So... um... hi? Let me be honest... I'm... not to sure about this one? I think I may have made it too meladramatic? I don't know. I seem to be having trouble realizing that despite writing this for like (does mental calculations in my head)... 2 or so years. Beryl is only at the end of his first week at Beacon. So um... I'm gonna do one or two more things and then I'm probably gonna time skip around. Plus some bonus chapters from Arnolds POV and Yangs POV.

So, if this seems too overdone or melodramatic, feel free to tell me. I'm not above changing a chapter or it's contents after posting. I'm... obviously struggling to tie up some plot threads between the first few chapters and the last few. My vision for what this was gonna be changed over time and.. while I'm sure I know where I'm going with it NOW, I wasn't too sure before.

Anyways... I promise the self loathing family melodrama will be over soon. Then it will be back to humour, warm and fuzzies, family aww moments and hopefully cool action scenes.- Chrisreader

Chapter Eleven

A New Day

Splitting up from the main group, Arnold and I say our goodbye's as we make our way to our dorm. Before we can leave however, I'm given a rather... long hug from Yang.

Several moments pass before she finally lets me go. She looks... both extremely happy and relieved at the same time. "I'm... really glad you're back Beryl." She still has an overall look of disbelief on her face. Like she still can't believe what her eyes are seeing.

I force a smile, pushing down that little bit of guilt once again. "I... guess I'm glad to be back?" I say with an awkward shrug. I pause.

'That sounded odd...? Or rude...?'

"Um..." I flounder. "I mean to say... that is..." I sigh. Yang continues to hold my shoulders with a small smile on her face as she waits for me to gather my thoughts. The faces of my new-ish friends and... twin, watching us with varied expressions of happiness isn't helping. I pause to collect my thoughts as I shut my eyes. I breathe in.

And out.

'What do I even say to my supposed "older sister"?'

I open my eyes. 'Why, despite everything... why do I suddenly feel so scared?'

'You may not remember boy. But your soul? The soul never forgets.'The voice says with a... surprising amount of tenderness. "Let it speak."

'What the fuck does that even mean? And how would I even...?' I pause again.

'Ignore your thoughts. Ignore the past you used to live. This? This is your present. Whether you like it or not. And if you would stop your foolish musings about... "Fanfictions"...' He says the word like it physically pains him. I suddenly feel like one of my hobbies just got dissed. "You would realise that your worries of being a..."story" are factually impossible.'


'Stop. You have worries? Why not consult your older sibling? Ignore everything else... we will speak when you are alone.'

'...Am I... You swear that I was really born here? Despite the fact my memories say otherwise?'

'Have you not noticed the holes in your memories? Do you remember anything after graduation? No. You don't. I have no reason to lie to you. I need you at your best if you are to be of use to me.'

Despite how unsettling that last part is... I find some small bit of solace. 'Fine. Let's say I am Beryl... If so... What does that make me now?'

I mentally sigh. 'Why was I so okay with this when I first woke up in that forest? Why was I so ready to take up a new identity? I jumped at it. I said that I didn't feel like I belonged back home but...'

I feel a sudden surge of emotion. Both sadness and...loss? Why loss?

'I... don't feel like I belong here. I feel like an actor playing a part. I lie. Alot. I constantly think out my responses instead of just... being. I...'

Then it hits me. Something I've never really dealt with. Something I addressed once... and then never again.

'I... miss my family. Mom. Sis. Grandma and Matt...'

'...I am never going to see them again.'

I suddenly feel exausted as something, slowly... shakes me? I tune back in to the world around me. Everything is... slow. I take in Yang's face of worry as well as those of Ruby anf the others. I see Ruby... slowly, making her way to us.

'Goddamn Semblance letting everyone see how I feel.' I focus on clicking off my Semblance. Time returns to normal as Yang... wipes away my tears? What the...?

"I... I don't know why I'm..." I lie. Yang shushes me approaches with a somber smile. Together, they pull me into another hug. I let myself fall into the hug. It feels comforting... even if I feel like it shouldn't.

'Human emotions make no sense.' The voice notes.

I sniff as I force myself to regain control of my emotions. No way was I breaking down about this now. I needed to be alone for... whatever this was. After several moments, I slowly pull away, looking embarressed.

"Um... I'm sorry." I say sheepishly. "I... don't know why I'm such a wreck all the sudden. I just..."

Yang shushes me as Ruby squeezes my right hand comfortingly. It's... odd. This is a far cry from the energetic loud Yang I knew from the show.

'But this isn't the show's Yang is it? This is my Yang. My... new big sister.'

Once again, I didn't know how to feel about that.

In the background, I can see Weiss, Pyrrha, Blake and Ren shuffling everyone into their respective dorm. Probably sensing, too late, a family moment. The sound of a door unlocking and shutting behind me leads me to believe Arnold has left as well.

"It's okay." Yang says with a comforting smile. "Hell, Oum knows I've been a wreck today too. But-" She squeezes my shoulder in comfort once again. "- That's okay. We're all together again. That's all that matters."

"Yeah!' Ruby says with a wide smile.

I look to both of their faces. They look... so happy.

"What if... How can you be so sure I'm really Beryl?" I say before I surpress a surge of confusion and surprise.

'Where the hell did that come from!? Why did I...?

And despite my confusion, I... for some reason, feel a bit of apprehention of my sisters answer.

Yang give me another comforting smile. "Other than the obvious?" She states. with a nod to Ruby who grins happily. "I think... I might have somehow known since we first met. But... Professor Ozpin was able to find you in Vale's systems. Under a different name granted-" She says with an odd look. "But he says everything points to you being our brother." She squeezes my arm lightly. "I believe him."

I... don't understand the feeling of relief that suddenly rushes through me. I pause as my brain register's that last bit.

"A different name? What? What was it?"

'How many fucking names do I have? My original, Toby, Beryl... And now this?'

Yang bites her lip before sighing lightly for some reason. Why does she suddenly look so upset. "He... said you were listed as..." She pauses in thought. "...Sylver Ferne." She tries to smile. "Not very creative if you ask me."

'You said it.' The voice drawls. 'Dearist Olivia never was good with names. Honestly, naming a child after it's eye color.'

'So that... woman from my dream was my... adopted mother?'

'More or less. She certainly took a shine to you. But perhaps... "sisterly" would better describe the way she behaved around you.'

I blink wordlessly for several moments. 'Ah. Okay...'

'You are handling the information well; considering your track record...'

'I'm just marveling about how much bullshit and drama I've managed to get myself involved with in one singular fucking Saturday...' I take a breath. 'I feel like Season six of Buffy right now.'

When I finish that thought, I suddenly feel like a fuckton of bricks just got dropped on me.

'I do not understand that ref-' He pauses. 'Ah. Your memories from your old life are certainly loud. I suppose that is a fair comparrison.' I hear a shred of amusement.

Ignoring the commentary of the voice in my head. I gripe to myself in rising annoyance. 'I have had to deal with way to much shit for it to only be "after lunch" on Saturday. You know what? No. I'm tired. I'm upset. I want to go to fuckmothering bed.'

Tuning back in, I notice that Yang and Ruby both seem unnearved by my long bout of silence. Sending them a tired smile, I speak. "I... have alot to process. Alot happened today and... it's not even over yet. I however, feel like I'm at my emotional limit. I... think I want to go to bed. Sleep on everything."

Yang gives me a comforting smile, even if it seems somewhat forced. Ruby's smile seems more natural. "Alright. I guess that makes sense." She lets go of my arm and steps back. "Will we see you at dinner?"

'Hopefully not. Saturday can go fuck itself. I plan to go to bed and not wake up until the day fucking changes.'

Instead, I say. "I don't know. We'll see. Depends on how I feel." Yang's face falls slightly before she covers it with a smile.

"Alright." She says. "Sleep well Beryl."

I smile awkwardly. Nodding to both my sisters, I turn before pulling out my scroll and unlock my dorm room. Stepping inside, I shut the door slowly before making my way to my bed.

"Are you...alright?" Arnold asks from his seat on the top bunk.. I don't even bother to look up.

"Please stop." I say tiredly. "Alot has happened today. I don't know what I feel... I just want to sleep."

With that finished, I crawl into my bed. I only bother to kick off my shoes before I crawl under my covers.

"Ah." I hear Arnold say. "Very well. In that case, sleep well. Shuld I wake you for dinner?"

"Pease don't."

"Vey well."

That exchange now over, I shut my eyes and finish getting comfortable.

And in almost no time, I feel sleep claiming me.


How long have I been floating here? Staring at the stars? Several hours at least? Maybe a day? I'm not so sure... Time doesn't seem to hold much meaning here...

Wherever here is...

Turning my head, I look at the only think for me to gaze at other than the stars.

The Moon.

It looks the way I remember... well at least the way I think I remember. I feel myself smile as I gaze at it. A full moon; a bright and beautiful full moon. A sight that I feel I could never tire of.

I continue to float until... I fall. Not far, only several feet but I still feel pain as I find land. Standing up, I brush myself off and find myself on a small island in the middle of a black void. Though somehow, the moonlit sky still manages to fly overhead. Looking around, I see the only thing on this island is a small pond.

Strange... I feel a pull... Like I need too...

Walking to the pond, I kneel down and look into the clear waters. Other than the starry sky... I see a man staring back at me. He seems young and very lanky. Not much in the way of muscles... Not unhealthy, just... very skinny. His hair as well as his eyes are brown and I can see that those brown orbs hold some curiosity as he too gazes back at me. He is dressed in a simple blue short-sleeved as well as black shorts.

I tilt my head and he does the same... Oh...

He is me...

Suddenly I feel myself changing. I feel muscles as well as bones shifting and I scream before I find myself falling forward. Throwing my arms out, I keep myself from falling into the pond. I shut my eyes as the pain continues before it eventually becomes a dull ache...

I open my eyes and see myself anew and watch as my eyes change colors to silver... then red... and then back to silver.

Now who am I?

I don't know...

I hear an ungodly loud explosion above me and when I look my eyes widen in horror.

The moon was shattered...

Suddenly, the rest of my memories return and I glare to nothing in particular. What the fuck was that name I picked?

Toby Lawliet... But that isn't right.

Apparently I'm Beryl Rose...

Suddenly, I hear the sound of glass cracking from below me. Looking down, I am horrified to see the ground below me has become glass.

How the fuck-

The glass shatters and I fall into the void screaming. I fall for what seems like minutes before I feel my descent begin to slow. Looking down, I see a small clearing of tall grass. And at the end of it a familiar cloaked figure.

I land silently on the path before feeling that pull again... This time towards the figure. I walk slowly, mostly from fear that the ground will become glass again, but regardless...

I am walking forward and as I approach, the figure shifts into someone I recognize.


The figure turns, yet somehow becomes taller in the process and I see the red cloak becoming white. "Not Ruby" gives me a sad smile and I see her hold out a hand. She says something to me... but I only hear silence.

"Who... are you?"

The woman seems saddened and she drops her arm. She takes a step towards me and I watch her as she gets closer. I feel rooted to the spot as she approaches, as if movement at all would be a very bad thing.

The woman finally approaches and she softly lays a hand on my cheek. I'm confused as her silver eyes water and her smile widens. She mouths something again... but I still can't hear her. Despite this she seems content as she closes her eyes and removes her hand from my cheek.

Who is she? She looks just like...

No fucking way...


The woman looks up with a wide smile and nods enthusiastically, though the sadness never leaves her eyes. She take a step back and seemingly produces a rose from her cloak. She speaks silently and I see the rose catch fire... though the rose is undamaged.

Um... what?

"I don't understand."

Summer frowns before something flashes in her eyes and she smiles. Wrapping her arms protectively around the flaming rose, she gives it a loving hug.


"Yang and Ruby?"

Summer nods happily.

"What about them?"

Summer hands the rose to me and I'm surprised when I feel no heat. Pointing to it, she then points to me.

"Have I met them?"

Summer shakes her head, then grabs the air as if she was holding someone. Moving this invisible person, she moved closer to me before wrapping her arms around the invisible person, me and the flaming rose.

What's with the invisible person?


Is... Is that supposed to be Taiyang?

Oh... Is she...

"Are... you asking if we're a family?"

Summer nods, as she looks at me expectantly. I feel tremendous guilt as I move out of her hug. I give her the rose back before taking another step back. Summer looks heartbroken.

"I... I'm not who you think I am. I'm not even from Remnant! I'm... I'm not really..."

I feel like a piece of shit...

Looking down at the ground, I continue. "I'm not really your son. I'm just some random guy that somebody picked for a shitty story... at leaast I think. I'm sorry..."

I stare at the ground in silence, unable to look up. I don't want to see the sorrow on Summer's face or the metaphorical family she thinks I belong with...

So I stare down in shame. Who am I really? Some guy who's pretending to be someone he's not.

I'm surprised when I feel Summer's hand cup my face and she forces me to look up. Understanding seems to reflect from her eyes as she gives me another sad smile. She puts the flaming rose back in my hand and she forces my hand closed. She then pulls me into another protective hug with her metaphorical family.

That broke me and I feel tears falling down my face. "Why?... I'm not..."

Summer places her index finger against my mouth to silence me before removing it and continuing the hug.

What do I do?

Strangely, I feel my arms moving on their own and I find myself returning the hug. Hugging a family that isn't mine.

A family I don't deserve.

I feel myself crying harder and in response Summer hugs me tighter.

Moments pass. Just as I'm beginning to regain control of myself, there is a sudden boom and my head flies up in surprise.. A dark shape flies into the area. It's... somehow formless... yet it soon takes the vague shape of a person.

"Impressive... You were able to enter his dream as well as block me... albiet temporarilly." Says the familar voice. "If I didn't know better, I would think you a threat... However, his memory says differently. What is a dead woman doing still haunting the living? I'll have you know that's a very naughty thing according to the "Oh so mighty" brother gods."

Summer ends the hug but doesn't let go of her soft grip on my shoulder. Sending a slighly alarmed look to the figure she says something I once again can't hear.

"Oh, I won't be the one to rat on you. As far as I'm concerned the brothers can take their rules and die. In fact... I plan to be the one to do the killing.' He folds his arm. However, by being here... the combined energy from me; a god, illegally attached to a mortal host... and you. A ghost that hasn't passed on-"

Summer shakes her head forcefully before saying something with a smile.

"How?" The voice seems both surprised and impressed. "You... How did you..?'"Suddenly he lets out a bark of laughter. "If you can just... cross back long enough to see your son..."His laughter intensifies.

I blink wordlessly in confusion before glancing at my... mother. She shrugs with a loving smile.

Finally, the voice stops laughing. "Oh... that is just too rich. The foolish brothers don't even have a reign on the souls they claim to ferry. As if souls needed gods in the first place..." He smiles... somehow. A gap of light appearing in the dark shadows of his face. "In that case... I suppose my worries these years have been unfounded. How can the fools find me if they can't even keep track of their dead?"

A moment passes. The shadow being looks at me. "In any case. You are in no danger. I will retreat to the back of your mind as usual. We will speak in the morning... I imagine it will be an... interesting talk." The shadow glances to Summer. "I would recommend you don't do this again. It is too risky. I know the brothers are not above completely destroying a soul..."

The voice pauses. 'No matter. It's not for me to dwell on. What would be the fun in that? Regardless. Do not be too long. And... do take care on your way back. As amusing as this whole thing is... I would hate to see another soul needlessly crushed by their wills."

Suddenly, the shape breaks into a orb and with a loud bang, flies into the sky before disappearing.

I blink wordlessly. "I... think I followed all that but..." I groan with a sudden realization. "Fuck... Saturday somehow followed me into my sleep..."

Summer raises an eyebrow in amusement. Meeting her eyes, I hesitate.

I take a breath. "Am... I really your son?"

Summer nods with a smile.

"Even if..." I pause, taking another small breath. I send Summer a sorrowful look. "I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't originally from here. My name was... well it wasn't Beryl. I lived in another world for gods sake! Earth!" I say as my voice raises. "This was all a friggin' show where I was from! None of it was real! How...!"

I deflate. "How can you be so sure? Even if everything I know says otherwise?"

Summer's smile is soft. She moves a hand to her belly... before slowly pointing it to me.

"You... gave birth to me?"

Summer nods with a happy smile.

I laugh breathlessly. "Okay... So... Shit. I... don't really have anything to say to that... Considering that my theory of living in a Fanfiction is getting shittier and shittier." I pause. "Oh great... I'm using my first Mom's habit of cursing in front of my second Mom..."

"...That felt wierd to say."

Summer laughs silently.

A moment passes... I suddenly feel... odd. Like I'm dissolving? I look down and see that I'm fading.

A realization enters my thoughts. "I'm waking up..." I look back up to my mom. She's wearing a somber smile on her face. "Will... will I ever see you again?"

Summer doesn't respond. She just pulls me into a hug as I continue to fade.


I wake up feeling... more tired then is probably natural. My sleep seems to have done more harm than good.

'Good morning. And before you ask, yes. That was real. It seems naughty little Summer threw caution to the wind to come see you.'

I rub the sleep from my eyes. '...So. You were telling the truth. I was born here... But... why don't I remember anything? Why does it seem like I just appeared here?'

'I imagine that was a side effect of our bonding. Originally, I hid within Olivia... but...' He pauses. 'I would rather not dwell on what happened. Just know you and I were forced to bond without ceremony. Niether of us were ready for the joining... And there were some obvious side effects. Such as my being unable to speak for awhile... and obviously your memories.'

I sigh. 'Okay... Your gonna have to give me time to think on all that. I'm... still reeling from my "Summer-time" visit.'

'...Are you proud of yourself?'

I grin. 'Kinda.' I pause as a suddenly realize the voice in my head still doesn't have a name. 'So... what's your name?'

'Considering you were unable to follow the breadcrumbs to that answer... I go by Loki. Yes, it is similar to a god from your world and no. No, I am not he.'

'Oh! I think Olivia mentioned you! She said-'

Then the alarm goes off. The sound of my partner yelping fills my ears as I see him roll off the bed. He lands with a painful smack.

I wince. "Are... you okay?"

Instead of answering, Arnold rolls over to his equipment bag. Pulling out his knives, he shift them to their SMG form and blasts the alarm clock to oblivion.

Silence fills the room.

'Snrk..." I start laughing. Really fucking hard. A knock at the door leads to a grumpy Arnold answering the door. As I calm myself, the door is opened and in steps a concerned Pyrrha.

"Is everything... alright?"

I grin wildly in amusement. "Everything's fine. Arnold just finally got sick of getting scared awake by our alarm clock."

Arnold only now starts to look sheepish.

Pyrrha is silent. A moment passes. "Did... did he shoot the alarm clock?"

I chuckle, before standing with a satisfying stretch. "Yep."

'I feel... lighter. I still feel... confused. I still miss my family. But... maybe... Maybe it's gonna be okay. I may not remember some shit... and I'll deal with that bridge when I get to it. For now...'

I smile softly as a look of determination crosses my face. 'I... I have a new family. One that has been waiting for me for... years. This... is not just a story.'

'Finally. You are getting it.'

'Well... my first mom always told me I had trouble thinking outside the box. Hell, Matt sometimes called me 'simple-minded".'

'I couldn't imagine why.'

'Hush you.' I think back with a smile. Leaning down and putting on my disgarded shoes, I make my way past Arnold and Pyrrha who... seem to be saying something clock related. They pause as I go by, sending me a questioning look.

I smile in response. "I've spent the past Saturday angsting like a broody anime protagonist. So, I'm putting a stop to that for my Sunday. It's a new goddamn day and I..." I feel myself smile as memories of Summer fly through my head. "I have a new family that I'm missing... Hm... How old is Ruby?"

I smile. " Huh, I guess I'm fifteen then. Alright, fine. I've got a family I haven't had the privilage of knowing for about fifteen or so years.I got alot of catching up to do."

Smiling to myself, I leave without another word as Pyrrha sends me a knowing smile. Pulling out my scroll, I glance at the time. 10:35. I pocket my scroll as I face the door to the RWBY dorm. I pause... and turn swiftly around back to my own dorm.

"Hey, Pyrrha? Are Yang and Ruby up yet?"


So yes. Team RWBY was awake...

And spending the day... studying. That had Weiss all over it. Was I willing to take on the feral beast that was the "Ice Queen" just to get a change to hang out with my new family?

Yes. Yes I was. Even if defying the rule of the queen ment certain death.

I sigh. 'And... I'm fucking bored. I swear this walk was shorter when I was with Blake.'

'Of course it was.' Loki says... it sounds like he's smiling to himself. 'You spent most of it gawking.'

I feel my face heating up. 'I was not gawking. No gawking occured.'


Loki oes back to being silent as I turn another corner. Finally, I see the fucking Library and I think I have to surpress a happy shout of relief. Walking in I see...


'...Son of a godamn motherfu- Oh wait. There are more desk over there.' I think as I notice several more desks back behind the stacks. Making my way towards the stacks, I turn the corner and finally am greeted with the sight of Weiss, Blake and my... sisters. Only Weiss seems to be studying. Blake... well Blake is reading so... Maybe studying? Yang is playing some game on her scroll while Ruby is sitting back in her chair listening to music.

I surpress a smile. I still feel a slight sliver of guilt, but I bat it away. 'If both Loki and Summer say I'm really Beryl... that I really grew up here... Then I guess I shouldn't let my semi- fake and real amnesia get in the way.'

Fighting back a sudden and surprising surge of nerves, I make my way to the table.

Ruby spots me first. Smiling happily, she takes of her headphones. "Hi Beryl!" She shouts before Weiss... and several other I don't recognize throughout the Library, shushes her. She sends Weiss an apologetic smile. Blake looks up from her book, nods at me and then goes back to reading. Yang... oh good. Yang looks as apprehensive as I suddenly feel.

I take a breath... Then two. I approach the table. "Hey Weiss? Can I pull Yang and Ruby from your study sesh' real quick? I... need a moment to talk. Away from the Library."

Weiss... surprisingly, nods with a smile. Ruby screams "Freedom." before she's shushed again. Yang sends me a smile. One that is both excited and scared at the same time.

'Same Yang. Same.'

When we step out of the Library I exhale loudly before turning to face my sisters. "Okay... I suck at this so I'm just gonna go. I'm really fucking scared. My memories... are worse than I first thought. I remember stuff that contradicts what is apparently fact..." I take a breath before continuing. "For the longest time it felt like I was just... playing a part. In fact... I still feel... off? I don't know."

I let out another sigh. Meeting the gazes of my sisters who are listening attentively with comforting eyes.

"Listen... This may not mean the same to me... I don't have any memories of being "Beryl"" I say as Yangs face turns slightly somber. "But I... if we are really related... which is a given apparentlly. Then... I want to be a part of this family... If you guys will have me."

I feel a sudden surge of nervousness... that immediatelly becomes unwarrented as I'm pulled into another hug by Yang.

"You don't even need to ask." She whispers as she hugs me tightly. I return the hug happily. And then Ruby hugs us. We pull apart shortly after.

"Still..." I say as I scratch at my nose. "We should have Ozpin check our blood or something. I don't know. I mean... I'm pretty sure we're related now... but we should at least check.

Yang nods with a smile. "Sure. We'll stop by there later."

"But for now..." Ruby says as she starts to walk away. "We have some studying to run from. So... lets go! Race you guys to Dorm Lounge!"

A red cape like blur is soon blasting through the hall. Leaving flower pedals in it's wake. Laughing, I turn to follow...

A hand stops me. Turning, I see Yang biting her lip as she sends me a searching look. "What... changed your mind. I could tell you were conflicted about it yesterday."

I also bite my lip as images of Summer fill my thoughts. 'Should I say?'

'Why not? I doubt it would have any negative results.'

After a second of thinking, I say. "Don't tell Ruby."

Yang looks confused before she hesitantly nods. "Okaaay... Why?"

'This is a bad idea.'

"I um... had a dream. Of Mom. Our mom."

Yang seems to freeze... before she smiles widely. "You remember Mom!"

I shake my head. "No. Not really. But she was... really nice. She looked like Ruby... just with a white cloak instead of red."

Yang pauses. "She was... nice? Wait... what?"

I smile somberly. "Yeah. It felt like... she came to make sure I made the right decision."

Yang is silent for several moments. "How... how was she?" She finally asks.

I smile. "Very good I think. She seemed relatively happy... she mostly seemed upset that we were... not making with the family stuff faster." I say awkwardly. I suddenly pause before saying. "Also, I think she found my potty mouth slightly amusing."

Yang groans with a smile. "Really? You couldn't hold it in for five seconds?"

I hold back a smile, instead trying to look offended. "What? I apologized!"

My scroll starts to vibrate. I send my big sister an apologetic look as I pull it out. Looking down at the screen the name, Weiss Schnee flashes at me. I answer the call with a wince.

'Oh yeah... I was only borrowing my sisters for a small talk... Thanks for another metaphorical bus throwing Ruby.'

"Hello?" I answer. "Before you ask, I still have Yang here Ruby-" Yang promtly sends me a wink before booking it down the hall in the direction her sister had taken prior. "- Or... nevermind. Fuck me anyways. So um... Ruby used her Semblance to book it down the hall and... well Yang apparantlly wants to see me dead, she booked it just about a second ago."

The line is silent for a second. Then I hear Weiss sigh. "Whatever. I suppose we were almost done anyway." I'm silent as I hear her tell Blake she can leave if she wants. I assume that by the sound of a book quickly shutting that means Blake is leaving. "Um... Alright. Bye, I suppose...? Anyway... Beryl, is it now?"

"Um... Yeah, I guess?" I say with a small smile. "I'm... not used to it yet. But... I'm hesitantly optimistic."

"Yes well, about that." She pauses. "Are you sure you're okay? You seemed... less that enthused about the idea yesterday."

By now, I see Blake leaving the Library. She stops before giving me an odd look.

"You realize that she is litterally less than a minute walk away?" She says.

I blink. Open and close my mouth a few times. Finally I say, "Um... Now yes. Before...? Well, yes but I'm not the brightest?"

Blake shakes her head with a small smile before she starts to leave.

"Are you seriously just outside the Library?"

"...If I lie, will you believe me?" I respond.

I hear Weiss snort on the other end. "No." She says simply. I hear her move on the other end and-

My scroll makes a click sound as the call ends. 'Well... Rude.'

Not even a full ten seconds passes before Weiss emerges from the Library. She gives me a look. A look I can only describe as... amusement mixed with... "How the hell are you so stupid?".

"Really?" She says simply.

In response, I hold up my scroll. "You know, most people say goodbye when they hang up." I smile widely when she rolls her eyes.

"So, where did your... sisters head off to?" She asks as she folds her arms.

"Um..." I pause. For some reason, the sister comment throws me off guard. Maybe because it came from Weiss? "The Dormitory Lounge... Or at least that's where Ruby was going. Yang...? I don't know. I think she mostly wanted to get me in trouble."

Weiss nods before she walks by. She pauses before turning to glance back at me. "Are you heading there as well?"

"The Dorm Lounge?"

Weiss tilts her head as if annoyed. "No, I mean the Cafeteria. Yes, I mean the Lounge!"

I smile. "That's not how you make friends Weiss."

She glares at me in response. I Smile wider. "But, yes. I was planning on heading there."

Weiss lessens her glare. "Well, I hesitate to ask now... But would you like to walk with me?"

I blink for a second. "Um... sure."

She nods and begins walking. I follow shortly after.

Several moments pass as we turn the first corner.

"You never answered my question." She says with a quick glance my way.

"Which one?"

She sends me a small irritated glance. "Earlier, I asked how you were feeling? I know that yesterday you seemed unhappy with the whole... "Beryl" thing. You acted fine when everyone was around but... I saw you when you thought no one was watching. You looked angry... and sad."

Weiss finishes with a pointed look. Her eyes however don't look unkind.

"Yeah... about that..." I scratch my head with a sigh. "I had some... reservations...? I guess? Is that the right word?" I pause. "Anyways... I slept on it and... well I'm fine now." I grin towards Weiss. "Mostly just excited... and nervous? There's alot of both."

Weiss' Light Blue eyes search my face before she nods, seemingly satisfied. She looks away, facing back in front of us. I stare for a moment before I do the same.

A moment passes. "So..." I begin awkwardly. "What were you all studying?" I scramble for a topic. But... now that I've said it I'm actually somewhat interested. "Since, well, we've mostly just done easy busywork so far."

What I said was true. Even I, a casual RWBY fan with like... zero knowledge of actual important Remnant facts could keep up.

"I've had us reviewing for what's to come. Prep work." Weiss says without looking at me. "Well... I've been trying." She makes a face. I'll call it... "Weiss is annoyed number one".

"...Do Ruby and Yang skip out often?" I assume.

"Ruby more than Yang." Weiss says with a short glance my way. "Blake... she stays for the studying but..." She sighs.

She sends me another glance. "I've been... trying to be accomedating. Be friendly. But she can't seem to be able to get away from me fast enough." Weiss says. She doesn't sound upset but...

I shove my hands in my pockets as I think of a safe response.

"I mean it's expected I suppose." Weiss says with a soft... almost sad smile. "I am a Schnee after all."

I don't know why that angers me as much as it does.

"So?" I say. "Who cares what shit comes attached to your name? You're your own person." Weiss's head whips in my direction. Everything slows before I click my Semblance off again. Her eyes widen somewhat. I try to send her a carefree smile. "I mean... I count you among my new friends. I'd... like to at least pretend I'm a good judge of character."

Weiss stares at me for a moment before she smiles softly and looks away. I swear her eyes are twinkiling somewhat. "Thank you Beryl."

"Anytime." I say with a smile. All the while I ignore the... something in my stomach that is resembling nerves.


Making it back to the Dorms Lounge, we walk in to the sight of Ruby, Yang and... Jaune? Yep. They seem to be playing... some kinda card game involving Grimm and kingdoms or something.

Ah. And there was Nora and Ren... making... something in the kitchen.

None of them seem to have noticed us yet.

Weiss sends a halfhearted glare towards Ruby and Yang. I lean over. "Wanna give 'em a scare? Can't promise it'll work on Yang... but I think it will on Ruby." I whisper.

Weiss... smiles evilly before she nods to me. I whisper my extremely simple plan.

A moment passes. I take a large breathe of air in as Weiss gets into a running stance.

I exhale. And then. "GET HER WEISS!"

Everyone jumps in surprise... and I think I hear some silverware dropping in the kitchen. On cue Weiss charges into a sprint at Ruby as all heads turn to us.

"ACK!" I hear Ruby shouting. "I'msorryIskippedstudyingWeiss!Pleasedon'tkillme!" I'm... not quite sure what Ruby's shouting as she super-speeds her way behind our older sister for protection. The gust of wind from this causes the card and peices of whatever game they were playing to fall into the floor... at varying speeds.

Weiss stops. Sending a satisfied smirk Ruby's way. Yang... honestly looks like she's struggling to hold back laughter for her sisters sake... Meanwhile Ruby looks... hesitantly optomistic to not be dying.

All I know is I'm grinning wildly.


"Dang." Jaune says forlornly as he looks at the cards in his hand. "I was winning..."

Yang finally breaks out into snickers. Weiss sends me a smiling glance before she walks to a nearby chair and... sits down all dignified like. I just walk to the open spot on the couch near Yang and fall in.

"Reeeen! The mixing spoon fell!"

"I can see that Nora."

"...I'm gonna lick it."

"Nora... no." I smile, glancing back towards the kitchen. Thankfully... and surprisingly, Nora seems to be joking. Ren... sends he a fond smile as she picks up said obect before tossing it in the sink."

"Enjoy your walk back with Weiss?" Yang says with a teasing smile.

I smile back. "Well considering I'm not dead? Yeah."

Weiss rolls her eyes. "I'm not THAT scary." She grumbles to herself.

"Keep telling yourself that sweetie."Yang says with offhand wave in Weiss's direction.

Weiss grumbles again, but she smiles so... yay?

I see Ruby carefully make her way to the chair to my left while she keeps an eye on Weiss. Weiss in turn, raises an eyebrow. She also smiles evilly. I see Ruby gulp.

And then I see Weiss giggle to herself. She waves off Ruby with a carefree smile. "I've had my fun. Your fine."

Ruby sighs in relief before shequickly sits in the chair. Then she slowly... and annoyingly, scoots it across the room to be next to me. She sends me a sad puppy look.

"That was mean." She says. "Betrayed by my own twin..."

I cross my arms and say in a gravilly voice. "You left me to die. I found this to be only fair."

Ruby sends me a glare. "But you sicc'd Weiss on me!"

I shrug. "In a way, so did you. We're even."

Ruby sends me a halfhearted glare. "Well..." Says Yang to my right, I turn my head. "I left you to Weiss... where's my punishment?" Her smile is challenging.

I look at Weiss. She sends me a happy carefree smile... One that... is honestly TOO carefree...

I chuckle. "Um... From the look of things... That... will be handled by someone NOT called Beryl." I lean into the couch. Yang suddenly looks a tad bit more worried.

"I... I'll be fine." Yang says.

"Woman, she knows where you sleep." I say with a tired grin. Now that I was comfortable, I seemed to be... really tired. Last nights... lets say, "busy sleep" didn't really do much for me after the day that was yesterday. I yawn to myself.

Yang's head shoots to me. "Tired?" She looks... way more worried then should be warrented.

I nod. "Yeah. Last night's..." I send her a pointed look. "Odd dream didn't help me much in the way of rest."

Yang slowly nods her head. She gives me a caring smile. "Take a nap. I promise I won't let Ruby get you back for scaring her... at least until you're awake again."

"Aww..." Ruby whines. Turning my head, I see she's directly behind me; holding a pan of what I assume is cold water. Sh makes a face before scurrying back to the kitchen. I send my new older sister a grateful smile.

I shut my eyes... And doze off way sooner than I intended.