This is a bit of a filler chapter i have had it written for a while but ever since my surgery in July of last year things have just not stopped coming so all my stories may be very sporadic but i will be continuing them when i get the chance to do so in between all the things that keep coming so please bear with me and i hope by the end of this i will still have some readers. thanks for all your wonderful reviews. But before we begin the story there is a few things i wish to clarify that some people have remarked about in reviews.

first in the last chapter when Harry said he could bind seven other people to him and had already bound his father to him so he could not lose him. What he meant was that he knew that his father would just go to Vilinor if he died but Harry could not stand the fact that he could lose him in such a way so being master of death he gave his father the same immortality that he has which means that no matter what type of mortal wound he gets he can not die.

second there will be a few more surprises that come from Harry and it mostly stems from his time on earth before he came home so we will find out a lot more what happened is not entirely cannon but mostly.

and last i would like those of you who like this story to help me a little i don't know how to put up a poll on my page so please tell me in a review or pm me with your requests. there is two questions

one. Who do you want to see Harry bind to himself in immortality only two that cannot be are Legolas obviously and Aragorn anyone else is free game.

two. I am thinking of two people from earth whether thought to be death or alive will be found alive in Rohan and in Minas Tirith one in each place so you can pick any of the following the ones with the highest votes will win

1. Sirius Black

2. Severus Snape

3. Nevile Longbottom

4. Luna Lovegood

5. Remus Lupin

6. Draco Malfoy.

please pick i will post on the chapter before i am ready to write the first found or in the next three months which ever comes first who is going to be found in middle earth. Thanks for your help and hope i cleared up any questions. Please Read and Review. Now enough of my babble lets get on with the story.

Chapter 6

Harry had woken early and decided he wanted to see more of Rivendell before the council convened later that day, so for many hours explored the beautiful city. An hour before the meeting Harry had found himself in the lower parts of Rivendell looking at the pictures depicting the history of middle earth. As he started at the one of Asildur's cutting the ring from Souron's Hand a man had come into the area and startled Harry, "Hello, I have not seen you around here before." Harry jumped and spun around to face the person who had snuck up on him.

"I am sorry I did not mean to startle you." The black haired man said Harry quickly studied the man before he answered assessing if he was threat or not but decided that he would reserve judgment.

"No, I should be more aware of my surroundings, I am Altire." Harry extended his hand to the man in greeting.

He took Harry's hand answering in kind "I am Strider. It is a pleasure to meet you Altire." Harry could not help but notice the man had a kind smile and by closer examination he could tell the man had the hands of a healer and the heart of a leader. Right then he knew that Strider would have a pivotal role in the future of middle earth but how he did not yet know.

The talked for a few more minutes before they were interrupted "Harry, there you are. I worried when I did not find you in your room." Harry and Strider turned to see Legolas had walked into the room but before Harry could answer Strider spoke first.

"Legolas, it has been many years mellon nin. I am sorry if I kept you man from anything but I found him quite intriguing." Strider sounded a bit apploigetic but then he face showed realization before he turned back to Harry "I thought you said your name was Altire?"

Harry and his father shared an amused look before Harry looked pleadingly at his father who just chuckled he knew his son was going to have a bit of fun with Aragorn and decided to play alone "What, you where the one who told him your birth name not your chosen name."

Harry shared a secret smile with his father for playing alone before he whined "Oh come Ada help me out. This is hard to explain."

"No, you got yourself into it, you get yourself out." Legolas chuckled

"Oh fine," He then turned back to Aragorn who had been watching the conversation as if it was a tennis match before being startled at being addressed again "The name I go by is Harry, and Legolas is my father, pleasure to meet you."

Aragorn was struck dumb for long enough that Harry and Legolas chuckled before Harry said "I think I broke him dad."

Legolas sighed playfully saying "Did you break another one."

Aragorn then snapped out of it and indignantly replied "You did not break me," to Harry before he turned to Legolas and asked "And what do you mean another one?"

At the Harry and Legolas both lost it they both where laughing so hard that Aragorn did not know whether to be concerned or upset. Finally they stopped laughing and Legolas replied "It was a joke mellon nin, my son loves to play jokes much like Elladan and Elroher only worse as my son has magic."

"Magic, like that of an Isari?" Aragorn asked shocked as he had never heard of an elf possessing magic of the nature that Legolas seemed to be implying.

"No, his is much different than anything seen in middle earth. If he had been raised here I probably would have had Gandalf teach him but where he was raised he had a unlimited knowledge of magic to learn from. But he has also been through much hardship."

"I am sorry but I though your son was dead, I was there with you when we discovered your wife's body you son was nowhere to be found?" Aragorn asked hesitantly as he knew how hard it was on his friend to talk about his late wife.

"Yes, she was but my Harry had been taken from her body before we got there and taken far from anyone in middle earths reach. He was returned to me seven years ago and I have not left him since." Harry saw how hard this conversation was on his father so he hugged his dad and cuddled in even more when the embrace was returned.

"My wife and the Valar returned him to me with my wife's spirit as the one to bring the news. But my sons is much apart of the war to come as any of us will be as he is the voice of the Valar and much more."

Aragorn was shocked at what he had heard but he knew he would figure out more as time went on but also knew that if they did not move they would be late "I am glad for you mellon nin. But if we do not go we will be late and I don't think that Lord Elrond would appreciate that."

AN: Remember to vote and thanks for reading.