A/N: Well...so much for a one-shot...

Yeah, this kind of just happened. I was inspired by the positive feedback I received! Thank you so much to all who reviewed, followed, and favorited this piece! Please please please let me know what you all think of the second (and final) installment. I mean it this time, however, I do have a few other Reylo ficlets in progress so I will be posting them as I finish. If you liked this one please go check them out!

I really enjoyed writing this one in Kylo/Ben's POV. Once again, he is my absolute favorite because he is such a dynamic character. You never get bored from him because he has so many layers and aspects of his personality. As a writer, I totally get all nerdy about characters like him cause they are just so well thought out and developed.

Anyway, enough of my prattling! Enjoy and please REVIEW!

Kylo Ren stared down at the angel sleeping in his arms. Rey had fallen into slumber twenty minutes prior, but Kylo couldn't bring himself to leave her just yet. Instead, against his better judgement but entirely unable to help himself it seemed, he had eased himself down to lie next to her and gently enveloped her in his arms, pulling her body to his own. At first, Kylo had been afraid that she would wake and push him away, and in that moment he realized that her rejection was the absolute worst thing he could fathom.

His current reality was that he didn't want to leave, and that feeling terrified him. In fact, every feeling he had experienced since waking in response to Rey's pure, unadulterated fear and panic had terrified him. Every feeling that she evoked terrified and overwhelmed him. He should hate her, he knew. He should hate her with every fiber of his being, especially since it was she who drew him so temptingly to the light…it was she who made the light so…tantalizing.

The problem was, he didn't hate her. He couldn't hate her. Kylo realized with a start that the very idea of feeling hatred towards her churned his stomach. It would be unnatural, completely against what every cell in his body was telling him.

Rey stirred then and Kylo stiffened, silently praying she wouldn't wake.

She didn't.

Murmuring unintelligibly, Rey wiggled closer to him so her face was pressed against his chest. Was she…nuzzling him? He thought to himself. Did she know she was nuzzling him?

Kylo really didn't care either way, as long as she didn't stop. He didn't want any distance between them. Almost involuntarily Kylo's arms tightened around her. The Force surrounding them was still completely joined and Kylo reveled in the feeling of it. He had known their connection was strong, but this…this was something on an entirely different level; it was something totally indescribable. It was pure bliss.

Rey sighed contentedly in her sleep and snuggled even closer as if she felt it too.

He smiled.

Gazing down at her beautiful, peaceful face, Kylo felt something swell inside his chest. It was an unfamiliar emotion; one he hadn't felt in years. One he was afraid to name.

He was afraid because if he admitted to himself that he had these feelings for her, it would be harder in the end. Because this was impossible. He reminded himself for the millionth time. Whatever this was.

You know very well what this is. The voice inside his head was annoying as it was ever present…being as it was his own.

Kylo sighed and brought his hand up to gently brush back a few strands of Rey's hair that had slipped in front of her face when she shifted. The next thought that came into his mind was even more unwelcome than the previous one. He wanted to kiss her. Desperately.

Knowing it was a bad idea, he ignored the warning alarms blaring in his mind and dipped his head to lightly brush his mouth at the corner of her lips. Too light to wake her, but not so light that he couldn't feel her. A wave of dizziness swept over him as the Force pulsed and power flared in response to his kissing her. Somewhat absently, Kylo wondered if that reaction was something they should be concerned about.

After another few moments just watching her, a thought slipped into Kylo's head. He wondered what was going on in her mind as she slept…as she dreamed. He knew her guard was lowered but he wondered just how lowered it really was. Could he slip into her thoughts without having to push through any barriers?

Closing his eyes, Kylo reached out with his mind. He told himself that if he couldn't get inside her head without any effort he would stop immediately. The last thing he wanted was to cause her pain or disturb her rest. His mind touched hers and…Kylo froze, almost unable to believe it. There was nothing. Her mind was completely open to him. For a fleeting moment he thought of searching for more…for seeing if he could locate her and Luke Skywalker's location. It was especially tempting with the ease in which he entered her subconscious.

It would hardly take any energy at all and he was convinced she wouldn't wake so long as he didn't press too hard all at once. And she would never know…until of course, he showed up with his army.

She would never forgive him.

Kylo hesitated then, surprising himself. Why was it that this girl, this scavenger, was able to influence him in this way? He didn't want to do anything to cause her to continue to mistrust him. He wanted her to trust him; for her to want to be with him. He wanted her to be…happy and safe; to feel that way with him.

Who am I kidding, he thought to himself. She'll never really see me as anything but a monster.

This personal revelation caused him to immediately abandon his plans to probe her mind for anything that she didn't have open to him. Kylo realized that he wanted to change that…he wanted to change how she saw him. Pushing aside all notions of personal ambition for the First Order, he slipped into her thoughts.

And was struck with absolute wonder. The last time he had been inside her head Kylo had immediately been hit with such feelings of loneliness and despair. He detected none of that now. Instead he was faced with…fulfillment, contentedness. Rey actually did like having him near. She was happy being in his arms. And that…confused her.

He furrowed his brows in concentration.

When it came to him, Rey's feelings were jumbled. It seemed that she too was struggling with them as much as he was struggling with his own feelings for her. Even in her mind, he was disappointed to find, they didn't have a name, only a feeling. That feeling, that sensation, was so powerful that itrocked Kylo Ren to his core. Or maybe he was Ben Solo in that moment. Rey had called him Ben, he thought suddenly.

She still believed in him.

She still believed there was good in him…that he could come back.

He wished she was right. Leaning in and resting his face next to hers so that their cheeks were touching, he realized that he had never felt this much like his old self, like Ben Solo.

I want to be that for you. He thought to her, though he knew she couldn't hear him. I- He cut off the thought as she stirred once more. Pulling back abruptly he went to separate himself from her, only to be stopped by her arms slipping around him out and pulling him to her. The surprising forcefulness of her pull and his sheer unpreparedness resulted in him practically falling on top of her.

He managed to catch himself, but then startled at the position in which he now found himself. Kylo's elbows were resting on the cot on either side of Rey and their faces were mere inches apart. He was so close to her that if he were to just dip his head slightly their lips would touch. Hardly able to breath and terrified to move, he closed his eyes.

Kiss me.

The thought flowed into his mind as if it were being carried on a live wire. It seemed to send a jolt through his entire body. What shocked him the most was that Rey was who thought it. She must have felt his closeness and her subconscious reached out to him with what she truly desired. He couldn't believe it. Rey wanted him…she desired him.


No, she wanted Ben Solo. Kylo swallowed. He felt more like Ben Solo with her than he had even before Kylo Ren.

Making up his mind, Ben steeled himself before leaning down and softly brushed his lips against hers. It was such a light touch but he felt it all the way down his body. Her lips were warm and soft, like velvet. He wanted more.

Under him, Rey unexpectedly moaned in her sleep, surprising him. The sound sent another wave of warmth and desire surging through him. Then she did something he definitely wasn't expecting. Bringing one of her hands up to touch his cheek, Rey kissed him back. Ben didn't know if she was completely awake or if she had no idea what she was doing, but all he knew was that he never wanted to stop. Kissing Rey just felt…right. It was the only thing that had felt truly right in his entire life.

Ben…she sighed over the bond as lips moved against each other.

Rey…It was he who moaned this time as she pulled him harder against her and the length of their bodies pressed together in the best way. The sensations were beyond deliciously intoxicating.

Suddenly, there was a ripple in the Force that wasn't caused by either of them. Footsteps sounded from the other room.

Luke. If he found them like this…

Panicked, Ben pulled away from her, just as Rey gasped and opened her eyes. She had felt it too. Their gazes met for a brief instant, a mixture of fear and longing in each of their expressions, before he cut off the connection.

Back in his quarters, Kylo Ren panted, desperately trying to catch his breath and regain control of his senses. What had just happened? He brought a hand up to his face and rubbed at his eyes. Clenching them shut he moved his fingers to pinch the bridge of his nose. Kylo let out a long, shaky breath.

Tearing himself away from Rey had been hard. It felt like he was ripping away his own skin, but abruptly cutting off their connection had been even worse. That had felt like his heart had been split in two…like a piece of his soul had been left behind…with her. With Rey.

Kylo's chest ached with how much he missed her. He wished he could be with her always.

But that can never happen. He reminded himself once again. Because he was a monster…and she deserved so much more than that. She deserved everything. She was everything…and he, he was nothing.

Sinking down to the floor, he buried his face in his hands. Then, for the first time in over a decade, Ben Solo broke down in tears.