For Rel

Note:  I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters.

Okay people, sorry about the delay (my computer had a virus, all fixed now), here's another chapter you have all been waiting for, the Final Chapter.  Now, I couldn't decide how to really end this story, so I came up with two possible endings, you guys vote which ending you like best.  Okay?  Let's get this show on the road!

His plane had landed about 45 minutes ago and now he was just a mere five minutes away from the Noventa residence.  All his work and all that time put into finding Relena seemed to have been paying off right then for Heero.  It felt like everything was finally coming together, everything he has ever wanted in the past five months, now nearing six, had just fallen into his hands.  He felt like he was on top of the world!

There it was.  There was the Noventa residence; he was finally there. 

It is time to meet Ms. Relena Salimar Peacecraft, face to face, after so long, Heero thought to himself as he felt the sides of his mouth twitch upwards.  It felt odd but Heero could feel his unused facial muscles move to form a tiny smile.

The Preventer jeep pulled in front of the gate, where it was to be parked as to Heero's instructions.  Giving a quick glance at Duo and Hilde, Heero then got out of the jeep and exhaled the breath that he had been holding since…he didn't know how long but now he was breathing again.  This time though his breathing had sped up as he went through the gate and up to the door.

Sylvia opened the door when Heero approached it and threw her arms around him.  He wasn't expecting this!

"Heero, are you sure that Salimar is Relena, I mean what if you're wrong?" asked Sylvia.

What?  No "oh my God, I'm glad you're here", or "I'm so glad to see you"? Heero briefly wondered bitterly but then brushed them aside.  "I am positive, now where is she?!"

Not waiting for an answer Heero brushed past Sylvia and went straight into the house, heading into the parlor room first.  It was empty.  So he tried the "music room", and there was nothing, save for the unattended instruments.  His next place was her room, but as he was dashing up the stairs, skipping every other step, Sylvia's voice stopped him.

"She's not in her room," she told him as she watched, leaning against the closed door with her arms crossed.

"Where is she then?" demanded Heero.

"She's not here," murmured Sylvia.

Slowly Heero descended from the staircase and stood in front of his girlfriend.  "What did you say?" he breathed, feeling the familiar sensation of defeat washing over him.

"She's not here, neither is Lynn.  Salimar, Relena, had taken a trip to the United States to visit a friend; she was on her way back when you called.  Lynn had gone to pick her up well over an hour ago.  You must have missed her by 15 or 20 minutes," Sylvia repeated, this time louder as she looked straight into Heero's intense eyes.

Heero said nothing but stared at his girlfriend.  The key to his soul was his eyes and Sylvia, for the millionth time saw an emotion in there that she longed to see for her, but she knew better.

"Heero," she began as she looked towards the ground off to the side, "if this is how things are going to be like for the rest of our lives then I suggest we end this right here and now."

"What do you mean?" questioned Heero becoming a bit confused.  What was she saying, "end this right here and now"?  End what?  Heero had no idea.

"I mean end whatever relationship we may have, or rather had, right now.  This is never going to work, not with Relena around or with not around, because either way your focus will always be on Relena's safety and general well-being, there is no room for me in there," explained Sylvia feeling her throat tighten and tears starting to threaten her eyes.  "We should just go our separate ways right now."

"Sylvia…" Heero started to say.

"No, don't say anything Heero, just turn around and go into the kitchen the others are in there waiting for their interrogation from you.  All I can tell you right now is that Lynn took Relena to the train station, but I don't know where she is going," Sylvia interrupted as she looked away from Heero and pointed at the kitchen door.  She couldn't bear to look at Heero, not now.

Deciding not to pursue the matter any further Heero went into the kitchen to find the twins and Draca sitting at a small kitchen table playing poker with chex mix.  They all turned to see Heero.

"Uh…um hey Heero, how's it going?  Pull up a chair," offered Adam nudging out an empty seat between himself and Draca.

"Where is Relena?" Heero demanded going straight to the point.

Any advantage the three thought that they may have had was completely taken away by the looks of defeat on their faces.

"So, you know now," groaned Draca folding her cards in her hand and placing them face down on the table.


"Well, then I guess I don't need to hide these babies from you anymore," grumbled Adam digging into his baggy jean pocket and pulling out the three ID bracelets and handing them to Heero.

Looking at the bracelets Heero saw 'Relena' engraved on one, 'Peacecraft' engraved on the next, and then 'Salimar' engraved on the last one.  The one big clue that had been missing from the box was now in his hand.

At that moment the front door opened, very quickly Heero left the kitchen and headed right to the front door.  There he found Lynn standing there removing her coat, completely oblivious of Heero's presence.

"Where is Relena going?" Heero immediately demanded of her, surprising Lynn.

"My, I didn't expect to see you here so soon," she told him.

"Answer my question!" he commanded, glaring at her.

"She's at the train station, her train leaves in about 20 minutes for Paris, France," Lynn answered Heero with a shrug.  "You won't get to her in time that I can assure you of."

"What makes you so certain?" inquired Heero.

"It takes 30 minutes to get to the train station," Lynn shrugged.

"That is only if you go by the speed limit and are not a Preventer," Heero pointed out as he exited the house and ran to the jeep.  Jumping into the front seat Heero quickly glanced at Duo.  "The train station, she's on her way to Paris in 20 minutes, so speed."

"Let's get after her then!" Duo exclaimed taking off, as he had never turned the car off.

In the back, Hilde kept silent as she had been throughout the entire journey to Italy.  It wasn't at all like her and it made Heero briefly wonder if she was having second thoughts about bringing Relena back

Pushing that idea out of his brain Heero sat stiffly in his seat for the next 20 minutes until they got to the train station, then he jumped out of the jeep and made a quick dash to the inside of the station with the other two Preventers following closely behind him.

Heero didn't stop running, not even when man collecting tickets asked for his, instead he just flashed his Preventer badge at the guy and continued on until he got to the rails where there were two trains already there and another one pulling in.  Three trains, three of them, and Relena could be on any of them.

"Duo, you check the far one, Hilde you check this new one, and I'll take the last one," Heero instructed and the three of them went into their respected trains.

Heero entered the nearest car and glanced around at the heads of the people there, no one that resembled Relena.  So he moved on to the next car, again there was no one there.  The next car had the same results, but the car after that he found someone.

Approaching the person from behind Heero took a seat next her.  "Did you think you could get away from me that easily, Relena?" he questioned, feeling a smirk coming to his features.

"Relena?  Who's Relena?" asked the person beside him in a deep, gravely voice that sounded more like it would belong to a man.  So Heero turned to find a female with moss green hair sitting beside him, and that person was not Relena.

"Hn," grunted Heero noticing a person a few seats up get up and quickly walk off the train carrying a duffle bag.  Getting a stirring feeling in his gut that this person was indeed Relena, Heero followed his intuition and chased after the person.

When Relena would walk faster so did Heero, but he had to give her credit on not turning around to see if he had in fact noticed her.  But then the doors began to close and Relena made a dash out the nearest door.  Unluckily, when Heero got to the door it was already closed and he saw Relena facing him with her nearly shoulder length, blond hair and bright blue eyes.

She shrugged her shoulders and wave as the train began to move.

She was satisfied, Relena was very satisfied with herself.  She had gotten away from Heero once again and now she would be on her way away from Italy and away from Heero Yuy…

"If you are going to make an escape, you had better make certain that the doors connecting the cars are locked," that monotone voice advised Relena.

It made her want to cringe as she just stood there in defeat.

I guess it is back to the office, long days, longer nights, the meetings, the press conferences, the tabloids, and everything else in between, Relena thought bitterly as she turned around to find Heero pointing his pistol at her.  "Going to fulfill your promise to kill me, Heero?  Impressive," Relena commented, slightly surprised but then she had to remind herself that this was Heero.

Unexpectedly, Heero put the pistol away and grinned.  "Why should I when you had done my job for me, Ms. Reigns?" Heero asked as Duo and Hilde had came out of their respected trains.

"Relena…" gasped Hilde before she ran up and hugged her friend tightly.  Relena returned the embrace but kept her eyes on Heero.

"What do you mean Heero?" she demanded cautiously as she pried Hilde off of her.

"Relena Darlian-Peacecraft is no longer who she used to be, you killed her and have changed into Ms. Salimar Reigns," explained Heero.  "There is no reason for us to take you into politics."

A big smile grew on Relena's features just before Heero found himself being embraced by her and being kissed on the lips by Relena.  When she snapped out of whatever spell she had been under, Relena pulled away with a look of horror on her faces.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry about that I forgot that you and Sylvia were…" she trailed as Heero covered her mouth with a hand and shook his head.

"She called off the relationship," he told Relena.

"Really?  Why?" inquired Relena.

"Let's just say that she found out something that she couldn't deal with," Heero stated.

"Uh…excuse me, I would hate to interrupt this moment and all, but can we go and talk about the future else where?" Duo interrupted.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," agreed Relena.  "I know a great café that we could go to for a short while before I have to catch my plane to Russia."

"What are we waiting for then, let's go!" Duo grinned as he went ahead to Hilde and slinging an arm around her shoulder.

"You must be feeling pretty high and mighty about catching me," smirked Relena as she and Heero followed their friends.

"Your friends helped a bit," Heero answered.  Hesitantly Heero reached a hand under Relena's, her fingers clasped around Heero's hand and gave it a squeeze.  He had lost her and now he had found her again, but this time she was different and he was seeing no longer as a child but now as the woman she truly was.


Heero didn't stop running, not even when the man collecting tickets asked for his, instead he just flashed his Preventer badge at the guy and continued on until he got to the rails he saw a woman with moss green hair board a nearby train.

"Relena!" he called out as he ran for the car that she had just entered but the door closed in his face right when he got to the car.  Looking inside the car doors Heero watched as the girl sat down in an empty seat a few rows away from the door.

Heero felt the train begin to move and he also felt any victory he might have had slipping through his finger tips.  As the car began to pull out Heero followed, running after the car, banging on the door but the train would not stop.  When it cleared the station Heero felt like he was back at square one all over again.

"Hey buddy, looks like she left you a little something," Duo informed Heero as he approached the Preventer with an envelope.

Heero took the envelope and tore it open.  Unfolding the letter stored inside the envelope Heero read it swiftly.

Dear Heero,

Well, was it everything you hoped for?  I had warned you not to continue searching for me, but you did and this is where it got you.  Will you now stop looking for me?  I doubt it.

Please don't press charges against my fellow band members, they were just helping me play out this little game.  Besides, they helped you out a lot more than you may be willing to give them credit for.

Heero, I want to be honest with you, you were one of my reasons for running away.  I think you have an idea of how deep my feelings for you are, but you know what?  I'm not going wait around any longer for you to suddenly become my knight in shining armor.  Instead I'm going to go on with my life and try to get over you.

You're welcome to come and look for me, but you're not going to find me, I'll make certain of that.

-Relena Salimar Darlian-Peacecraft-

Crumbling up the letter Heero felt the beginnings of a smile coming onto his features.  "Let's get ourselves a flight to Paris," Heero told Hilde and Duo, both of which gave him bewildered expressions.  "We're going after her."

"Alright!" yelped Duo.

"What are we waiting for?  Let's get on our way to Paris!" Hilde agreed as she turned and ran out of the station with Duo close behind.

Heero lagged behind for a moment and gave the train station one last look before following after his companions.

What Heero failed to notice was a redhead with persian blue eyes sitting on a bench reading a book and eating a bit of beef jerky.  Then another approached her, this girl wore black, plastic glasses and had butt-length black hair, as well as a carefree air about her.

"Are you ready to go now, Relena?" asked the black haired girl.

"Quite so Joey, lead the way," nodded the redhead putting her book away.  "The game is still on."