
I don't own squat

A week later

After all this time he hadn't taught them anything new, no chakra control, taijutsu, and ninjutsu. All he has done was take them on D rank missions. Even then he would read his stupid books or stare at them creepily. While she had Hinata to help with her calligraphy she still needed a teacher. There is only so far one can go without one, only so far one to make it alone.

'I need to learn more to become stronger, and I couldn't do that by doing small missions with a sensei that wouldn't teach'

" Team seven. Another mission successfully completed."

Ignoring what Kakashi-sensei was saying to the Hokage at the moment, as it was routine to me now. Sensei would say those same words to the Hokage and then either grab another mission for them to do or send them home.

Only thing I enjoyed about the missions so far was the pay, it wasn't much but it felt nice to be earning my own money. Suddenly noticing how quiet the room had become I glanced up to see everyone staring at me.

"so… what did I miss...?" Naruto laughed nervously'

"Well Naruto, since it's still early we will be going on another mission." Kakashi-sensei said

Noticing that it was around noon she sighed to herself, today was actually a very warm day for Konoha. Hopefully the mission was indoors, sorting paper or something.

No such luck unfortunately, they were stuck on garden duty pulling out weeds. With the hot sun beaming down on them it was hard not to strip off her jacket. Glancing around noticing that Sakura and Sasuke were a good distance away, she shrugged off her jacket and tied it around her waist.

Crouching back down to pull out weeds Naruto decided to turn this useless mission into a training one. Concentrating on making a thin gold chain come out of her finger, she then used it to drilling into the soil around the weeds root. It took a few times to get the chain to properly uproot the weed but once it became easy, she decided to add more chains. Once she had her whole hand manipulating a chain from each finger, she started extending them in front of her by a few feet to get some weeds without having to move around in the hot sun. "what are you doing" asked a voice directly to the left of Naruto

Shrieking she lost concentration and quickly whirled around to see Kakashi-sensei staring intently at her. "Huh Naruto asked her heart still racing

I asked what were you doing, well more specifically why are you using chains to pull out the weeds

"Ohh I thought it would be a good idea to train with my chains."

Kakashi just stared which unnerved her

"When did you start making them?"

"Um a little over a year ago I was fooling around with friends and was in a tough spot'

Thinking back, I remember desperately wanting to get to the ground to avoid Kiba's attack and to my surprise I had created a chain that attached to the ground and pulled me to it.

"So how do you do it?"

Staring at him a few seconds without answering

"I really just push chakra out of my body and it comes out as a chain, I'm not sure how big or little I can make them, which is why I was using them to pull out weeds, this is the smallest I ever made them."

Kakashi-sensei nodded his head in understanding and walked back to his spot in the shade of the tree without another word.

'That was weird he has never shown interest in me, anything for that matter why start now.'

Quick to finish the mission and very sweaty despite how quickly they managed to get it done, team seven was once again turning in another successful mission.

This was the part Naruto enjoyed the most, she would get paid and hopefully be on her way. Kakashi-sensei seemed to have other plans all together as he asked for a C rank mission. Suddenly she was paying attention glancing at Sakura and Sasuke they had a very similar expression on their faces. Who would have thought Kakashi-sensei would ask for a C rank!

"Are you sure Kakashi?" the Hokage asked.

"I think they are ready." Kakashi said while reading his little orange book.

"Well we have one here that's ready to go, it's an escort mission to the Land of Flowers. You'll be escorting Princess Sumire- "

"We'll take it Jiji! When do we leave?!" Naruto interrupted

"Slow down Naruto, you don't have all the details yet." The Hokage admonished.

"But Jiji it's a princess please please please can we have it?!" dropping down to her knees Naruto pleaded.

Sighing Kakashi-sensei turned to the Hokage "We'll take it Hokage-sama."

"Ok here's the scroll with the mission details, the Princess's nanny wishes to leave while the sun is still up or preferably tomorrow morning since the princess needs a full night of rest."

"Nanny?" Sakura's voice floated through the air. Just catching up on that fact as well Sasuke turned to Kakashi-sensei expectedly.

Opening the scroll reading through it quickly he stated "The princess is three years old."

"No, it's a babysitting mission!" Naruto cringed.