Leave a comment on what I should write for next chapter~ And do keep it PG please, nothing too lewd… Im open to all pairings, but lets just leave the dense protag at the door. #TeamYuri

Ch 1 Yuri X Sayori

The sun was shining brightly down on the seemingly empty streets of Japan. Two students, Yuri and Sayori, were both walking home together after parting ways with the rest of their club mates. The tall bookworm walks with a slower pace because Sayori can only walk so fast.

Hundreds of thoughts rushed through Yuri's head. She was happy to be walking with her "secret" crush, but she was also afraid she would do something she would regret if the other ever invited her over.

Sayori, meanwhile, was as happy as ever. Her smile could brighten anyone's day and that's what Yuri loved about her. The smaller girl was skipping alongside her friend, almost oblivious to the feelings swirling around in her head.

Sayori stops to face her friend. Yuri hadn't even realized they had reached Sayori's house in the span of a few minutes. "Say, you wanna come in? We can stay and chat if you'd like~"

This had sparked something inside of Yuri. Almost like a switch was flipped and all of her worries had left her. The quiet girl responded, "I-I'd love to if y-you wouldn't mind it." She fiddled with her long hair that drooped over her shoulder.

Sayori beamed with a smile so inviting it was in itself like a warm hug. Yuri's heart fluttered and skipped a beat all within the span of a few seconds. Her cheeks reddened a bit but it wasn't too noticeable.

Upon entering, it was clear to the quiet girl that Sayori's parents had not been home in at least a few weeks; 2 or 3 at the most. The kitchen was a mess from when Natsuki had done a "baking binge" the day prior.

"Ah, so that's what I forgot to do this morning… I-Ignore the mess please…" She tried to just laugh it off, but Yuri could tell something was a bit off. Either way, she didn't press further as they made their way to Sayori's bedroom.

Her bed had the same stuffed animals on it as it always had. The same giant teddy bear that Monika had won her at the Sakura festival about a year ago. The same pillows that Yuri had make cases for, and the same motivational posters she had always had.

The floor and desk were a different story.

Sayori grabbed at a pile of clothes she and Natsuki had left on the floor by the door. It seemed Natsuki had missed the laundry basket entirely. "Sorry for the mess… I told her to clean up, but she never does listen fully does she?"

Yuri only shrugged. "I-It's alright… I-I wouldn't mind helping if you need it…"

Sayori straightened up. Shirt in hand, she balls it up and tries to make a basket like its a basketball. She misses just like Natsuki did. She sighs and just lets it sit there all while slumping onto her bed.

Yuri goes to put it in the basket for later.

She then joins her crush on her bed. She lays back to match Sayori's position and looks over. She's just… staring at the ceiling… "S-Sayori…? Is something wrong?"

The smaller girl lets out another sigh. It was like all of the light and warmth in her body had left all at once. She turned over onto her side to face Yuri head on. She tries to smile, but can't… She nearly breaks down, but keeps it mostly together.

"Yuri…" she squeeks out. Her voice had grown quiet just so only Yuri could hear her. "I-I… I haven't been honest… with anyone as of late… heh…" She had Yuri's full attention by now. "I… even now it-it's hard to get it out into words…"

Sayori took one of Yuri's hands in hers as if looking for her lost warmth. The latter squeezed it reassuringly, giving her a smile like she had given her. "I-I… I don't know what I'm feeling… I can't get the thought of them out of my head… I-I… I think I might love someone… B-But I'm sure they would never say yes…"

"C-Could I ask who…?"

Sayori looked mortified. She knew she couldn't keep it a secret for much longer… "Y-You can…" She cleared her throat. "I-It… It's you, Yuri…" She covered her face with her free hand. She sounded like she was crying… "D-Don't hate me… P-Please…"

Yuri had to pull the smaller into an embrace. Her expression changed to one of concern and then one of acceptance. "I had no idea… I-I guess you didn't either huh…" Sayori reciprocates all while looking a bit confused. "I-I too haven't been as honest as I could have been…"

There was a bit of silence from the both of them. She definitely had Sayori's attention now just as she had hers earlier. "I-I love you too, Sayori."

Her heart skipped a beat. Her face became flush and her warm smile returned. The light that had almost died returned even brighter than before. The two of them sat up to get a better view of each other. "Y-You mean it? You really mean it?"

"Of course I do Sayori." She gave Sayori a peck on her forehead. The two of them remained in a blissful silence just basking in the events that had transpired.

Sayori breaks the silence after about a minute. "D-Does that mean we're g-girlfriends then…?"

Yuri smiles. "Only if you wanna be."

Footnote: True(ish) title: And then they f*cked all night.

I am trash, I'm aware of that fact. Leave a pairing and prompt you wanna see for next chapter. Ill see y'all later bai~