Misaki lay curled up on the floor in a ball as tears streamed down her face. She had been like that for a couple of days. She hadn't eaten anything since he had left. The Penthouse had been empty, all his stuff was still there but he wasn't. Akihiko Usami was gone. He had left her, breaking the promise of loving her forever. She could feel the sting from when she had slapped him. And for somewho had claimed not to love her he had given a lot of care for her. He was the one that moved out, saying he would continue to pay for the place, he had also left her a credit card with no limit for her for anything she wanted. He had seemed really upset that he was doing what he was doing.
They hadn't even been engaged a month when he had decided to break it off. When he had said the words "I can't love you anymore" She had slapped him and screamed at him for playing her, He just stood there and took it looking as if it was her breaking it off with him before she had removed her ring and threw it at him. He simply bent down to pick it up saying he would make sure nothing had to change for her other than he wouldn't be there and left. And as soon as he left she curled up into a ball.
She had stayed like that for twio nights just crying. No one came to visit because they didn't know that something was wrong. that was until a pair of well polished shoes came into her line of sight. Misaki was too weak to look to see who it was and seeing this they knelt down. "This was not what I was expecting of you Takahashi-chan" The man smiled sympathethically.
"I don't want to see you Usami" Misaki snapped her voice raw from disuse. The man in front of her sighed.
"y son must have really done a number on you. Come you need to eat something, we can talk about it"
"I can't move. Just leave me alone" Misaki sulked. Fuyuhiko had to do a double take on the woman before him before picking her up.
"You need to eat"
"I said leave me alone!" Misaki shrieked but she couldn't do anything due to the lack of food in her system. Akihiko's father sighed and carried her out the door seeing she was too weak to stay awake let alone figh him. It wasn't long until she was out cold as she was placed in the car.
Misaki Takahashi
Misaki woke up a few hours later in a hospital bed in what seemed like a private room. She was alone and she saw the drip hooked up to her arm. she felt some of her strength had returned when she noticed the food on her side table. there was a note with the food from Fuyuhiko asking her to eat. Misaki just ignored it laying on the bed. the door to her room opened and the man himself entering the room. "You're awake, Takahashi-chan" Fuyuhiko smiled
"Go away. I bet you're the one that finally convinced him to leave me" Misaki cried. Fuyuhiko frowned.
"That's just it, Misaki, I wasn't. we have somethings we need to discuss" Fuyuhiko scowled "Sooner rather than later" Misaki turned her face away from the older Usami but said nothing, showing she was listening "I had gone through your medical history, I am aware of your... Mental disorder"
"You mean being bi-polar?" Misaki huffed
"Exactly, are you aware of when that kicks in?"
"My bi-polorism, Usami, isnt normal. Mine has a trigger, it hasn't been pulled in years. Because I was careful. I know when it happens" Fuyuhiko nodded. "And beofre you ask, its whenever someone forces my relationships to end against their will"
"Ah so thats what I was seeing. Takahashi-chan, the reason I wasnt so keen on you dating my son, was because I saw cunning in that stare of yours and mistook it for Vindictiveness, and that you were after his family's money. Obviously my research wasn't... thorough. Now it's put my youngest son in a position I never wanted him in. A woman had come in with every intention of taking his money for herself with an arranged marriage porposal. For some idiotic reason my son accepted it."
"Huh... so that's why he left"
"I have a plan to get him out of the marriage he clearly doesn't want. I thought I should involve you because it affects you heavily. I don't know how, but Akihiko is being blackmailed... would you be willing to help free him as well as securing that woman can not do this again in future?" Fuyuhiko couldn't see Misaki's eyes but he felt a shiver run down his spine when a chilling smile spread over her face.
"Usagi-chichi" Misaki purred "You don't know what you are asking. I have been able to drive people insane while looking like a victim. is that what you want?"
"Right now it's what my son needs" Fuyuhiko nodded. Misaki lifted he gaze with a dangerous glint .
"Then where do I start?"
Akihiko Usami
Akihiko stood in his family home and had hoped his father had done as he had asked. he had, had a bad feeling about Misaki, she had taken the hit hard and he was worried for her. He knew her tendencies when she was upset... sometimes she didnt sleep or eat, or she was just in a daze and tended to accidentally hurt herself. Hopefully she was alright. He toyed with the ring in his hand as he looked out over the Usami grounds hoping that Misaki was okay when he felt a hand on his arm. Beside him a woman with pure white hair and violet eyes stood sadly beside him.
"Mother, its odd to see you here" Akihiko greeted. The woman held to him a thin silver chain necklace, the original pendant obviously removed. Katsumi looked up to her son.
"Hang the ring on this, don't let that woman have it. Me and your father never had the best relationship but we will help you. you are my son and I failed you when you were younger but I'll do my best to make up for it" Katsumi smiled "Don't forget about this Misaki you love so much."
"I've already messed that up, I can't tell her any of this" Akihiko sighed.
"I'm sure things would work out. come Rika is looking for you, for now just bare with her" Katsumi took the ring off her son and threaded the chain through it before fastening it around his neck "Just do as Rika says and Misaki will come to no harm" Akihiko winced and followed Katsumi out of the Room