glass and clinked it with Bella's. "Cheers Bells." Edward then took a piece of his cake and agreed with Bella that it wasn't so bad. He looked at her and laughed. "Remember our first apartment we got together our sophomore year of college?"

Bella laughed. "That place was horrible. It was the size of our living room! We were stepping on each other all of the time."

"You were going to kill me!" Edward stated.

Bella smiled as she rebutled. "That was because we had no alone time. We just had the same space unless we went into the bathroom that had no bath tub. That was horrible, but if those walls could talk. Do you remember I thought I was pregnant there?"

"I do. It was around finales time and all you kept saying was your dad was going to kill me and you cried. And cried. After three negative tests, you decided you really weren't pregnant and we celebrated-"

"By having sex!" Bella concluded.

"It's one of the things we do well together," Edward smiled as he stood up. He paused as he looked at Bella and smiled. "Bella, you have made me the happiest man in the world. I have been in love with you since I was a child. I can't wait to make our own child when we are ready. I love you with everything I am."

Bella set her glass back onto the table and she snuggled into Edward. "I feel the same way Edward. You were my first friend when we moved here when we were kids. I can't imagine loving anyone else but you. I love you."

Edward bent his head forward and kissed Bella's lips and smiled. He stood up and reached for Bella. "Dance with me?"

Laughing, Bella shook her head. "There is no music."

Within seconds, the first few bars of a song played and Bella knew the song. She beamed.

All through the day

I'm seein' your face on replay

Like a movie in my minds

'Till I barely even see my real life

"Do you remember this gem?" Edward asked as he held Bella close to him.

Now you're making me laugh

When you say you wonder

How I feel about you

You have no idea

"Are you kidding me? It's our wedding song. We were arguing over which version to use. Do we use the Harry Connick Jr version or the Josh Groban version? It was a big decision." Bella laughed.

How many times I think about you

How many nights I've been waitin' to love you

How much I've come to need you

Come to need you

"We did the only thing we could, we compromised and played both," Edward smiled as he sang along.

You have no idea

How many ways I dream about you

How many days I've been waitin' to touch you

Now that I've come to know you

Come to know you

You have no idea

Bella giggled. "It was a fair compromise. I mean our first song was the Josh Groban version and our last dance was the Harry Connick Jr version. We both got what we wanted."

"And by the end of the evening people were so drunk they had no idea it was the same song!" Edward added. He then began singing the song to Bella as he held her close. She rested her head on his shoulder.

Now you want to know how I'm sure

That you're just who I'm looking for

Well we should go out together more

'Cause you still make me laugh out loud

When you say you wonder how I feel about you

Bella kissed Edward when the song was over. "I love you so much Edward. I will always remember how good you are to me. You are the best!"

Edward woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. He realized he spent too much time and booze drowning in his sorrows. He rolled over to his back as the memory of sitting with Kate entered his mind. He vaguely remembered her hands on him and her flirty laugh. He couldn't recall if he was remembering wrong but he could have sworn she tried to kiss him. It was all a drunken haze. He felt sick to his stomach. Drunk or not, he cringed. He hated that he jeopardized his relationship with his wife. He never ever thought about being with another woman and the previous night he had welcomed Kate's advances. He turned over once again and screamed into his pillow. He realized he was a stupid man and he hated himself for it. He promised himself a few things. The first was he wouldn't drown his sorrows, especially not in a bar. The second thing was no matter how crappy he felt, Bella was still uncomfortable in her own skin. If he wanted to get her back he had to change the way he was thinking. Yes he felt crappy and wanted his wife more than anything and it made him feel bad but Bella came first. She had to. He made a mental note to himself no more bars.

As he sat up another memory played into his head. Jacob Black. Thank god for Jacob. He never thought he would utter those words in his entire life. He had no idea why Jacob chose that time to enter the bar, but he would forever be thankful for him. Edward turned again when he heard Seth laughing and cooing. He sat up to look at his son in his pack and play. No matter how bad his headache was, he couldn't help but smile at him.

"Hey buddy. Have you been awake long? I'm sorry if you have been. Let's get you a diaper and then we can have some breakfast, sounds good?" Edward smiled to the infant. Seth cooed has his father picked him up and changed his diaper. When he was finished, Edward took his son and laid back into bed. He wasn't ready to welcome the world just yet. He smiled as he watched his son on his stomach. These quiet times should have been the moments they shared with Bella. He sighed as he held his son closer.

Edward was ready to begin his day when he noticed the piece of paper on the night stand next to him. He grabbed it and stared at it. He remembered writing it the previous night. He looked at Seth and smiled. "We're going to be busy today."

After changing Seth's diaper and dressing him for the day, Edward took the baby and made their way downstairs. He sat Seth in his high chair and gave him a few Cheerios as he made his breakfast. While Seth ate his breakfast, Edward began to pull out the sugar and flour as well as other items.

Esme watched her son before entering the room. "Um, are you going to make something toady?"

Turning around, Edward told his mother his plans. Esme smiled. "That is really sweet Edward. I hope it helps." She paused as she took the spoon and oatmeal from her son. She sat in the chair closest to the high chair and greeted her grandson as she began to feed him. She was feeding Seth when she began to speak again. "So Edward, I noticed your car isn't here this morning. Your father told me not to walk you to ask about it. I went for my walk and when I came back Jacob Black called the house. He told me to relay a message for you. He said one of the guys from the station would be driving it back. What happened last night?"

Taking a deep breath, Edward leaned against the counter and told his mother about his evening. He told her everything, including the fact that Jacob was gay. He didn't leave any stone unturned. "It was a bad night and I could have made many bad choices. I'm thankful Jacob was there, and he helped me, even though I had been a jerk to him for years. Decades really."

Nodding her head Esme looked at her son. "I know you have been through a lot and sweetheart, if I could make everything better I would in a heartbeat. I love you and I love Bella as if she were my own. I understand you are hurting Edward, but you need to grow up. You need to be there for that woman. Who knows how long it will be before she can remember things. You need to do something and sulking in self-pity isn't one of your choices."

Edward absorbed everything Esme was saying. He crossed his arms and looked at her. "Mom I screwed up last night. After everything that happened, I agree with you. No more bars. No more self-pity. I know realistically I will get frustrated but no more self-pity. My wife needs me. This is what I was thinking about doing. What do you think?"

After listening to Edward's plan, Esme stood up and hugged her son. "I think that is lovely and I am so proud of you Edward."

"Edward, hi," Emily said as she answered the door. "Bella is getting dressed. I didn't know you were heading over. Where is Seth?"

"My mom has him again. He's napping now but she wants to take him out to lunch and show him off to her friends. She loves being a grandmother," Edward smiled. "I um, I am trying a different approach with this whole Bella thing. I kind of had an awakening last night."

"Jake talk to you?" Emily asked all ready knowing about the previous night.

Edward turned red. He wondered how much of his actions were conveyed through Jacob. "Yes," he swallowed looking ashamed.

Emily nodded. "He told me everything. About you drinking and Kate."

"Emily I-"

"Look Edward, I get it. You were drunk last night. You're stressed out. I get it. Jake said you were cozy with Kate."


Emily laughed as she let Edward inside the house. "Not that I'm thrilled with the prospect that you could have potentially cheated on my sister because you were practically drunk off your ass. I know in my heart you wouldn't have gone through with it. I know you love her. You're just lucky that Jacob isn't going to tell our father. He'd kill you."

Offering a nervous chuckle, Edward looked at his sister-in-law, "You're right. Thank you for understanding. I can promise you that even drunk I wanted nothing to do with her. And speaking of being drunk, I'm not drinking again until Bella can enjoy something with me."

"I believe you Cullen but don't piss me off or hurt my sister. She's been through enough and doesn't deserve anymore."

"I hear you and promise not to do that again. It looked bad and I realize that. I don't know why I began to confide in Kate of all people."

"You're stressed out Edward, it happens. I understand you probably wanted to be alone, but next time don't be alone with booze, okay?" Emily pleaded with the man in front of her. She wrapped her arm around him and pulled him in for a hug. Edward had always been in her life and she looked to him as if he were her family. "I do love you Cullen like you were my brother but I swear to god if you ever hurt my sister your balls will be on a serving plate. Don't make me hate you."

"I promise I won't," Edward paused as he chuckled. "Bella said something similar when she was delivering Seth."

"Us Swan women think alike. I've always looked up to my big sister." Emily smiled as she looked up at Edward. So, this approach you were talking about-"

"Edward, hi. I thought I heard your voice," Bella said as she walked down the stairs. She offered him a bashful smile.

Edward smiled back. "Good morning Bella. How are you?"

"I'm good. What are you doing here?"

Edward took a deep breath. "I wanted to try something with you."

Bella looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, well, I-I-"

Emily turned to her sister and laughed. "Isn't he funny when he gets nervous? Adorable. That's one of the reasons you fell in love with him."

Bella laughed again. "What's going on Edward?"

Taking a deep breath, Edward continued. "I had a talk last night with Jacob."

"Jacob? I thought you didn't like Jacob?" Bella inquired.

"Well, I might have misjudged him on a few things. Anyway, he planted an idea in my head. I'm going through and I want to try a few things to make you remember me, remember us."

Bella nodded. "Okay, what do you have up your sleeve?"

Smirking, Edward pulled the tin container out of his hand. "I don't know if you remember," he paused and shook his head. "I'm sorry, those were poor choice of words. Let me start again. When you moved next door when we were kids, my mom baked your family sugar cookies. Those became your favorite. Every event that we have mom still makes them for you. Mom has been too busy to make them. When I got up this morning, I used her recipe and made them. Seth was laughing from his high chair. Probably because I was in the kitchen and that usually doesn't end well. Then I think he sighed relief that I didn't set the kitchen on fire. My mom said the cookie taste pretty good for my first time. I had a few and I didn't die. I'm sorry if they taste like shit, I'm just trying and-"

Reaching out for the tin, Bella couldn't help but smile. "You made me cookies?" Edward nodded. "Oh my god! Edward, that's so sweet. Thank you. Sugar cookies are my favorites, I think. This is really sweet. Would you like one?" She asked both Edward and Emily. Both took a cookie and looked at Bella as she lifted one from the tin. She studied it and then bit into it. She smiled as she looked at the two next to her. "These are good. You did do a good job. Thank you."

Edward blushed while he finished eating the cookie. He looked at Bella and was careful not to touch her and try to startle her. "It was nothing, really. It was actually fun, a lot of work but fun. I felt what you go through every holiday season."

"I'm impressed Edward," Emily smiled. "You baked and we are all still alive!"

"Very funny Em. I think this is sweet Edward, very sweet. You obviously were out of your comfort zone and made these. This means a lot to me," Bella said as she kissed his check. "Thank you."

Feeling a little emotional, Edward looked at his wife. "This was nothing, but you are welcome." He coughed and then continued. "I would like to do something special for you. Would you go out with me tonight? Please? I have kind of planned something."

Bella exchanged looks with Emily and smiled. "Okay, I guess that will be okay. What did you have in mind?"

"I can't tell. I've sworn myself to secrecy. You'll find out soon enough though. I'll be by about six-thirty. Um, dress casually and we'll grab dinner after the big surprise."

Bella swallowed and nodded her head. "Okay, I guess I'll see you at six-thirty. Bye Edward."

"Bye Bella. I'll see you soon."

"I found it!" Edward said as he rummaged through boxes in the basement.

"Edward, what are you doing down here?" Esme called down to her son.

Quickly cleaning up the contents of the box, Edward turned around and looked at his mother. "I found it. I am so thankful you never throw anything away."

Esme chuckled. "Is that for tonight?"

Nodding, Edward smiled. "It is. I'm surprised it still fits. It's been so long since I've even thought about it, never mind worn it."

Esme's grin soon faded. "Edward, I know you are going through so much and it is very romantic of you."

"I want my wife back mom. I'm willing to try anything. I have to make her remember me."

"I know honey. I was just wondering if you are prepared if this doesn't work."

Edward's face was crestfallen. "What do you mean? You were my biggest cheerleader with trying to make her remember me, why are you changing your mind now?"

"Honey, I'm not changing my mind. I'm just worried about you. I in my heart believe she will return to you, but I want you to think about if things don't go that way."

Edward shook his head. "I can't talk to you right now. Seriously? I'm nervous enough about tonight and you decide this is the time to talk about this? I can't do it. I can't talk about it!" Edward shouted at his mother as he began to storm away.

"Edward Anthony Cullen," Esme called. "Get your butt back here now. Listen to me and listen to me carefully. I have said it before and I will say it again, I do believe Bella will eventually regain her memory and she will remember you. I want to make sure you are preparing yourself in case she doesn't or in case it is a long time coming. I hate seeing you so upset and so hurt all the time. I'm glad to see you are taking control and are doing something. I'm proud of you for this. I love you and don't want to see you more hurt than you all ready are. Understand? You just have to prepare yourself just in case sweetheart."

Backing up, Edward hugged his mother. "Sorry I got so mad. Of course I know what you are saying. I feel like I'm walking on egg shells for myself."

"Quit apologizing and get ready for tonight. We'll talk about that again. Seth and I are going to head over to the hospital to surprise your father with dinner after you leave. He's working the late shift again."

"I don't think I say it enough but thank you for everything you have done with him. I really don't know what I would have done if you weren't here for me, for us."

Esme let go of her son and nodded her head. "Nonsense honey. You're my son and Bella is like a daughter to me. Seth is my grand baby. There is nothing I wouldn't do for any of you. Now go and get ready or else you are going to be late."

Edward hurried up the stairs to shower and change. He dressed in a dark pair of jean and a dark blue button down shirt. He picked up the treasured item he had search for and smiled as he put it on. "Show time," he said into the mirror.

He ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Mom, I'm ready. I'm going to leave now."

"Have a good time and don't stay out too late. No repeats of last night".

"I won't, I promise. Bye," Edward said as he kissed her check. He ran across the yard to Bella's house and rang the doorbell. He waited until Charlie answered the door. "Good evening Charlie. Is Bella ready?"

"Edward, come on in. Emily is helping Bella get ready. She has been almost done for fifteen minutes, so Emily says."

"I heard that!" Emily chuckled. "Hi Edward, she should be down in a minute. What do you have planned for tonight?"

Shaking his head, Edward offered a smile. "I can't tell you. I'll tell you after though. I promise to be home by ten and not to overwhelm her."

"Why would I be overwhelmed?" Bella asked as she walked down the stairs.

"Because it's your first time out with someone you really don't remember," Charlie replied. "Edward though he loves you and will take care of you. I'll see you around ten. Have fun honey. Edward, good luck son."

"Thanks Charlie. Bye Emily. Ready to go?" He asked Bella.

"Let's go. Bye Em."

"Bye kids and have fun," Emily waved.

They walked in silence over to Edward's car. He helped her get into the car before walking to his side of the car. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

"So can I know where we are going or is it still top secret?" Bella asked.

"It's a short drive. You'll find out in a few minutes"

They made small talk for the ten minute drive. Edward was telling Bella a story about Seth as he pulled into the parking lot. He stopped the car. Bella looked confused.

"School? We are at a school? Why?"

"Well, let's go in and find out," Edward smiled as they both exited the car. Bella walked next to him as they entered the high school through the gym entrance. Bella looked at Edward with confusion.

"Is that music playing?"

"It is. I'll explain when we go into the gym."

As they entered Bella saw balloons and streamers. The whole space was decorated as if there was a school dance. Punch and soda sat on the refreshment table. Edward watched as a smile appeared on Bella's face.

"I know there has to be a story here so spill!" She laughed.

Just seeing her happy, Edward's heart skipped a beat. "Well, we have been together basically forever. I remember all of our firsts. This is supposed to be our first high school dance. I have my Ipod instead of a DJ but still. The playlist is from all of the songs from that time and from what I can remember the dance."

"Really? You did this all for me? How did you pull it off?" Bella asked as she had tears coming from her eyes.

Edward reached for Bella's hand. He was relieved when she didn't pull it away. "We graduated with Angela Webber. She was a good friend of yours. She is now principal of the school and I might have given her a call to ask her for a favor and this is the result."

"Edward, this is so nice! Let's dance!" Bella said pulling his hand. They danced to many songs from their teens. When a slow song came on, Edward was cautious to dance closely with Bella.

"This is a slow song, do you, I mean would you like to dance? With me?" Edward shyly proposed.

"Of course I would," Bella said as she walked closer to Edward. She wrapped her arms around his neck and swayed with him as Bruce Springsteen's "Secret Garden" filled the gymnasium. "This whole evening has been really sweet Edward. I'm sorry I don't remember anything. I wish-"

Edward interrupted Bella's tears. He held her close as she cried into his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head. He too was fighting back the tears he wanted to unleash. He swallowed before he spoke softly. "Bella, Bella look at me, please?" Edward begged as he let go. He reflected on a conversation he and his mother had previously that day. As Bella's face still stayed focused on the ground, Edward brought a finger to her chin and lifted her face. "Bella, we're going to get through this, we really will." He hugged her again in his arms before he spoke. "Worse case scenario is you will never remember me, and you know, I'm okay with that, I really am."

Bella pushed herself off of Edward. She walked a few feet before he turned around piping mad and started to scream at Edward. "What? How can you say that? You'd be okay with me not remembering you? Our son? Are you sick in the head? What's wrong with you?"

"Bella, calm down. All I met was I would just have to make you see why you fell in love with me in the first place. Sometimes I question why you chose me. Let me show you how much I love you and want you in my life. If after some dating and getting to know each other again you want to be set free, I would have to learn to deal with that, but Bella, I'm not giving up. Never. I only want to make you happy. You are the only woman I will ever love," Edward stated very matter a factly. "I love you so much."

Shuffling her feet, Bella proceeded slowly back to Edward. "Do you mean that?"

"That I'd let you go? I would if it made you happy," Edward sadly explained.

Shaking her head, Bella corrected him. "No, not that. You really do love me? You love me even now?"

Edward couldn't help smile as he walked closer to his wife. He pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled at her. "I have never loved another woman and don't know if I could love anyone the way I love you. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you Isabella, nothing. We have seen each other at our very worse and our very best times. As matter a fact, this is the place where we proclaimed we'd marry each other one day."

Bella laughed as tears escaped her eyes. "Really?"

"Yes it was. It was during this song too. I might have done something like this," Edward said as he slipped his jacket off of his body and placed it around Bella's shoulders. "This was my Letterman jacket. Anyway, I put this on you and promised that I would always love you and always be there for you. I have never broken those words to you Bella, never."

Giggling, Bella looked at Edward. "You just had this laying around your house?"

"My mom never throws anything out. When they rent the house out, the basement is off limits since it is our storage area and my mom has lots of things like the jacket that should have been thrown out years ago. I have to say I'm glad she never did it."

"So after you gave me your jacket and promised to love me, what happened next?"

"We walked over to our brothers who were there with their respectable girlfriends and told them we were heading out to celebrate."

"To celebrate?" Bella questions. "Did we-"

"No, nothing like that. We went out for dinner at the Italian restaurant, which is our next stop this evening."

"Do you remember what we ate? How good is your memory?"

Edward couldn't help but grin as Bella asked what seemed like simple questions to him. "I had the chicken parm with angel hair pasta. You had the mushroom raviolis with an alfredo sauce. We shared a piece of tiramisu afterwards."

"There is desert involved? You never mentioned that. Let' go now!" Bella smiled as she tugged on Edward's arm before folding her hand in his.

After dinner was done, the pair began to travel back home. Bella couldn't help but look at Edward as he drove. He pulled into his driveway and shut off the engine. He got out and walked around to Bella's side of the car. He helped her out as they slowly made their way back to her house.

"I'm smitten with you right now. I had a lot of fun with you tonight. I don't remember anything more, but I did have a fun time getting to know you some more and hearing stories of our past."

Edward looked at Bella and returned her radiant smile that she had plastered across her face. It did cause him pain that she still couldn't recall events of their past or even him, but it warmed his heart that she had such a good time and seemed more open of him. "No worries Bella about the whole remembering thing. I had so much fun with you tonight. I liked recalling the stories of our youth."

"Our youth? You make it sound like we are ancient!"

"Well, you know, we are older and wiser now. Seriously though, you're really smitten with me?" Edward asked as they stopped on her front porch.

Shaking her head, Bella smiled. "Yes I am. I can see why I loved you."

"Good. I've always been so smitten with you. It seems like we are sort of even now."

"Stop it," Bella giggled. "Did those cheesy lines ever work before?"

"No, but to be fair you are the one to use smitten first."

"Okay, it's my fault," Bella laughed. "How did that evening end so long ago?"

Edward leaned in close to Bella. He looked into her eyes but didn't speak. He tenderly kissed Bella. He then looked at her and smiled. "It ended with that, with a little kiss."

Speechless, Bella took a deep breath. "That was nice."

"So, now that our night has officially ended, I was wondering if I could take you out again?"

"Eager all ready Edward?" Bella chuckled. She looked at their intertwined hands and nodded. "I would like that."

"I was hoping you would say that. I'll see you tomorrow and give you more details of our next date."

"Next date? Did you plan it all ready?"

Edward tried not to smile so much. "Maybe. I feel like I have so much to do for you that lets just say I am prepared."

"Well, I can't wait to see what you have planned." Bella leaned into Edward and kissed his check as he touched his face. "Thank you again for everything. Good night Edward," she said as she stepped into her house.

As he watched the door close, he felt the first thing he had since the whole accident had happened, hope.