Hey everyone! Hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year! So this is a new story I'm working on, as well as my other not really new story called Transformer Animated: Different Angle. This one will follow the Transformers Prime storyline and will focus on my OC named Stormracer. I even provided a brief background on her for you to read just below. Hopefully I can put up a drawing of her soon for my story image, that way you all have a better idea on what she looks like. This first chapter doesn't immediately go into the show just yet, but does lead into it. I hope you all enjoy!

Before the war broke out, Stormracer was one of the top students in her class at the Academy of Science and Technology. She always wanted to make a difference and put her mind to good use, hoping to give new ideas for the future of Cybertron.

While she was considered intelligent and a hard worker to some, others just rolled their optics at her silly personality, even calling her childish. But she didn't let that stop her as she worked her way up to the highest scores in the science program.

Unfortunately, Stormracer was unable to graduate when war fell over the planet. She joined the Autobots, but couldn't get into their science division due to lack of experience. She didn't know what else to do until she stumbled upon an autobot field medic named Ratchet, witnessing his work as he patched up injured bots. Intrigued, she begged Ratchet to teach her, though it took much convincing for the old medic to eventually say yes and take her as his assistant. Next thing Stormracer knew, she was on Team Prime with Ratchet under the command of Optimus Prime and soon found herself on a planet called Earth.

And that is where our story takes place.

Transformers Prime: The Medic's Assistant

Chapter 1: Meet Stormracer

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers Prime.

(Autobot Base - 11:55 am)


Inside a mountain just outside Jasper, Nevada, a voice shouted from within. For inside this mountain was a hidden government base, shielded from human eyes and big enough to be a place of residence for the occupants residing in it.

Tapping his pede impatiently, an old looking red and white bot, resembling an ambulance, stood waiting while a young yellow bot, resembling a muscle car, was sitting on the medical berth beside him. The older one grumbled to himself. He had sent his assistant out to retrieve a pair of pliers, but soon found himself waiting longer than he preferred.

"Maybe she's having a tough time finding it, Ratchet," the yellow bot guessed.

"That or she got distracted…. again," the old bot grumbled. "Last time she was, she claimed she saw a rock that was shaped like Bulkhead's head."

"Oh yeah, she showed me that one," the bot chuckled, "that was...," he stopped when Ratchet gave him a look, making him drop his smile. "I'm sure she'll be here any second."

Ratchet rolled his optics before turning back around. "Stormracer!" he shouted again.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" a female voice piped frantically from down the corridor. It wasn't long until a teal colored femme bot came running from around the corner, holding onto the requested tool. "I'll be right… Aah!" she tripped over a cable and tumbled to the floor in front of Ratchet, but was able to jump right back up on her pedes within seconds.

"Sorry!" She squeaked, handing him the pliers.

"What kept you?" Ratchet asked.

"I was having a hard time locating it," she said, "Also did you know we have a mouse in here?"

The yellow bot chuckled to himself as Ratchet let out a groan. "Lets just get that stone out of Bumblebee's pede," the medic said, "Bumblebee, put your pede on the berth."

Bumblebee did so as the medic walked over and took a look at the scout's pede. 'Remind me again how you managed get this size of a rock jammed into your gears to begin with?"

"I just wasn't careful with my surroundings. OW!" Bumblebee flinched when Ratchet touched the rock.

Looking at it carefully, Ratchet took the pliers to get a good grip on the rock. "This is going to hurt a bit."

Stormracer stood at Bumblebee's side. Noticing how nervous the young scout looked, she held her servo out to him. "You want to hold my hand?"

Not wanting to look silly, he declined her offer. "No thanks. I've been through worOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" He let out a long painful bleep, grabbing Stormracer's servo and squeezing it tightly as Ratchet yanked the rock out. The assistant let out a little sqeak of her own from the sudden pain in her servo, but still managed to give the scout an assuring smile.

Holding the sharp rock with the pliers, Ratchet set it aside and looked at Stormracer. "Can you grab me that rag over there? I need to patch up this gash."

"Sure Ratchet," she said as she turned around to grab it, only to be yanked back a little by Bumblebee, still grasping her servo.

"Um, Bumblebee," she said, "do you think can, um...?"

Realizing he was still holding onto her servo, he immediately let go. "Sorry!" he beeped, his face red with embarrassment.

Chuckling, she grabbed the rag and handed it to Ratchet, him explaining to her what he was doing. It was a small repair and didn't take long for the medic to finish up.

"There," he said, taking a step back,"how does that feel, Bumblebee?" he asked him.

Lifting his pede off the berth, the scout moved it around. "Much better," he bleeped happily. He was about to stand up until Ratchet stopped him.

"Yip-yip-ip!" Ratchet said, "I suggest you stay off that pede for the rest of the day."

Bumblebee released a small whine as his door wings drooped sadly.

"Awe, cheer up Bee," Stormracer said, "a little rest and you will be back on the road tearing down highways and going over speed limits in no time."

The autobot scout frowned at her. "That was one time!" Bumblebee exclaimed.

"Usually how it starts," Stormracer teased, trying to hide her smirk.

"Says the one named Stormracer," Bumblebee pointed out.

"Hey, just because I have racer in my name, does not mean..."

"Stormracer, stop arguing with him and help me clean up," Ratchet ordered.

"Sorry," she apologized as she started tidying up the area. She grabbed a small metal canister and stopped, noticing her strange stretched out looking reflection in it. Glancing back to make sure Ratchet was a little ways away, she looked back at it and began making funny faces, chuckling lightly at her funny reflection as she stuck out her glossa and crossed her optics.

Bumblebee gave her a weird look. "What are you doing?"

She smiled as she handed him another canister. "Try it."

He looked at the one in his servo oddly before making a weird face of his own. He soon found himself laughing as he kept making different faces along with Stormracer. Both were too busy laughing at themselves and goofing off that they didn't notice the annoyed medic standing in front of them.

"Heh hem!"

The two froze, each with a weird face still on as they looked up to see Ratchet, scowling back down at them with his optical ridge raised. Their expressions were soon replaced with sheepish grins as Ratchet yanked both canisters out of their servos, setting them aside.

He pointed at Bumblebee. "You, rest," he said sternly before grabbing Stormracer by the arm, dragging her to a different spot away from the scout. "You, clean up."

Shoulders sadly drooping, she went back to cleaning as Ratchet let out a vent. "Why must you always do that? I made you my assistant so you could help me, not goof off."

"I didn't mean any disrespect by it, Ratchet," she said, gathering up the tools. "I just like making myself laugh. It makes me feel good."

"Laughter doesn't repair bots," Ratchet pointed out to her, "nor does it clean up." He went back to what he was doing as she let out a sad vent.

Just then a voice came up on the monitor. "Hey Ratchet," a male voice said, "Think you can give us a bridge?"

"I got it," Stormracer said as she walked over to the groundbridge controls. Soon as she set the coordinates and opened the bridge, a red charger with bull horns on the front of the hood came driving through the blue portal, screeching to a halt as a blue motorcycle followed after. Once they were in, Stormracer closed the bridge behind them.

"Ha! I win! Try not to take it personally, Arcee," the red charger said to the two wheeler before transforming into a bot, the horns now on his helm.

The blue motorcycle transformed as well,"Only because I let you win, Cliffjumper," the femme bot said.

"Hahaha, you and your sense of humor," Cliffjumper chuckled.

"Better then yours," Arcee remarked.

"Ouch," Cliffjumper said, pretending to be hurt, "That cut real deep."

Stormracer let out a chuckle as she greeted them. "Hey bots! how was your morning patrol?"

Both turned to look at the assistant. "Same old," the two wheeler told her, "with zero Decepticon activity for the past three years, there hasn't really been a lot of action."

Cliffjumper looked over to see Bumblebee on the berth. "What happened to you this time, Bee?" Cliffjumper joked as he walked towards him.

"I had a rock stuck in my pede gears," the scout said, "Ratchet wants me to stay off my feet for the rest of the day."

"Bummer," Cliffjumper said, "But you probably wouldn't have wanted to go on patrol anyway. Nothing really out there except road. Open road. Nicely paved open road."

Bumblebee frowned at him. "Okay, now you're being mean."

"A little," Cliffjumper said as he patted the scout on the back. "But don't worry. Soon you'll be back tearing down the roads and going over speed limits in no time."

An annoyed look came across Bumblebee's face. "That was one time!" he exclaimed.

Cliffjumper and Stormracer just snickered as Cliffjumper turned his attention to her.

"So, Storm, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" he asked.

She pretended to be lost in thought."Well, I was thinking once I'm done this I'll go skiing down Mt Everest, canoe at Niagara falls, then to finish the day off, watch the sun set off the top of the Empire State Building."

"Ratchet's making you stay at base again, isn't he?" Arcee guessed.

"Yep," Stormracer deadpanned, her shoulders sadly drooping.

"I need Stormracer here to help me organize medical supplies today," Ratchet said as he walked by.

"Again?" Bumblebee asked, "Isn't this the third time this week?"

"If anything were to happen unexpectedly, we need to be ready by making sure everything is in its proper place," he explained as he grabbed a wrench and walked off.

"Tough break, Storm," Arcee said.

"Meh, it's totally fine," she said, trying to hide her depressed state, "I mean, it's not like it will take forever. I'll be done soon and... most likely have to do something else. But hey, it's totally cool! Not like I had anything else planned for today."

"Stormracer, when we're done, I need you to move those boxes into the storage room for me," Ratchet said from across the room.

Stormracer looked over to see the large pile of boxes in the corner. Putting on a weak smile, she pumped her fist into the air. "Yaaaaaaay," she said weakly as she walked away from the others, getting back to work. The three felt a little bad, knowing she had been cooped up in base for a long time while they were out on the road a lot.

Wanting to break the silence, Bumblebee spoke up, "So... did you know we have a mouse in here?"

(Later that day - 5:02 pm)

"Finished!" Stormracer said happily as she shut the supply room door behind her. Rubbing her optics, she started walking off, hoping to at least lay down for a bit.

"All done, Storm?"

She turned around to see Cliffjumper walking up from behind. "Yeah, just finished. How was the rest of your day?"

"Alright," he said, "only did more patrolling so nothing too exciting. Just a lot of road, sun, dirt, sun, rocks... a lot of sun."

She vented sadly, "That sounds really nice. I mean don't get me wrong, I like working for Ratchet," the assistant assured, "He's taught me a lot. It's just... I miss doing my own thing. Going to the lab, trying out different solutions and equations, heck, I even miss most of them blowing up in my face... literally."

Cliffjumper laughed, "Sounds like you could use some down time."

"It be nice to step out for a drive," she said, "but lately it seems like every time I try to, something always comes up. At this point, I'd be happy to have at least five minutes outside."

Cliffjumper thought for a moment. "You know, you have been working pretty hard lately. What if I can convince Optimus to let you go on recon tomorrow? You know, a change of scenery. With the radar being quiet, I'm sure Prime wouldn't mind."

Stormracer's optics went big. "Really? You'll do that? But what if Ratchet..."

"I'm sure Optimus will talk to Ratch about it," Cliffjumper assured, "Besides, by the sound of it, Ratchet might be going on recon tomorrow too."

"But if Ratchet's going, he'll need me to stay at base."

"I'm sure Optimus will convince him otherwise. We are running short on our energon supply, so we could really use an extra set of optics and wheels."

A huge smile came upon the femme's face as she immediately hugged Cliffjumper, squealing with excitement, "Ohmygosh! This means so much! You are the best, Cliff!"

The red bot chuckled as he hugged her back. "I try."

She pulled away, her smile still beaming with excitement. "Look, if there's anything I can do for you.."

"Whoa there, Storm," Cliffjumper laughed, "you don't owe me anything."

"Yes I do!" Stormracer argued, "This is a huge deal! Come on, how can I make it up to you?"

Cliffjumper thought for a second, "There might be one thing you can do."


He smiled at her. "Keep being you, Storm."

This took Stormracer by surprise. "Oh! Umm, wasn't really what I was expecting," she said with a slight laugh, "Was thinking more of doing your turn for detailing duty or..."

"Trust me, this is a huge deal," he told her, "I've seen way too many bots let war change them, and not in a good way. With you, you always find something to smile about. Sometimes that is what a bot needs in these times, to enjoy the little things. Bots like you remind us of that."

"Really? Cause I think I have the opposite effect on Ratchet," she pointed out.

"Meh, you'll wear him down eventually," Cliffjumper said, "Just remember Ratchet has seen a lot. It may take time, but keep doing what you're doing. And definitely keep your sense of humor. Sometimes, the best cure for someone is laughter." He then extended his servo to her, "So, what do you say? If I get Optimus to agree to let you go on recon, do you promise to keep being yourself and to make others laugh?"

She thought on this for a moment before taking his servo, smiling at him. "It's a deal."

The two shook on it. "Just leave it to me," the red autobot said, "I'll make sure you get on the road tomorrow."

Stormracer smiled big as she quickly hugged Cliffjumper again. "Thank you." she thanked before pulling away. She walked off, even doing a hop, skip and a jump around the corner as she let out a "Yay!"

Cliffjumper let out a chuckle as he turned around and walked off to go find his leader.

And that was chapter 1! What do you think of Stormracer so far?

I do plan on making the chapters longer then this. This one was just for you to see a bit of Stormracer's character. I also plan on doing a flashback chapter on how she meets Ratchet and became his assistant.

Feel free to leave a review and also if you haven't read my other story Transformers Animated: Different Angle yet, check it out. Hopefully I will update that one again soon. Anyway, thank you all for checking out this chapter, tell me what you think, and may good things happen for you all in 2018! God bless!