I have no idea if it's good story or not. Alternative Universe. There will be some stelena but it's a kelena ff.

It was already more than six years that Elena and Stefan were a couple and two years they moved in together. They met at the university, it was a love at first sight. They loved each other passionately, they were inseparable, it was the model couple for all, first love and all that was the most beautiful. From friendship to love. They were like soul-mates, they would end their lives with each other, they would have a family, a good life.

Elena was a doctor at Mystic Falls Hospital and Stefan a high school literature teacher. But this beautiful teen love has gradually turned into a nightmare. In recent days, the couple only shared arguments, jealousy and anger. Elena often cried alone in bed while her boyfriend preferred hanging out with her brother Damon, having fun in the local bars, drinking and returning at dawn. They had different schedules which did not help their already fragile relationship. She had no idea if the man cheated on her, he disapproved of the words of the brunette. The last time, he was so furious that he had exploded a drink on the floor and then again, he run away like a coward. Elena did not know if they had to break up, she cared about him, but she did not know if she still loved him, in any case, she could not trust him completely. He did not help to appease her doubts. His man smelled feminine perfumes, he had suspicious calls, moreover, he was very appreciated by his students.

Elena sighed, the only weekend that she was free, her companion had gone with his friends to hike? But was it the case? And if he went to see his mistress or another woman? Gilbert had tried to see his mobile phone but oddly, he had a password, however, he did not hesitate to see her calls, unlike him, she had nothing to hide. She stopped cleaning the dishes when she cut her palm with the knife, blood abundantly flowed, she winced as she passed cold water over her wound. She was ridiculous, she looked for the first aid kit and put a cream and a bandage. Why did she put herself in such a state for a man?

Moreover, because of Stefan, she saw less and less her friends, but they also had their own lives. Elena found herself alone, with only companion her tiring job. She did not go out, she was too tired by her on-call duty, she stayed at home when she only was twenty-eight. She would never have thought that she would become so lethargic and eels much more comfortable at home. She needed to change, she could not stay like that anymore.

Elena went to her room, it had been weeks since Stefan had come into their bed, he preferred to stay in the living room watching television. How long did not they have sex? She did not miss it, she had no desire to be touched again by her boyfriend and it seemed that it is reciprocal.

Elena peered through the window when she heard an engine, an unknown car parked in front of the Wells' house, a red Porsche. The previous tenants had moved out a few months ago, maybe it was their new neighbor? The brunette inspected the newcomer, she saw out of the vehicle on the driver side a young brunette, slender and thin. She was beautiful but especially sexy. She was wearing tight black pants, black boots, a burgundy corsair, and a black jacket. She had long, curly brown hair. She stretched her arms behind her neck and went to her trunk to get out her stuff, we could see boxes, not so many but it was not surprising with the smallness of her vehicle.

Elena thought she was going to greet the newcomer and help her carry her things, she had nothing special to do. That would bring her out of her monotony for a moment, and what if she were friends with this beautiful stranger? She smiled, it had been a long time since she had been enthusiastic for anything. She quickly went down the stairs and unlocked the door of her home to join the brunette who grabbed a cardboard and took it out.

"Hello." Elena politely smiled as her interlocutor put her box on the floor. Her way of smiling, it was provoking, the way she looked up and down, Elena felt shy and could not help but blush, it had been a long time that she had not had such an interest in her, or she was simply unmoved or preoccupied with her own problems to notice it.

"Hello." The voice answered, her voice shook Elena. This woman was so attractive, the way she tilted her head to the side, again with that mischievous smile showing her white teeth and when she crossed her arms. Gilbert swallowed hard. She was so perfect, her skin flawless, an oval face, a nose at the right proportion as her lips.

"I'm your neighbor, I live in front of your house, my name is Elena. Elena Gilbert." The named stammered, who reprimanded herself, normally she was not so nervous.

"My name is Katherine. Katherine Pierce. "

"Katherine ... it's nice to meet you ..." Elena repeated more for herself than her mate. But the woman obviously appreciated the young woman who approached her, she smirked at her.

"Pleasure is all mine." Elena was petrified when Katherine was only inches away, she used her finger to touch Elena's cheek. She gasped and closed her eyes, she cannot move or dare to do anything.

"You had foam on your cheek." Elena slowly opened her eyes, she did not realize she was not breathing, and she looked at her finger and saw the foam, probably washing up liquid, it was just embarrassing for a first impression. Katherine gently blew the foam away.

"Uh, thank you. Do you need help with your boxes? "

"No, it'll be fine. But do you have a beer or a bottle of water? I'm dying of thirst and I do not have time to do my shopping, it's very hot today." To prove her point, Katherine took off her jacket and ran her fingers lasciviously against her neck, a few drops of sweat scattered. Elena attentively stared at the skin and shook her head, what was wrong with her?

"Yes, I will bring you one." Elena almost ran away, her neighbor nibbled her lower lip.

"My neighbor is really cute, I could devour her. Mystic Falls does not look so boring. "