The next morning sat in his study phone pressed to his ear as he waited for the other person to answer. "Well if it isn't my wayward son"

"What were you thinking telling Misaki about the black mail!" Akihiko hissed "And don't play innocent I know you had researched her! You have no idea how she'll react once this is all over!" Akihiko tried to keep his voice in check as to not wake the girl sleeping in his bed

"She agreed to help, you should be happy that you no longer have to worry about Takahashi-chan getting hurt" Fuyuhiko argued

"No, I still do, she's on a war path just to teach that bitch a lesson and she's going to hurt herself doing it! I don't know what will happen when she completely snaps out of this but it seems to affect her a little more each time"

"But she will come right in the end"

"You cold hearted Bastard" Akihikogrowled before ending the call and leaning back with a sigh.

"Usagi-san?"" Akihiko jumped to see Misaki in the door to his study wrapped up in a black silk rode that Akihiko had gotten for her a few months back. Akihiko held out a hand to her which Misaki readily accepted letting him drag her onto his lap. "I'm surprised you're still here"

"I'm a grown man I can be where I wanna be" Akihiko huffed like a child. Misaki moved so she was straddling him raising herself up so she was looking down letting her long brown hair act as a curtain.

"What's wrong?" Misaki murmured sweetly

"I'm just… worried about you" Akihiko whispered. Misaki lowered her head in order to kiss Akihiko sweetly

"I'm just fine" Misaki smiled

You say that now Akihiko thought. Akihiko wrapped his arms around her thighs and stood lifting Misaki with him and sat her on his desk. Misaki wrapped her legs around him keeping him close while snuggling into his chest

"I missed you so much Usagi-san" Akihiko hugged her tight loving her affectionate behaviour.

"I missed you too Misaki, I won't ever let this happen again" Akihiko hummed. Akihiko tilted her head upwards and kissed her deeply. Misaki moaned as Akihiko pushed the robe off her shoulders caressing her warm skin. Misaki let herself revel in the pleasure. Once both were free of any fabric Akihiko wasted no time in preparing her. He slid his finger into her heat making her keen and whine into their kiss. Akihiko started kissing down her neck grinning when she started chanting his name between moans and curses.

Love bites littered her body and Scratches appeared n Akihiko's back as he teased her to the edge then stopped when she was so close. She whimpered and begged and he teased her. However, the mood was ruined when Akihiko's phone rang beside Misaki. They both glanced at it and that's when he saw the shadow slip into Misaki's eyes as a sensual smile spread across Misaki's lips. Pushing him of her so he was he was sitting back down on the desk chair she grabbing his phone and held it out to him as she leant over to press her lips to the shell of his ear "Answer it" she purred. Akihiko groaned


"Answer. It." She growled. Akihiko did as he was told answering the call as Misaki sank to her knees in front of him with a predatory smile

"What is it, Rika?" Akihiko hissed venomously. Misaki gave him a mischievous grin when she heard Rika's shrill voice answer

"Where are you!? What have it told you about leaving without telling me!?" She hissed. Akihiko was about to snap a really when he suddenly jerked the phone away from his ear and biting down on the groan that rose in his throat, squeezing his eyes shut. Misaki had grasped his cock lapping and sucking at its head before taking it fully into his mouth, not stopping while he tried to speak, attempting to have a level voice "Well!?" Rika yelled

"I can go where I please" Akihiko bit out through gritted teeth

"Since when, Akihiko, you are forgetting your place. Would like me to give the signal?" Rika cooed. Misaki gave a strong suck cutting Akihiko off before he could retort then releasing his cock with a pop. She straddled him and lowering herself, impaling herself on his cock, throwing her head back with a quiet gasp. Akihiko was being pushed to his limits at the sight, and his control snapped. He thrust upwards, his free hand gripping her waist.

Misaki took the phone from his hand while he was too focused on the sensations Misaki was making him feel. Unlike Akihiko, Misaki didn't try to hide what they were doing as she spoke "You have nothing over him now, Rika" Misaki purred between pants "I made sure of it, and I think that it's time you learnt Your place" Misaki let out an evil little giggle and ending the call but no before she let Rika hear her cry out when Akihiko thrust into her g spot.

Once she was done Akihiko picked her up and lay her on the nearby sofa throwing Suzuki off all the while never pulling out.

"Geez, Usagi-san, who know you were into the more dangerous stuff" Misaki panted. Akihiko grinned looking into her eyes, he saw it, as the lust mounted, as her attention focused on him and only him that shadow in her eyes that he didn't want to see slipped away slowly.

Suddenly Akihiko thrust roughly into her quick and fast making Misaki cry out and she began to forget everything but his name before her release washed over her. Akihiko pulled out last second before following suit as he came over her stomach. They laid there panting, Akihiko resting his forehead on her shoulder letting his breathing even, Misaki was blushing like mad "I can't believe we did that"

"I can't believe it either" Akihiko panted "Or that it was all you" Misaki's blush darkened a few shades

"I don't know what I was thinking" Misaki whined.

"Well it was the best way ever to tell her to get lost" Akihiko teased

"Pervert" Misaki mumbled

"Hey, I didn't come up with it" Akihiko teased only for Misaki to attempt to push him off making the man chuckle