This is not my story, it is the story from sojoukou senkuo but he deleted his account a few years ago and I saw another of his stories re-uploaded by someone else with a bunch of reviews asking for this one.

The Beginning

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.

In the world there are these amazing and wonderful creatures that roam it. These creatures are known as Pokémon. Pokémon are wild creatures with special powers that can be sought after by humans to use in a Pokémon battle. In recorded history there are 17 different types of Pokémon.


















Each one of these types corresponds with certain Pokémon. Some have only one type while others have two types to one another. There are over 1000 different Pokémon scattered across the Five Regions of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova. A Pokémon trainer aspires to catch as many Pokémon as possible and become a Pokémon master. The most fascinating part of the Pokémon is that each Region had some Legendary Pokémon in it.

Legendaries are considered to be the most powerful Pokémon in existence with their rumor being that only 5 of the same name exist. Kanto has a total of 5 Legendaries; Johto had 6 Legendaries; Hoenn had 10; Sinnoh had 13 and Unova also had 13 making it a grand total of 57 Legendary Pokémon. Legendaries have very rarely been seen and rarely ever show themselves to humans. A lot of humans think that some of the Legendaries don't even exist.

Our story begins in the Kanto Region in the small town of Pallet. It was the middle of the day with the sun shining bright and the Pidgey chirping as they flew around the area. Running down the grassy fields near town was a young boy. He was about seven years old with wild spiky black hair, brown eyes wearing a yellow shirt with a red stripe down the right side with brown shorts and black shoes.

This was a young boy named Ash Ketchum. He lived in Pallet Town with his mother, Delia Ketchum. He did have a father, but Ash hadn't seen his father since he was three and hardly remembered him. Right now Ash was chasing a flock of Butterfree through the area with the Butterfree playfully flying lower and then higher teasing young Ash.

For as long as Ash had remembered he had always been fascinated by Pokémon. They were amazing creatures to him and he had always wanted to be a Pokémon trainer when he was ten. Ash laughed as he jumped to try and grab another Butterfree, but it flew a little bit out of his reach making Ash fall to the ground with a thump. The Butterfree stopped and giggled at Ash. Ash, himself, looked up from the ground and laughed as well. Ash stood up as the Butterfree began to fly away, "Goodbye you guys see you next time" Ash waved.

The Butterfree chirped and flew off into the forests and Ash kept waving until they were gone before sighing and falling down on the grass onto his back and staring up at the sky.

"Pokémon are awesome" Ash whispered to himself "I can't wait to begin my journey." Ash just lay there for a little while staring up at the clouds before heard something. Ash sat up quickly and looked into the forests "Who's there" he called out. Nothing replied so Ash thought he just heard stuff, but then he heard a strangled roaring sound. "Who's there" Ash called again and this time he received a reply in the form of a louder roar.

Ash got up and followed the sound of the roar. Ash found himself going into the forest around Pallet Town and he began looking around and saw nothing. Then the roar came again only it was louder 'That sounds like a Pokémon' he thought to himself. The roar came again "Hello" Ash called hesitantly "Who's there?" The roar came again, only this time it was the loudest of all and Ash knew that just beyond these trees lied the Pokémon that was making the roars.

With new found bravado Ash pushed himself through the remaining trees moving branches and bushes from his path before e burst into a clearing. What he saw made his eyes widen beyond belief. It was indeed a Pokémon, but it was the most massive Pokémon that Ash had ever seen. It was obviously a dragon type by the way it was shaped. It was serpentine in body shape with a mass of yellow lines and rings going down its body along with the occasional red line somewhere on its body. It had two appendages with three claws on each one and two long, flat, horn-like structures on its head with two smaller horns below them. It had two long pointed fangs on its upper jaws and had two small yellow eyes with black pupils. The color of it was a deep black color highlighting the markings and eyes.

"Its… Rayquaza" Ash said shocked. What made him shocked was not only seeing a Legendary Pokémon, but also the fact that the Legendary Dragon Pokémon was covered in wounds. "It's hurt" Ash gasped and ran towards the massive dragon. Rayquaza groaned weakly from its spot on the ground as Ash reached it. "Hold on Rayquaza I'll help you" Ash whispered.

Ash turned and sprinted as fast as he could back to his house and hoped his mom was out visiting Professor Oak today. His hopes were answered as the house was deserted. It was a small town so everyone knew everyone out here so there were no worries if anyone was ever missing. Ash grabbed some towels, a bucket and some spare medicine that his mom used when Mr. Mime was feeling under the weather. Ash filled the bucket with water and waited impatiently for it to fill up.

Once it was filled Ash grabbed the stuff and prepared to make another dash if it wasn't for Mr. Mime standing in the doorway looking at Ash confused. Ash smiled sheepishly "Mr. Mime… I know this looks weird, but… look I'll explain later, but I gotta go." Ash dashed around Mr. Mime and out the door leaving the confused psychic Pokémon to scratch its head.

Ash dashed as fast as he could back into the forest and after nearly tripping a few times he made it into the clearing and saw Rayquaza still on the ground injured and panting harshly.

"Don't worry Rayquaza you'll be okay" Ash whispered as he wetted a towel. He squeezed it out and placed it on Rayquaza's forehead to keep it cool. Ash then wet another towel and wetted a second towel and began dabbing softly at the wounds Rayquaza had making it roar and hiss in pain. "I'm sorry Rayquaza" Ash whispered as he continued to softly dab the wounds and rinse the towels off and continue.

Rayquaza opened its eyes and looked at Ash as he continued to clean its wounds. Ash showed pure determination to help Rayquaza as he cleaned a nasty one near its tail.

Ash then pulled out the spray medicine that he grabbed from the house "This is going to sting, but it'll make you feel better" Ash said. He then sprayed the medicine onto the remains of the wounds making Rayquaza hiss in pain again before it relaxed again. Ash smiled "There we go. That should make you feel all better."

Rayquaza weakly lifted itself off the ground and stared at Ash while Ash merely smiled back innocently. Rayquaza moved its head towards Ash and growled slightly. Ash grinned and petted Rayquaza softly on the head making it growl again.

"Looks like you're feeling better already" Ash grinned. "I'm glad you're feeling better." Rayquaza gave off another soft growl, "How did you end up here in the first place" Ash asked. Rayquaza gave off a harsher growl this time "You don't want to talk about it do you?" Rayquaza looked at Ash in surprise while Ash only smiled "That's okay you can tell me when you're ready to."

"Ash, time for dinner" Ash's mother called from the distance.

Ash saw that the sun was close to setting, "Wow time sure does fly. I got to go now Rayquaza. Wait, I bet your hungry. Wait here, once I'm done with dinner I'll bring you something to eat." Ash quickly took off while waving leaving Rayquaza alone to stare at the spot where Ash just left.

'What a peculiar human' Rayquaza thought to itself. 'So kind, so caring, so innocent. Nothing like the other humans I've met.' Rayquaza thought back to when Ash was tending to its wounds, 'Why would a human be so kind to a Pokémon?' Rayquaza spent so much time pondering that it didn't notice Ash return until a wonderful scent reached its nose. Rayquaza looked down to see Ash holding a plateful of food in his arms.

Ash laughed bit, "Man it was tough sneaking this past my mom, but I did it. Here try it, its' really good." Ash set the plate down in front of Rayquaza. Now normally Rayquaza only need to feed off molecular water particles in the air to survive, but on occasion they would eat normal food for the heck of it. Rayquaza sniffed it hesitantly, but soon hunger wore over and Rayquaza took a bite of it.

It was heavenly to Rayquaza and it gobbled up the food in less than five seconds making Ash laugh a bit, "Glad you like it Rayquaza" Ash said. Rayquaza growled softly again once it finished and then nuzzled Ash's face slightly making him laugh "You're welcome" he said. "Hey Rayquaza you're a really cool dragon. Do you want to be friends with me?"

Rayquaza looked at Ash for a few seconds before growling softly and nodding its head making Ash smile big and hug Rayquaza while grinning. Rayquaza also smiled slightly and touched Ash on the back with one of its arms.


It was near Ten o'clock at night and Ash had grown up a lot from when he was seven. He was at a normal height for someone his age wearing dark blue jeans with dark back shoes with white lines and white laces. He wore a black shirt on his upper body with red trimmings and wore a red jacket vest with long black sleeves and to end it he had on dark black gloves with yellow on the bottom of them. Ash was also wearing a hat that was red with white on the front with a curved "C" in the middle. (The hat from Seasons 1-5)

Ash fixed his gloves and his shoes before looking at the clock, "Just a little bit longer and I'll be starting on my journey" Ash whispered to himself. Ash had finally turned ten years old and had gotten his Pokémon license allowing him to become a Pokémon trainer. Tomorrow Ash would be going to Professor Oak's laboratory to get his starter Pokémon. Ash didn't know which Pokémon he would choose so he decided to spend the night thinking about it.

Ash then turned to his window and opened it before hopping out making sure his light was turned off and his bed was stuffed so it looked like he was sleeping. He then shut the window and slid down the drain pipe before taking off into a run in the cool night. Ash passed the houses and into a meadow until he got to the forests. Ash passed through the trees down, what looked like, a self made path.

Ash pushed past a branch and appeared in an open area and saw a long time friend of his "Hey Rayquaza" Ash said. Rayquaza looked up and saw Ash and moved over to him and nuzzled his face. Ash laughed slightly and petted Rayquaza on the head, "I'm glad to see you too." Ash sat on the ground in front of Rayquaza "You know today marks the day I found you three years ago."

'I will never forget that day' Rayquaza said to Ash telepathically. This is where things get interesting. Ash and Rayquaza had gotten very close to each other over the years with Ash always taking care of Rayquaza and even when Rayquaza was fully healed it never flew away and staid here with Ash. They had become close enough to communicate with each other telepathically.

"Neither will I" Ash said. "It reminds me of the day I met my closest friend." Ash gained a sad look on his face, "And tomorrow I begin my Pokémon journey so I doubt we'll get to see each other for a while."

Rayquaza gained a sad look in its eye before thinking of something, 'Why don't I come with you' Rayquaza asked Ash making Ash look up surprised.

"You'd want to come with me" Ash asked shocked.

Rayquaza nodded, 'You are the only human I've seen to show so much compassion for a Pokémon. It would be an honor to become your Pokémon.'

"Awesome" Ash cheered jumping into the air. "I got a Rayquaza" Ash said giving the peace sign.

Rayquaza chuckled slightly 'But' it said turning serious making Ash turn to Rayquaza. 'It would be wise of you to keep me a secret for a while. In all of history I am a Pokémon native to the Hoenn Region and if people were to find out a trainer from the Kanto Region had captured me it would bring some unwanted attention to you.'

Ash nodded agreeing with Rayquaza "Yes that would be a bother" he said and put a finger to his chin. After stroking it for a few seconds he snapped his fingers "I know. While you come with me I can use you to help me capture and train my other Pokémon to make them, and you, as strong as possible. Then in time when I eventually go to the Hoenn Region I can use you in battle. Does that sound good?"

Rayquaza thought for a second, 'That could work' it said. 'I don't mind that arrangement at all.'

"Alright" Ash said and then he looked at the watch on his left wrist. "Whoa it's near midnight and I gotta be at Professor Oak's Lab by 8:00 tomorrow."

'You should go and get some sleep' Rayquaza said.

Ash nodded "Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow for you Rayquaza. See you" Ash waved as he left the area and went back through the forest, through the meadow and snuck through the houses before reaching his own. The house was dark so his mom must have gone to bed. Ash climbed up the drain pipe, until he got to the roof. He quietly tiptoed over to his window, opened the window and climbed in. Once he was in Ash shed his jacket, shoes, hat and gloves before climbing into bed. For a minute he just lied there and stared up at the upper level of his bunk bed. 'Rayquaza… tomorrow we'll begin a new life' Ash thought before finally falling asleep.

The next morning came quickly with the sun shining and a Dodrio was on a house cawing loudly as the sun shined. In the house of one Ash Ketchum was still sound asleep still until something in his dream stirred him awake making him sit up with a gasp. Rubbing his eyes Ash looked out the window "Oh no, what time is it" Ash cried.

Quick as lightning Ash managed to get his shoes on and left it at that and sprinted down the road towards Professor Oak's lab. While panting Ash said to himself "Squirtle… Charmander… Bulbasaur; anyone of them is fine, but just save one for me." Ash got there quickly only to see his rival, Gary Oak, bidding farewell to all of his adoring fans "Gary" Ash said.

Gary turned to Ash, "Well if isn't Ashy-boy." Ash twitched as Gary called him that "Well you snooze you lose Ash. I've got a Pokémon and you don't."

"You do" Ash said surprised.

"That's right loser and it's right here in this Pokeball" Gary said pulling it out and twirling it on his finger. "If you had bothered to show up on time you'd know that I got the best Pokémon out of all of them."

"A Squirtle right" Ash said dryly making Gary look at him surprised. Ash sighed, "You talked non-stop about getting a Squirtle for two weeks so it's obvious that you would choose it."

"Well you're smarter than you look Ash" Gary said. "But the fact of the matter is that you showed up late so I doubt there are any Pokémon left for you. Later Ashy, I've got to get going on my journey to be a Pokémon Master." Gary walked off down the road leaving Ash by himself.

'That Gary' Ash thought clenching his fist 'I'll show him one day.'

"Well you showed up after all" Professor Oak said appearing from behind a corner.

Ash appeared before him almost instantly, "Professor Oak" Ash greeted. "Sorry about being late, I couldn't get to sleep last night and when I finally did I guess I slept in a little late" Ash said chuckling nervously.

"A little is a bit of an understatement" Professor Oak said. "So I assume you're here for your first Pokémon?" Ash nodded enthusiastically "Very well follow me" he said. The scene now changes to the both of them inside the lab. In the center of containment area was three Pokeballs.

"I've thought about it for a long time and I finally decided to choose Charmander" Ash said picking up the Pokeball. It opened revealing nothing making Ash gape slightly.

"That was taken by a trainer who wasn't late" Professor Oak said.

"Okay then I guess I choose Bulbasaur" Ash said grabbing the next Pokeball. It opened and revealed nothing making Ash groan.

"Also taken by a trainer who was on time" Professor Oak said. Ash set the Pokeball down disappointed and stood there.

"And Gary got Squirtle so that means all the Pokémon are gone" Ash said disappointed. Professor Oak looked sadly at Ash.

"Ash come back to my lab later" Professor Oak said to Ash making him look at Professor Oak confused. "I know you've been looking forward to becoming a trainer for a long time and I think I can do something for you."

"Thank you so much Professor Oak" Ash said. Ash was about to turn and leave when he noticed something sitting on the table. It was a Pokeball only it was black where the red would be and it had a yellow circle in the middle instead of a black one. "Professor Oak, what's that" Ash asked.

"Ah" Professor Oak said picking up the Pokeball. "This is a special Master Ball I've been developing. It has the power to capture a Legendary Pokémon without it breaking free."

"Awesome" Ash said staring at the ball. Professor Oak looked from the ball to Ash and back again before placing it in Ash's hands. "You're giving it to me" Ash asked shocked.

"Somehow I have a feeling that it will come in use for you in the future" Professor Oak smiled. Ash thanked Professor Oak greatly before leaving with it in his hand. Ash left the lab and began sprinting down the road until he got to the meadow and into the Forest where Rayquaza was waiting for Ash.

'So did you get your starter' Rayquaza asked as Ash appeared. Ash sweat dropped and rubbed the back of his head 'You slept in late didn't you' Rayquaza said dryly making Ash slump his shoulders.

"Yeah I did" Ash responded. "But Professor Oak says he has another Pokémon for me. I just have to go back later for it. In the mean time he gave me this Pokeball that he developed" Ash said showing Rayquaza the Pokeball. "I think it matches your coat" Ash laughed. Rayquaza blew a flamethrower at Ash for that making Ash twitch and fall to the ground.

'Funny' Rayquaza said sarcastically. Then Rayquaza turned serious 'I assume that you want to capture me with that Pokeball.'

"I would" Ash replied recovering from the flamethrower. "You're my best friend Rayquaza and I can't imagine anyone else becoming my first Pokémon. Even if I do get a starter from Professor Oak you will always be my first Pokémon friend."

Rayquaza smiled 'It would be an honor to be your Pokémon.' Ash smiled and tapped Rayquaza on the head with the Pokeball. In a flash Rayquaza disappeared and went inside the Pokeball. The Pokeball never struggled and just flashed until the middle died down and went blank signifying it as a successful capture.

"Alright I caught Rayquaza" Ash cheered. "Now Rayquaza come on out." In a flash Rayquaza reappeared "How do you feel?"

'Going in there the first time was rather dizzy, but it's actually kind of cozy in there' Rayquaza said to Ash. They spent the next hour talking to each other before Ash had to go back to Professor Oak's laboratory. Ash returned Rayquaza to its Pokeball and went back to the lab.

The scene now changes to Professor Oak holding a Pokeball with a lightning bolt in the middle, "I should warn you Ash, there is a slight problem with this one" Professor Oak warned.

"I don't care I can deal with it" Ash said determined. He opened the Pokeball and his vision was surrounded by lightning. Covering his eyes he waited until it ended and he looked on the table and saw that the Pokémon he released was small and shaped like a mouse with a lightning bolt tail and red patches on its cheeks. "A Pikachu" Ash said excitedly "It's so cute."

"You'll see" Professor Oak said backing up.

Ash picked up the Pikachu and held it close "Hi Pikachu" Ash said. What he failed to notice was Pikachu developing a tick in its eye and when Ash held it close its cheeks sparked and then Ash got fried by electricity.

"It's also known as the Electric Mouse" Professor Oak said not bothered by the electricity. "It's usually shy, but can generate powerful electricity."

"I see what you mean" Ash said as the attack stopped leaving him wide eyed and burnt with his hair an even bigger mess.

"Shocking isn't it" Professor Oak said. "Now take these; your Pokedex and Pokeballs" he said handing Ash a Pokedex and six Pokeballs.

"Thank… YOU" he shouted in the end as Pikachu zapped them both this time.

"You're welcome" Professor Oak managed to say as he was being shocked with Ash. The scene now pans outside as Ash left the lab with Pikachu walking beside a crispy Ash as though nothing happened.

'Okay this is going to be a bit of a hassle, but I'll find a way though this' Ash thought as he tried cleaning himself and his clothes of the thunderbolt marks. Ash pulled out a Pokeball, "Pikachu return" Ash said. Pikachu dodged the red beam, "Return" Ash tried again. Again Pikachu dodged it making Ash try again. Three more tries later and Pikachu still dodged it. "Oh I give up" Ash sighed and continued walking with a smirking Pikachu walking next to him.

"Sorry" Ash shouted suddenly and grabbed Pikachu before it could run. Quick as lightning Ash returned it to its Pokeball and Ash stood up with the ball clutched in his hand. "Sorry Pikachu I'll make it up to you" Ash whispered before putting the ball away and continued home.

Ash made it home shortly, "Honey glad your home" his mother, Delia, said from the kitchen.

"Hey mom" Ash said. "I just stopped by to pick up my stuff before heading out."

"I got it all ready for you on the couch honey" Delia said. Ash looked over and indeed, his gloves, hat and jacket were packed neatly on top of his backpack. "I knew this day would come eventually so I prepared your stuff for you. Oh my little boy is all grown up" she cried slightly.

Ash laughed nervously and went over to his stuff. He put his jacket on first before putting sliding his gloves on and to finish it he put his hat on top of his head. "Well mom I'm off to start my journey" Ash said putting his backpack on. Delia came over and hugged her son one more time.

"Goodbye honey" she said as they parted "And don't forget to change your you-know-what every day."

Ash flushed in embarrassment even though no one was around "Got it" he said before leaving the house and shutting the door with a small click. Ash walked along the path that led out of town and proceeded to climb up a hill. After a few minutes of climbing Ash ended up in another open filed outside of Pallet Town. "This is a nice spot to begin searching for Pokemon" Ash said as he set his backpack down.

Ash pulled out Pikachu's Pokeball and released it and Ash immediately had to dodge to the side as he was almost zapped by a thunderbolt. Pikachu growled and glared at Ash for the trick he pulled earlier.

Ash sighed knowing he was in for it "Look Pikachu I'm sorry about earlier, but I had to return you to the Pokeball. If you're out of the Pokeball it's much easier for you to get lost or taken away." Pikachu still glared at Ash and its cheeks sparkled again and Ash noticed that Pikachu's eyes were quivering slightly "I get it. You're afraid aren't you?"

Pikachu stopped sparkling and looked at Ash in surprise "I'm right aren't I?" Pikachu stared defiantly at Ash, but its eyes gave it away. "I may not know what it's like to be trapped inside of a Pokeball, but if you are afraid I can help you work around it if you'll only let me." Pikachu was silent as it stared at Ash, "You can go take a rest by the tree if you want to. I'm gonna go scope the area for Pokémon."

Ash started to walk off and Pikachu stared after Ash before giving out a loud "Pika" getting Ash's attention. Pikachu wanted to know how Ash was going to get Pokémon if Pikachu was here.

Ash seemed to know what Pikachu was saying, "Don't worry you're not the only Pokémon I have right now" Ash said pulling out the black Pokeball. Ash turned back around and looked out into the area before he spotted a silhouette of a bird Pokémon. Ash got close enough and saw that it was shaped like a miniature vulture "A Spearow" Ash said pulling out his Pokedex.

"Spearow, the Tiny Bird Pokémon: Spearow has a terrible attitude. It is very wild and will sometimes attack other Pokémon and humans" Dexter's mechanical voice told Ash.

"Sounds like a real tough one" Ash said to himself. 'I know Rayquaza is a Legendary, but I don't know what attacks it knows.' Ash scanned Rayquaza's Pokeball with his Pokedex and once again Dexter's mechanical voice spoke.

"Pokémon Rayquaza; moves known: Flamethrower, Dragon Rage, Twister, Hyper Voice, Rest and Ancient Power."

"That's quite an arsenal" Ash said smirking. "Alright then Rayquaza I choose you" Ash said throwing a Pokeball into the field. It opened up and out came the magnificent dragon with a roar. "Alright Rayquaza we're going for our first capture. Are you ready?" Rayquaza roared and Ash took it as a yes. The Spearow looked up at the massive Dragon and it was never one to back down so it charged at it with a quick attack.

"Alright Rayquaza dodge and use Hyper voice" Ash called. Rayquaza leaned to the side and dodged Spearow's quick attack and then turned and opened its mouth. Out came a barrage of blue rings and they all hit Spearow making it cry out in pain from the massive attack. Spearow fell to the ground, but weakly managed to get up and gave a loud cry as if calling for help.

Ash decided to ignore it "Pokeball go" Ash shouted. He threw a Pokeball and it hit Spearow and enveloped it. The ball shook back and forth as the dot in the middle glowed red and after a few seconds it stopped and the red light went out. Ash smirked and picked up the Pokeball "Alright I caught a Spearow" Ash cheered.

'Ash we may have a problem' Rayquaza said telepathically to Ash. Ash turned around and then he saw a massive flock of Spearow coming towards them.

"Oh not good" Ash said. "Rayquaza return" he said recalling his dragon. Ash quickly ran back to his stuff, "C'mon Pikachu we've got to go." Pikachu wasted no time and began running along with Ash. They passed a bunch of other wild Pokémon that were in the trees and they all stared as ash and Pikachu ran by. "Just keep going Pikachu, I promise I'll protect you" Ash promised. Pikachu looked up at Ash with a new light, but not for long as the Spearow caught up and began pecking at Pikachu and Ash.

"Pika" Pikachu cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

"Leave it alone Spearow" Ash shouted pushing them away and getting to Pikachu. Ash quickly picked it up and continued to run as fast as he could. Ash ran down a path and slid down a hill and continued to run. He looked down at Pikachu to see that the poor thing was banged up and hurt pretty badly. "Just hold on a little longer Pikachu. We're almost to the Pokémon center" Ash gasped as he forced his legs to run faster.

Up in the sky clouds began to darken, thunder began roaring and lightning began flashing. Ash ignored the rain that began to fall as it pelted him. Ash covered up Pikachu as best as he could, but then one of the Spearow launched a powerful gust attack at Ash knocking him off balance and making him fly into the mud where he crashed and lost grip of Pikachu. Ash groaned as he looked up from his position on the ground to see Pikachu lying a few feet from him. Ash crawled over to Pikachu and touched it slightly making Pikachu look up and give a small "chu." This was also the first time Ash had ever touched Pikachu and didn't get shocked.

"It's gonna be okay Pikachu" Ash said. Groaning slightly Ash turned and pulled out Pikachu's Pokeball, "I know that you're afraid of going inside the Pokeball, but it's the only way I can save you right now." Ash enlarged the Pokeball and set it down in front of Pikachu, "Just trust me Pikachu and get inside."

Ash got up and turned to the massive flock of Spearow "Here me Spearow" Ash shouted. "I'm Ash Ketchum from the Town of Pallet. I'm going to become the best Pokémon Master in the World. And I'm not gonna be stopped here by all of you. I'll take you all on and defeat all of you." Lightning flashed again, "Come and get me" Ash shouted. The Spearow did just that and charged at Ash. In slow motion they got closer and closer to Ash, but Pikachu found new respect and fondness for Ash and his selflessness and forced itself up and ran towards Ash. It jumped up his body to his shoulder and jumped towards the Spearow. Ash gaped as Pikachu and the Spearow nearly collided, but then a lightning bolt struck right in front of Ash and hit Pikachu just as it was about to launch a thunderbolt attack.

The lightning amplified Pikachu's attack making it 20x more powerful and it blasted away all of the Spearow and Ash. A while later the sun came out with both Ash and Pikachu lying on the ground out cold from the attack. Ash woke up and opened his eyes and Pikachu also opened its eyes and they both looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"We beat 'em" Ash said to Pikachu.

"Chu" Pikachu agreed. Something was flying high above them and Ash looked up to see a massive Phoenix shaped Pokémon flying overhead across the rainbow before it disappeared.

"Was that… Ho-oh" Ash asked himself shocked. Deciding to put it out of his mind Ash picked up Pikachu, "Let's get you all fixed up now okay Pikachu" Ash said. Pikachu nodded and licked Ash on the chin slightly making him smile. Ash continued over a hill and once he did he saw Viridian City right over the horizon. "Viridian City" Ash whispered quietly 'Alright Pikachu I'll get you fixed up. I promise' Ash thought as he went down the hill and towards the Viridian Pokémon center.