Hello. I never finished this story because I stopped watching Riverdale and am not the best writer ahah but I recently stumbled onto Tumblr and saw that Barchie had a moment in Season 4 and my heart was moved. I had this chapter written out a WHILE ago so I'm kind of shook that the "emotional cheating" aspect of this story made into canon ahah. I finished off this chapter in a way I had thought to finish off this story way back then so it's not really related to the current narrative but I hope either way you enjoy chapter 7. and sorry for all the run-on sentences.

"So, where are you taking me again?" Veronica asked as she followed Jughead outside into the school's parking lot.

"I told you. Someplace quiet we can talk, now hop in." Jughead said as he gave a small nod towards his car. Veronica hesitated as she eyed the old broken down convertible, "Not to give offense but"

"None taken, just get in the car" Jughead gave a dry reply, avoiding eye contact with Veronica and instead preoccupying himself with adjusting his mirrors. Veronica gave a curt smile as she gave up suggesting taking her car instead, but did dare to ask, in a tone more cautious than she intended, "No really, where are we going?"

Jughead gave her a small glance from the corner of his eyes and sighed,

"There's a nice clearing out by the river. Betty and Archie and I, we used to go when we were little…" he paused, then said "I think you'll like it and…" another pause "I wanted to talk to you about the other night, when you came to see me…" It was obvious that he was having trouble getting the words out and Veronica quickly shook her head, "you don't need to…" she found her words heavy in her throat as she tried to say them and it seemed they had both found themselves lost for words. They sat in the car in silence for a few moments and Veronica turned to look at Jughead. He had a thoughtful expression on his face but he didn't seem angry or upset. Veronica and Jughead spent so much time butting heads, she couldn't find a time where she had just sat with him in silence, no cutting words or remarks in the back of her throat and she felt the weight of his presence in its entirety for the first time. Veronica never thought Jughead was a bad person and she didn't even dislike him, contrary to what everyone thought was the case, but she always wondered how this broody, sarcastic boy came to be Archie's best friend. There couldn't be a person more different than Archie and yet in that moment, she sensed a familiar earnestness- a similar warmth.

"Well...do you want to go?" he finally said, breaking her thoughts. Veronica cleared her throat and looked in front of her hastily, "Just try not to get me killed in this piece of junk…"

But she couldn't help but smile as Jughead rolled his eyes and drove off.

The place Jughead had mentioned wasn't too far from the school. They drove in relative silence, the sound of an overworked engine filling the space between occasional small remarks.

Jughead parked alongside the road by a clearing that led directly to the river- not quite a secret location but removed enough from the usual popular areas..

He walked into the clearing, straight to still waters, and sat down on the grass overlooking the forest. Veronica followed him wordlessly and sat down. She gave a quick look around their surroundings, appreciating the expanse of blue contrasting with the deep green of the trees around them. She turned towards Jughead again but like before his eyes were steady in front of him, unwavering and thoughtful.

"So…" Veronica began

"I'm sorry about the other day. What I said. I had no right." Jughead interrupted, still not looking at her.

"Jughead...you don't have to…"

"No, I do. Listen, I wasn't exactly at my best that night but I had no right...to say the things I said to you... it wasn't right"

Veronica felt warm but she didn't know if it was because her emotions were rising up all at once or because the sun shone on them too brightly from overhead.

Pausing she said, "you were only saying the truth. And I think it was something I needed to hear"

It was the first time that evening Jughead had turned to look at her. His eyes held her gaze for a second and said slowly, "Is that why you were crying. Back then in the lounge?"

"Partly, but not because of you…I" the image of Archie and Betty flashed before her eyes and she shut them quick before anything else manifested inside her mind but sure enough the tears began to drip onto her hands and knees.

Jughead put a tense hand on her shoulder and said "Archie would never hurt you. I don't think you need to worry about him leaving you for Betty. I don't think you need to doubt that he loves you."

"But what about Betty? Can I trust her?" Veronica said without thinking, catching the hint of jealousy and bitterness that threatened to consume her.

"I don't know what's going on with Betty but I don't think she intends on doing anything to hurt you…"

"How do you know? Haven't you seen how she's been acting lately? She's completely different than the person I met when I first moved to Riverdale...she's…." Veronica felt venom come forward on her lips but stopped herself before she lost control. Jughead's expression was unreadable and he said nothing but kept his hand reassuringly on top of her shoulder.

"Why did you break up with her?" Veronica asked suddenly.

"I need to stay away from Betty for a while I think. There's a lot going on on my end and I don't think it's good for her to be around me." He sighed, "and obviously, I don't want to be her second choice"

He straightened up as he said this, "I've always been second to Archie but this is where I draw the line"

Wiping her eyes and noticing a smear of mascara on her hand she gave an equally big and frustrated sigh, "What should I do then Jughead?"

"Talk to Archie. Be honest that this kiss bothered you more than you said it did and hear him out."

"I'm scared." It was the first time Veronica had allowed herself to voice that tiny fear inside her, the foreboding sense she was going to hear something that would hurt her and that she wasn't ready to have that conversation with Archie yet. But she knew it was coming.

"If we are taking this time to apologize for things, then I want to say I'm sorry too," she said trying to change the subject before Jughead could respond to her earlier comment.

"For what my father is doing, and for how it's hurting you" She tried to sound sincere, lord knows how many times Jughead blew off any attempt on her part to remedy any wrongs her father had inflicted on him and this town but now in that small pocket of understanding they had built in this empty clearing by the side of the river, something seemed to have reached him because Jughead gave her a small smile and said, "apology accepted princess."

This time Veronica rested her hand on his shoulder and gave a small squeeze as they both looked out to the river and sat for the remainder of the evening in silence.

Betty picked up the phone and debated calling Archie. She knew he was home but she felt that familiar knot in her stomach and she set the phone down again for what seemed like the hundredth time. She felt the anxiety well up inside her and familiar thoughts bubbled into her mind- what have I done? What if he's mad at me? What if he tells Veronica? What have I done? What am I going to do- oh god, I'm the worst friend...I…- but her silent storm was interrupted when her phone began ringing in her hand.


She picked up without hesitation.

"Archie! I," she began immediately but Archie's voice cut her off entirely,

"Betty, I wanted to wait until I talked to Veronica but I need to talk to you first… do you think you can come over?"

She felt her breath catch in her throat as she nodded, "yes, I can come over in a few minutes."

"Okay, thanks. I'll see you soon" He hung up without another word and Betty felt her stomach heavy but her heart unbearably weightless. She found herself suddenly racked with nerves, and she tried to settle the uneasiness as she stepped out into the cool night.

The sun had just set as she made her way to Archie's house. The dusk enveloped her surroundings leaving shadows over everything and she tried her best not to stumble. The path was familiar to her, she had been through it countless times before and she could have sworn that she'd knew every step even with her eyes closed and yet her heavy feet faltered. To think of all the times they had run this path together in the past. Soothed by the thought she knocked at his door with the steadiest hand she could muster. It didn't take long for Archie to open the door, a hard expression on his face.

"Betty…come in. Um, thanks for coming. Sorry, it was kind of short notice."

"Well, I didn't have to travel very far…" Betty said, giving him a small smile. The attempt at levity, however, made no discernible impact.

She stepped inside and he quietly motioned for her to sit next to him in the living room. Fred didn't seem to be home but she couldn't help but feel her stomach drop. Every time she came over, they'd always make their way into his room-now she felt barred somehow and she noticed with a sense of dread Archie's strange and distant demeanor. Or was she reading too much into things?

"So…" she began but Archie remained silent. Then he looked up at her and said, calmly but clearly with effort, "I'm breaking things off with Veronica."

Betty tried to hide her shock and said with a straight-face, "you are?"

"Yes. And I want you to hear it from me first...because…" Archie shrugged his shoulders "I think it's important you know…"

"Yes...thank you…" she didn't know how to approach the next question that was undoubtedly gnawing at her insides, wanted to just wait and see what Archie said next but losing self-control she whispered softly, "what about…"

"Us?" he finished, avoiding her gaze.

"I'm telling you this first hand because I don't want you to assume that because I've broken things off with Veronica, that means that there will be an us," he said in one quick breath. His tone wasn't unkind and his eyes held a similar feeling of guilt and shame that she'd seen directed at her before. The night after Cheryl's party. Archie seemed to wait for her to respond but as Betty sat in quiet thought, he continued,

"You were right, earlier today. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing, Betty. I'm confused. We've kissed twice now and I've done nothing to stop it. I can't stop thinking of…." he looked up and Betty and said nervously, "you. And what it all means."

Betty noticed tears falling down her face but she gave a small nod, "I know what you mean."

"And I'm hurting you. Don't you see it? All I'm ever good for is making you cry. It's not fair to you. And it's not fair to Veronica…."

"You gave me a difficult choice Betty and I can't choose. Not between you two. So maybe it's best if I took some time to be alone and sort things out."

Betty sat with his words a moment feeling foolish and small. What did she expect, that he'd choose her after all this time? Without question, without hesitation? It's what she wanted yes, ever since she was young and ever since she knew she was in love with Archie but how could that ever be the case? He didn't choose her once before and she had yet to learn her lesson.

"So, think we should head back?" Jughead said, motioning back to the car with a quick nod.

"Hm?" Veronica answered sleepily, ripping her gaze away from the river and towards Jughead.

He'd never seen her this calm before, this pensive. He'd always assumed her capacity for deep thought ran as low as sewer canal but he sensed a wise presence in her gaze, if not someone that had come to a resolute and firm decision, then someone...what's the word he was looking for?

Unwavering...that's the word.

"Yeah, lets go…." She dusted herself off and gave him a classic smirk, "But I'm driving the way back Jones."

"As you will, Lodge."

As they drove down towards Riverdale, Veronica cleared her throat and said, "If you don't mind, I'm going to drop myself off at Archie's"

"You're gonna go talk things out, I suppose?"

"Y...yeah. I'm gonna tell him what I've been feeling lately and that I love him and I don't want to lose him…." She gripped the wheel hard as she said this and eyes never leaving the road said, "I'm not going to give up without a fight Jughead. Is that wrong?"

Jughead paused a moment, "No...I don't think so. I'm done blaming you or anybody on this matter. Except maybe Archie. I think he's either not been as honest as he should be with Betty or with you. Or with himself for that matter. I...I don't know. But talking with him is a start."

Jughead didn't know what he was saying but he understood the sentiment, only because he wished that Betty had been as honest with him in the beginning. And didn't he also feel, in the depths of his heart, that he should run after Betty as well instead of pushing her away as he'd done?

"I might take a page from your book V."


"Yeah, maybe I have some fight in me yet," Jughead said as he looked off onto the road, Riverdale coming closer into view.

Archie could tell Betty was hurt. Would he ever be able to avoid having to hurt her like this?

He placed a well-meaning hand on her shoulder but her gaze never turned to his. It just stared down in silent frustration and he wasn't sure what he should do next.

When he got home from school, he had sat down on his bed and gave thought to what his next move should be.

Be with Veronica. He told himself at first. She's your girlfriend and you're crazy about her. Yes.

But then his mind would be clouded with thoughts of Betty. Her lips on his, the smell of her clothes lingering on his skin. Ok. So...maybe I'm attracted to Betty. She is after all beautiful and smart and a girl any guy would be lucky to have. But why now? Why feel this way now?

Then what was the other choice?

Be with Betty. He thought about the way she'd come after school and plop down on his rug and say with the most self-assured voice he had ever heard in his life, "Alright, Archie, you got this. You got me! How can I help?" and somehow he'd always been able to pass that test, get through any hurdle, do anything that seemed impossible before.

Why did he hesitate?


It was insane how magnetic and spontaneous their relationship had been. From the start, he wanted her, from the start his thoughts only belonged to that set of beautiful dark eyes, soft brown skin, low husky voice. And wasn't that what love was supposed to be? One look and then you knew? One moment and then you'd fallen harder than you'd ever imagine?

He'd close his eyes and feel the weight of his choices weigh down on his chest.

Is there no other option?

Veronica? Or Betty?

Or neither?

Maybe he'd finally know if he lost them both.

"Betty, I gave this a lot of thought. More thought than I've ever put into something like this and..I hope you understand."

"I do...it's just...I don't know what is it? Lately, I haven't been feeling myself and I feel...I feel trapped. Like no one cares for me. No one in the world"

Archie instinctively pulled her closer, without thinking. "You know I'm still your friend right? You can talk to me whenever you need to talk."

Her vulnerability at this moment was a stark contrast with how firey and assured she seemed that morning. Betty's emotions were volatile, anyone could see that and Archie wanted to help but it seemed like other matters had gotten in the way and now everyone was in a tight spot.

"You don't have to feel sorry for me…" Betty said, voice rising.

"I don't feel sorry for you Betty. Okay. I'm just worried. You haven't been yourself and I think this business, what happened with the Black Hood, I think you should talk to someone...maybe a professional"

Betty pushed him off and got up from where she was sitting.

"I think I should go."

"Betty no, I can't have you react like this every time I try to talk to you. I'm trying to do something to fix this."

"What needs to be fixed? I told you before, you can choose Veronica. We don't have to be friends! I don't have to burden you any longer." Betty crossed her arms and turned away from him, back hunched and head lowered.

"I want you in my life," Archie said moving towards her but she backed away and walked farther from him.

"I don't feel good…" she whispered after a moment.

"What?" Archie said turning her around and looking into her face.

"I think I'm having a panic attack." Her voice was shallow and her breathing started to come out in rapid bursts.

"Okay. This has happened before right? Let's sit down and breathe together. In….Out….okay good…"

He'd done this before. It was something that he'd learned to do when they were children, when Betty's anxiety got to be too much or when she got too angry or too sad…

He breathed with her until she felt safe...until she was certain nothing would hurt her.

Her shoulder relaxed as she let out breath after labored breath and finally she sat down with him again in a silent stupor…

"I'm sorry...I…"

"No, no...you don't have to apologize." Instinctively he caressed her face and pulled her close.

She sat quietly and then said, "I don't know what's wrong with me lately."

Archie embraced her and reassuringly stroked her back, "don't think about that…just relax"

She let herself be held and as they sat there together she said in a quiet voice, so quiet Archie almost didn't catch it… "I've loved you all my life, Archie."

Had she ever told him so plainly? She must have? He stood still for a moment, arms around her, and let the words sit in the air.

"I…." he began and without thinking pushed Betty's chin upward so that her eyes were facing him.

Maybe you didn't need to think so hard when it came to love. Maybe you just knew, you just needed to face it and look it in the eye and say

"I...I love you too."

There was a change in her expression, her eyes were still wet with tears but she let out a small smile and that was enough for him in that moment to not feel the weight of every unknown variable.

He was so lost in that small smile that he didn't register that someone had spoken until they spoke again.


They both looked toward the sound of the voice, taking a step back from each other.

Veronica looked on to them with soft eyes, but in a moment they turned angry, sorrowful.

"Veronica, what are you doing here?" Archie let out but he knew instantly those weren't the right words.

"Betty?" She said, looking at Betty, her anger diminishing but still with an accusing glint to them that pierced through her.

"V…wait…." Betty looked down from her gaze and clenched her fists- what was she going to say? It's not what it looks like? When it was exactly just that?

"I'm so sorry V." Were the only words that came out but she couldn't look up, so she focused on the floor trying not to let her tears fall.

Archie moved towards Veronica but her anger surged from her eyes and she gave several shakey steps back, holding her hand in front of her and said strongly, "I never want to speak with you two ever again."

"Ronnie! Wait please."

But Veronica was already out the door, her small silhouette briskly walking away from the house into the cold dark night.