Disclaimer: I do not own either the Harry Potter series or Fairy Tail series.

AN: This story is purely for fun and because I wanted to do something a little different. In the Harry Potter timeline, it takes place during the summer between his third and fourth years. In the Fairy Tail timeline it occurs after the characters return from Edolas, but before anything happens with the S-class trials. Obviously, this isn't cannon, but I'm going to try and not change too much in either story. So, sit back, enjoy and let's go to Fairy Tail!

Chapter 1: Off to Fiore

Three Months Ago

The common room was louder than normal as Harry ducked through the portrait entrance. A great, "Ahhh!" followed by a fountain of laughter had Harry searching the room for the source. His eyes landed on Fred and George who seemed to be in the midst of a hex version of the muggle game chicken. His lips curled at the sight of the Weasley twins. One was purple with pink polka-dots and a daisy growing out of his ear, while the other had been shrunk down to the size of a rather adorable house elf covered in tiny red hearts.

Shaking his head, he jostled his heavy books into a more secure hold in his arms. Snape's essay might be the death of him, if the weight of these books had anything to say about it. Harry dashed up the stairs praying that he would make it to his bed before his arms fell off. After dropping the dusty volumes on his mattress, his shoulders cried their gratefulness.

Another cheer rose from the common room below. Harry gave the books, now scattered before him, one look before deciding that homework could wait. Turning on his heel, Harry pushed the door open and descended the stairs, skipping a few to return to the common room all the faster.

"Fred! How could you?" George's voice whined as Harry's feet hit the bottom stair.

"Sorry George. All's fair in love and hexes!" Laughed Fred.

"This is seriously a hit below the belt. Change me back!" Lamented George.

Harry was beyond curious. What could Fred have done to make George sound so betrayed. The crowd was thick and Harry's height did not allow him to see over their heads. All he could glean through the mass of bodies were two heads of red hair, which wasn't anything suspect in itself.

Fred's laughter carried over the cumulative mirth of the audience.

"Oh yeah? Well two can play that game!" declared George with mischief alight in his voice.

A crack snapped through the air, and for a moment, everything and everyone was still. Whatever had happened shocked the room into temporary silence. Harry was still trying to push his way through the crowd and found himself wedged uncomfortably between a few 6th years. Without prelude, the stunned quiet shattered.

Onlookers laughed at the twins, "Looks like we lost one set of twins, but gained two more!" crowed one girl.

"Someone has got to get a picture of this!" laughed another Gryffindor.

"Thank you, whoever is up there, for letting me bear witness to this moment." Whispered the tall 6th year next to him.

Harry was just about to burst when the older student noticed him. The 6th year's smile grew even wider as he stepped a little to the side, allowing Harry to pass. Laughter was bubbling up in his stomach before his brain had fully processed what he saw.

A purple and pink Percy was wrestling with a heart covered Ron on the floor. However, a normal Ron stood in the front row on the opposite side of the circle looking completely gob smacked. Returning his eyes to the wrestling pair Harry understood what had happened. The twins had hexed each other into two of their brothers, namely Percy and Ron.

"Come on now Ronnikins! Take your medicine!" teased George as Percy.

"Don't be such a prick!" grunted Fred, seemingly Ron, back as he toppled his brother.

"How am I supposed to study for my NUTES with all this racket!" The room froze at the sound of the real Percy entering the room. "I'm head boy, make a path!" he demanded.

Harry stood aside like all the other Gryffindor's to allow the puffed up 7th year through. Percy's horn-rimmed glasses sat on his nose, flashing slightly in a weak imitation of Professor McGonagall.

Percy stood stock still as he bore witness to the display his twin brothers were sporting.

"How ya doin' Perce!" the twins ginned in unison.

"Clean this up now!" thundered the Head Boy. "And the rest of you!" Percy whipped around so that his eyes sliced through the crowd. "Surely you have something better to do." His superior tone fell a little flat as no one ever took Percy as seriously as he took himself.

"Not really." shrugged Angelina.

There was a quiet ascent that rippled through the common room, but the show was over and people did have other things to do. So, the students started to thin out as many left for their room or exited out the portrait.

Harry was still chuckling as Ron cross the room to join him. "You look pretty cute in little red hearts." joked Harry.

"Aww, come off it Harry," Ron shoved the shorter boy's shoulder, "Rather they would look better on you than someone manly like me." The red head stood a little straighter drawing attention to his advantageous height.

Percy's lecture continued in the background, not that anyone, least of all the twins, paid it any mind.

Harry sighed defeatedly, "I guess it's time to go work on that potions essay."

"Oh, you too!" Ron seemed overly eager to Harry. "Let's work on it together."

Harry's green eyes narrowed slightly reading in between the lines. Ron had obviously not even started and hoped to mooch off him. However, Harry shrugged, "Sure." After all, homework was more bearable when you worked with someone else.

The pair started toward the staircase that lead to the boy's dormitory passing the bulletin board. Harry's eyes caught onto a flash of color that brought him to an impromptu stop. Ron took an extra step before he joined Harry in front of the bulletin board.

"What is it?" Asked Ron over his friend's shoulder.

"Have you seen this?" Harry pointed to the flamboyant flyer sporting a world map.

"Summer Exchange Program?" read Ron, "Mum would tan my hide if I suggested leaving for the summer."

"Ha! Perhaps the Dursley's are good for something. They will be only too happy to not have me for an extra four weeks." Harry scanned the flyer, noting that interested students needed to talk to the Deputy Headmistress. Harry's face shined at the possible adventure. Now he just needed to be selected.

1 month ago

Harry stood outside Professor McGonagall's office clutching the letter Hedwig brought him at breakfast. The letter simply stated that he was to see the deputy headmistress at 10:45am and it had him on edge. He didn't think he had done anything that required discipline lately. It could be about that bastard Black. It felt like everyone was paying even more attention to him than ever. A fact that he definitely found annoying and more than a little exhausting.

He raised his fist and knocked on the oak door with three sharp taps. "Just a minute please." came Professor McGonagall's muffled voice.

Harry's jaw clenched at being held on the edge of a knife, but stepped aside to lean against the wall. Waiting, oh how he hated waiting. His stomach didn't seem to mind as it entertained itself by doing acrobatics while his heart hammered away in his chest. She said to wait a minute, but it had already been several right? At least five minutes, probably getting close to ten. He was starting to regret that second helping of eggs when the door creaked open next to him.

The inky-haired youth sprang off the wall to stand at attention. He probably looked quite foolish to the fifth year Ravenclaw girl who exited the room clutching a thick manila envelope to her chest, and his shoulders fell slightly at the bemused glance she shot him. 'Perfect.' he moaned internally.

"Come in Mr. Potter." rang his professor's voice.

Jolting a little at being addressed while he was still beating himself over looking silly in front of the older girl, Harry hurried into the office. Professor McGonagall sat behind her desk with her trademark square glasses sitting on the very tip of her nose. Her sharp eyes snapped up to the student in her doorway. "Well," she paused as Harry didn't move, "have a seat." She raised an eyebrow at his nervous behavior.

Four quick steps to the chair in front of her desk and Harry was finally seated. He squirmed slightly in the chair, still uncertain why he had been called into her office. His green eyes latched onto the clock over her shoulder. It was 10:47, 47! Hadn't he been out in the hall a lot longer than that.

"Good news Mr. Potter." McGonagall's voice refocused his attention. "You have been selected to participate in this summer's exchange program.

Harry swallowed and smiled a little weakly as relief shot through his system. The news almost seemed too good to be true. "Re-really!" excitement clear in his voice.

McGonagall nodded with the whisper of a smile on her lips, "Indeed. And you have been matched with a guild in Fiore."

Harry reached out for the envelope and packet that she passed him across her desk. "Fiore?" Harry questioned, not at all familiar with the name. Was that a country? The pamphlet was covered in emblems and magic circles.

"Yes, Fiore. Your surprise is not unexpected." Harry lifted his eyes away from the brochure in his lap as his professor explained. "Fiore is separate from the rest of the world. They are a country where magic is openly practiced. So, you can imagine that when the rest of the world decided to keep to themselves, there was quite an uproar. This lead to the Treaty of Slayers, that stated they would remain a completely separate entity from the rest of the world, both magical and muggle. It is incredibly rare for them to accept a foreign exchange student."

Harry blinked dumbly a few times. His mind circled around the new information trying to find places to store it in his brain. A country blocked off from the rest of the world? A country where magic isn't a secret. He was going to such a fantastic place!

"I must impress upon you the importance of this exchange. You are the first student to visit Fiore in over 150 years. You will be expected to do as your told by your guild and not get into any unnecessary trouble." She peered at him over her glasses as if this was what she worried about the most.

He gave a hasty nod when he realized that she was waiting for his response.

"A basic translation spell will be cast to avoid any language barriers and you must pay the required tuition. On Friday, you will be excused from your afternoon classes to visit the ministry to obtain your student visa and send your wand registration to the Fiore council. Make sure to read over your packet in detail and come to me with any questions."

"Umm, Professor?" Harry hedged. Professor McGonagall had been all business and Harry hadn't felt that he could interrupt. "When and how will I get there?"

"It's all in your packet, but the ministry will arrange a portkey for you. Instead of taking the train to King's Cross, you will take a portkey to Fiore."

Harry's head tilted in confusion, "A portkey, Mam?" Did a portkey have something do to with a ship? Was the left side of a ship special?

She looked at him a minute before apologizing. "I'm sorry Mr. Potter. I sometimes forget your nonmagical upbringing. A portkey is a form of magical transportation that can teleport an individual or group over long distances. Fiore is heavily warded to hide its existence and therefore, only a specially charmed portkey can penetrate."

He was still uncertain about what exactly a portkey was, but figured he could ask Ron to explain it in more detail later, and if that failed, there was always Hermione.

"Now, about your guardians." Professor McGonagall continued.

Harry flinched at the mention of his relatives. He had banked on them wanting to keep him out of their house more than their desire to keep him unhappy and under their control. Suddenly, he was doubting their hatred for his general presence. Harry's free hand gripped the wooden seat beneath him as he anxiously waited for the verdict.

"It seems they have no qualms with your participation as long as they are not responsible for your transport. Which the ministry has agreed to accommodate." McGonagall's green eyes met Harry's own and felt rooted to the spot by her penetrating gaze. As the seconds dragged by, his professor's expression softened. "I do hope you take full advantage of this opportunity to both learn and have some fun."


Harry was riding on the high of reuniting with his godfather as he stood on the platform with Ron and Hermione.

"Don't forget, you only have to deal with the muggles for a week before we come to get you." Ron encouraged. "Plus," the red head's shoulders sagged, "you will be saving me from my brother's. You know what they are like. Right? Just imagine being one of a limited target pool." Ron let a shiver pass through his spine.

"I won't be even a second late." grinned Harry as he clasped hands with Ron. The action felt a little empty and a little awkward. The two boys hastily dropped their hands and shuffled away slightly.

Hermione seemed to have no issues with physical closeness and gave Harry a tackle hug. "I'm so jealous, but family comes first." She gave Harry a slightly wistful smile.

Harry recalled her dismay when her parents laid down the law. Either she could study abroad or she could attend the Quidditch World Cup, not both. They wanted at least some time with their daughter this summer. Surprisingly, she chose to spend time with them instead of studying. Why he didn't know, but was glad that she would be there all the same.

"Remember everything, write it all down. Got it!" The scholar fixed Harry with a determined glare.

"Right." he gulped in return. Hermione could be fearsome when you stood between her and knowledge.

The train whistle bellowed over the trio making them turn toward the Hogwarts Express. This was it for almost a month and a half. Cheered slightly at not having to return to the Dursley's just yet, he flashed his friends an ear to ear grin. "Have a good summer!"

"Have a good trip." called Ron over his shoulder as he lugged his trunk to the train.

Harry laughed as Hermione started scolding him. "Just use Wingardium Leviosa. Seriously Ron, are you a wizard or not!" Turning to beam one last smile at Harry she waved good-bye, "Take care Harry, and see you soon!"

The engine hissed, covering the platform with steam. Ron and Hermione quickly disappeared behind the scarlet painted metal of the final car. The Boy-Who-Lived, stood alone as he watched the train carry his friends away for another year. Although part of him was sad to say goodbye, he couldn't actually find it in himself to be sad. He was far too pumped up for his own journey to be saddened by a short separation.

"Mr. Potter!" Harry turned to the source of the voice. A man stood there in brown mustard robes and a pointed hat with a matching belt around the base of the hat's cone. As Harry moved toward the assumed foreign exchange officer, the man got out a pocket watch that opened with three faces.

"Sir." Harry addressed to let the man know that he was ready.

"Ah yes!" The man had an almost bored tone to his voice. "I'm Carl Umbra, Jr. Head of the Foreign Affairs Office."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Umbra." Harry held out a hand. It was only polite. Having gotten a lot closer, Harry now noticed that the man had exceptionally dark, almost black eyes.

Mr. Umbra raised an eyebrow at the gesture, but shook the boy's hand briefly before looking at his tri-faced watch again. "We are short on time Mr. Potter. I assume you have all the necessary paperwork and your luggage."

"Yes sir." Harry nodded. Was it just him, or did this man not want to be here? He was feeling more uneasy the longer he spent with the man who barely made eye contact and kept checking his odd little pocket watch every minute.

"Is that yours there?" The ministry wizard jerked his chin forward.

Harry looked over his shoulder and spied his belongings, the only thing remaining on the empty platform. "It is sir." At the moment, Harry almost wished they had sent a flashy fan over this dismissive wizard. He felt like he was bothering the wizard, when in fact he was only follow the plan as it was laid out by the ministry.

Mr. Umbra's mustard robes brushed past Harry with incredible speed. "Don't dawdle. We need to attach your luggage quickly." the man ordered without even looking back to Harry.

Harry hurried to follow the wizard who was again looking at his pocket watch. A set of dark eyes lifted to Harry when he caught up. Mr. Umbra's hand disappeared briefly beneath the folds of his robes only to reappear with a slim golden ring about the size of a pumpkin. The ministry wizard didn't say a word as he magicked Harry's bags and Hedwig's cage to the ring. There was a small click as each item secured itself to the ring.

"Now, Mr. Potter. This ring is a round trip portkey. At precisely 11am on July 28th it will activate to take you home. To the," he paused to refer to his pocket watch, "second largest bedroom of Number 4 Privet Dr. Little Whinging, the county of Surry." Harry found himself drowning in those two inky pools that were now fixed on his own green eyes. "Do not forget. The ministry will not be financially responsible if secondary transport is needed."

Harry's eyes widened as he got the message. The ministry would not pay to have a second portkey arranged for him if he messed it up. The comment had him wondering how outrageously expensive it was to travel to Fiore. "I understand Sir."

He had been so excited, but a mountain of nerves started knotting in his chest. Everything he had read about Fiore was fascinating. From open magical practices to the guild system, he had been eager to experience it all. Now though, he felt more like a scared little kid who was more lost than not.

The man snapped close his odd little pocket watch and straightened to his full height. Harry took half a step back, intimidated by the powerful aura the mustard man put off. Light flashed across his eyes as the ministry wizard waved his wand through the air. A silver trail streamed behind its point. Harry found himself transfixed by the sight and gasped when the wand fell on his crown. Warm words started to fill his mind. He was suddenly worried that his head might grow in size, as if felt entirely too full.

"It's time. Grasp the ring please." ordered Mr. Umbra nonchalantly.

Harry's blood pumped harder in his veins. That was it? He was leaving now? He'd asked around and knew, at least in part, what to expect. However, he thought there would be some more instruction, some sort of guidance! His sweaty palms grasped the cold metal of the ring.

"Safe travels Mr. Potter." Mr. Umbra uttered as he walked away.

Harry stared wide eyed at the very yellow back of the ministry wizard feeling foolish standing alone on the platform gripping a ring. An involuntary grunt passed his lips as a sudden jerking sensation gripped his stomach and yanked forward wiping the platform from view.

Of all the descriptions he had heard about portkey travel, none of them prepared him for the reality. His bellybutton seemed to lead the way, with his head trailing behind. His hand turned to iron in its grip on the ring as if they had become one entity. The world spun around him in a hazy blur of color. His shoulders kept bumping into his trunk and Hedwig's cage alternately, jolting him every few seconds.

Harry squeezed the world out as best he could, but even with his eyes closed the howling in his ears did not allow him any escape. His stomach rolled as his head spun around the sickening reality. A scream clawed its way out his throat as he wondered desperately how much longer the trip would endure.

A breath of fresh air assaulted his nose as his body slammed into the hard ground. Even though he could feel stable and thankfully solid ground beneath him, the word continued to spin.

"Oh my!" piped a girly voice. "You poor dear!"

"Tsk, how unsightly." scoffed another deeper voice.

"Erza!" scolded the first voice.

Harry tried to make sense of his surroundings, which would be a lot easier if his field of view would stop circling in a blur. It would also be good if his stomach would get out of his throat and go back to where it belonged. His eyes scrunched close as he tried to breathe through the nausea. A breeze cooled his face and arms as the air hit the moisture coating his skin.

"Mr. Harry?" the first voice addressed him again.

Harry felt a light pressure on his shoulder, a gentle hand that seemed to radiate comfort into his body. Was he in Fiore and was there a place he could get sick without embarrassing himself?

"Mr. Harry are you alright?" the feminine voice asked again.

"Perhaps I should go get Wendy." The second voice had taken on a tint of worry.

Harry shook his head. He wanted to make a good impression and that meant he needed to suck it up and find a way to stand. Pushing himself up, Harry Potter took his first (non-spinning) view of Fiore. He had landed in a small courtyard currently clear of anyone else, excepting the two odd women before him. Harry thought that he had grown accustomed, at least in part, to the uniqueness of wizarding society, but these two were in a class all their own.

One woman had snow-white hair that had a slight wave and curl to frame her small face. The color itself was odd enough, but on a woman so young it was really shocking. However, the tiny ponytail that stuck up over her forehead was the odder still. Her clear blue eyes shined happily down at him as he took in her generous curves and flattering dark red dress.

Next to her was another woman with deep red hair, a completely different shade from his surrogate family, the Weasley's. Her's was more like the cherries in a pie than carrots. Her bangs hid her right eye, but not the displeased look on her face. She wore an armored breastplate over her own substantial chest. Harry swallowed, if all the women here were so…gifted…he might never go home. Although, he did wonder why she wore armor on her chest, if her legs were only covered by a little blue skirt and a pair of black boots.

Harry lifted a leg up under his weight, in an attempt to stand. He succeeded in pulling himself up only to start teetering to one side. Both woman's eyes grew round as they dashed forward to catch him.

"Maybe you should go get Wendy." The White-haired woman said worriedly.

The other woman nodded and started let go of Harry's arm. He considered himself very lucky that one - embarrassment was not fatal, and two - that he managed not to vomit.

"I'm fine, just a little," He paused looking for the right phrase. Did motion sickness still apply to magical means of travel? "Portkey sick." he finished, figuring it was as good a term as any.

The red head gave him an analytical gaze, as if trying to discern any deception on his part. Her one visible brown eye searched his for a moment before deciding. "Alright. The guild is not far and then we can have Wendy take a look at you." She latched her armored arm around his again and the three slowly made their way to the nearby building.

AN: Thanks for reading. If you have the time, please let me know your thoughts in a review or PM. :)