Forever Silent
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Final Fantasy 10. Not blitzball, not the fiends, nothin'. The original character, Kenzi, however is mine.

Two people sat on a beach bathed in moonlight, the white sand sparkling like tiny crystals around them. They were yards apart, yet both were completely unaware of each other; much too consumed with their own troubled thoughts to realize they were not alone. Or maybe they just didn't care.

Up on a hill, shrouded by the islands dense foliage, a young couple watched the man and woman on the beach with interest.

"Don't you think he'll be upset when he finds out what you've done?" asked the young woman, her face concealed in shadow.

"Yeah, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. You saw how good she was. I just can't believe they let her go." The young man shrugged and wrapped his arms around his companion. "Their loss. Besides." he paused and watched the two people on the beach get to their feet and walk off in separate directions across the sand. "They might be good for each other."

Turning in his arms, the young woman stared up at him and saw her own feelings of hope mirrored in his clear blue eyes. Maybe this new comer would be exactly what their friend needed to pull himself out of his current slump.

"I hope you're right." She said with a sad smile, and then she turned and led the way back into the small town of Besaid.