I can't be the only one who was unsatisfied with the ending to Generator Rex. There were unanswered questions, some cliffhangers, Six never got his memories back or got with Holiday officially, never got to see the aftermath of the world cure along with Rex and there was a bunch of McGuffin stuff all around. I had a bit of a dream and floating ideas that helped me come up with a story set after season 3.

It's going to be more grown-up than the show as there will be gore, blood, swearing and such things. Not as heavy as you'll expect though.

Also, keep in mind this is a fanfiction, it doesn't affect the show or things you like. If you don't enjoy it, you don't have to stay.

Anyway, hope you like it. I'm not the best at writing or stories so I'll give what I can.


The world is saved, EVOs cured and nanites sable. Now everyone finally gets a chance to move on with their lives, except Rex. But the young hero of the world is forced to play the part again when something appears...

Word Of The Chapter:


Completely destroy (a building, town, or other settlement)


Rex Salazar

Bobo Haha

Agent Six

Caesar Salazar

Kenwyen Jones

White Knight

Warning: Violence, blood, background deaths and swearing

Disclaimer: I don't own Generator Rex, if I did, it would not be cancelled!

The world was recovering, not normal. Despite the fact that an EVO teen had cured the world, well most of it, they were still recovering from the aftermath of going through such a strange and dangerous event, that had ended over nearly seven months ago. Families were being reunited, buildings and locations were being rebuilt, people were still scared if everything would happen again, but all in all, things were better than before.

You no longer had to fear that a family member or even a loving pet could quickly transform into a terrifying beast of a creature. You didn't have to move town because your home or job was ruined by an EVO attack. Didn't have to hide because you were an EVO, who could still remember who they were. You could thank Providence and a set of people.

White Knight, the original leader before Black Knight, who lead the EVO fighting teams and made the necessary orders to protect the world.

Agent Six, a stern but brave and loyal agent of Providence, also known as the sixth deadliest person in the world and he sure showed it.

Doctor Rebecca Holiday, a leading scientist and doctor for the cure of EVOs and for Providence, putting all her work and time into helping people suffering.

Bobo Haha, a strange but loyal chimp EVO who fought among the soldiers of Providence or even acts as a spy for them.

Last but not least, Rex Salazar, the not so secret weapon of Providence for the past harsh years in the world. Rex was known for his curing and fighting ability against EVOs, but now he is known as a true hero around the world for curing almost everyone. Rex had used godlike nanites called meta-nanites to save everyone he could, allowing for an end of trauma and horror, to bring in recovering and reuniting. Everywhere you went, you'd see or hear someone talking about the boy and what he did, either on TV, newspapers or even people you'd walk past. Everywhere talked about this hero.

These people hadn't been seen as much anymore. Sometimes you'd spot Six working with the government or Providence, maybe Rex seeing his friends like Noah or Holiday with her sister in the park. With the big problem of the world gone, these people were trying to move on and adjust to their new lives.

White Knight had been reinstated as the leader of Providence, after Black Knight ran off and was defeated. He was currently making agreements and disagreements with the government on what to make Providence, slowly it was becoming another base for the army but dealt with slightly higher threats. Weapons were changing to be suited for dealing with things other than EVOs, along with some of their vehicles and soldier training. Parts of the base were changing as well, the petting zoo was now turning into a vehicle repair bay along with cargo shipping, the labs were now changing more for medical problems rather than researching nanites and EVOs and the boot camp had to be upgraded for different dangers and threats.

Agent Six had stayed with Providence, he still could find work with leading teams and helping White Knight. Plus, Six didn't know what else he could do, he lost six years worth of memories and spent most of his time fighting and training. Holiday had offered to let him stay with her and her sister, but he declined as he still had work to do and didn't want to give them trouble, though he would visit them often with Rex and Bobo. This didn't stop Six from thinking of ideas on what to do next, one would be trying to regain his lost memories, while another could be him getting a home or another job, but now he was fine with his placement.

Holiday had helped her sister move into her current home, a normal apartment that Providence paid for her during her time working with them, luckily they still paid for it, even though she doesn't work for them anymore, as a thank you for what she did. With the EVOs gone, Holiday had barely any reasons to work for Providence, though she'd come in a couple of times for someone like Rex or Bobo, so she was settling down, giving her sister a better life like getting her into school while Holiday was trying to find a new job.

Bobo stilled lived around Providence, acting like his normal self by causing trouble, doing as he pleased and gambling with his co-workers. He would sometimes help on the field, but it was rarer now of days. He had no idea what he wanted to do now. But frankly, he couldn't care much right now, what with the fact he could relax now.

Then there was Rex, everyone could see that something was amiss with the EVO teen, who had recently become seventeen. With his strong abilities, like creating mechanical machines on him, controlling technology and even turning into a large mechanical EVO for something very serious and deadly, there wasn't much needed from him. He was a great tool for fighting, but there wasn't anything severe enough to bring him in to fight. EVOs were gone, the pack and Van Kleiss had vanished, much like Black Knight and the Consortium. But he didn't leave Providence, he could still of use and there wasn't anywhere else he could go currently.

So Rex spent his days in his room, which had been changed it back after what Black Knight did to it but kept a few things, like the TV. Rex would be either sitting around, training, visiting friends or his brother, Six, Holiday and her sister. But he found he had so much more time on his hands, a concept he wasn't use to. It felt strange, even though Rex had always wanted more time for normal things, it was abnormal and bizarre to him.

He'd quickly become bored or quiet, sometimes vanishing but no one questioned it, thinking he needed space and time to adjust. Six, Holiday and even Caesar had asked him about it, but Rex would often give a smile saying he was working on something.

He also had to adapt to the number of people trying to swarm him and praise him as the world's hero. Many fans would surround him if they ever caught him around town and outside of Providence, even reporters who beg for questions, an interview and video with him. This was also strange, in how Rex would have always wanted to be known, famous and have fans swarm him, but this was becoming too much for him. He could barely visit Noah without someone chasing him or shoving a camera in his face. There was a lot he needed to get accustomed to.

Currently, Rex was sitting upright on his bed, tossing his red ball at the wall and catching it when it bounced back. His goggles, jacket and gloves laid on the floor, his eyes were gazing at the TV as it was showing the evening news. Bobo was in his hammock, organizing the money that Rex wasn't sure where he got it from, but wasn't tempted to ask. Rex vaguely knew what the new reporter on screen with talking about, something about damages being repaired and different countries coming together to help one another, but he drained out the voice.

His eyes may have been looking at the tv, but his focus wasn't. The world was slow, at least for Rex. So many things he had to adjust to, so much time he wasn't used to. He had asked for some advice or searched online for any ideas on what to do now. One thing he found was to make a list of events or possibilities he could try. He gazed above the TV, thinking about his list.

Possibility 1. Perhaps make a serious relationship

Now that things have settled enough, Rex thought back on all the girls he had dated, flirted or had signs of affections with. Circe, Cricket, Annie, Beverly, Breach, Kenwyn, that Goggle Girl and Valentina. First off, the goggles chick was more of a relax date for him and it was a one-time thing, so he could scratch her off the list.

Valentina and Breach had vanished since Rex last saw them, but he hopes to meet both of them again. Valentina was brave, bold and a challenge to be with, but Rex strangely liked that. Someone who could test him in such a way.

Breach, however, was someone he met more often and understood way more. She had trusted him to see the other places she visits with her portals, sometimes even using Rex as a mean of stabilizing herself, whether she kidnapped him or he came willingly. There were sparks in him from time to time but he needed to see her again for them to develop into something he could understand.

Kenwyn still worked at Providence and Rex had seen her walking around the base, even chatting and training with her. They had respect for each other, something they had lacked at first. She could be a possibility but he needed a bit more time with her.

Beverly was the one to snap Rex out of his fantasy dreams with Holiday, something he is quite embarrassed with, frankly. She was fun loving, lived the life of a teenager and found Rex was one hell of a friend. They seemed to have sparks of interest but Rex started to feel like they were more like friends, maybe even family.

Annie, Cricket and Circe were the hardest ones by far. He knew he had feelings for each of them that didn't need to be explained.

Annie was dangerous to be around, with her bad luck powers that Rex swore was given to her by nanites, but she seems to have calmed down since their first date, maybe because of Rex, he wasn't sure. She was silly, charming and sweet, she was also a non-EVO who liked Rex and didn't seem to cast judgement on him for it.

Circe, at first, seemed like she was the one, the sweetheart he wanted, but with everything calming down and Rex maturing, he realised that he needed to develop those feelings, learn more about Circe and who she is. He liked her, definitely, but now he was unsure about his previous feelings for her, as he felt like he rushed everything with her.

Cricket was also someone else he fancied, surely. She was sweet, smart, understanding and he felt like he could tell her everything. He wanted to dismiss these feelings as he saw her and Tuck getting close, but he couldn't remove them.

He was unsure about all of them. Each had flaws but each had great possibilities for him with a relationship. He had talked to the ones he could, Beverly, Cricket, Circe, Kenwyn and Annie about how he felt about them and what he was going through. To his surprise, they were all supportive about it, understand what it must feel like to have so many people to fancy but don't know who to pick and not want to hurt one because he didn't pick them. They said he should take his time and they'd give him space about it, which he was highly grateful for.

Possibility 2. Find more hobbies

Rex didn't have many hobbies to begin with. Mainly because he was busy fighting EVO butt and working for Providence. The main ones he could focus on we're training, playing around the petting zoo, testing his nanites and sometimes drawing or singing. Now he had a lot more time on his hands, along with the fact that he didn't use his nanites anymore and that the petting zoo was gone.

He had been drawing a lot, but he needed something to spark his imagination again as he was running out of ideas. He had searched up hobbies online and started trying random ones out, like sports or musical instruments. He'd either be really bad or decent with it, but found a form of joy in learning each of them. So far, he was getting better at cooking each time he tried it, but still had a long way to go. He also had to be careful that his new hobbies didn't cause problems or disturb anyone, but it only happened once or twice, maybe three times.

Possibility 3. Get a part-time job

He had taken up a couple of weird jobs in the past, like how he was the bodyguard to a band or took over Noah's job for nearly an afternoon by mistake. But he wanted to try a proper job, maybe at a pet store or move supplies around dock zones. The jobs he had tried in the past were interesting, a change of pace for his real job, and while it caused problems eventually, he had found some kind of charm to it.

Plus, if he tried getting a real part-time job instead of it being a mistake or a strange invite, he might find more enjoyment in it than he had in the past. He also could use it to get some money, something that Providence lacked in giving him because they either didn't trust him with money or felt he never needed it. He always had to borrow money from Six, Holiday, Noah or even Bobo, if he was lucky. There were so many things he's been meaning to buy.

Possibility 4. Join a club of some kind

Noah had often told him about after-school clubs or even one's around town. There were nearly clubs for everything. Rex had always been tempted to try one out, but he was often too busy or didn't feel like bringing bad luck to those nice little places. Now that everything is resolved, he felt he could join one.

He was tempted to join an art one or maybe try a random one for fun, like drama, cooking or even gardening, anything new would be fun in his eyes. He'd have to ask Noah about it, get his opinion on what to try first or maybe join in any that Noah was in. He knew that some cost money, unfortunately, but he could get holiday's help on that or even convince White Knight, he hoped.

Possibility 5. Get a pet

For as long as Rex could remember, he wanted a pet. He remembered, once when he was new to Providence and snuck out. He had come to a park full of dogs that followed him around, playing with him. Six came and retrieve him but Rex had begged for a dog for nearly two weeks, for some kind of pet. Apparently, Six fought that Bobo was a pet, at the time, and that was enough, much to Bobo's annoyance.

Rex still wanted a pet, either a cat or dog but he'd be happy with almost anything. Holiday even once thought giving Rex a pet might help him relax and make him happy, which in turn, would help his nanites keep stable like how pets can help lower blood pressure. Unfortunately, White Knight and Six disallowed it since a pet around Providence was dangerous and didn't think Rex was responsible enough. He still had the thought of one, always in his mind somewhere.

When Caesar came around, he told Rex that since he was very little, he always wanted a pet, but since their parents and Caesar were busy, they couldn't afford to look after one. He knew it was still unlikely he could have one around Providence, but he was still going to try.

Possibility 6. Sign up to join a school

Rex wasn't going to lie, he liked school when he tried it out. It was normal, yes, but that was something he needed. He liked the classes, he liked the teachers, he liked some of the students. He knew there would be a point that he couldn't stand school, like how he sees Noah getting frustrated with homework and studying, but he thinks it'd be worth joining.

Rex wasn't as smart as his brother, but he holds high levels of intelligence that he doesn't show often, but he expresses it through his quick thinking and adapting. The way he could use his nanites and communicate with them and machines holds a degree of intelligence too, he could see things in a way he doesn't think anyone else could. With school, he could sharpen this intelligence and his mind, see how smart he really is. It could also be an opportunity to act more normal, try out things that normal teenagers do and meet new people. Holiday had been teaching him and it had helped, but since she left, he felt that school was an option again.

Possibility 7. Travel/Vacation

Now, Rex had travelled nearly everywhere in the world, but that was almost always for missions. He wanted to travel and treat it like a vacation, view and understand the places he visits, see the tourist spots rather than accidentally destroying them, take pictures of certain spots he sees and keep the pictures as memories, relax in hotels and by the poolside even.

Of course, he wouldn't want to go alone as it would be more fun with people. He could go with Holiday and Beverly, maybe Bobo and possibly Six if he tried hard enough. There were so many places he saw during missions that he wishes he could have sat down and watched or interacted with. He also wanted to see how the world was doing after the EVO event, see how people were rebuilding the world and making connections with each other. It would give him peace of mind, given how much trouble he caused in many places.

Possibility 8. Make new friends

Don't get him wrong, he loved all his friends, like Noah or the Hong Kong gang, but he wanted to see if he could form some new friendships, maybe with someone who wasn't involved with the nanite and EVO event. Noah was original a spy from White Knight and the Hong Kong gang were EVOs like him at the time. If he joined clubs and school, or even went travelling, he would like to meet some new people who he could form amazing and fun relationships with, ones that could teach him more about being a normal teenager or do things that don't involve a monstrous fight and agents.

Given his rise in popularity for being a hero, it was going to be hard to find some people who wouldn't use his abilities or fame for themselves and be genuine friends. But Rex still wanted to try, plus new friends could give him new activities to do and more reason to leave Providence to visit someone.

Possibility 9. Try some unique/crazy things

There were a bunch of random stuff Rex was always tempted to try out. He'd have to be careful as he didn't want to regret anything later on. Somethings he was tempted to try was getting a line of hair dyed, get a new outfit, go on a blind date or even maybe a tattoo, so many potential fun and weird experiences.

He made another list on wacky things he thought of or saw he wanted to try, so far he's only done a couple since a lot of them he had to think about and ask for permission, given he didn't want to freak out anyone or give someone like Holiday a heart attack.

Possibility 10. Leave Providence…

Rex caught his red ball but didn't throw it this time, this possibility was at the bottom of the list for a reason, it scared him. On one hand, Providence didn't need him anymore. No more EVOs to fight or cure, no more use for nanites, even his own. All the change was to move on from what the nanites did and even if there were still some EVOs left that Rex allowed, they didn't need to bother with them anymore. Their work now focused on helping armies and the government, even some secret agent things. But they never called in Rex anymore, he wasn't needed.

Rex couldn't lie, he missed fighting, he missed using his EVO powers and saving the day, but those days seemed to be gone. People he knew even moved on from the past, what with Six now not being his partner and Holiday looking for a new job.

Rex felt like he was trying to catch up, that he was left behind after what he did. He knew they didn't mean to, they just didn't know what to do with him. Providence didn't want to lose him, he knew this. The world still had threats and problems, there could be a time they need someone like Rex, but that didn't stop him from feeling doubtful, unsure and useless. This was all the reasons he made this list in the first place. He could leave, they couldn't stop him, plus leaving didn't mean he would never help them again. He could ask Holiday if he could move in with her or maybe convince Caesar for them to find a place together, maybe go be with his adopted grandmother, Abuela, and her family. He even could ask to join Noah's family for a bit.

On the other hand, even with these choices, he didn't want to leave. Providence had been his home for a long time now, he made his place here and had so many memories and moments here, even if the place didn't feel the same. This place gave him a purpose, a job he saw through, gave him trials that made him who he is and in it's own way, took care of him. Sure, they had treated him like a weapon or monster many times in the past, but that could never blind him from the good it did for him and what it helped him become, a hero. He made friends and family that he knew he could never replace. He had his ups and downs.

This place was special to him, so special that he was scared, even terrified to leave. He also didn't want to leave behind people like Bobo, Six, Caesar or even White Knight who seemed to be sticking around Providence. Sure, it wasn't like he'd never see them again, but if he left, he might not see them as often as he'd like, compared to how many times he can easily visit Holiday and her sister. It was also one of the few places that could handle him and his powers, they still had equipment out for him, just in case something went wrong with his nanites and abilities.

It could also shield him away from society that was constantly trying to swarm him and record him, and he knew it wasn't ending anytime soon with what he did. He also held some form of hope that the next day, a mission would appear for him, that he could save at least one person again, but that never seemed to come up. Rex was also getting older, just a couple of more years and he'd be an adult, a thought that also scared him. He wasn't sure what to do with his life, so what was he supposed to do as an adult? He was stuck, to put it simply, on that option.

"What's got you in the slumps?" Bobo questioned, peering over his hammock.

Rex snapped out of his deep thoughts, quickly looking up to his chimp friend. "Just thinking."

"Ain't that a surprise." Bobo huffed and placed some money in his pouch. "You've been pulling that face almost always, becoming your neutral look."

Rex raised a brow. "What face?"

Bobo leaned against the edge of the hammock. "Like you're some dramatic angsty teenager, well, like the very cliche tv ones in high school shows."

Rex placed his red ball down and swung his legs over his bed. "I'm surprised no one else is expressing it." He mumbled.

Bobo raised a brow this time. "Alright, tell your old friend Bobo."

Rex was unsure if he wanted to tell him, but gave it a shot. "How can you all move on so quickly, like know exactly what to do after such a huge event?"

"Ah, I see da problem." Bobo chuckled. "You're suffering from A.H.A."

Rex blinked. "A.H.A?" He said, completely puzzled.

Bobo held up a finger. "A Hero's Aftermath. I see it in comic books all da time." He shrugged. "You saved the world from the big threat you were destined to stop, but then what? You spent a good chunk of your life working towards it, that you end up not having plans for after the job gets done."

Rex's shoulders slumped. "So, what you're saying is, I screwed myself over?"

Bobo nodded, agreeing. "That's pretty much it, buddy."

Rex groaned lightly and leaned back. "Greattttt."

Bobo shrugged again before pulling himself back into his hammock. "Just follow what ya want kid, no one's stopping ya. Just don't blow anything up." He said, casually.

Rex sighed and rubbed his head before standing, reaching down and taking his jacket, goggles and gloves, slipping them on. Bobo glanced back over to him.

"And where are ya going?" Bobo asked.

"I'm gonna go wander around for a bit, nothing on TV anyway." Rex responded, shoving his gloved hands into his pockets.

"Be a good boy and be back before your bed timeeee." Bobo replied, teasingly.

Rex frowned and walked out the door, waving his hand lightly at Bobo before vanishing out of the chimp's sight.

As he wandered down the blank, white halls of Providence, he couldn't help but think about what Bobo said. It was true, Rex put so much time and effort into saving the world, he had no backup plans for what to do afterwards, unlike everyone else who knew what they wanted to do. So Rex thought to himself, was there anything he thought he wanted before, something he could make now for a new life. A family, that was the word that came to mind.

He stopped in his pace for a moment before he kept walking. He tried finding his family, it's what Providence said they do for him in return for helping them. And Rex had found them, or at least, found his brother and learnt who his parents were. Caesar was strange and Rex was unsure about him the first time they met, but he was happy to have his older brother around. It still didn't satisfy him though, it didn't feel like a whole family, just him and Caesar. He still wanted a mother, wanted a father.

He was close with Six, seeing him as a father figure at times. However, it became strange and wonky after Six lost his memories. The father figure part of him was still there, it just struggled to come out more and gave Rex doubts. He wasn't even sure if Six would like to be viewed as a father figure. After Rex got over his feelings for Holiday, he couldn't help see how often she acted like a mother for him, something he was glad to have. She gave him maternal comfort and care, motherly advice and a mother's love, but he always doubted she'd like to be his mother, not after everything and now that her sister was back. Plus, Holiday was moving on, no longer had to work on Rex and was making a new life, he didn't want to disturb that. He put that thought to the side, for now.

As Rex wandered, he ended up walking near the large doors to the briefing room, but was too deep in thought to realise until he heard White Knight speaking.

"Another one?" He quizzed someone in the room.

Rex stopped and turned his gaze into the room. There weren't very many workers around, some just on the computers and monitors but didn't pay much mind to White. In front of the screen that White was on, was Six. Even from his location, Rex could feel the aura of annoyance coming from Six, also some disappointment. Rex stepped close but hanged around the arcing doorway, listening.

"A group of hockey players who were training for a big match." Six revealed to White.

White leaned back into his chair. "And no clues?"

Six shook his head. "No witnesses and all recordings were hacked off at the time, but no one can find out who hacked in."

White sighed, a gruff in his voice. "Add them to the list."

A worker piped in. "Already on it, sir."

White glanced over before looking back at Six. "Any word on the missing criminals?" He queried.

Six shook his head again, slightly more irritated this time. "Nothing."

White tapped his finger. "We'll have to wait then, see what happens next before making any moves."

Rex tilted his head. What had he missed? There was clearly something stumping the two and something that clearly irked Six more than normal. Six nodded and looked away from White, in turn, White logged off, screen going black.

Six flicked a gesture with his hand at a worker. "Get me a map of the locations they went missing in, I want it in my office." Six requested.

Some of the workers nodded before going back to work. Six straightened himself and turn to exit the room, but caught sight of a head vanishing around the corner, his natural face wavered a tiny bit. Rex had pulled his head back when he saw Six turning, but thinks he got out cleanly. He leaned against the wall to process what little he heard. Something about people vanishing and criminals missing, this was also important enough for Six and White to be discussing. He narrowed his eyes and stood to rush off and see if he could learn something about this, himself. However, the moment he pushed himself off the wall, he nearly rammed into Six.

Rex's eyes widened. "Six!" He blurted out, surprised.

Six arced an eyebrow. "Care to explain?"

Rex blinked but pulled a desperate cover-up face. "What do you mean? Wasn't doing anything wrong."

The eyebrow arched more and Rex lost his weak face.

"Ok, ok, I heard a bit about what you and White were talking about." Rex waved his hands. "But I didn't hear much and I wandered into it, didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"Fine, but don't go looking for questions about it, it's none of your concern." Six stated.

Rex crossed his arms. "Nothing's my concern anymore."

"It will be when things are too serious." Six told him.

Rex paused, staring at him. "...And when will that be?"

This time, Six took a moment to think of the right words. Before he could, Rex continued.

"Come on, Six. I don't have to be a part of it, but I want to know what's gotten you and White so, what's the word, sceptical, frazzled? And maybe I can give some advice." He offered.

Six just kept his gaze on Rex, his normal expression which gave no hints to Rex on what he was about to do or say. Six then glanced over his shoulder before looking back at Rex.

"Fine, but don't tell White and don't get involved." Six settled.

Rex grinned. "Deal!" He then followed behind Six as they walked.

The pair walked down some halls, not saying anything until they came to a hallway with no one in it and where White Knight wouldn't be looking. Six flicked around to face Rex, stopping him in his tracks. He looked down to make eye contact with Rex, wondering if he should really be telling it to this young man. His orders were to keep this a secret and he had his suspicions that Rex would try to get involved anyway. Then again, he trusted Rex and understood that the boy had nothing to do, and maybe he could help, he knew somethings from this mission already.

"...For the past five months, a large number of people have been disappearing. These people rarely have connections with one another, are from all over America, never leave any traces behind and barely any of them have negative backgrounds, just simple people with simple lives. We didn't think there was any connection, at first, but the fact that they disappear without a trace means that someone is able to take groups of people, without being seen, started our guesses that someone is behind it all. However, they weren't the only ones to vanish." Six pulled out three pictures and handed them to Rex. "Know them?"

Rex gazed at the pictures but it didn't take him longer than a second to know who each one was, given he had met all of them. "Doctor Fell, Branden Moses and that guy, Weaver..."

"So you do know them…" Six narrowed his eyes slightly. "They all disappeared on the same night, no tracers. Only connection each had was that they're doctors or scientists."

Rex handed the pictures back. "Why would anyone want those bozos? They failed in what they tried to achieve."

Six took the pictures. "What they did was still something and their not idiots. Fell made a way to dissect captured EVOs on a molecular level, Moses created a machine that half cured or powered up EVOs and Weaver had been selling your nanites to Van Kleiss."

"Point taken." Rex huffed. "But still, why would anyone want them? They're not as useful as someone like Caesar or Holiday."

"Maybe they knew that, maybe they wanted someone we wouldn't go full out hunt mode on, maybe they wanted someone who they knew would follow their orders." Six added.

Rex paused, flashing a glance at the pictures in Six's hands. "Does Holiday know? She had dealings with all these creeps."

Six shook his head. "No, we felt we would leave her out of this. We have kept an eye on her, in case someone goes after her or her sister."

"Good call…" Rex breathed.

"For now, we have to wait to see if anyone else goes missing, whether a prisoner, an innocent, scientist or doctor." Six explained.

Rex looked up at him. "What will you do when it happens?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Six concluded, turning away.

Rex's eyes widen slightly, seeing how Six was ending the conversation abruptly. "Hang on, what-?"

Six cut him off, not turning to face him. "Do not get involved Rex, I already broke many rules just by explaining to you about the situation." He paused. "I promise we'll call you in if we really need you. For now, find something else to do." And with that, Six wandered off.

Rex just stood there, stumped with all that he had just been told. Seems like some danger was picking up, but apparently not enough for Rex to get involved. And he knew these dangers, he knew the men he was shown. As much as he appreciated Six trusting him enough to tell him, he wished he didn't know. He wanted to know more, wanted to help. But something in him was holding him back. Normally Rex would disobey the rules, go off to save the day, but he couldn't find it in him, not anymore. After a long pause of silence and no movement, Rex sighed and rubbed the back of his head, gazing upwards.

"What am I doing?..." He whispered.


Rex's eyes snapped open. His body, it wasn't right. He felt ghostly, like he was nothing as he drifted in the air of the void. He hovered there, breathing softly and held a confused expression. He heard a hum, a hum of technology starting up as a flash of light blared behind him. He flicked around, feeling no gust of wind created by his sudden movement. There he saw it, the Omega nanite, just hovering there.


It glowed brightly again, causing Rex to shield his eyes. He gritted his teeth but felt himself being lowered. He touched what he suspected was the ground, the moment he touched it, it glowed the blue circuit board design that Rex was known for appeared on his legs and soon on the ground, soon spreading out everywhere as it all turned on. Rex stared at his feet, eye narrowed and mouth open in shock, anger and dismay.


Rex flicked his head up to the Omega nanite, baring his teeth and tried to move, but he couldn't. He tugged at his legs but it seemed like the circuit symbols were glueing him to the floor. He kept tugging and glaring at the large nanite.

"What do you want from me!?" He roared.

It beeped and glowed again. A deep hum of energy was heard from it that Rex was all too familiar with.


It's lights flickered, words distorted as it seemed to glitch for a moment. Rex held his arms up, in case something happened. Suddenly, normal nanites dashed past Rex, causing him to wobble, rushing to the Omega nanite and swirled around it. The lights stopped flickering. Rex's eyes widened before narrowing again.

"I told you to stop, why won't you listen!?" He bellowed, swatting his hand.

'Order-Subject Salazar-01'

All the nanites made strange clicking noises, energy zapping from them. Rex's fists tightened, trying to understand the information the nanites were making him sense. He was not happy with them, not one bit.

"You listen to me, I tell you what to do, and I'm telling you to quit it!" Rex snarled, harshly.


The Omega nanite flashed it's sky blue energy, shooting it out in different directions. Some of the energy nearly hit Rex, but he ducked in time, covering his head.

"Hey!" He belated, eyes clenched shut.


The nanites around the omega started to take a little amount of its energy, glowing with power. Rex's eyes darted back up, gawking at the sight before him. He didn't know what they were planning, he didn't know what they wanted, he didn't understand his nanites, and that scared him. There was a small burst of energy once the nanites got enough, they span around and dived towards Rex.

He flicked his arms up again and his eyes were wide with fear. Each nanite surrounded him, circling the poor teen and shook with energy before releasing it, shooting it out at him. The first two hits made Rex grunt, but each new one started to make him groan, gasp or even cry out in pain.

"W-what t-t-the hell-l?…" He stuttered in agony.

Their energy ripped through him, coursing through his veins and mind, tormenting his body. He cried out, unable to process what they were trying to do. He was in pain and confused. Why? Why were they hurting him? Why wouldn't they listen? Through the pain, he could still hear the Omega.


Rex's breathing quickened, huffing out in anger and agony. He threw his head back in pain, crying out in misery. He had just about enough. He pulled his head back and his eyes burst open, glowing bright blue.

"I told you, ENOUGH!" He screamed.

The circuit board markings glowed more, a charging power could be heard, sparks fluttering everywhere. The markings grew all over Rex. Once it hit the top of him, he shot out a shield of power that blew away the nanites and their energy. While causing the area to shake. The shield smacked against the Omega and Rex heard it jolt out one last speech of words.


Then, everything faded black, everything went silent and Rex fell into darkness…

Rex jolted upwards, his blankets fell off him and his pillow nearly shuffling off the bed. His breathing was unsteady, quick and lost its pacing. Sweat beaded down his face, despite how cold he felt. A shiver climbed up his spine and he choked for a moment. He then realised that his eyes were glowing faintly, given the light it produced reflected on the wall. He shook his head and blinked rapidly, soon the light faded away and the glow of blue was gone. His hand travelled to his chest, trying to hold himself steady. Rex swallowed, taking deep breaths as he rested his back against the front wall of his bed.

A nightmare, it was only a nightmare, he told himself. His hand left his chest, wiping the sweat from his face off. This wasn't the first time, he kept having strange nightmares about his nanites. At first, it was just hearing them speaking, talking about codes and protocols, then he could see them, just hovering around or flowing like they were in a stream, but this one, this one was nothing like he had felt before. They attacked him, tried to force something but he didn't know what, and he was scared to know.

Once his breathing had calmed and he stopped sweating as much, he gazed around the dark bedroom. Nothing seemed out of place, nothing seemed dangerous, he was glad for that. He peered up, looking at Bobo's hammock. Luckily, the chimp was still asleep. None of Rex's panicking had awoken the 'beast'. He knew it takes a lot to wake up the chimp.

Rex swallowed again, breathing back to his normal pace, but it was shaky. He pulled his hand back and gazed at it, relaxing a bit to try and feel his nanites. Nothing felt wrong with them, they seemed normal and going about doing what they normally do. So, Rex questioned himself. Did he dream all that, or was it real? He tried to process it but his head hurt, a headache chipped away at him.

He groaned softly before pulling his legs off the bed, placing them on the floor and standing. He slipped on his shoes lazily, trudging out the doorway and down the dark hall. No one was awake, at least not in his location. What time was it anyway? Rex honestly didn't care, just wanted to get back to sleep before anyone saw him and have to explain himself.

He lumbered into the bathroom, switching on the light but they were low and dim, so he didn't blind himself. He scanned the bathroom, once again seeing nothing abnormal and pulled himself over to the sink and switching it on. The water rushed out, quickly dropping into the sink before slipping through the drain. Rex cupped his hands and caught some water, it was cold to the touch, fresh. He steadied himself and gently splashed the water on his face.

Swiftly, he grabbed a towel and dried his face. His eye peaked out from under the towel and caught sight of itself in the mirror. He observed himself, he was tired, confused and weak. Nothing answered his questions and he hated it. He sighed and placed the towel down, allowing the crisp and fresh feeling the water gave him to help him.

Why him? Why did things always have to be complicated for him? He was a nice guy, he swore. He does what he thinks is the right move, trying to be the hero and save people, nearly sacrificing himself often enough. All he asked for was clarity, answers to his problems. All he wanted was to something good to happen. Instead, life loved giving him a shit hand to deal with...

Rex released the towel on the bench, cupping his hands again to get some more water. His nanites jolted for a split second, a warning from them. He froze, trying to relay the message. He spared a glimpse behind him, nothing. The bathroom was still normal, nothing seemed out of place and there was no danger. Rex frowned and turned back to the sink, thinking his nanites were still reacting to the nightmare.

He cupped his hands once again and caught some water. He pulled his hands up and started to drink it. The cold water moistened his dry throat, chilling his insides and relaxing his brain. He repeated this, cupping his hand, catching water and drinking it. He pulled himself up a bit, still drinking the water and looking at the mirror.

He choked on the water when he saw something behind him. Stood, right there, was a silvery monster. It was covered in slick metal, like it was wearing armour that was mixed with scales and spikes. Its head was oval shaped, dents and symbols on it that looked like it had a helmet on. It's arms and legs were thicker and bigger the closer to its hands and feet. Rex's eyes made contact with its eyes, they looked dead as they were purely black, but he knew it was staring straight at him.

It looked so mechanical, yet gave off the presence of a zombie. How did it sneak up on him? Not to mention the fact it towered Rex. He didn't ponder on the question, instead, he twisted his whole body around to face it, ducking as it swung a fist at him and smashing the mirror instead.

"What the hell!?" Rex gasped, rolling to the side.

It pulled it's hand back and flicked around to face him. It gurgled a hiss that mixed with a hum of electricity. It swung it's fists again and Rex ducked once more, quicker than the creature. He rolled under it and jumped to his feet, now standing behind it.

He flicked around and tried to shove it with his body, which was a bad idea. He's body slammed into it and Rex was sure he bruised himself, it felt like he tried to slam a pure thick steel wall. Rex choked a yelp and stumbled back.

It bent it's body and slammed a fist into him. Rex was flung back and hit the nearby wall, gritting his teeth to stop a gasp of pain. He narrowed his eyes and flicked his hands out, his arms started to glow blue circuit patterns as he tried to summon his smack hands, but they faded quickly. His eyes widen and he looked at his hands.

"Not now." Rex croaked, a teeny bit of fear in his voice.

It hissed again and charged forward, swinging it's fist before throwing it at the teen. Rex ducked in time, the creature narrowly missing his head. It pulled it's hand back and swung again, trying to hit Rex. However, the boy just kept dodging and rolling around. While the creature was high in defence and strong, it wasn't fast. Adrenaline pumped Rex's blood, waking him from what sleepish daze he had left.

He pulled his body back and into the wall, narrowly missing one fist, he didn't account for the other. With him pressed against the wall, it's other fist slammed into his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. Rex choked, unable to make a noise. Damn, it hurt. The creature's fist was still pushing into him, but he heard it make a strange clicking noise, hissing as gears shifted in it.

Before he could regain his ability to speak, a spike shot out of its fist, right into him. His eyes widen and he gasped in pain and distress, but it was cut off from the lack of air. The pain was so much, his nanites were freaking out from what he could tell.

Then he felt it, the creature was pumping something in him, injecting him with something unknown. He panicked and struggled, whatever this thing was selling, he wasn't buying it. It raised it's free arm and pinned one of Rex's flailing arms against the wall, crushing it somewhat. Rex gritted his teeth, heavily breathing and gasping. His blue symbols returned, appearing on his arms and face. His eyes flicked opened.

"Get off me!" He snapped, pushing out a burst of energy.

This burst of energy surprised the creature, coursing through it before shocking it and pushing it back. It stumbled away and hit the ground, cracking the floor plates. Rex felt something when his energy touched it, but he couldn't guess what right now. Rex took a large gasp of air before his markings faded and he dropped to the ground in agony.

It still injected something and it hurt. He tried using his nanites to sense what it was. He hoped it wasn't something like a toxic or poison that his nanites couldn't deal with, he's dealt with that before. But it wasn't, in fact, he couldn't tell what it was and his nanites weren't telling him. He writhed on the ground, body twisting around in torture. He wanted to scream in pain, but his voice was only coming out in yelps and gasps.

Metal grew on his body, the same kind used for his weapons and rides. It covered parts of him or flicked long strings out of him, but they quickly broke apart and slipped off his body, scattering onto the floor.

Whatever was in his body, his nanites were trying to deal with them. Rex slammed a fist onto the ground, trying to stop the pain and settle himself. Slowly, but surely, the pain started to fade. The burning feeling under his skin, paling away like it was nothing. Rex shuffled himself onto his hands and knees, taking deep breaths before pushing himself up onto shaky legs.

He placed a hand on his stomach, there was going to be some bruising, but he doesn't think anything's broken or cracked. He did have a hole in his shirt that annoyed him but he had a couple droplets of blood. He lifted his shirt slightly to see the wound was covered up now, thanks to his nanites. There was a small patch of blood but nothing to worry about at this moment.

He turned his vision and attention back onto what attacked him. The creature was making strange noises again, buzzing and hissing weakly as it tried pushing itself up. It seemed to be damaged enough to move faintly and even slower, much to Rex's satisfaction. He huffed and stalked over to it.

"What gives?..." He asserted, swallowing more air.

It twisted its head up and raised a hand at him, but its movements were stiff and jagged, like a robot that hadn't been oiled in over a year. Rex narrowed his eyes and kicked it's hand, making it drop back down.

"Just hope whatever you tried putting in me doesn't leave a side effect…" He growled.

Rex paused, thinking back to the strange feeling he got from it. He paused before lowering himself and placing a hand on it, letting his nanites scan. He didn't expect what he learnt. This thing, it was an EVO. Rex yanked his hand back, shock clearly written on his face. How was there an EVO? How did it slip past his global cure? How did this even happen?

He yelled many questions in his head, trying to process what was even happening. His nanites also told him something else. He paused before touching the creature again, his nanites scanned it and it's nanites. The active ones weren't normal, they were different. Rex had come by many nanites, but they were always so closely related and the same, these ones were like different versions of them. Newer and somehow, felt more robotic.

Rex stared in disbelief, even thinking for a moment that his nanites were tricking him. But no, they were telling the truth and he knew it. But that also meant something else, he could possibly cure it. Now, this could fail in many ways, given he didn't know anything about these nanites, but he was willing to give a shot.

He placed his hand on its shoulder, his eyes giving a quick glance at its dark eyes that he knew were looking back. He took a sharp breath and closed his eyes. The familiar feeling of curing came back to him, something he hadn't felt for months. He strangely missed it, it had a form of comfort with it. His nanites were sent forward, gathering up all the active nanites that caused the problem.

At first, both sides seem to hesitate to come close to one another, but one quick shove from Rex and the process began and soon ended. His blue markings briefly shone on himself and the monster.

Its body shifted and faded, changing colour, size and feeling. Rex cracked his eyes open, now seeing a boy near his age, maybe a bit younger, laying there. His skin was a tan brown, like Rex's but slightly more stronger in hue. His hair was a shaggy dark brown that laid on the ground and over the boy's face. His eyes were open a tiny bit, showing his hazel eyes that leaned a bit closer to nearly being brown.

He was tired, Rex could easily tell. His breathing came out as gentle pants and his vision seemed fuzzy, unable to make out anything for quite a bit. But Rex waited, just to see if the boy was ok. The boy shut his eyes, scrunching his face before opening them again, his vision seemed to have cleared as he locked eyes with Rex. The boy panicked and pulled himself up to sit upright.

"Quem é você?!" He cried out.

Rex raised his hands and gave a surprised look. "Hey, hey, easy! I'm not going to hurt you."

The boy seemed to understand, his eyes darted around before looking back at Rex. "...who...who are you?"

Rex breathed out. "Oh good, you speak english." He rubbed the back of his head. "Rex, Rex Salazar."

The boy's eyes widened and he tilted his head. "The EVO hero?..." Awe in his voice.

Rex's face wavered slightly but he nodded. "Yes." He paused. "Can I know who you are?..."

The boy paused again, his eyes turning away as he pondered. His eyes flicked back when it came to him. "Savin...Savin Carlito, I think." He rubbed his head and stomach. "Everything just doesn't feel right…"

"I would suspect, never nice coming back from being an EVO." Rex stated, laughing dryly.

Savin's eyes widen and he twisted his head back. "EVO?"

Rex waved his hand. "Long story...kind of." He stood, grunting a little before holding out a hand. "I think you need to be checked over first."

Savin's hazel eyes stared at the hand of his saviour. He raised his own, shaky, hand and grabbed hold, being hoisted up. His legs felt like jelly, his mind was foggy and scattered around, thus he wobbled. Rex gave a sympathetic look and allowed Savin to lean against him.

"Obrigado…" Savin mumbled.

"That's Portuguese, right?" Rex questioned.

Savin nodded. "Yes, I'm from Brazil…"

Rex chuckled softly. "Well I'm latino, so I know my Spanish." He joked, trying to lighten the mood and ease the boy.

Savin chuckled softly. "Nice…"

Rex smiled warmly and adjusted Savin, soon finding a comfortable enough position to help the boy walk alongside him. He was going to take Savin to the medical room and call in some doctors, maybe even Six and White.

Rex pushed open the bathroom door but heard Savin gasp. Puzzled he looked out the door and ended up gasping too.

In the hallway was three other creatures. There were silver and had the same style of skin and armour as what Savin was, but these ones were smaller, lanky, thin, parts of their hands were blades and they had backward knees, much like what Cricket had. They hissed with a sparking tone, spotting the two boys right away.

The closest one pounced towards them, slicing with its blades. Savin cried out but Rex shoved him back onto the ground while he slammed the door, making the creature bang into the door. Its blades cut through the door and nearly sliced Rex. He yelped and stepped back.

It pulled its blades out and Rex could hear it, ready to pounce again with the others.

"What are those things!?" Savin cried out, in fear and shock.

Rex's eyes darted around, trying to look for something to help when he saw the alarm. He narrowed his eyes. "Trouble." He elbowed the glass that covered the alarm button, then smacked it.

Six's eyes flared open, the blare of the alarm ringed in his ear as red lights flash everywhere. If the alarms went off, that meant something bad.

And he was right, at the foot of his bed stood small silvery creatures, hissing and holding up their bladed arms. Six narrowed his eyes and pushed himself up, flipping off his bed while dodging and an attack, also getting his glasses at the same time.

He whacked on his glasses, straightened himself and gave his most annoyed and harsh glare. Whatever these things are, they weren't going to be standing straight soon.

One made a strange noise, like it was seething but mixed with the sound of technology. It lowered itself before pouncing at the agent. Six ducked, grabbing its leg as it just reached above him and swung it into another one of the creatures. They collided and shrieked, like metal being scratched against one another, before crashing into the ground.

The third one dashed forward, trying to headbutt Six. However, the man jumped and kicked off it, shoving it into the ground.

The other two pulled themselves up and tried to locate him, but Six had already reached his swords so they had no chance. Six spun his swords in his hands, like a warning display, before holding them properly. They each flared their blades, showing their own signs of danger, before one was brave enough to try and attack.

Six whirled his blades, aiming at its side. It was quick enough to block the attack with its own blades. The swords clashed, echoing each time. The creature tried shoving Six back, but the man was heavier and sturdier than it.

Seeing that they were in a standstill, the other two creatures dived in to attack. Six caught sight of them and swiped a leg, knocking over the one he clashed with before kicking them in the chest, throwing them up into the air and smacking into one of its partners.

The other one nearly reached Six but he ducked in time, causing it to smack into the wall. He twirled his body, cutting all three of them at once. Despite their appearance of having thick skin, his swords could cut through with ease.

They each gave out a final cry before slumping to the floor, their blood poured out and had splashed against Six, his swords were already covered in them. Six narrowed his eyes and touched some of the blood on him, it wasn't red, but rather pure black, inky almost.

Six looked up at the blaring sounds and lights, his gaze turned to his door as he heard people rushing around and more of those creatures hissing and screeching, random gun fires were heard too. Six's eyes narrowed more, knowing right away that not only were there more of these things, but this meant that Providence was under attack. Quickly, he went to his dresser to properly suit up.

Six was rushing down the halls, many were full of soldiers and workers, fighting off all these random silver monsters. There were just so many of them, especially compared to how many members of Providence there were.

The walls were stained with the deaths, from both sides. Red and black, silver and flesh, just a horrid sight. Each time Six appeared, he'd handle what was left of the enemy in each hall, allowing his co-workers to keep escaping or move on to help others. Six would occasionally hear the grunts yelling somethings, like.

"Where did they come from?!"

"How did these things even sneak in? There are millions of them!"

"Has anyone seen them? I lost them on the second floor!"

Six could understand this panic, and he had to agree on their many questions. How did these many things even snuck in? It's Providence, a heavily guarded and secure facility. Heck, they housed hundreds of EVOs.

These creatures also didn't seem smart enough to get in on their on, wait till everyone was asleep, then try and ambush everyone. Their appearance seemed to give off a hive mind impression, like someone was working behind this attack.

Six didn't need to know what they were after, their positioning and tactics clearly showed they were wanting to kill everyone, the whole of Providence. But someone must have found out, given the alarms blaring that woke up everyone before the attack. Six didn't care though, all he wanted was to rid these things from his home and save as many people as he could.

He was about to dash down a hall when a group of those things were flung back, seemingly by some kind of invisible force. Out came Caesar, using one of his gravity tools to aid himself.

"Salazar!" Six called out.

Caesar turned to the voice. He was happy to see someone he recognised. "Six, can I have an explanation on why everything is so loco?" Caesar exclaimed.

It had taken a bit for Caesar to be aware of anything when he woke up, he had fallen asleep at his workbench. Next thing he knew, alarms were booming and freakish beasts were circling him, ready to pounce. He was quick enough to grab a tool and save himself, but he was pretty much lost. He decided to rush around and help out the workers until he could learn what was going on.

Six held his blade close. "The base is under attack. But someone managed to warn Providence before these things could assassinate many of us."

Caesar nodded. He heard a hiss and ducked in time as one of them jumped over him, flying straight into Six's sword. Six huffed and slid it off his blade. Caesar straightened and looked behind Six.

"I thought Rex would be with you." Caesar claimed.

Six gave the man an unsure look. "You haven't seen him?"

Caesar shook his head, worried. "No…"

"Not even the monkey?" Six questioned.

Caesar shook his head again. "Technically, he's a chimp."

Six frowned. "Not the time." He flicked around and sliced another creature. "Nobody has been able to get to White. I'll go find him, you go find your brother."

Caesar nodded fast, wanting to know if his little brother was ok. "En eso!" Caesar blurted before rushing down the hall, heading to Rex's room.

Six watched the man go before heading his own way.

Rex kicked one of the small creatures to the ground, it hissed but collapsed on the ground, defeated. He quickly grabbed hold of it and got his nanites to work. Blue symbols flowed over them both as the EVO slowly changed back, this time it was a girl around the age of eleven, blonde hair, freckles and brown eyes. Like Savin, it took her a moment to regain her senses and realise where she was. Rex cradled her in his arms before handing her to a woman near him.

"Keep her close." Rex ordered, his voice straining a little.

As Rex was rushing around and stopping the EVOs and trying to find a way out, he would cure the EVOs along the way, freeing the people from their mutations and having them join his group.

So far he had six men from the ages twenty to forty, seven woman from the ages twenty to forty, four girls from the ages ten to sixteen and five boys from the ages ten to nineteen.

They were scared, having no clue what happened and each had a slightly different effect after waking up. Some were like Savin, needing a moment to compose themselves. However, some were terrible and could barely stay awake, having to be carried by others.

Rex tried his best to protect and guide them. His nanites still refused to make his weapons, but they still allowed him to cure. All the fighting and curing was draining him though, plus he didn't have enough sleep to begin with. He didn't want to show how tired he was though, not wanting to scare the people that depended on him, so he kept pushing forward.

Rex had run into grunts randomly, who would make a path for him or tell him where to go. He thanked them and followed what they said, wanting to get these innocents out as fast as possible.

Leading the party, Rex was about to turn a corner when something smacked into his chest, flinging back and crashing into a wall. The group gasped, seeing their saviour hurt. One of those creatures had surprised him.

This time, it was taller than the little versions of these things, but not as tall as what Savin was. This one was very thin, long legs and long arms. Much like the others, it's skin and armour made it look like a mechanical knight. This one held spikes on it, on its shoulders, on the top and back of his head, down his back and on its elbows. It flicked its hands out and they morphed into long, thin spikes, almost like spears.

Rex growled and pulled himself up, grunting and rubbing his chest. "Wanna play rough, do ya?" He grumbled.

He held his hands up and they glowed blue, ready to turn into his smack hands. Once again, however, the energy faded and he stared at his arms in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me!?" Rex bleated, just having about enough with his nanites.

The creature seemed amused, making a sound that almost sounded like chuckling.

Rex gave a dirty look and noticed a some of the rubble on the floor, spotting a sharp piece of wall laid in it. He quickly grabbed it as the creature dashed forward at high speed, jabbing a spear at him. Rex gripped the piece of wall and rolled, the spear only just nicked his side.

He hissed in light pain before jumping to his feet, a little wonky. It flicked around and dashed at him again. He ducked it attacks and jabbed the piece of the wall under its armour, black blood seeped out. It growled and turned it's spear to stab his head. Rex could move but he'd still get hurt somewhere, badly.

"Look out!" Someone, from his group, cried out.

Everyone heard a blaster charge.

"Rex!" A voice cried out.

Lights flashed from the side before a bolt of a blaster shot out and rammed into the creature, cracking it's armour and smacking it into the wall. Down for the count. Rex panted and turned his sight towards his own saviour, it was Kenwyn. She placed her blaster on her back before rushing over to Rex's side.

"What's the damage?" She ordered to know, but held a worried tone.

Rex waved her off. "I'll live, just so much going on."

Kenwyn helped him up, giving him a moment to try and stand on his own. She looked behind him, seeing the sight of many normal people who looked tired and scared.

"Who are they?" She questioned.

"Bystanders, I'll show you…" Rex replied, staggering over to the EVO.

Kenwyn blinked and reached out to him, trying to stop him. "Rex, stand away from it-"

Rex didn't listen, instead he cut her off by slapping his hands on it and began curing it. Kenwyn's eyes caught the light Rex produced from his nanites, looking very bewildered. Next thing she knew, the creature shrunk into a teen boy, roughly her age.

"Mmghh.." They grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his head.

Rex patted their back. "You alright?..."

They looked over, shocked but just nodded softly, lost for words. Rex nodded back and helped them up and guided them over to the group.

"Stay with us, we're getting out of here." Rex explained.

Kenwyn rushed up to Rex, forcing him to face her.

"Ok, what the actual hell, Rex?" She demanded to know.

Rex gave her a soft look. "Kenwyn, these things aren't just random monsters. They're EVOs, and they all appear to be human underneath…"

Kenwyn choked on her words. "W-what?"

Rex sighed and his head dropped. "I don't know how to explain it, but they are EVOs. Though their nanites, they're not the same." He rubbed his head and looked back at her. "I wish I could make it clearer but not right now…"

Kenwyn opened her mouth, ready to argue back and ask more questions, but she closed her mouth. Rex was right, not now and not here.

"I'll help you get them out." Kenwyn offered, looking at the group.

Rex nodded and they guided the group. Kenwyn used her weapons to take out the EVOs, while Rex cured them and the group became a bit larger. Zigzagging down the halls, trying to find the safest route and meeting up with other grunts.

Rex couldn't help but wonder where people like Six, White and Caesar are. He hadn't seen them and no one he ran into knew where they were. That made him remember, what happened to Bobo? He last saw him in their room. Rex came to a halt and looked down a hall, one he knew that could lead to his room. Kenwyn stopped and looked back.

"Rex, come on." She ordered, wondering why he stopped.

Rex took a moment to reply, sending her a glance. "Keep moving, I need to find someone."

"Are you crazy!?" She shouted.

"Kenwyn, I said go and that's an order!" Rex shot back, his tone sounded so harsh.

Kenwyn stepped back, a little shocked by his order. She looked over at the group, scanning the many people who didn't belong here. She then looked back at Rex who seemed pretty set on rushing off. With a soft sigh and hesitant nod, she followed her orders and waved at the grunts, rushing off with them and the bystanders down their path again.

Rex knew they could handle themselves, but he only hoped this choice wasn't a mistake.

Turning away and running down the hall, he would pass by little life, walls covered in red and black, pools of it on the ground. Dents and scratches lined the walls, pieces of rubble were scattered across the ground and wires stuck out, torn apart. The place had gone to hell in under a couple of hours, but Rex knew it wasn't over, something didn't feel quite right.

Sliding down the final hall, he looked to his room, seeing the door on the floor as a couple of EVOs were storming in, like they were fighting something. Rex had a fair idea of who, especially when he heard cursing and blasters firing off.

"You want a piece of me, ya bastards?!" Bobo howled, an energy blast from his gun followed.

Rex dived into the room, holding his fists up and ready to help his friend. Bobo was currently on top of the tv, trying to keep his ground that he lacked in, the creatures coming closer. He'd knock them down with his blasters but they'd get back up and start stalking him again.

There was one in the back, having just joined. It was a medium size and had thick but slick armour, a crown like head shape and circles on both arms, glowing white. It rushed to the front as Bobo fired again, but it held its hands up and created a square shield in front of it, knocking the blast away and into the wall.

Bobo nearly lost his grip but held on, baring his teeth. One of the things with spear hands dashed in at the moment and sliced the TV, making Bobo fall to the ground. Rex's eyes widen as the EVOs swarmed Bobo.

"Bobo!" Rex gasped, blood pumping along with his nanites.

Without thinking, he dashed forward and his hands glowed. Metal grew across his arms and shapeshifted them into his smack hands, immediately using them to whack the EVOs away, hard. He growled, baring his own teeth and stood in front of Bobo.

Bobo rubbed his head before looking up at Rex. "What took ya long enough?" He grunted.

"Sorry." Rex murmured.

Composing themselves, the EVOs turned to their attacker and dashed in. There was the new one with the shields, one with the spear hands and two of the tiny ones.

This sense of fighting and curing EVOs, it sparked something in Rex, something he hadn't felt in many months. With a smirk dawned on his face and holding his smack hands high, he gave a bold look.

"Let's do this." He said, smugly but confident.

Bobo grabbed his blaster and the two friends dashed in. Rex handled the one with the shields and the two smaller ones, leaving Bobo to deal with spear hands. The defending one make its shield and blocked Rex's attack, but its shield didn't cover all of it, so Rex threw his arms around it and clapped, crushing the creature in his hands. It struggled with a cry, echoing in the room.

The two smaller ones jumped onto his smack hands and jabbed their blades into it. Rex grunted and pulled his hands back, flicking the EVOs off them. While he doesn't tend to feel pain in almost all his builds, his smack hands appear to be the only one to have some form of nerves, so the cuts stung.

The shield EVO shook its head before hopping back up, not done yet. It created another shield and dashed forward, ramming into Rex and shoving him into the wall, cracking it. Rex stiffened his body and ignored the pain the best he could. He flung out his smack hands again and hit the back of its head, sending it to the ground.

The little ones jumped forward and sliced down at Rex. He moved in time and they cut the wall, cleanly. Each smack hand grabbed one before smacking them together. Their metal skin collided, a shriek of steel echoed in the room. The smaller EVOs took a moment before headbutting the smack hands, Rex grunted but didn't let him.

However, the Shield EVO jumped behind him and created another shield, this time smacking Rex into the ground. Rex yelped and felt his head and body bash onto the floor. He was defiantly getting bruises and cuts from this.

His nanites were on the fritz, unable to focus on so many things at once, that Rex started to feel his smack hands about to fall apart. He wanted to get at least one more hit in first. He roared out and shifted his body, rolling onto his back and placing his smack hands on the shield and with one push, with all his might, he shoved it right into the EVO holding him down, whacking it and sending it flying into the wall. The force caused the wall to break and for it to fall through.

As he predicted, his smack hands fell apart and his normal hands showed again.

"NO, goddamnit. Crap!" Rex exasperated, loudly.

He heard hissing and knew he wasn't finished. He rolled onto his back and saw the smaller EVOs stalking towards him, they also seemed angry like him too. Rex shuffled back, trying to think of what to do and fast. He barely had any energy left, curing the EVOs had help drained him a lot.

His back hit the wall, right next to him and Bobo's dresser. He caught sight of them, seeing his draw that he used for precious items he owned. His eyes widen with an idea and flung it open, grabbing a long but not wide box and opened it without hesitation.

The EVOs came closer, one jumped. Rex panicked and took out the item in the box, unsheathing it and slicing with it. It was the tanto that Six gave him, the one on his birthday and anniversary. As much as Rex didn't want to ruin it, he didn't have much of a choice. Fortunately, the damage these things took before was enough for the tanto to cut through easily.

The EVO wailed in pain and crashed onto the floor, it's blood splattered over Rex. He froze for a moment, remember that this EVO was a person, just because the blood is black, doesn't mean it wasn't someone's own blood. The other EVO saw his hesitation and tried to attack, only for Bobo to blast it.

"That was for the TV." He barked, clearly displeased.

Rex shook his head and pulled himself up, but was still pretty shaken and drained. Bobo noticed this very easily.

"You alright kid?" He questioned.

Rex cleared his throat. "I didn't die."

Rex rushed over to his bed and grabbed his jacket, gloves and goggles, feeling more comfortable with them on.

"Might want to hurry up chief!" Bobo yelled, not wanting to stay another minute longer.

Rex turned back to the two small EVOs. Both were squirming on the ground and one was losing blood. The larger two EVOs had fallen through the wall, vanishing.

He knew they should run before more come, but he had to do his job. Quickly, he pulled the two EVOs close and placed a hand on both of them. Bobo snapped open his mouth to question Rex once more, but lost his voice when he saw the glowing markings as both EVOs started to shift back to normal.

One was a young woman, roughly in her early twenties, the other was a teen boy, perhaps sixteen.

"You've got to be kidding me…" Bobo breathed.

The two people looked up, dazed but in shock. Their eyes looked over to Rex and were about to speak, when he cut them off, too tired to have to explain again.

"No time, we've got to move." Rex insisted, pulling them up.

They were still shocked but decided it was better to follow his orders. Rex gave them a push and they followed Bobo to the door.

Quickly, Rex sheathed the tanto, that was stained with black, before putting it in his pocket. He glanced over at the woman, seeing traces of blood on her due to being the one cut. However, his nanites should have dealt with it, enough so that the bleeding wouldn't be dangerous, for now.

He rushed behind them, catching up when another group of EVOs stormed up to their door, ready to attack. Rex was not ready, especially with two innocents now.

They bellowed a roar and went to dash in, but were suddenly hovering in the air before being throw down the hall, out of sight. Rex and Bobo blinked when a hopeful sight appeared, Caesar. He gave the EVOs a filthy look before looking into the room, nearly beaming at the sight of Rex.

"Mijo!" Caesar exclaimed, dashing up to his brother. "Are you alright?" Caesar scanned over him, not liking what he was seeing.

Rex gave his brother a gentle nod. "I'll be fine, but we need to get out of here. I don't think we can take much more…"

Caesar understood and grabbed his brother's shoulder, guiding him out the room with Bobo and the bystanders.

"We've all been ordered to leave, the place is overrun." Caesar explained what he knew.

Rex nodded, but something sparked in his mind. "Is Six ok? What about White?"

"I saw Six trying to sort out things before, fighting some of these monsters. He went off to find White but I know they'll be fine." Caesar answered, hoping to keep his little brother calm.

Rex swallowed, feeling his dry throat. "Caesar...these things, they're not monsters or robots, they're EVOs."

Caesar stiffened for a moment. "Wha-?"

They were cut off as the ground shook, well, really all of Providence shook as they heard a boom and vibrations through the walls and floors.

The bystanders screamed in fear, holding onto each other. Bobo placed his hands on the floor to steady himself while Caesar and Rex held onto each other, waiting for it to settle. It took a couple of seconds for everything to stop shaking, but the power was flickering on and off, not the best of signs.

"¿Qué?" Caesar questioned, holding his brother close and looking around.

Rex panted, feeling something wrong. "Hang on…" He walked out of his brother's grip and touched the wall. It took him a moment for his nanites to listen but soon his glowing blue markings appeared, then appearing on the wall. His eyes widened. "Oh no…"

"Is that a good oh no?..." Bobo questioned out loud, knowing the answer already.

Rex stumbled back. "I don't know what they did, but this place is about to blow…" He gave a fearful look to his brother and Bobo.

The innocent two people gasped in horror, one even whimpered. Bobo and Caesar's eyes widened before Bobo dashed ahead.

"I ain't waiting to see the fireworks." Bobo called out.

Rex and Caesar agreed, quickly following him behind.

Outside the base, Six was standing about with many grunts and workers that had made it out. Some were fine, only suffered some damage. However, some were barely holding themselves together, being treated by the medical staff that got out, using what they had to help.

White Knight was with Six. He was wearing his suit, but had taken his helmet off sometime after they exited. Six wanted to go back in, wanted to find anyone else who needed saving, but mostly wanted to find Rex and the others.

Kenwyn had come out before, following her were some grunts and lots of unknown people. Kenwyn explained what happened. She ran into Rex, saving him and finding him with a bunch of normal people.

White and Six both froze when Kenwyn told them what Rex showed her, that these people were those creatures, and those creatures were EVOs. White showed a bit of his shock while Six hid his, but still felt something terrible crawling up his skin.

Everyone turned their gaze to the base after they heard another loud boom. It shook and everyone was on guard. It had been doing that the past couple of minutes and no one knew why, but they did fear why.

Kenwyn walked up to Six. "Anything?..." She hoped, regretting for leaving Rex behind.

Six gave her a glance and shook his head, looking back and keeping silent. White gave his old friend a look before turning to Kenwyn.

"You still need to be checked up on, go over to the medical staff." He ordered, but softly this time.

Kenwyn followed her boss's order before walking away, joining the other grunts getting looked over. White walked up to Six's side and gazed at the base.

"That kid's hard to kill, he won't die." White stated, not sure if it would help the situation.

Six huffed but still didn't say anything, he didn't want to. The nervousness was getting to him that he started to show it through his hands, fiddling with the handles of his blades. He was also pretty sure that Holiday would murder him, if anything happened to Rex.

A grunt gasped and they looked to one of the entrances and exits. Some of the EVOs were stalking out, slightly hurt but ready for a fight. Six narrowed his eyes and held his blade up as White readied a blaster. Before they charged, however, the beasts were lifted off the ground and flung forward and into the ground. A blast followed that and hit them, making sure they stayed down.

Out came Bobo, two innocents, Caesar and Rex. Bobo was guiding the two bystanders who seemed to have started following him, reaching the group first. Caesar and Rex took a tiny bit longer, due to Rex leaning against his brother. This sent off a red flag in Six, rushing over, joining Rex's free side.

"What happened?" He demanded, one of his few ways to show he was worried.

Rex laughed weakly. "Aggro-nanny didn't have my back...don't worry, I'm fine." He weakly joked.

Six scanned over his body. The boy had lingering bruises on his visible skin, he would have more when Six could see under some of his clothes. Along with bruises, the teen was covered in cuts. Lots were small and some didn't even draw blood, but he had at least three or four large ones, like the one on his forehead, with some droplets of blood trailing down his face. Heavy bags hanged under his eyes, also allowing one to note his paleness and panting breaths. Ya, Six was not buying he was ok. He didn't press on it and just wanted to get the boy help.

"We need to get clear, the place is about to blow al reino venir." Caesar cautioned.

Six perked up and glanced over his shoulder at the base. It was sparking.

"Everyone, move back!" Six warned.

Everyone looked over before shuffling back, listening to the green man. As Rex foresaw, the base did indeed blow up. A hum of energy echoed before there was a jolt of power, blasting out and nearly toppling over many people.

The base's walls and lights blared with a shine, then started to flicker out of control. The ground started to shake, but seemed more violent around where Providence stood.

Everyone stood in horror, frozen to the bone at the horrifying and scary display.

the lights dimmed and there was silence for a moment. Then, it blared once more as its sides blew open. The screech of metal and energy called out into the night, vibrating the air and ringing in everyone's heads. The top half of the base started to slide off, when another eruption was heard. The bottom of the base lit with fire and power, shattering the walls, cracking the ground and throwing energy everywhere nearby.

Another pulse was sent out, sand blowing away again. Rex held onto Six and Caesar, as not to lose balance, sometimes covering his eyes every time there was an explosion. Six let his expression falter, finally showing parts of his shock and fear.

Caesar's jaw dropped and eyes widened, nearly remembering the nanite event's explosion. Bobo fell back, the pulse of the eruption was a little too much for him. White Knight could keep his ground with his suit, but that didn't stop his horrified look.

The base, Providence, was crumbling apart and all they could do was watch. Another explode burst out of the ground, this time cracking the ground and causing the bottom half of Providence to fall down the ravine it sat next to. The top half slid off, falling on its side and close to the edge.

Almost everyone stepped forward, even Caesar and Six who let go of Rex. Everything they worked for, everything this place had done for them, everything it was, nothing anymore. All it took was almost one night, to take away this place. They all lost something with it, even if they didn't enjoy Providence as much as others.

Kenwyn covered her mouth before looking away, her eyes watering as she tried to stay strong.

A lot of the grunts and workers lowered their heads, ashamed they couldn't save the base or upset at their loss.

White Knight dropped his head, refusing to see the remains of his home and establishment.

Six was honestly surprised and couldn't believe what he saw, but underneath that, he was livid.

Bobo took off his fez, holding it close to his chest as he gave a soft expression.

Caesar just stared with wide eyes, the light from the large fire flickered in his eyes.

Rex was simply motionless, unable to process all that happened. The nightmare, his powers bugging out, the new nanites and EVOs, all the people they lost, watching the base explode and being drained out of almost everything.

The flaring fire gave everyone a warm and orange glow, the only light source in the night. No one moved, no one knew what to do or say, so they stood there in silence and thought back on their loss, honouring the base in their heads.

With everything finally coming to an end, the adrenaline in Rex finally faded. His blood pumped, some seeping out of his cuts. The headache he had before was nothing compared to this, it was like someone was smashing his head against rocks, not stopping. The bruises across his body stung, as if someone kept slapping them. He took a stumbling step back, clutching his stomach, feeling sick. His nanites were burning the inside of it, trying to repair him and deal with all the new nanites he absorbed during all the times he cured something. It was too much, it hurt.

Six heard the movement and looked over his shoulder at his young charge, seeing him deflating, pain written across his face and body.

"Rex." Six whispered, eyes wide before his glasses.

Caesar heard the man and flicked around, catching sight of his brother. "Rex!" He called out.

Rex heard his brother and Six, but their voices echoed and bounced around his mind, unable to be understood. Numbness took over his body, feeling light and falling back. His vision was fading, but he saw his brother and Six rushing over, calling out something, but it was too cloudy to understand. He stared forward, unable to move his vision as he laid on his back, head resting on its side.

The last thing he saw before everything went dark, was the remains of Providence. Covered in flames, broken apart and unfamiliar.

His home was gone...

Jesus christ, this was long! I'm so sorry for that. I wanted to get a lot done in this chapter and got a bit carried away. I doubt the future chapters will be this long. I have idea planed for later about how this all happened and who's behind it, so don't worry. Hope you enjoyed.