A/N: Here's the next chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it! Please leave a comment if you can!

*Big thanks to everyone who favorites, follows, and comments on this story. It's much appreciated!*

They asked me how I knew,

My true love was true.

I of course replied,

Something here inside cannot be denied.

They said someday you'll find,

All who love are blind.

When your heart's on fire,

You must realize,

Smoke gets in your eyes.

-The Platters

Chapter 17: Smoke

Scarlett's P.O.V

When I came to I was curled up on the grimy floor of the church. Covered in dirt as blood trickled from my nose into my mouth. My head pulsed in an unnatural rhythm as I managed to push myself onto my hands and knees. I knew I had made the change, but I couldn't remember anything in between going under and waking up. Instantly my eyes searched for Crowley, and when I found him I saw that his chair was upright once more.

He seemed completely out of it. His head hanging lazily to the side. Sam stood close by, a needle in the crook of his arm as he drew some blood, and I determinedly crawled over to the King of Hell. Unable to stand up.

"Sam." I tried to get the younger Winchester's attention, but he didn't notice. "Sam!"

Finally his wild eyes landed on me. My breath catching in my throat as I noticed how deathly sick he looked. His skin a terrifying, sallow color and his breathing erratic. He looked worse than he did when I first showed up here, and that was saying something. It looked as though his body would give out any minute.

"You need to stop this before it's too late. It's killing you." I urged as I continued looking him over.

He shook his head. "It has to be done. I can't stop now."

"You do more good here than in the ground. Every hunter knows that. You may take care of the demons, but what about everything else?"

Crowley seemed to snap out of his daze. "She's right, Moose. Scarlett knows what she's talking about. There's more good that needs to be done here."

What the hell has gotten into him?

Sam didn't look convinced, so I continued. "And what about Dean? He's your family. Would you let him sacrifice himself?"

"Dean would understand."

"Would he?" I contradicted. "I doubt he'd ever be the same man again if he lost you."

While we had been talking, I had secretly unlocked each of Crowley's chains and broke the freshly painted Devil's Trap. Without a word the King of Hell stood and stretched in an exaggerated manner before helping me to my feet. I wrapped my arms around him. Thankful he was alright apart from some nasty bruises and scratches. His fingers wrapped themselves into my hair as he held me to his chest, placing the tip of his chin on the top of my head.

"Good girl." He whispered softly as he stroked my back.

Sam scoffed as he looked at me and then back to Crowley. "You're with him?"

I clutched tightly to the demon king's wool coat and nodded.

"Of course you are." The hunter looked beside himself, and then laughed bitterly. "I'm trying to make him human again, Scarlett. Wouldn't that be best for your beloved Crowley?"

"Human?" I echoed as I felt Crowley tense beside me.

"The third trial. Turn a demon human." He lifted up the syringe in his hand. "With this he could live a somewhat normal life. Don't you want that?"

"Of course I do."

Neither man spoke as they waited for me to continue, and Crowley's hold on me tightened significantly.

"But he doesn't. I won't force him into anything he's unwilling to do for my own selfish reasons. Especially not with the price of your life, Sam. I care about you and your brother. Even if my relationship with Crowley may tell you a different story."

Sam rubbed his face with his hand and let out a defeated groan, sinking to the floor in pain. "You're making a mistake, Scarlett."

"That's enough for today." Crowley snapped his fingers and we were suddenly in the middle of the woods. Surrounded by darkness. The stars shone brilliantly above our heads as I admired the towering pine trees. Their sweet scent filling the air as night birds chirped quietly from their branches. A gentle breeze tugging at my hair and pulling the strands away from my face.

Though I couldn't help but worry about Sam.

"He'll be fine. Squirrel will be after his blundering Moose soon enough."

I rose a brow as I turned back to the demon king. "Are you sure you can't read minds?"

"I'm absolutely certain." He murmured softly, cupping my cheek in his warm hand. "Scarlett, you were amazing."

I couldn't contain the smile that came over me as gazed up at him. "Thank you."

"And there's something I need to do." He said slowly as his expression became serious. "Before I change my mind."

I tilted my head in confusion.

His hazel eyes didn't react as a contract appeared in his hand.

My contract.


Crowley's P.O.V.

Naomi's words crept into my mind as I gazed into Scarlett's dark eyes.

"You may think you can control her, but that is impossible."

I could no longer deny that the damn angel was right. Scarlett had used a Knight of Hell as a chew toy. She wasn't meant to be controlled by me. By anyone. She was more powerful than I ever imagined in my wildest dreams.

More angel than demon than I had anticipated.

I took several moments to appreciate the beautiful woman who stood before me. The intensity of her eyes as she waited so expectantly, and for a moment my stomach flipped with urgent emotion. One that begged me to reach out and hold her until the world collapsed around us. Feelings I had long ago abandoned for being unobtainable were flooding my senses every time I looked at her.

But, in this moment, I had to do what was right for once in my existence.

To do right by her.

Scarlett's eyes went wide as the parchment burst into flames. The fire licking it's way across the paper and leaving ash in it's wake. A thin plume of smoke twisted into the air around us until there was nothing left but the charred remains. I squeezed my hand shut, and when I reopened it the residual dust floated gently to the ground.

Scarlett's P.O.V.

"You are officially untethered, my darling." He gave a forced smile. "Rest assured, your family will be in no danger."

"Did I-" I paused, unsure of what to say. "Do something?"

"No, Scarlett-"

"Then what?"

"I can't keep you." He said slowly.

I was dumbfounded, but as the seconds ticked by I was beginning to realize what he was saying. "You're letting me go?"

"I am."

"And if I want to stay with you?"

"I would say no, love. Hell is not the place for you. I know that now."

"And us?"

He shook his head. "There can be no us."

"What happened?" My voice cracked- the reality of his words crashing into me like a led balloon. Every muscle in my body stiffened as the oppressive feeling I knew too well coursed through my veins. The feeling of immense, unbearable loneliness. Yet this time I was being cast aside by the one I cared for more than anyone else in this world. I had led myself to believe he would just always be there.

It felt as though he had poured a pot of boiling water over my head.

"Humanity happened." He took my chin between his fingers. "Emotions happened. With the contract you were my pound of flesh. Without it you can live. Truly live. I won't prevent that any longer."

"I don't want that." I could feel my heart racing. "I want you."

"And I want you." He took a deep breath, letting it out roughly through his nose in frustration. "But to be honest, I'm no good for you. I never have been and never will be. Take this opportunity and run with it."

"Crowley, don't do this. Not now." I grabbed the cuff of his sleeve with all the force I could muster. "My home is with you. A part of me has known that since the night we met."

"I want you to have the life you deserve. Find someone who loves you the way I never can. Someone who can make you truly happy. Hell, even have a couple kids. That's the life for you. Not this bloody shit show that no one seems to get out of alive."

I couldn't look at him. Couldn't process what was happening as I tried to come up with a way to prevent him from going through with this.

"I do love you, Scarlett." He said quietly as he stepped closer. "It took human blood for me to finally feel what was there all along. And I can't use you for my personal gain anymore. I'm afraid this is a permanent goodbye."

His lips met mine in one final, forceful act. Our tongues gliding effortlessly against each other as he held my jaw with his powerful grip. I could feel burning tears streaming down my cheeks as our mouths crushed frantically together. Desperate to remember the taste.

Then he pulled away.

"Please." Was my last, breathless plea.

But he was already gone.

I collapsed to the pine needles that littered the ground as I struggled to catch my breath. My mournful cries filling the void around me as I dreaded living an eternity without the one I loved. Every inch of me shook violently as I silently begged for an end to the suffering. Living without him wasn't a life worth living to me. I could only imagine how pitiful I looked as tears and mucus ran down my face. Hiding in the protection of the shadowy forest.

After some time I managed to pull myself together just enough to think straight.

"What do I do now?" I spoke aloud. Hoping someone would answer.

Home. I need to go home.

It took all the energy I had left to stand. I turned my face to the sky to find brilliant balls of white light falling to the Earth. Usually I would find something like that magnificent, but I was overcome by an ominous feeling at the sight.. Like it wasn't some random act of nature. That it was something set into motion by Heaven itself.

I closed my eyes tightly. Imaging the cabin I had left behind when I was whisked away by Crowley. It was hard to imagine him not being there as I recalled every detail from the dinning room table to the kitchen sink. I pictured the deer on that perfect autumn day so many months ago as she grazed by the wood line. Her giant brown eyes waiting for us to make a single movement.

That day I wanted him gone so badly.

When I reopened my eyes I was in the driveway. Weeds had completely overtaken what little flower beds I had, and grass was growing up through the gravel. Tree limbs were scattered about from various storms. Some of which were resting on top of my roof. I let out a sigh. Not looking forward to the work I had ahead of me.

Once inside I turned on the light only to be met by dusty furniture and endless amounts of cobwebs. I cleared my throat as I walked over to the liquor cabinet and pulled out my strongest vodka. When I wasn't able to find my shot glass I grabbed a regular one. Filling it to the brim.

"Cheers to old habits." I whispered to myself. "Not that this can kill me anyway."

I brought the cup to my lips and proceeded to chug the entire thing. Making a disgusted expression before putting everything away.

Finally I settled myself onto the couch, resting my head in my hands as I was overwhelmed by the memories of him. From the first time he showed up here to the night he met my parents. When he had held me close and promised I would never be alone again while I confided to him in my drunken stupor.

"What a liar. I should have known better." I muttered to myself as more tears started forming. "I'm an idiot."

I couldn't hold back the tide of emotions rising within me, and they poured out. Even worse than they had earlier. All I could do was curse his name in between my wails and wish I had never met him to begin with. The overwhelming sense of sadness became more potent every time I thought of him and his welcoming hazel eyes. The purr of his voice as he spoke sweet nothings to me between the sheets of his bed.

Now more than ever I hated the fact that I loved him.

Crowley's P.O.V.

I stood in the woods, watching Scarlett's cabin intently until I saw her appear in the front yard. Her arms were snuggly wrapped around her torso as she ascended the steps and wandered inside. One of the windows lit up as she flipped on the light, and I took a deep breath as I looked down at the massive Hellhound standing beside me. Liquid dripped from his jowls that was as black as his rigid, hulking body, and it only took a moment for his glowing red eyes to match my gaze.

"Take care of her." I instructed as Scarlett came into view once more, and the hound settled himself down in the underbrush. His focus now glued to the cabin. "She's very important to me. If any unwanted guests should arrive, you know what to do."

I just wanted to bring her one more line of defense. Even though she was more than capable of taking care of herself. Having him here would almost make it feel like I was too.


He let out a low growl in response, and I rubbed between his ears.

I tried to pull myself away as she took a seat on the couch with her head in her hands. There was the faint sound of crying, and Nero's ears perked in response. I clenched my teeth as the sound grew louder, and I balled my hands into fists. The very sound of her weeping stabbed through me because I knew I was the source of her pain.

She will be better off in the long run.

"I have to go." I said, more to myself than the hound.

There were plans that needed to be arranged. Abaddon had to be destroyed before I could return as the King of Hell, and the strange ache for human blood nagged at the back of my mind. In the sky appeared to be a massive meteor shower, but was, in fact, thousands of angels falling from Heaven. Thanks to the gullible Castiel I now had to watch my back in more ways than one.

It made me even more grateful that Scarlett was undetectable to angels and demons.

"Goodbye, sunshine."