Hello everyone,

How is everyone doing? I literally have a lot of new stories and didn't get any of my old ones done yet. I plan to finish them all though so no worries. A few of my old stories I got some chapters finished I just want to finish posting the rest of the new stories I have so I can post them all.

Pairing: Sasuke and Naruto

Enjoy the chapter.

Questions about the supernatural are always around. Are vampires real? Are werewolves? Humans question these things aside from one and that's because he knows it's real. His name is Naruto Uzumaki; he just turned seventeen this year. The day he found out they were real was a rude awakening and now he is a blood bank for one.

"Naruto," the vampire known as Sasuke Uchiha the bane of Naruto's existence.

It all started his freshman year when he 'accidentally' caught Sasuke feeding in the nurse's office. It was awkward to say the least but Naruto couldn't exactly avoid him when he was in his class. After that he was stuck with him all the time.

"What?" Naruto asked but he didn't look up from his notebook.

"Come with me." was all Sasuke said before he walked away.

"Troublesome," Naruto said but got up for him anyway closing his notebook.

Naruto doesn't bother to argue because he doesn't see the point. The school year is about to be over and he only had to deal with him until high school is over. Naruto wants to go to a faraway college so he didn't have to be with Sasuke anymore. Despite everything though Naruto did like his family. They all drank from blood packets or from animals. Sasuke seemed to be the exception which Naruto didn't understand why. Naruto even stopped attempting to make friends though he does get along well with people Sasuke tends to get territorial for some reason unknown to Naruto.

"What do you want?" Naruto asked as he walked up to Sasuke.

Sasuke grabbed him immediately pulling him against the wall.

"You know what I want." Sasuke said against his neck.

"Must you do this now? I am studying for the exams and don't want to be troubled by this." Naruto said but didn't push him away.

"Fine, I will leave you be for a couple days." Sasuke said pulling away which shocked Naruto.

Naruto felt relief for the first time in a while. He didn't know what it was but he wouldn't complain when he had this good opportunity in front of him.

He even started living with them after that incident so he could always be supervised. No one seemed to care seeing as Naruto was a ward of the state and the Uchiha's were or are a prestigious family. He was stuck the moment Fugaku Uchiha got Naruto in his office. They made an agreement that Naruto has stuck by seeing as it will pay for school and he gets weekly pay for doing it. He was allowed to do whatever he wanted as long as he gave blood to Sasuke. The contract would be over, come graduation He never gets anemic anyway; he also heals fast so it's not a problem.

Naruto walked home by himself Sasuke always did something else before coming home and Naruto didn't really care to be involved in it.

"Hi Naruto," Itachi, Sasuke's older brother said as Naruto walked in the door.

Naruto smiled, "hi Itachi, I didn't think you would be home so soon from your trip." Naruto said walking up to him to give him a hug.

He wasn't that fortunate to say the least when Sasuke came into the room with his best friend Suigetsu. Naruto hated Suigetsu. He couldn't explain why he did he just did something about the other irritated him to no end.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sasuke growled out his eyes going red.

Naruto didn't bother explaining himself because he didn't need to or want to. Naruto never understood Sasuke's moments of jealousy nor did he want to.

"Calm down little brother he was just excited to see me from my long trip." Itachi said intervening.

Naruto just walked away his mood being ruined seeing those assholes. Naruto didn't really know what Suigetsu was but then again he didn't care either way as long as that asshole doesn't touch him.

"Naruto, I need to talk to you." Fugaku said as he walked back to his office.

Naruto knew whatever he was about to talk to Fugaku about it was going to be important so he followed him into the office.

"Yes sir?" Naruto asked.

"So I see what colleges you want to go to and like promised I will pay for all expenses all four years. You did a fine job with your grades and ACT scores. I suppose you wouldn't be for making another contract with us while you're in college?" Fugaku said in a hopeful tone.

"No thank you sir. I am okay with this being the final year. I also appreciate all the things you have done for me. I know I got my acceptance letters from all the colleges I want to go to. All I need to do is make time to go by them to check them out. Do you think I can do that over Spring break?" Naruto asked.

"So polite like usual. I don't mind you going to check the colleges out but you will have to take Sasuke with you." Fugaku said.

Naruto clicked his tongue, "I understand. If he doesn't want to go with me can I just go by myself?" Naruto asked.

"If he doesn't want to go with you I can ask Itachi to go with you." Fugaku said.

"I wouldn't want to bother his schedule." Naruto was saying but Fugaku waved him off.

"Nonsense, he needs breaks once in a while too. I am sure he won't mind if it's for you." Fugaku said with a smile.

"Then can I just go with him?" Naruto asked as he got up because he knew the conversation was going to be over.

"Sasuke is going to need blood so the only way you will go without him is if he doesn't want to go. Sorry Naruto I know you don't like this but it has to happen like this." Fugaku said looking sad for Naruto.

"I understand, but I don't get why he can't drink blood bags like all of you do." Naruto said.

"We are trying to get him on it slowly but we don't know why the blood doesn't go good with his body at all and he spits it all back up." Fugaku explained.

"That sounds troublesome," Naruto said sighing.

"You must be around the Nara boy for you to keep saying that." Fugaku said with a deep chuckle.

"He is the only person I seem to be able to talk to without them being scared of Sasuke. Sasuke won't let anybody get close to me at school." Naruto said.

"Haha, so he's territorial." Fugaku said chuckling.

"Yeah way too much." Naruto said.

Fugaku chuckled again not being able to help what he was thinking. Sasuke must really like Naruto for him to be territorial over him.

"I must go get something to eat and study for my exams coming up so I will speak to you more later sir." Naruto said right by the door.

"Okay have a good night Naruto. But before you go back to your room tell Sasuke to come here along with Itachi." Fugaku said.

"Yes sir," Naruto said walking out the door to find Sasuke already standing there glaring at him.

"You don't need to go with Itachi because I will go with you." Sasuke growled out.

"Fine," Naruto said brushing past Sasuke leaving him with his father going toward the stairs to get food and Itachi.

"How was your talk with my father?" Itachi asked as Naruto walked into the kitchen.

"It went good; he wants to talk to you and told me to come get you." Naruto said.

"Thanks," Itachi said and walked out the kitchen.

Naruto knew that Suigetsu was still here he didn't know how he just could feel it. That was when Suigetsu came into the kitchen just eyeing him while Naruto cooked. It annoyed Naruto so he was glad when his food was done because he went out the kitchen quickly. When he got upstairs to his room he went straight to his books pulling them out at his desk. He could feel it though someone was in his room with him he just didn't know who. It wasn't anyone from the family he would know by now because he could sense their presence shit he could even sense Suigetsu's.

"Sasuke?" Naruto called knowing it wasn't him but he wanted to make sure Sasuke would hear him if something was to attack him.

It was a small moment but Naruto heard it and physically felt it in enough time to move out of the way from being attacked.

"SASUKE!" Naruto screamed as he could see the movement of the person just couldn't see who it was.

Just as Naruto made it to the door something caught a hold of him and threw him to the bed jumping on top of him. Before he could move his neck was being tilted back and they were going to dive for his neck until the weight left him and Naruto saw Sasuke. The creature jumped out the window before anyone else could come into the room.

"What the fuck was that?" Sasuke asked his father as he walked up to Naruto.

"I don't know but Itachi follow the scent. Sasuke you stay with Naruto while we go hunting." Fugaku said not liking that someone got into their house so easily.

Sasuke nodded his head as he grabbed for Naruto checking his neck.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?" Sasuke asked.

"No I'm fine; you got here just in time. He was trying to bite my neck." Naruto said leaning up closer to Sasuke.

Despite not liking the fact that he was basically a blood bag for Sasuke he knew Sasuke would always be there to protect him right now. He knew Sasuke didn't like sharing his blood with anyone.

"That's good to know. Did he say anything to you? How did you know someone was in here with you?" Sasuke asked.

"I could feel it. I knew it wasn't any of you." Naruto said as he got up from his bed.

"How?" Sasuke asked following Naruto to his bathroom.

Naruto didn't bother to respond because he didn't really know how to explain it to begin with. Naruto took off his shirt he didn't like the smell he got off it since the thing attacked him.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke asked as he stood in the doorway to the bathroom.

"I don't like the smell on my shirt." Naruto said with a disgruntled look on his face.

"What does it smell like to you?" Sasuke asked.

"Death," Naruto said.

"Now that you say that it does smell like death. Do you want me to get rid of the smell for you?" Sasuke asked walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

"No I am good seeing as the shirt is off now." Naruto said.

"But that disgusting scent is still on you." Sasuke said now he was making a disgruntled face as he sniffed Naruto's neck.

"Fine," Naruto said tilting his head for him.

Sasuke didn't hesitate and bit Naruto in his neck in the exact spot he was about to get bit in. Naruto would never admit it but he was glad because he didn't like the thought of someone else sucking on his neck. Sasuke pulled him closer to his body as he licked the remaining blood from the wounds now on his neck from him.

"You taste so good." Sasuke groaned as blood dripped down his lips.

Naruto wiped it off with his hand as it went down making Sasuke lean into his touch even more. Naruto never understood these moments with Sasuke but he always dismissed them as Sasuke getting high off his blood. When Sasuke first tasted his blood they had to pry him off Naruto which was almost impossible until Itachi knocked his brother out.

While Naruto was in a daze of thinking about the first time he got his blood drank Sasuke took the chance to get closer to Naruto.

"I can't help but want more every time I drink some of your blood. Can I have a little more?" Sasuke whispered in Naruto's ear snapping Naruto out of his daydream.

"You know you can only drink from me when you're really hungry, the morning time, and right before you go to sleep so no." Naruto said disappointing Sasuke.

"Come on, I saved you from being a meal to that disgusting thing. Let me get a little bit more." Sasuke said backing Naruto into the shower. "Consider it a treat for me for saving you." Sasuke whispered in Naruto's ear making an involuntary shiver go down Naruto's spine.

"If that's the case I won't call you no more when I am in trouble I will call your father or Itachi." Naruto said knowing he would always call Sasuke but just wanted Sasuke to stop using an excuse to get more blood.

"Tch' come on Naruto. Just this once." Sasuke said clicking his tongue and pulling away to look at Naruto his eyes still bright crimson.

"Fine, not too much though. I still need to study." Naruto said.

Sasuke smiled a little one for Naruto on these rare occasions and went for Naruto's neck but before he sucked any blood he licked up Naruto's neck to his ear nipping every so often.

"Can I bite you on your shoulder?" Sasuke asked in a small whisper.

"Go ahead," Naruto said.

"Turn around then," Sasuke asked.

Naruto did as he was told then got gently pushed into the wall but before Naruto even had time to react Sasuke's teeth were in his shoulder making him gasp with shock. The bite alone this time was different it felt more intimate that Naruto couldn't explain it. But Naruto didn't think anything of it and just let the flush appear on his face with no shame. Naruto felt Sasuke's teeth retract but he still felt Sasuke on his skin then he felt him licking the wound. He didn't even notice until the ending that Sasuke was basically hugging him around his waist while drinking.

"You really do heal fast." Sasuke said as he looked at the mark slowly closing up.

"That's a good thing with how much you feed." Naruto said.

"Yeah," Sasuke mumbled making Naruto look at him curiously.

Naruto was shocked to see the glazed over look in Sasuke's eyes and didn't know how to react to it.

"You have to sleep in my room tonight. Oh and I will be going with you to those colleges not Itachi." Sasuke said in a tone that left no room for argument as he moved out of Naruto's way.

"Fine," Naruto said walking out the bathroom grabbing his books.

"Are you really going to study?" Sasuke asked following Naruto to his room.

"Yes, I want to have good test scores for exams." Naruto said as he made himself comfortable at Sasuke's desk.

"You always get good test scores." Sasuke said sitting next to Naruto.

"Yeah that's because I study." Naruto said tilting his head to the side.

"You're smart even when you don't study." Sasuke said staring at him with his head in his hand.

"Don't try to flatter me since you got an extra feeding." Naruto said giving Sasuke a small smile that was rarely directed to Sasuke.

"It's not flattery if it's true Naruto." Sasuke said putting his head down.

"Maybe you should go to sleep." Naruto said pushing Sasuke's hair back as Sasuke closed his eyes.

"Not tired," Sasuke grumbled grabbing Naruto's hand.

"You sure look like it." Naruto said with a soft chuckle.

Naruto silently studied while Sasuke slept next to him looking uncomfortable. Itachi came into the room after an hour.

"Naruto, we got you some food. You're hungry right, after all that studying?" Itachi asked.

"Yeah," Naruto said standing up and following Itachi out the room leaving Sasuke where he was. "What happened with that creature?" Naruto asked.

"We lost its trail in the woods. I don't know what the hell it was. How did you know someone was in the room with you?" Itachi asked.

"I just did, I can't really explain that I could feel it was none of you guys." Naruto said as they made their way into the kitchen.

"That's a good thing; it proves your senses are sharper." Fugaku said as he drank a blood pack at the table.

"Yeah," Mikoto said with a smile.

"What did you guys get me?" Naruto asked as he sat next to Fugaku.

"Ramen, we thought since you went through that earlier we can give you a treat." Mikoto said with a sweet smile.

"Thanks, that's so great." Naruto said excitedly.

"NARUTO!" Sasuke screamed from upstairs.

No one moved because they knew he was going to be coming at full speed. Itachi moved out of the doorway and away from Naruto so his brother could be by him. Naruto moved his food away from him because he didn't want Sasuke to spill his soup. Sasuke charged into the kitchen knocking right into Naruto straight off his chair to the floor.

"Why did you leave my room?" Sasuke asked not even acknowledging the others in the room his eyes flashing red.

"I need to eat something Sasuke and I am with everyone I'm not going to get hurt with everyone here." Naruto said trying to control his laughter.

"Really Sasuke?" Itachi stated staring at them with mischief in his eyes.

Sasuke turned to him and growled showing he wasn't playing. That made everyone in the room worried. Sasuke was possibly the strongest of them all because he drank blood straight from a human and not blood bags or animals.

"Great you're going to be on guard more now than you were before." Naruto said attempting to push Sasuke off but just got growled at. "Come on get off me so I can eat." Naruto whined making Sasuke move.

Sasuke helped Naruto up but still didn't move too far away from him that Naruto actually felt comfortable with. Naruto didn't understand the way Sasuke acted sometimes and usually he wouldn't care but this would be problematic tomorrow at school.

"Sasuke, give him some space to eat." Fugaku said.

"Sasuke, you need to calm down." Naruto said looking at Sasuke with serious eyes and realized how worried Sasuke was. "I am still here that thing didn't get me but if you don't let me eat I won't let you eat." Naruto said making Sasuke's eyes go black again and him sit down next to Naruto close but not claustrophobic close. "Thank you," Naruto said and pulled his food back to him.

'He has good control over him.' the other three Uchiha in the room thought to themselves.

"Naruto can you tell us anything about the beast that would help us catch it?" Fugaku asked making Sasuke growl.

"Calm down," Naruto said to Sasuke then looked at Fugaku. "It smelled like death but it kind of reminded me of a lizard. It grabbed me away from the door with a slimy tail which was really uncomfortable. Its weight was like three tons and its eyes weren't normal. They reminded me of a wolf but they were slit like a snake. Speaking of which it threw me so hard against my bed that if I didn't work out all the time I would have passed out from the impact. I wouldn't be shocked if I have a bruise forming. But seeing as I heal quickly I should be fine. As for the teeth they were snake like." Naruto answered thinking back to the incident.

"Can I see your back?" Fugaku asked.

"Yes," Naruto said standing up and taking his shirt off showing off an impact bruise that made them all growl.

"Whoever did that will pay." Sasuke growled out.

"Yes we agree," Itachi said.

"You can put your shirt back on Naruto." Fugaku said softly trying to control his temper.

Fugaku has cared about Naruto since he came into their lives. Naruto never judged them and took everything with stride. As for his family they have all grown to love him in all their own ways. Itachi saw him as a brother. Mikoto saw him as another son and so did Fugaku. As for Sasuke he didn't see him the way they did so he wasn't going to act like he did.

"I think the bruise is already healing but it should at least take two days to get rid of." Naruto said sitting down grabbing his soup.

"So what do you think it was?" Sasuke asked as he watched over Naruto.

"I don't know but Naruto remembering that much is really helpful. Naruto, you said it smelled like death?" Fugaku asked.

"Yeah it was wretched. I wanted to throw up from it just being on my shirt. But it was unfamiliar to me." Naruto said his nose wrinkling but continued to eat his food.

"Naruto, you realize it isn't normal for you to be able to smell that good?" Fugaku asked.

"Yeah but I ignored it after a while seeing as I didn't know how it happened to begin with." Naruto said shrugging his shoulders while eating still.

"You are so adaptable it's scary." Mikoto said as she threw away the blood bag.

"I can't help it. I always have been this way." Naruto said finishing his Ramen pushing the bowl away. "I wasn't really thinking this until right now but don't you think it's weird that I can heal in the matter of minutes?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah and we always looked it up but we don't know how it is possible." Fugaku said.

"Oh well I guess we can figure it out some other way." Itachi said.

"No," Sasuke growled.

"We're just saying Sasuke we're not actually going to do it." Mikoto said softly trying to calm her son.

"What is everyone talking about?" Naruto asked feeling the tension in the room getting heavy.

"A way for us to know more about you is for one of us older vampires to drink your blood." Fugaku said.

"As much as I would like to know why I heal quickly and why I have a nose like a dog I'd much rather not let anyone else bite me. No offense to none of you of course." Naruto said putting his hands up.

"It's fine that's why we didn't suggest it Naruto." Mikoto said with a gentle smile.

"Good because no offense to any of you but I really am not comfortable with more than one person drinking my blood. I even got the shivers from that thing trying to take my blood and bite me." Naruto said.

"So you're only comfortable with Sasuke doing it?" Itachi asked a smirk coming onto his face.

"Not really I just rather him do it before anyone else." Naruto said making Sasuke extremely happy.

"Oh," they all said looking toward Sasuke seeing him extremely happy aside from Naruto of course because he didn't look his way.

"I need to get to sleep now. I will see you all in the morning good night." Naruto said walking toward the door. "Oh and thanks for the food."

Naruto walked out the kitchen and it wasn't long before he knew Sasuke was following close behind him. As they got upstairs Naruto felt something in his room again and grabbed Sasuke's arm.

"What?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto started doing sign language to tell him that someone was upstairs.

'Someone is up here again. Not the same person but something similar.' Naruto motioned with his hands.

Sasuke growled and they both heard the creak in the room.

"Naruto go now." Sasuke whispered because all he could do was understand Naruto he couldn't speak sign language.

Naruto walked toward the stairs but didn't get far before Sasuke was pulling him away lifting him into the air away from the tail.

"ITACHI FATHER MOTHER!" Sasuke screamed.

Naruto heard running coming upstairs and felt Sasuke pull him to his chest.

"Naruto," Sasuke whispered as Naruto heard growls and hissing.

Naruto found himself being pushed into a closet with Sasuke barricading the door.

"Sasuke, what are you doing?" Naruto asked pounding on the door.

"Whatever it is it is trying to get Naruto." Fugaku said as he walked into the room where Naruto was.

"Sasuke you need to clean those injuries." Mikoto said as she looked at her son.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE SASUKE!" Naruto screamed pounding on the door.

"Sasuke let him out." Itachi said as he tried to walk to the door but Sasuke growled at him.

"Leave him be for now. Calm down Naruto Sasuke is freaked out because you're freaked out. You know your feelings link up together. He is extra feral right now so you have to soothe him with your voice." Fugaku said trying to calm everyone after what just happened.

"Sasuke, come in here by me. I don't like this please." Naruto whispered but he knew Sasuke and the rest could hear him.

When Sasuke knew Naruto wanted him in the closet he turned and started to move stuff he put in front of the door. They all noticed how bad Sasuke got injured just from stopping the thing from catching Naruto.

"Naruto…" Sasuke mumbled grabbing at Naruto.

"Naruto he is bleeding a lot." Fugaku said trying to get closer only for Sasuke to growl at him.

"I get it; just leave us alone for a little bit." Naruto said telling them with his hands to back up.

They did as they were told even though they didn't want to. Sasuke was just taking Naruto's scent in from sniffing his neck. Sasuke grabbed Naruto by his neck and pulled Naruto closer.

"It's okay I'm okay. You're not though so let me take a look at your back." Naruto said pulling away but couldn't get Sasuke to let him go. "I need to check your injuries Sasuke now let me go." Naruto struggled.

"No," Sasuke mumbled pushing Naruto down.

"Damn it Sasuke you're going to hurt me stop." Naruto groaned as he hit the floor.

Naruto stopped struggling the moment he felt Sasuke at his neck.

"Come on Sasuke chill out." Naruto whined as he felt Sasuke going up his neck.

Naruto felt Sasuke get off him, heard the door shut, and felt a body back on him in a matter of two seconds it was reckless to try and reason with Sasuke at this moment but he had to try no matter what.

"Naruto," Sasuke whispered in Naruto's ear. "Your mine," Sasuke said before Naruto felt his teeth in his neck.

"Sasuke," Naruto panted out feeling Sasuke retract his teeth but not move away just collapse on top of him.

The good thing is that Naruto had enough control to not fall asleep right there. He could feel his body giving out on him though.

"Itachi," Naruto whispered he could feel Itachi near them.

The door opened to Itachi and Fugaku popping up with a worried Mikoto in the back of them.

"Naruto are you okay?" Itachi asked.

"No, I don't feel like I'm healing like I normally do." Naruto mumbled not trying to wake Sasuke.

As Itachi picked up Sasuke and handed him to their dad Naruto heard Sasuke growl and groan that sounded like he was in a lot of pain.

"He's not healing either." Fugaku said to Itachi and Naruto as Itachi helped Naruto out the closet.

"Damn it what should we do?" Itachi asked looking at Naruto's injured neck.

He was still leaking a little blood so he knew he couldn't be near Naruto for too long but he just sat him on the bed next to Sasuke. The moment Naruto was on the bed it was like Sasuke sensed him and moved to him.

"We just let them sleep it off for the night and then solve it tomorrow." Fugaku said putting a hand in his wild hair from fighting the thing. "Let's let them sleep. Itachi we can take turns keeping guard of them." Fugaku said as he walked outside the room everyone following.

The moment they got out the room Naruto could feel them out there and couldn't help but listen to what they were saying too.

"Maybe it would be best to move away and let them meet new people. Sasuke and Naruto could make it anywhere." Fugaku said.

"But what about Naruto? This is his home." Mikoto said.

"Yeah but we can always talk to him. This happened twice in one night with all of us here. Whatever this thing is it wants Naruto enough to risk dying here by one of us." Itachi said.

Naruto groaned but got up anyway pushing the unconscious Sasuke off him. When he opened the door they weren't really shocked it was him but they were shocked by what he said.

"I will go with you anywhere because I don't want anything to happen to any of you or me. If it's safest to move away then I am fine with that." Naruto said.

"You're to understanding sometimes Naruto that it is really scary that you can agree that easily. Isn't this your home?" Mikoto asked.

"I never fit in this place so what does it really matter even before Sasuke I never really had friends. I didn't have a family before this either so what is the point of clinging onto a place? Not only that if the move will keep me and you all safe I want that more than anything because you're my family and I don't want anything to happen to any of you." Naruto said with a soft smile.

"You would take my very heart if it wasn't already taken. You sweet boy you." Mikoto said hugging Naruto only to hear a growl.

"It seems that even in his sleep he knows when someone is by you." Itachi said chuckling.

"Why don't you get some sleep while you can?" Fugaku said pushing Naruto back into the room.

Naruto took the hint and went inside the room. It was Itachi's room but Itachi didn't seem to care. Naruto got on the bed and was immediately embraced by Sasuke. He felt his face heat up but he pushed into Sasuke too liking the feeling of being safe from whatever was after him. Before Naruto could fall asleep fully he felt Sasuke get up from the sleeping position he was in.

"Naruto," Sasuke whispered gently.

Naruto just pretended he was asleep not wanting to get into anything with Sasuke at the moment. Sasuke brushed Naruto's hair out of his face. Naruto felt the bed weight go down by his side.

"I won't let nothing happen to you I promise." Sasuke whispered then kissed Naruto on the lips softly pulling away quickly then climbed back into his spot pulling Naruto to him.

Naruto's eyes popped open immediately after he felt Sasuke lay back down.

'He kissed me.' Naruto thought not believing what just happened.

Naruto's last thought wasn't how he got attacked twice in one night nor was it about the move but about the kiss from the one person he never expected it from.

'How am I supposed to act in front of him now?' Naruto thought.
