"Naruto" Normal speech.
"Naruto" Character thoughts.
"Naruto!" Sekirei incantations, Kurama speaking, characters shouting.
Do not own Naruto or Sekirei all rights to their respective owners.
Kaguya's Private Dimension
Conclusion of the 4th Great Ninja War
"I wonder child. You've done so much for others; I've watched you through the eyes of the fox, just as I've watched the rest of the world while I slept. Tell me Naruto, has anyone ever asked you what it is that you want?" Kaguya's voice became softer, gentle even. Like a concerned mother wanting to know what is ailing her child.
"What I truly want...?" Naruto echoed.
"Yes, Naruto, what is it that your heart yearns for?"
The blonde pondered on what he truly wanted, his old memories shifting through his mind's eye as he lightly bit his bottom lip. The rabbit goddess stood in silence, watching him as she awaited his answer.
"I've always wanted to become Hokage; it has been my lifelong dream since the days when I was miserable and alone… I know I will be able to show others that we can be close to each other like family. We don't need to fight each other over pointless things. That old sage told me that chakra was the key to true understanding between us; we can be the bridge to connect with one another."
A look of determination came upon his face; his deep blue eyes shined with his inner will of fire before he spoke.
"What I want is peace Kaguya, I want to be able to show everyone that we aren't heartless and gutless killers. We can come together through understanding each other's pains and be willing to build a brighter future within the Elemental Nations!" Proclaimed the blonde with a passionate desire to, if need be, spend the rest of his life chasing after his dream, even if it never came true.
Kaguya's look of motherly concern faded as surprise, then disappointment flitted across the face of the goddess, before finally settling on a cold look of impassiveness. Her reply was filled with such hollow coldness that it sent shivers up and down his spine.
"It's going to be like that huh, going to stick your fingers in your ears and shut your eyes to the truth? Even though it stares right at you in the face, you persist with spending a lifetime doing something that won't change anything, other than get an honorable mention in some poem ballot. Building what, a legacy? Ha! Didn't you learn anything from my own children's failures!?"
An eerie reddish glow came from the eye on her forehead, as her anger slowly started to bubble to the surface. The veins around her pale lavender eyes bulge as she stared at the blonde with an emotionless stare that seemed to gaze into the very recesses of his soul.
"Uhh… Something I said?" The blonde asked as he ran his hand through his golden locks nervously. It was a habit he would find himself doing when he got nervous, with the stare from the rabbit goddess making him even more nervous as time went on and he continued to get no reply.
A few moments passed between them as both stood and stared, well in Naruto's case it was more of stand there and receive stare that was causing a cold sweat to start running down his forehead. The dead-eye stare of Kaguya's unnerved him more and more, the stone-like expression of her pale white face slowly morphing into a scowl as she placed her left hand upon her hip.
"Poor, poor, little puppet you are," She says in disgust at the blonde in front of her, her whitish eyes glowing with chakra."Aren't you tired of having others pull your strings for you?" She spat in a mocking tone.
Anger bubbled from within the blonde as his face twisted into a scowl as well, balling up his hands in exasperation at someone making fun of his dream.
"Hey! I don't know what is your problem is! I didn't let this world change me into some emotionless shell that only exists to bring misery to other people like you have!" The blonde shinobi snapped back, his face flushed red with anger.
A humorless chuckle was all he got in reply that only caused to agitate the young man, the way the older woman looked at him, almost in mock pity, like you can't help but feel sorry for someone who is making a situation much worse than it needs to be.
"Naruto!" The beast within him bellowed in alarm after being forced into silence by Kaguya's power. The sudden reemergence of his partner's voice in his mind caused the blonde's facial expression to morph into one of surprise.
"Kurama!" The young man thought happily. "I got concerned when you suddenly stop talking..." He thought to his inner friend, while still keeping his eyes locked with the pale white woman.
"That was Kaguya...! The beast growls out heatedly. "Her power over me coupled with her psychological and emotional attacks made you unable to hear my voice…" Kurama's voice softens to a more gentle tone appraising his container with fondness. "I knew my faith in you was well worth it. Not many people would stand up to her by standing by his or her dreams."
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I am going to be the greatest of Hokage, I will help lead the elemental nations to true peace!"
The cold tone of the rabbit goddess cut into his thoughts with his sealed friend, causing him to bring his full attention back to her.
"Are you done posturing to the nine tails?" She questioned with a flat tone with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Is this is what the youths of your generation do? Give them a little power, and they think they can save the world? I knew you were not very bright, boy. I didn't think it would be this bad, who in their right mind would even fill your head with such nonsense about eternal peace through understanding and goodwill..."
Gritting his teeth together, a grunt of annoyance escaped his lips. The older woman was starting to annoy the blonde more and more with her insults, now insulting the memory of his late sensei was drawing a line he wasn't going to sit and take.
"Why do you even care what I do with my life! If my way to peace doesn't work then that would be my fault, wouldn't it?! You can insult me all you want, but once you start insulting my dead sensei. I will not hesitate to punch you in the face for it!"
The pale goddess couldn't help but smile, the predatory kind of smile, like a beast telling you it isn't going to bite even though you know it's going to sink its teeth into you.
"Hagoromo sank his claws into you deeply…" She said coldly, tilting her head to the left slightly than repeating the action, except to the right this time.
"Did you know that he spent his entire life after striking down his brother in his foolish quest to get humans to co-exist with one another? Those same humans spat in his face and used his gift to slaughter each other! He died in disgrace and shame by the very people he championed!" Her strong voice echoed all around with her body started to glow a whitish blue as her chakra sparked to life around her in a haze as small pops of electricity crackled around.
"Wow! She is furious..." Naruto thought to himself with a frown and some worry, as his hands went into a familiar cross-shaped hand sign. Trying with all his might to steady himself from the amount of energy and power he was feeling from the now enraged goddess.
With Kaguya's emotions reaching a blowing point, an unease feeling made the blonde nin take a few steps back as he tried to prepare himself for anything.
"Humanity will never 'Ever!' co-exist with each other as long as each person has free will to make that choice to cause evil! That very evil will just hide until the days of your passing before it will spill forth to consume this world once again!" A scowl like a sneer made its way to her pale face, her ivory coloration taking on a more reddish hue as the ground around them started to shake and rumble.
"I thought with the experiences you had as a child; you would make better choices for the world you live, But it looks like you have made your choice... As an old saying from the world I once lived at goes, 'You built the coffin, now it's time for you to sleep within it!'" She snapped at him, her chakra starting to crackle and discharge around her as bits of electrical energy popped and cracked causing streaks of lightning to flash in random directions.
More uneasiness nested deep within the blonde's gut as the posture of the moon goddess became more increasingly more agitated with him, almost hostile. He could feel her power skyrocketing to the point that he could barely fathom.
"The amount of chakra I'm feeling from her is unsettling..." The beast mused within the seal. "What has gotten her so upset? Normally she never starts getting this emotional. Did the gaki's rejection push her off the edge that badly?" Kurama pondered to himself not liking this situation more and more as he fluctuated his chakra within the seal, in preparation for whatever the goddess was about to do.
The whitish-blue coloration of Kaguya's chakra starts to go from a light haze to a much more profound solid coloration, as the ground below them began to crack, forming criss-cross cracks that sped towards him, causing Naruto to take a big jump backward, and landing in a crouch.
"So much like Hagoromo!" She screams with pure loathing rage she felt for her son, her anger carried on within the great dimension they were within. "If you want to follow his path child, then allow me to show you what I showed 'them' that day… The very reason why they had to seal me away!" Her declaration promised the blonde shinobi more than just pain or death, that was now up to her if he will even draw another breath beyond this point.
With a mighty yell of inner fury she unleashes the vast power she kept contained within her body, the expression on the blondes face morphing into surprise as he instinctually threw up his hands in an attempt to protect himself, with everything around him became blinded by a bright flash of light.
Another World, Teito Tower
35th floor Sekirei Adjustment Medical Bay
Sekirei number Ten, Uzume, sat up on an examination table dressed in a white hospital gown, the customary outfit for any long-term hospital visit. Her long brown hair laid against her back untended as she awaited her 'final check-up' results from the only other occupant in the room, a grey messy haired, light grey-eyed man.
The physician dressed in a white lab coat, black turtleneck sweater, black sweat pants with white socks and sneakers, he looked like your typical relaxed doctor. He continued to write things down on a clipboard while giving a grunt that sounded like 'hm' every once and a while, and giving Uzume a glance from time to time.
Seeing how her adjuster had now become lost in his little world, which happened a lot when it came to anything 'Science Related,' a small playful smirk made its way on the brunette's face as her tama from within hummed with mischievousness.
Clearing her throat and placing her right index finger to her forehead, Uzume channeled some of her energy before speaking in a tone of voice that was no longer hers.
"Asama-kun!" Uzume uttered in seriousness sounding like the Sekirei pillar Miya, causing the older man in the room to jump. "I have been trying to get your attention within the last 30 minutes to pick up some milk and more rice! If you keep ignoring me. ...Then frying pan-sama is going have a stern word with you!"
"Ahh!" Takehito lets out a cry of surprise before bowing deeply. "I am so sorry for ignoring you Miya-chan! I'll head to the store right away! You don't have to bring out frying pan-sama. I don't need a lesson today! I promise not to do it again!" The older man said, fearful of feeling a wife most lethal weapon, a frying pan to the head, again.
With his apology finished, he dashed out of the room in a blur that caused the clipboard he was holding to clank to the floor, himself making a mad dash to the stairs going down to the ground floor.
Bringing her left hand to her mouth, Uzume tried her hardest to keep her giggles from being heard into the next room. Mischievousness shined within her chocolate brown eyes. She looked up at the clock hanging on the wall as she started to gauge how long before her adjuster finds out he was once again duped by her and her voice impression of Miya.
Thirty-five minutes passed before the door to the adjustment room opened to reveal a very agitated Takehito, who walked back in drenched in sweat, indicated by how his clothes clung to him. He wore an expression of annoyance upon his face as his eyebrows twitched, indicating he realized he had once again be had.
"Haha… Very funny Uzume..." He wheezed out, tired and agitated.
A mischievous grin was on her face as she waggled her eyebrows playfully at him before asking the most important question of all.
"How far did you go this time?~" She chimed.
He grumbled to himself for a little before he replied.
"All the way to Izumo Inn... With a gallon of milk and two of the biggest bags of rice I could carry. Miya had to inform me that we haven't spoken to each other since this morning and you duped me once again..." With him bringing his left hand to his face massaging the bridge of his nose as he remembered the amused expression Miya had given him when she took the items from him.
"Well, maybe next time you won't keep me sitting around here as you go off into whatever world you go into." She replied sweetly, her grin never faltering.
He could not help but let out a sigh knowing that he shouldn't be surprised by her, he knew Uzume could be quite impish if you left her to her own devices for to long.
"Yeah, yeah, rub it in why don't you..."
"I could.~ But I know Miya-chan will do that for me when you go home later.~" She said in a singsong like way, ending up in a small giggling fit.
After a good laugh at his expense, Uzume settled down before asking about her results to her latest testing.
"So…? Lay it on me, doctor. How long do I get to live?" She placed her hand upon her heart like she trying to hold back a sudden pain with her expression in mock pain. "I can take it, doctor… You don't have to sugar coat it."
Seeing how Uzume was still going to mess with him, he decided to answer her latest shenanigans with one of his own as he goes into "professional mode."
"Uzume..." Takehito started with somberness in his expression, his tone becoming serious and downcast, causing her to lose her playful mood as she looked at him with a serious expression. "After doing multiple tests, the results came back with you having tested positive for a rare Sekirei kind of ovarian cancer." He did a quick spin and pulled out a model of the human female reproductive system from somewhere within his coat. "The tests have shown that to save your life we would have to remove this, this, and this." As he explained what needed to be removed, he slowly took apart the model, leaving almost nothing behind once he was finished.
His explanation caused Uzume's eyes to bulge out like saucers as she gulped loudly before letting out a nervous chuckle as a bead of sweat started running down her face, while she instinctively crossed her legs protectively.
"This is a joke, isn't it…? To get me back at what I pulled earlier?" Hearing no answer form him she started to panic, which had her jump up from the table and grabs his coat. "Please tell me that you are just trying to take some revenge against me!" She puffed out her bottom lip in a pout as tears spilled from her chocolate eyes as she shook him in desperation.
Takehito's remained in sad, somber indifference, as he shook his head, letting the brunette know that he wasn't kidding. Her eyes nearly popped out of her skull before she started to foam at the mouth and hits the floor as the weight of his words telling her that she wouldn't be able to have kids or enjoy the pleasures of sex. The information shock was too much for her to handle, causing her to blackout.
Chuckling to himself with a pleasant expression upon his face, he could only hope that Uzume had learned her lesson, at least for now, and she wouldn't be messing with him for a while.
"You are not the only one that can play these kinds of games Uzume.~" He said quite cheekily as he looked at the slightly twitching form of Uzume on the floor very much amused.
-10 minutes later-
A sulking Uzume sat back on the examination table; her long brown hair covered her face while she kept pressing her index fingers together.
"That was so mean..." She moaned in the complaint of his joke.
"Next time you will pick your battles Uzume. I won't always just sit here and take your shenanigans without doing my own in return." The older man said in a very cheery tone.
He coughed into his fist, trying to bring the situation back to normal before speaking again.
"The latest test results have shown that you are a very healthy and active young Sekirei." He showed her a small report of her health. "The latest graph has also shown that while we tried to adjust your tama with the latest adjustments to the power limiter under my calculated instruction, your tama continues to revert to normal, which perplexes me greatly and the others concerning the issue of why." He concluded with him scratching his head accompanied by a shrug of his shoulders, as he showed her the latest scale of her powers as the limiter refused to stay tuned to her.
Gazing at the reports given to her by Takehito she began to ask him a series of questions.
"Am I in any danger?" A look of concern showed on the face of the brunette as she continued speaking. "Don't want my future Ashikabi getting hurt by my fluctuating power..."
"I brought up your case to Miya before; she has assured me that it's quite normal for a Sekirei's tama to fluctuate a lot while you grow. I can only guess that your powers haven't peaked yet, with your tama refuses to be adjusted right now not to hinder your growth."
"What if I end up reacting and get winged while I go through these power spurts?" She asked, curious about how that would affect her apparently still growing powers.
"Then you will more than likely become a lot stronger than what I would be able to adjust, as Miya told me that once a Sekirei binds themselves to their ideal partner, no form of tuning will be able to affect your powers as your inner core will be protected by your Ashikabi."
After taking a moment to absorb all the information, a look of deep thought appeared upon her face as she pondered to herself. The idea of being able to find her ideal partner caused her blush slightly as small giggles escaped her lips; the person that would share her life to the end of her days. Just the thought caused her to lace her fingers together on her lap and let out a content sigh of happiness.
"Well, other than being unable to be adjusted at the moment, I'm in perfect health. The only question now is what gender will my Ashikabi will be? If I remember health class with Miya if I react to a male, then I will stay female, however, if I react to a female than I will turn into a male. It's crazy how our bodies can switch genders like that..."
Turning her gaze to the open window, she looked out at the cloudless sky enjoying the mid-afternoon sun shining through the glass letting a small smile grace her lips.
"I hope to be able to meet my Ashikabi soon... The Sekirei plan won't start for another couple of months from now." She thought to herself, a giddy feeling surging through the pit of her stomach, while also shooting up and down her spine like electricity. The thoughts of a happy marriage caused her smile to brighten considerably.
Back with Naruto and Kaguya
A bright white flash was all Naruto could remember as the very dimension they were in shook violently. He could feel Kaguya's overwhelming power toss him all over the place like someone placed him in a blender and set it at full force. He felt like an ant trying to hold back a raging typhoon; everything he tried failed, everything he did to mount any offense or defense crumbled under her relentless onslaught. She gave him no quarter or mercy.
The battle-weary blonde coughed a few times, bits of blood and spat spilled from his mouth as he tried to gasp for air. His face was swollen and bruised, with his ribs broken and an open wound on his chest made it a little difficult to breathe. He could feel the fox within him scrambling to try to heal his wounds while Kurama's shouts of encouragement to hold on were slowly becoming just a whisper now.
"Naruto! Don't you go dying on me! Just hang in there I'll get you patched up!" Kurama barked in alarm trying to flood Naruto's body with his chakra.
Trying to stand on his feet Naruto swayed back and forth before falling backward as a set of arms caught him before he would hit the ground and held him close to the body behind him.
"I can't give up. …Everyone is counting on me. All my precious people will be ripped away from me If I don't stop her..." Naruto chants to himself all most like a mantra to keep himself going while deep down he knew he was beyond his limits of what he could handle alone.
The soft tone of being chastened by the older woman didn't help his moral or his wounds.
"You know this is all your fault right? You just had to follow after Hagoromo's foolishness. All of this could have been avoided; if only you could have shown me you were your own man, I would have worked with you," The goddess softly speaks into his ear as she takes a breath before continuing.
"But you have shown me you are nothing more than a belittling yes man. So dutiful of nodding your head that it is quite sickening. I have had murderers, tyrants, and everyday trash shows me he or she marched to the beat of their drum, rather than you who chases after the lost causes of others."
She turns Naruto around so they once again faced to face, a ghost of a smile on her face.
"Do the wounds hurt?" She questioned in false concern before bringing up her hand and placing it onto the left pectoral on his chest before she channeled some of her vast chakra, a sudden burning sensation on his chest caused him to grab her arm in a weak attempt to stop her.
"Kag… Kaguya…! Please stop this…!" He wheezed out between breaths.
An emotionless grin was all he got a reply as she continued her work, ignoring his pained cries of protest. Feeling that her work was done, she stopped suddenly and let him go as he fell to the floor with a burn like a mark upon his chest. The letters 'K.Ō' branded on his exposed pectoral, his blood still flowing down from the wound that continued to paint his chest crimson.
"Now I crippled the will and scarred the body… All that's left is to break the soul and shatter the mind. The Kyuubi won't be able to heal that wound; it will be my reminder to you of testing powers beyond your understanding."
Kneeling down, and tears open the reminds of his black and orange jacket and the mesh shirt, Kaguya places her left hand onto the seal of the nine tails that was on his body. Her entire arm glows white before her hand sinks into the seal. The screams of pain from Kurama echoed through Naruto's skull, causing him to shutter as a painful sensation gripped his very being, causing him to all most blackout. He could feel the beast within fall over in an echoing crash within his mind, his fate unknown as a glowing orange object flashed through his blurred vision.
"Now the soul is broken… Time to shatter the mind~" She chirped while she slipped a bright orange root into her sleeve.
The rabbit goddess makes an unknown gesture with her hands, his body rose up from the ground and floated in the air. She rubbed her hands together as both started to glow a whitish blue once again as she reached out and placed both her palms on his temples.
"Just relax Naruto… It will be all over after this."
He tried kicking the air in resistance before images and old memories would shift inside his mind, causing him to stop. Memories of his childhood, his time on team 7, the many battles he went through, the many people he met and befriended, the lessons learned, and the sacrifices he made. All these spun and churned through his mind's eye as each memory started to shift and fade, before slowly beginning to crack, as each memory shattered like someone smashing them with a hammer like a crisp sheet of glass. Everything that made him his own individual, broke around him as his mind was shrouded in absolute darkness. A blank expression was all that was left upon the blondes face as tears spilled from his blue eyes with them rolling back into his skull and the world of the unconscious was all he knew.
"The circle is complete, and the last remains of their legacy is broken and forgotten." She concluded with a soft tone before making an unknown gesture with her left hand that caused a gateway door to appear behind the levitating unconscious blonde.
"I have taken everything from you Asura, everything that does not matter. Now go into the unknown and live, live each day with a new purpose where you are no longer a pawn to your forefathers." She said like the deity she was, giving a final judgment.
With a palm thrust, she pushed Naruto's unconscious body through the doorway with it closing behind him, leaving her alone within the ruined dimension.
"Now it's time to wrap up this pointless war and bury the tainted legacy of my children forever..."
With a flare of her chakra, Kaguya vanished as she headed back to the battlefield to curb the last remains of resistance and prepare humanity for another age of ruler-ship under her watch once again.
-Rift Between Worlds-
The unconscious body of Kohona's former hero drifted endlessly throughout black and white tunnels as he was no longer aware of the world around him. Kaguya was very thorough in her work to destroy all that remained of her children's legacy as a weakened Kurama tried his best to piece together the fragmented life of his container.
Taking a look around through the soul-scape the fox could only shake its head at the mess that was left behind.
"She broke him…" The beast rumbled in sorrow. "Everything that made Naruto that lovable knucklehead with a heart of gold is laying all over the place like broken glass or discarded trash."
Flexing his paws, Kurama tried to fluctuate his chakra, sadly only a small stream made its way throughout Naruto's body. A sigh of disappointment exhaled from his muzzle as he could see he no longer had the power to heal this on his own.
"My piece of the Shinju tree was stripped and taken from me, and I no longer have the means to mend his broken body." The old fox growl in frustration before he barks with fury. "Damn you Kaguya!"
The soul-scape rumbled with Kurama's anger and disappointment, before an unknown soft voice caressed his senses, causing his ears to perk up.
"The great hero that gave everything for the sake of his loved ones will not be forgotten. Destiny is already reshuffling itself to give him another chance. He will know what love is; he will nestle between the wings of birds that will carry his dreams to the very stars beyond… Naruto's story doesn't end with him being broken; it is renewed with him learning how to fly again..." The soft voice faded, giving Kurama something to ponder about as the future at the moment looked bleak indeed.
"Birds and learning how to fly?" Kurama parrots slightly with him scratches his head with one of its many tails with a perplexed expression of confusion on his muzzle his left eyebrow raised. "Looks like we will found out what this new 'Destiny' has in stored for the kid. He got mauled and discarded like a broken kunai. I can only hope things will get better, rather than getting anymore worse for him." The nine-tails mused as he looked at the floating body of Naruto within the waters of his soul-scape wishing he could do more for him.
Hospital Rooftop
Mid Evening
After a get together with Sekirei 02 and 03, Uzume sat on her favorite spot on top of a hospital railing with a single bottle of sake in hand as she hummed a few songs to herself. Her face slightly flushed red from with the amount of drinking she had done with her sister Sekirei tonight; still dressed in a sleeveless short white party dress and white high heels.
"Well, Kazehana didn't disappoint with the choice of nightclubs she brought Matsu and me to tonight." A small giggle left her lips before she took a small sip from her sake bottle. "So many cute guys.~ Too bad I didn't react to any of them though, but the amount of catcalls and phone numbers does make the ego feel good.~"
A sudden crackling of energy buzzing around her position brings her from her inner musings as her instincts go into high alert, her playful mood vanished with her placing her sake bottle down on the rooftop as she starts to scan the area in confusion, unsure what was causing the energy spike.
"This feeling… It reminds me when Yume would spar with us." She thought to herself as her chocolate brown eyes glowed trying to pick up the unknown energy abnormality. "It would be impossible for Yume to be around here though, her and Karasuba-sensei went on some mission outside of Japan about a week ago and won't be back for another couple pf days… Whatever it is I can feel it within my tama that it is powerful." She mused to herself still on high alert.
The sky above her sparked and crackled with energy and electrical discharges as an unknown split opens above, an image of a figure slowly starts to appear before it falls from the rift. As the division closes up with the body beginning to free fall, on a collision course to the ground that caused her to release a shocked gasp.
"I don't know who that is! But no one deserves to be turned into road paste!" She exclaimed in shock as she quickly rushed and jumped off the rooftop in pursuit of the unknown body, her body glowed with her power as white veils shrouded her.
Going into a free fall, she could make out the unknown person was indeed male, summoning up a veil and making it into a lasso. She uses her energy to throw it with hopes to snare the falling body as both continued to nose dive into the streets below.
"Come on Uzume it's like playing one of those festive carnival games! Well, without watching someone going splat on the ground..." She told herself in a joking way to keep herself from getting nervous.
Seeing her lasso wrap around the free-falling body; she gave it a firm tug, as the veil started to wrap around him pulling him up to her, as she summoned up more cloth to tethers them to the siding of the hospital and a few nearby trees. Weaving the sheets of veils into a web to break their fall as she held his body close to her chest protectively.
"Gotcha!" She utters in relief.
The white cloth veils slowly stop their decent as they floated in mid-air within a web of cloth, she was finally able to look at the face of the unknown male she had been chasing after. A young man with short spiky blonde hair, three black lines on his face that reminded her of whiskers. Wearing what remained of a tattered orange and black jacket, and tattered orange and black track pants, with black open-toe sandals. He wore a black headband on his forehead with an unknown metal signet she did not understand.
"Well aren't you a cutie.~" She said with a happy chirp in her tone as her brown eyes drank in his features.
Warm wetness against her chest focused her attention downward, her happy mood changing to concern as she noticed the white veils wrapped around his chest started to leak a reddish hue of the unknown blonde's blood. Thinking quickly, she begins to apply more of her white colored cloth to bind and bandage his chest with the hopes to get his bleeding under control. Before getting him medical treatment at the hospital that was nearby.
"For him to be bleeding this much the wound must be pretty bad." She thought to herself, concerned for the blonde. "I'm no doctor, but humans tend to bleed out very quickly, and from what I see, he has to be at death's door..." She continued her work trying to apply what first aid she knew to keep him alive.
A cough emitted from the blonde as a bit of his blood seeped through the veils and onto her hands, causing her to stiffen up as a warm electrical feeling shot throughout her body. Her heart started to beat rapidly as her breathing began to quicken, her face flushed into a blush as her eyes widened in surprise.
"I'm reacting?" She thought to herself confused. "I've never reacted to anyone…" She gazed at the blonde; her confused stare started to turn affectionate slowly. "My… Ashikabi..." She breathed out in an affectionate whisper, as her instincts told her to wing herself to him, the same that now told her to protect him with everything she had.
Bringing her left hand under his chin to tilt his head up, Uzume leaned in to give her first meaningful kiss, a kiss that would bind her existence to her partner forever. With her lips locked with his, a bright white light flared throughout the area as two hearts attach to each other in a lovers embrace.
Teito Tower
Sekirei Plan Server Room
Takami Sahashi sat at a computer terminal typing away at the keyboard to update files or programs for the Sekirei plan that was now approaching its final year of preparation. Taking a small draft form a lit cigarette that hung limply in her mouth, and exhaling the smoke through her nose, she continued her work with the intentions to get everything completed so she could call it a day and maybe be able to get a few winks of sleep.
A woman in her early 40s dressed in a white buttoned-up dress shirt along with black trousers, black socks and black sneakers and a long white doctor's coat. Her hair mixed with grey and black as the stress of being the head researcher and head planner for the immediate Sekirei plan hadn't done her any favors. Time was not kind to her as shown with the dark bags and slight wrinkles under her eyes; her dark grey eyes shined with the mental tiredness of everything.
Leaning back in her rolling chair as she decided to give her hands and wrists a break, she took another draft of her cigarette before she exhaled the smoke through her mouth, slowly becoming lost in her innermost thoughts and musings.
"Hm, 21 years have passed already. The final countdown to this genocide melee of the Sekirei is now in its final stages..." She thought to herself while her rubbing the back of her neck as if it would relieve her of the uncomfortable burden that continues to sit on her shoulders.
"I can't tell if we are doing the Sekirei any favors with keeping them alive. Or we were just finishing up what the interstellar dominion failed to do to them such a long time ago and finish wiping out the remains of their species as a whole..."
A sigh leaves her lips as a look of regret overtakes her impassive expression.
"It's not fair to any of them, orphaned and being forced to kill each other just for a stupid promise that Minaka will not keep. The world governments already know of the Sekirei's existence from the failed raids on Kamikura Island. Minaka isn't stupid; he won't run the risk of our alien visitors falling into the hands of warmongers on this world. He would see each of them dead and buried before anyone else could use them."
Taking another draft of her cigarette as she exhales the smoke through her mouth, her facial expression becomes more downcast as her sins continue to bear down on her heart and soul.
"No matter what I tell myself every day as I stare in the mirror, I raised and taught these alien visitors from the stars with the intentions of sending them out to die, to bathe Japan in each other's blood. As Minaka gets to sit back and play god with a race that just wants to come back from the brink of extinction. Would be no difference if I sent Minato or Yukari out to die to say dying was for the cause and it was justified for their deaths."
A loud shrilling alarm rings throughout the room causing her to jump. The same signal they have been testing the last few months to let them know when a Sekirei would be winged, with an agitated glare graced her features already just wanting this day to end. She stands up sharply with her barking a question that was laced heavy with her building frustration of her stress.
"All right! Which one of you is playing around with the alarm!?" She barks with agitation to the others within the room, while bringing her pinky into her ear trying to ease the pain.
Seeing the nervous looks of the other people as they mumble in a low tone, some of them starting to type away at their keyboards again, does not help her mood.
"I'll say again! Which one of you decided to dick around with the Sekirei alarm!?" She once again asked, her tone softens some, but could still be heard quite clearly within the room.
After a few moments of everyone just glancing at each other a young woman within the room replies.
"Uh... Miss Sahashi, you may want to take a look at this..." The co-workers that called out to her in a tone of meek and submission.
Sliding from her desk and stand upward, she walked over to the other side of the room. A young woman with green eyes around the age of 25 dressed in a business suit with shoulder-length brown hair pulled into a ponytail gestures her to come over.
"What is it Kaede?" Takami asked as she slipped her left hand into her coat pocket to fiddle for her lighter, as her other hand held a fresh unlit cigarette.
Glancing at her computer screen and looking back at her supervisor she says with growing nervousness.
"A weird file popped up on my screen as soon as the alarm went off... It says that one of our Sekirei has been, uh, winged..."
A hitched breathe was the only thing heard from Takami as a look of shock overtook her. Before her dark grey eyes narrowed as she grabs hold of the young woman by the front of her buttoned-up coat, and gave her a look that told the young woman she was not in the mood for jokes or games.
"I better be hearing things because of that damn alarm damaging my ears... Did I just hear you say one of our girls already been winged!?"
Giving her a hesitant nod, the young woman reaches over and turns the monitor to her as a Sekirei profile picture sat upon her computer screen with the words "unknown Ashikabi" next to it. Takami could only stare bewildered, the Sekirei plan hasn't even started, and some unknown Ashikabi may have sneaked in and winged one of the girls. The database could not pick up anything from the DNA sample, causing her mind to race as she rushed back to her desk quickly taking her seat and starts to type away at the keyboard.
"This can't be happening! Every Sekirei has been accounted for; we just had roll call not long ago!" The older woman thought to herself in a panic.
The profile of Uzume appears on her screen, causing her to curse to herself as she is generally around Kazehana or Matsu.
"Damn it Uzume!" She growled out. "You just had to put my ass right into the fire! Once Minaka finds out about his precious plan has been started early, he might end up taking it out on your Ashikabi!"
The sudden beep from her pocket alerts her of an incoming text message on her cell phone; it didn't take a rocket scientist to know who it was. Reaching into her pocket, she pulls out her flip phone as she flips it open and pushes open on the message in her inbox.
From Minaka:
Did you sort out the little 'Bug' in the system? :)
I would hate to jump to 'Conclusions' If we just needed someone from maintenance to look at the hardware again. :/
With a grim expression on her face, she slowly texts her reply before hitting send, as she waits a few moments for Minaka to reply back to her as her phone once again beeps with another incoming message.
From Minaka:
I do hope you are kidding Takami-kun...
If you aren't, then I will handle the matter personally.
Sliding her phone back into her pocket she takes a glance around the room, the curious or concern looks some of her co-workers give her as some awaited for an update. She brings her right hand up and massages her temple to ease a headache she knew was coming before she addressed the people within the room.
"We got an unknown Ashikabi coming in. Get the holding cell prepared, as I know Minaka will be taking care of this matter personally... Remember, you did not see or hear anything unless you want to be put in for 'early retirement.'" She says nonchalance of the situation, her tone professional, as the undertones of her threat caused some to shiver at the thought of being anywhere near Karasuba when Minaka issued you his special 'pink slip.'
Thoughts of concern for the young Sekirei filled the adjuster's mind as the entire situation forced her hands to be tied.
"Uzume why did you do that? Why did you have to drag some poor soul into the clutches of an angry Minaka? I know Minaka, he won't be happy with you being winged a year too early..."
She quickly busied herself with making preparations, as she typed out an email to Takehito, filling him in on the extreme situation one of his personal adjusted Sekirei got herself into. He was the only other person that Takami knew could convince Minaka to allow either of them, to handle the matter that was slowly reaching a point of no return; once he retrieves Uzume and this unknown Ashikabi back to Teito tower.
-Teito Tower Penthouse-
Minaka's Office
Chairman and CEO of MBI Minaka Hiroto was a man many considered crazy, maybe a little insane. Building up a company within a short span of 21 years that dominated the world markets. He looked to make his mark upon the world with the upcoming Sekirei plan that would be his swan song into annals of history. He's a slender, bespectacled man with spiky white hair who was taller than the average height of a Japanese man. Dressed entirely in the color white, wearing a pure white suit with a white dress shirt, underneath a black tie neatly tied around the collar, a pair of white pants, gloves and robe and white dress shoes.
Sitting at his large mahogany desk, he continues to stare at the computer screen as it continues to flash 'Unknown Ashikabi' in bold red letters that cause the bespectacled man facial features to morph into a frown his dark brown eyes shine with disappointment.
Typing a few commands into his keyboard his computer screen changes as a red dot appears on a map that told him that Uzume was not too far from Teito Tower, by a nearby hospital. That would be converted into an Ashikabi care center when the Sekirei plan would launch a year from now. His expression changes little other than his dark brown eyes narrowing while staring at the screen, his frown becomes more grim.
Picking up the phone that was near him, he dialed the MBI's swat and security department with preparations to retrieve his wayward little bird. After a few rings the gruff voice of an older man that spent many, many, years in the military answers on the other end.
"Captain Hisano speaking..."
"Captain this is Chairman Minaka Hiroto. We had a breach. One of the little birds spread her wings before display day."
"Rules of engagement? I doubt an alien driven to find her life's partner going to give up quietly..."
A chuckle was emitted from the Chairman as he adjusts his glasses.
"Get the squads ready to move out; I'll be coming with you to take care of the situation personally. I want everyone ready within the next 10 minutes!"
"Understood Commander..." A click and dial tone as the receiver hanged up.
Placing his hands together interlocking his fingers his trademark smirk starts to form on his face before musing to himself.
"Well, little bird couldn't wait could you? My game of the gods was poetry in motion; everything was to be perfect for the unveiling. Now I got such a naughty bird that wants to break my rules before I even enforce them.~"
Standing up from his desk he makes his way to the door, his smirk still ever present upon his face as he grabs ahold of the doorknob before saying to himself with a bit of excited laughter. "I hope you are prepared number 10...~" As he slowly opens to door and steps out into the hallway.
With Naruto and Uzume
A bright white flash bathes the area as whitish electrical energy shoots upward cracking or shattering nearby window panes and causing the light bulbs in adjacent street lights to pop or explode. The brief storm of white power faded to reveal a young girl with a large sizeable white veil like wings that were nearly translucent in coloration, shrouding the young blonde man in its embrace. Her brown eyes expressive with happiness her tama hummed with positive vibrations.
"I..." She gasped out before trying to speak. "Can't even describe the feelings I'm feeling..."
She shutters slightly trying to contain her growing excitement.
"My entire being is singing...!"
Looking at her now new Ashikabi, feeling his current state through the newly minted link between them, she could feel that he was now out of danger of bleeding out or dying outright. It didn't mean he still couldn't croak on her from his wounds being left untreated. While the Bijū within the navel seal of Konoha's former hero could only marvel at the new energy that now surged through the blonde's body, as he flexed his paws and got himself ready to use this new positive energy to keep Naruto from dying.
"Hmm, much cleaner than my chakra was... I could use this to jump-start the healing process!" Mused the Kyuubi as he flexed his paws playing with the new energy.
"All right kid! Kurama will get you patched up in no time!" The beast barked with renewed excitement, as Kurama starts his work with pushing the whitish energy all throughout the blonde's chakra coils while mixing the new power with Naruto's chakra to heal the more damaged areas of his body.
While the Veiled Sekirei was unaware of the inside help her Ashikabi was getting from his sealed friend; she eyed the nearby hospital with plans to get him medical treatment.
"I better get him medical attention. My added vitality of us being joined together will only slow down the effects of his wounds on his body."
Before she could even take a step forward, the sudden screeching of car tires brought her on high alert as shouts of multiple voices echoed all around her. The sounds of helicopters from above rang out while searchlights shined on her, causing her to take a defensive position holding the injured blonde against her chest. She summonsed more of her veils as it hovered around her coiled and ready like a snake waiting to strike its prey.
"We have spotted the display, repeat we have spotted the display!"
"Alpha, Bravo, secure the buildings nearby!"
"Delta, Charlie, secure the roofs don't let the display escape with the package!"
"Non-lethal rounds only! We can't afford to end up killing her before we can get the Ashikabi from her!"
The sound of guns being cocked could be heard from all around her, as unknown men wearing SWAT combat uniforms surrounded the area, each of them pointing either a rifle or a pistol as the red laser sights dotted all over her body.
"They're after my Ashikabi!?" She thought to herself in a panic using more of her willpower to fasten a dome of cloth around them. The muffled voices of the soldiers outside caused her to strain her hearing to pick up any information.
"Do we engage sir?" The young voice of a young man asks.
"Not until the Chairmen arrives..." A more experienced grizzled voice replies.
"I can't believe we have to give this illegal alien such kid gloves treatment." Another older voice says with disgust.
"It's better we tread with kid gloves than you being sliced up like a fillet. None of these girls is human, sergeant. The Chairman already briefed you all on what would happen, if we go hostile on her. She will do whatever it takes to kill each of us to protect her Ashikabi." The old voice once again says with a tone of leadership to remind his men not to fool around.
"It only takes a single kiss, and you can get some super powered waifu to kill things for you?" The young private questions his superior.
"It's what the Chairman has said, and this is a young one. Be lucky it's one of the non-aggressive ones, or we all would be hanging in this alleyway. Or do I have to remind some of you all what happened with the 'Crow' on Valentine's day?" The old veteran says in a flat tone.
Many groans came from the soldiers as some sounded like they would be close to throwing up with one of them spoke his mind on that particular subject.
"I can never look at that holiday the same again. I saw so many hearts spilled all over the place that I still have nightmares of that day..."
Within the veiled dome, Uzume tried to piece together what she could hear from the outside with the gossiping armed men.
"It looks like these guys had the unfortunate meeting with Karasuba-sensei. One of them did mention Professor Minaka, was he the one that ordered these people to capture me?" She thought to herself with her brown eyes shined with confusion her eyebrows knitted together. "He always told us to go out and find our Ashikabi. He encouraged us time and time again to do whatever it took to fight for the right to stay with our Ashikabi..."
A more determined expression overtakes her more confused and unsure state as she prepares herself mentality for combat."I found my Ashikabi! The only way anyone is taking him away from me is over my cold dead body!" A whitish glow like haze shines around her body, her brown eyes glowing white with her power as the dome of veils start to twitch and squirm causing the soldiers outside to take a brief step backward.
Before she could start planning her combat strategy, a sudden sharp pain within her tama causes her to let loose a shocked painful gasp; that drops her to her knees, as she clutches her chest with her left hand in a futile hope to lessen the pain. She protectively holds the unconscious blonde against her chest to try to shield him the best she could with her body.
"Looks like the Chairman is here boys... Get the tranquilizer rounds prepped and ready!"
Her vision blurs a little from the pain as the soldiers slowly start to walk forward with their guns pointed, a few muzzle flashes and the sudden shock of being struck with something, before the immediate feeling of sleepiness started to ensnare her senses, causing the world around her to spin. Try as she might she couldn't fight the drugs that were flooding her system as she fell backward with the blonde falling against her chest.
"No... I... Can't let them take him away from me...!" Uzume says in a soft tone trying to muster her willpower to fight before a familiar voice speaks to her as her world slowly starts to go dark.
"May you kindly rest your head and sleep for me.~" The voice of Minaka carries within the alleyway activating another failsafe within Uzume's tama.
The world of unconsciousness was all number ten knew before the Chairman barks orders to his SWAT team.
"Get them both prepped and ready to be transported back to Teito tower! I want around the clock tama injections to be given to number ten until I am satisfied with what this young blonde has to say to me!" The bespectacled man says with authority.
"Sir! The blonde Ashikabi looks badly wounded, do we give medical aid?" One of the grunts asks for clarification to give aid.
"As much as it pains me... Yes give him medical attention, I won't let some unknown variable come into my game without me questioning his motives!"
Staring at the unconscious blonde that still had bits and pieces of white cloth, wrapped around his body. The Chairman's dark brown eyes shined with suspicion of foul play as he never liked sudden surprises that he could plan or account for, this entire situation rubbed him the wrong way.
"I don't know who you are... But as soon as you awaken, I'll be there to get every little answer from you. Don't think I will let this little breach of my game go unpunished stranger..." He thought to himself with a schooled look as he watched both Uzume and the blonde get loaded up onto stretchers and being carted off into one of the awaiting vans.
A smirk starts to form on his face as his dark brown eyes take on a more mischievousness shine.
"Depending on how cooperative you are, stranger. You might yet get to play the game of the gods~" He says with excitement and a chuckle, as he walks to the other end of the alleyway to the awaiting helicopter.
A single thought did lingered in his head to the point of bothering him, with him taking a seat inside the cabin as the flying vehicle started lifting off the ground. His sights redirected to the distant skyscraper, his military convoy below sped down the road with precious cargo.
"There is something very particular about his blood, while I did a quick scan to find the next of kin. There is something unusual about how it seems to operate; It demands further study into it's unique nature..."
A/N: Did a revisit to this story, went and cleaned it up quite a bit and hopefully its a lot more readable than the original version. Helpful reviews do help a writer out with giving a lot more tools to work with, or what to research to get better in areas I am struggling in. A lot of people have been asking about updates to this story, and I am in the process of doing so, just getting this story cleaned up and I'll be able to move it forward, as it has helped with inspiration.
The flock may change to reflect with not trying to overuse certain Sekirei, the revisit of this story has given me some ideas for some of the more neglected Sekirei in the show, as some do have abilities that can be very helpful and more than one use. While I always did have planned to bring in more of the interesting but barely used girls that get ignored for the canon flock of Minato. Any help suggestion would be always welcomed as I am always all ears for any tidbits of advise.
My Original character Shukensha is still the main villain for this story. I have heard that a lot of people don't like it when to many characters from another universe gets pull into a cross-over. Her role, along with Naruto's, won't begin until around the second stage of the Sekirei plan, as Naruto's story will branch off from Sekirei canon into his own story that will be centered around his wayward 'Daughter.'
As always, I'll see everyone in the next chapter!