So, I finally got around to writing my first Spidey fiction! Please leave reviews, and hopefully I'll update again soon.

Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Marvel universe.

(Side note: for those of you who have read my Captain America story, Colors of the Wind, I promise I will be updating soon. At the moment I'm stuck with a really bad case of writer's block, but maybe writing this Spider Man story will help me get over it.)





Those were the only things Peter knew for certain still existed, because they were the only things he could feel. The darkness hung all around like an impenetrable cloak. The metal table on which he lay felt like ice against his bare skin, and his ragged breathing barely broke the heavy silence. But all these things were small, insignificant, immeasurable, compared to the intense stabbing pain which permeated throughout his entire body.

The first few hours had been the worst, when he was completely alone with no idea of what had happened. He remembered Aunt May dropping him off at that stupid month-long summer camp she had signed him up for. He remembered speaking to one of the counsellors, trying to figure out why his name had been removed from the list. He remembered another counsellor coming to apologize for the confusion, then offering to drive him across the campground to his cabin. He remembered getting into the car, and then after that…nothing. Everything was a blur after that, until he woke alone, in the dark, tied to a metal table with restraints that even his super-strength couldn't break out of.

There was no way of knowing how long he had been there before he had come. Peter didn't know his name, and the man barely spoke as he carried out the torture, so in his mind, Peter simply referred to him as KAT, for Kidnap And Torture. A childish name, perhaps, but at the moment he was in far too much pain to care.

KAT didn't seem to be much larger than Peter himself, but the tools in his hands gave him all the power. Without even a hint of the traditional villain monologue the superhero had grown accustomed to, KAT plunged right into the torture.

He began by making small, shallow cuts in Peter's stomach, wiping away the pools of blood almost tenderly as he watched closely to see how quickly the wounds healed themselves. This process actually wasn't too painful for Peter, as he had long ago adapted to block out the pain of small cuts he often received when fighting. This lasted for several hours, and Peter was happy when it ended, but all too soon he found himself wishing to go back to the painless little cuts.

Without warning, the soles of Peter's feet began to burn. It felt as if he had accidently stepped in a pool of lava or something. Caught by surprise, he couldn't help but let out a small cry, trying as hard as he could to keep the tears pooling in his eyes from dripping down his cheeks.

"Does that hurt?" KAT spoke for the first time, his voice not rough or evil, but so neutral it sounded like the voice Ned would use to ask if they had homework in a particular subject. He didn't sound cruel, merely curious. Peter didn't reply, still biting his lip to keep from crying out again as his feet burned even more fiercely.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the flames turned off, leaving him still in agony but without the addition of continuous torture.

Peter shouted suddenly, unable to help himself as KAT unexpectedly swung a hammer and hit the raw, burned bottoms of his feet.

"Oh my-" Peter gasped. "What the hell?! Aaah!" He shouted and cursed, clenching his teeth and balling his hands into fists to help deal with the shock.

"That hurt more because you were already wounded and weak, no?" KAT asked, again more curiously than evilly, like a scientist conducting an experiment.

"What do want?" Peter said angrily. This time it was KAT who did not reply, but simply wrote something down on his clipboard and turned to leave.

"Hey! Hey, where am I? What do you want with me? Hey!" Peter called after him in vain, but without looking back at him once, KAT turned off the light and swung the heavy metal door closed with a hollow clang. Peter was alone once more.





Once again, his only companions as he lay helpless, trapped, with no way out.