I knocked on the door to the office, knowing Yukimura and Sanada would be inside.

"Come in," Yukimura's soft voice called.

I entered and was surprised to see the captain alone, "Sanada-fuku-buchou-?"

"Went home," Yukimura interrupted, "Why? Did you need him?"

I shook my head, "No, just you said if I knew something was gonna happen-"

Yukimura cut me off, "Right, when do you think this will happen?"

I grit my teeth, "I'm taking a leave of school for a week."

His blue eyes widened a fraction, "A week." he repeated.

I nodded and gulped to myself, "I'll be gone tomorrow which is Saturday and will be back to normal by Monday. If I can come back earlier, I will."

Yukimura gave me an odd look, "How serious is this?"

I grit my teeth and refrained myself from telling the truth, "It will keep me paralyzed for awhile. I'll be fine."

Yukimura stared me down for a couple more seconds before nodding, "I see. If you need anything, contact us at any time."

After Saturday's tennis practice, Yukimura was with Yanagi when it happened. They were at a cafe, peacefully sipping their drinks and reading their own respective books. That's when he received a phone call.

Yukimura set down his book and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Yanagi looked to him, "Is it Genichirou?"

Yukimura looked to the caller id and narrowed his eyes, "No," he answered shortly before answering the call, "Moshi moshi, Kirigaya-san?"

Yukimura could see his friend raise an eyebrow at him, after all they had given the team the excuse that he was visiting relatives in another prefecture.

"Yukimura-kun," their junior's father's voice greeted, and Yukimura knew something was wrong. The father sounded exhausted, not physically, but mentally exhausted, "I promised that I wouldn't call you or Sanada-kun, but I think this is too much for me to handle." the man sighed on his side of the phone, "Sanada-kun said he was on his way to our home but it would take awhile as he was in Tokyo. I was hoping that you were closer."

Yukimura felt an unfamiliar panic well up within him, "Is Mamoru-kun okay?" he asked hurriedly into the phone, already gathering his things, his feet on the floor ready to bolt.

Yanagi gave him a confused look, "Wha-" he sputtered, unused to his friend's panicking, "Seiichi what's wrong with Kirigaya-kun?"

The father on the other side paused, "Yukimura-kun calm down. If he survived before, he'll survive this." he reassured the team captain, "Now tell me who that person with you is."

Yukimura took a deep breath to calm down and sat back down, "Yanagi Renji," Yanagi perked at the mention of his name, "He's a member of our tennis team-"

"Ah," the man interrupted, "The remaining member of the 3 Monsters of Rikkaidai." the man seemed to think before sighing, "Bring him with you. Mamoru said that he would tell Yanagi-kun everything soon anyways. Said that he was way too observant to not pick up some hints."

Yukimura motioned at his friend to pack up his stuff.

"And to answer your question about Mamoru's wellbeing." the man chuckled weakly, "I would be lying if I told you he was fine."

Yukimura felt something lodge up in his throat.

"Please hurry," the father pleaded, "For Mamoru's sake."

Yukimura heard the phone call cut off and he turned to his friend, "Renji, let's go."

Yanagi followed his friend but did not hesitate to ask questions, "Where are we going? What's wrong with Mamoru?"

Yukimura flagged down a taxi and looked towards his friend as it slowed to a stop in front of them, "I'll explain on the way."

Sanada burst through the front door and saw Kirigaya Raiden sitting on the couch with his head in his lap, "Kirigaya-san," he breathed out quietly.

The man looked up and smiled weakly, "Ah, Sanada-kun…Yukimura-kun and Yanagi-kun are downstairs. I'll take you." the man shaking got up and led the teen to the staircase that only lead to a door.

The man stopped at the top of the stairs, "Sanada-kun," he stopped the teen from going forward.

Sanada looked up curiously but did not say anything.

The man swallowed, "What is happening down there is not for the weak of heart. You do not have to go down there if you don't want to. You are allowed to leave if you don't think you can handle it. I… even if I wanted to be there for Mamoru I don't think I could." he paused as if he was thinking, "And I'm sorry, for what you're about to see."

Sanada stared after the man, seeing only a shadow of the man that had greeted them at the door after Mamoru had collapsed.

Sanada looked down the stairs and couldn't fathom what had caused such a reaction out of the man. He dropped his bag and jacket at the top of the stairs and slowly descended down. He put his hand on the doorknob and turned it to open.

As soon as he opened the door, a blood curdling scream reached his ears, followed by screeches of pain that made his mind go blank. He stepped into the room as the yells calmed down, soft reassurances from another voice he recognized trying to calm the first voice.

Another voice he recognized. Sanada felt his blood run cold as the first voice began to chuckle, almost maniacally. Sanada recognized that voice.

His eyes adjusted to the dim lighting and all he could see was their gray eyed junior sprawled on the floor, covered in sweat and blood as he grinned bitterly up at him, a red gleam covering his teeth.

"Hahaha...fuck," the young teen cussed, "'thought it was bad enough when dad called Buchou and Yanagi-senpai over," he winced as he shifted his body to get a better look at Sanada, "But to call you too Fuku-buchou?" He laughed drily, "That's fucked up."

Sanada felt his knees start to weaken as he fully took in Kirigaya Mamoru's appearance.

Rope marks were burned into pale wrists, ankles, and forearms of the junior. The normally somewhat pristine black hair was tousled and messed up, dried blood flakes falling from it as the teen moved. Dark purple bruises laced the teen's face, torso, and legs, all of them at least the size of a softball and at most the size of a basketball. Dark red blood coated the teen's forearms and thighs, pale pink scars left on the skin as the only proof of what had happened. A hand mark was on the teen's throat and seeing the whipping scars on the teen's back made him want to throw up.

This. Sanada realized, was torture.

"Oi, Sanada-fuku-buchou," the teen's hoarse voice brought him back to his senses, "I recommend you actually listen to me, unlike Buchou and Yanagi-senpai, and get out while you haven't seen anything yet." the teen laid his head against the concrete ground, "It sure as hell doesn't get much fucking prettier than this."

Sanada grit his teeth, clenching his fist, "Kirigaya," he growled, emotions overwhelming him.

The teen suddenly began to laugh, his whole body rocking as he did so, "Sorry, I forgot!" he exclaimed, "No cussing. Old habits die hard." the teen tried to justify, "The only thing you can really bring back from war is a colorful vocabulary."

"Mamoru!" a voice snapped.

It took Sanada that moment to remember that there were others in the room. He looked towards Yanagi who sat frighteningly still against the wall, his knees brought up to his chest as he silently watched the exchange with open eyes, eyes that had sunken in.

He looked towards Yukimura who was kneeling by the junior's side, blood covering his clothes and hands as he tried to force the teen on the floor to calm down, "Mamoru, now isn't the time, you need to brace yourself for the-"

Yukimura was brutally cut off by a disgruntled scream that left the teen's mouth as he held onto his stomach with bloodied arms.

In those few seconds, Sanada saw many things.

Yanagi, who had been still every since he walked in, had clamped his hands over his ears. Yanagi strangely, however, kept his eyes focused on the teen, allowing Sanada to see that his friend's mouth was opening and closing, muttering words to himself at a mile per second.

Yukimura, who had looked calm, composed, and in control, immediately covered his mouth with bloodied hands in horror, his bright blue eyes wide in terror and fright, seeing the teen suffer in pain before him.

Mamoru, who had been nearly hysterical, spouting nonsense ever since he had walked in, had cried out in pain and began to sob loudly.

Sanada could feel his mind whirring at a mile at minute, trying to comprehend what was happening as it occurred before him. Sanada felt his knees buckle as a thought hit him.

If Mamoru was 12 years old now and his injuries occur at the same point in time that happened in his last life, Mamoru had experienced the same pain he was feeling now as a child. A child who didn't know anything about the horrors of the world and how merciless people could be.

Sanada grit his teeth.

He had to do something.

He headed to Yanagi first. He spoke softly, to not startle anyone in the small room, but also loud enough to be heard over the heart wrenching sobs, "Renji."

The teen looked up towards him and stared, mouth hanging open as he was mid sentence, as if he was unable to comprehend who he was. Yanagi stared a bit longer before opening his mouth, "...Gen...ichirou?" he asked in wonder.

Sanada nodded and held out a hand, "I'll take over for now. Head up and take a breath." he said in the steadiest voice he could muster, "Come on Renji."

The data master stared at the hand for a full ten seconds before taking it. Sanada pulled him up and pushed him halfway up the stairs before he left.

He turned back to see that the black haired teen had stopped sobbing and was catching his breath on the floor.

Yukimura had let his hands drop to the ground but he stayed in the same position, staring at their charge.

"Seiichi," he called, making the child of god flinch.

He looked up to Sanada and cleared his throat, "Genichirou." he greeted.

Sanada pulled him up by the forearm, "Go wash the blood off your arms and have some tea. I'll take care of this."

Yukimura tried to escape his grip, "No, Genichirou, I can stay, he needs us-"

"SEIICHI!" Sanada had shouted, eliciting a whimper out of their charge, but also successfully shocking Yukimura out of his hysterics. Sanada lowered his voice, "Go." he quietly urged.

Yukimura nodded weakly and walked shakily up the stairs, not turning back once.

Once Sanada and Mamoru were alone, he approached the teen, "Kirigaya?" he asked softly.

The teen looked up at him and held out a hand, "Fuku-buchou…" his eyes were glossed over, "When did you…?"

Sanada bit his tongue from saying anything to worsen his mood, "That doesn't matter, just relax," he soothed, pulling the teen's broken body closer to him, holding him close.

The teen looked around and mustered up a weak smile, "Thank you, fuku-buchou." the teen promptly closed his eyes and began to quietly snooze on his vice captain's lap.

Sanada felt the calm before the storm facing him. The worst had obviously happened while Yukimura and Yanagi had been there. Sanada had sped here in a car and that had taken him thirty minutes. If Kirigaya had called Yukimura second and were at the cafe they often frequented, Yukimura and Yanagi could had been down there for at most twenty minutes.

Sanada swallowed and tensed, if this was how it was, how long would Sanada last, seeing his junior suffer as he just watched, unable to do anything?

Yukimura thought he was mature for his age. Death and sickness wasn't anything new to him, his grandmother had been living with cancer ever since it was discovered to be in it's early stages when he was born. Despite all the money, medicine, and treatments thrown into saving her, she slowly became worse and worse as time went on. He was at his grandmother's death bed when she passed away after seeing him graduate from elementary school.

Out of all the things he expected to see when he rushed to the Kirigaya home, torture had not even crossed his mind.

Mamoru would talk about war and rebellion in his world, battles of life and death, but he did so, so casually. Like it wasn't a huge part of his life. So, Yukimura thought that despite living in a war torn world, Mamoru had gotten lucky and lived a somewhat normal life for his world's standards.

It was the complete opposite, Yukimura realized as Kirigaya Raiden explained what his son's past life had been like. His family murdered or immobilized at age eleven, recklessly joining a rebellion as a child and learned the best ways to kill people, only to be caught as a Resistance member. Government officials had dragged him to prison by the collar and interrogated a twelve year old child for answers.

Yukimura looked at his hands, blinking as he thought the blood he had washed off before had remained on his hands.

Even with the father's warnings, he wasn't prepared to walk in to see Kirigaya Mamoru half naked on the concrete floor in a dim lit room, his back arched and toes curled as he clawed at something imaginary at his throat, his face turning blue from lack of oxygen.

Yukimura could still hear the strangled noises Mamoru made as he tried to ease the invisible force on his throat in order to breathe.

At that point, Yanagi had been a ways behind him and had not seen the atrocities behind the door. Yukimura did his best to push Yanagi away but it was futile as sobs began to leave the breathless teen's mouth when cuts began to magically appear and heal on his arms, legs, and torso.

Yukimura ran towards the junior and did his best to calm him and talk him through the pain, but no matter what he did, nothing got to Mamoru. That's when Yukimura began to panic and threw on his mask of courage to shake some sense into the hysteric teen.

Only for Sanada to arrive and urge him out.

Yukimura focused on the tea cup and looked towards the floor, unable to think of anything but his junior.

Yanagi felt that with enough thought and effort, anything in the world could be solved or logically explained. The fact that the child of god told him with a straight face that Kirigaya Mamoru was reborn into their world after dying in a war and was receiving injuries he had suffered in his past life into this one, he thought maybe there was something slipped into his tea.

When Kirigaya Raiden greeted them and briefly warned them, asking if he had been told the story, in which Yukimura had replied yes, he thought he had gone insane.

But when he saw the blood spurting from cuts that had already closed up all over the writhing pale body before him, his mentality began to crash.

It didn't make any logical sense, but it was clearly happening in front of him. It was too real, Yukimura wouldn't bother creating such an elaborate and ridiculous story like that. All evidence pointed this torture before him to be real.

Yanagi threw up a bit into his mouth as soon as he realized that.

His junior continued to writhe in pain, recognizing that both him and his captain were here, calling his father unbelievable for calling them both here. He became hysteric.

Yanagi searched his mind for any solution, any reliever, any way to MAKE THE PAIN STOP.

Before he knew it, his thoughts had jumbled together as equations and words and he was muttering them to himself, but even to him, it meant nothing.

It was Sanada calling out to him did he regain his senses and compose himself.

Yanagi finished the last of the tea and closed his eyes, exhaustion hitting him.

Sanada pulled himself out of the room two hours later, his cap covering his eyes. Blood was splattered onto his clothes and the way that his lips were turned down showed that he had seen similar things that both Yukimura and Yanagi had seen.

Kirigaya Raiden was the first to greet him. Sanada opened his mouth, "I think the worst has passed for today. Nothing has happened within the last 45 minutes."

Yukimura looked towards his childhood friend, "Genichirou," he called, but Sanada didn't seem to hear.

"I suggest someone stay with him overnight." Yanagi spoke up, speaking for the first time in hours, "for support," he clarified.

Raiden looked over at the three teenage boys in his living room, "I'm sorry, I dragged you all into this. This isn't something that kids your age should be experiencing," silencing all three of them, "I thought I would be enough for Mamoru but… that was getting to me." Raiden could see that all the teens understood what he meant as they reacted uncomfortably, "I couldn't even get through half way before I called out to you all." The tall man laughed bitterly to himself, "Maybe you won't feel this until you become a parent, but there's nothing worse than seeing the child that you raised suffering as you just watch helplessly."

He looked towards the teens, "I'll drive you all home now, thank you for giving me a break." he said with a tone of finality.

All three teens knew that they were all feeling the same range of emotions, and they had all centered on one thought. They didn't want to leave Mamoru's side.

To Yukimura's and Sanada's surprise, Yanagi was the first to jump up, "We would like to stay here and support Mamoru."

Raiden gaped at the determined expressions on the teens, "You three should no-"

"Mamoru is not just a teammate to us, Kirigaya-san." Yukimura cut in, "He's family. And if one of us suffering, we protect and support them with everything we have."

Raiden stared at them, mouth wide open before chuckling, "Fine." he gave in, "But you have to make an excuse to your parents. I won't lie to them."

With a few calls and distribution of comfortable clothing, Yanagi found himself lying next to his junior on a separate futon, wrapped in warm blankets. Yanagi moved the hair out of the teen's pale face, sighing, "You act so strong, bearing the pain and demanding that no one else know about it."

Yanagi flinched as a chuckle escaped the pale teen's lips, "Is that what it looks like?" he asked, a hint of bitterness in Mamoru's voice.

The teen opened his dark eyes to meet Yanagi's, "Tou-san probably told you that I was interrogated when this all happened. To rebels, there is only one law that applies to them: execution when discovered, kill on sight. That is, unless, the rebel has potential useful information." he held out a shaking hand that Yanagi immediately took into his own, "There were rumors that there was a member of the resistance with a high clearance level, and that he was only a child."

Yanagi silently listened to the story, already seeing where it was going, "They were baseless, but I didn't know that then. Those rumors were false and had stemmed completely out of nowhere. I was mistaken as that operative and tortured for information I didn't have." the teen rasped out, his voice raw.

Yanagi belatedly realized that Sanada and Yukimura were listening in from the doorway but didn't say anything as the teen continued, "I have something to confess, senpai."

Yanagi focused on his junior's face and felt his heart crumble, "Every time they demanded me for answers, I told them I didn't know anything. They didn't believe me. I begged and begged for them to spare my life right until other Resistance operatives had launched a planned attack on the police."

Tears leaked from the teen's eyes, "Fuck… I'm so, so sorry." the teen ground out, "If I wasn't reborn you three could have lived lives without seeing this shit." he exclaimed with a trembling voice, "I'm so sorry…"

None of them had the heart to speak up, listening to the anguished cries of their junior.

So... This is the mature section