He stepped outside the confines of the taxi.

It was quite a relaxing drive to be honest, realizing he hadn't seen the ever familiar streets in what felt like so long—four years, to be exact. The cherry blossoms he'd been dying to see, the rushing yet quiet traffic that was so different from the busy streets of New York and London. Even just the smell in its own was much like the Tokyo he remembered.

The ever familiar reporters, however, were less relaxing and more mentally taxing. As the feeling could easily be compared to dealing with a suspect that just wouldn't talk—they had so much to offer, yet absolutely nothing of use. Like tax collectors but for information.

But he was getting off task. Preparing his best camera ready smile (his mom had helped with that in LA), he focused his attention towards his newest obstacle—the only thing separating him from his first edition collection of Holmes.

"Is it true that in your recent years abroad, you've been training with the FBI in America?" a reporter asked him, only one out of many within the strategically placed ambush just outside his house. He'd thought he was safe if the airport being empty was anything to show for, but leave it to the media to find him at his stead in alternative. Shinichi wondered briefly how that information had been made public and sighed. Thanks mom.

"Yes," he said, letting out a shallow exhale. "Within the past 4 years I've made every effort to become a greater influence in the justice system, that is, developing my skills as a detective and learning multiple other physical tactics with help from the FBI."

He gave a bright smile and saw the cameras instantly go off (this time he really could thank his mom). Sensing the opportunity, he made a bee line for his gate and with a quick turn around from the cameras made it safely with his hand on the latch.

However, not before long he could hear the specific tone that New York and London never seemed to be able to replicate whoop from behind him. Shinichi took his hands away from the lock and, recognizing the car, gave a brief smirk. A certain group of investigators, and detective, quick to come to his rescue as well as welcome.

The car was quick to drive by, windows rolling down, "Aight folks, shows over, if you got anymore questions save it for the next case, cuz we got one hella tired detective in front of us." the thick voice cut through the now open window. There were some things a phone just couldn't replicate either. He grinned.

"Hattori! Just in time for a coffee! You up for some 4 year old espresso?" He yelled over the crowd of frustrated reporters.

The tall, dark-skinned detective jumped out of the backseat of the red car, and the reporters made way for the strong youths' presence. Hattori had surely grown in the past few years–his facial features more chiseled, cheekbones a little higher, giving the appearance of maturity... but if he was still looking at the guy who tried to eat a whole potato raw (Shinichi still doesn't know if there was an actual reason...?), then he would be the judge of that.

Sax hat securely in place over his dark colored hair that ruffled underneath, and eyes still piercing green yet slimmer than before, he gave a sharp look. The only main difference had been the small scar going above his left lip and just nearing his chin, but it surely wasn't noticeable enough to change the way people looked at him. Definitely a story Shinichi couldn't wait to hear about though. (From Kazuha).

The crowd of reporters knew who he was, and goes to show he'd also been making a name for himself all across Japan in Shinichi's place. Although, he didn't encounter nearly as many cases, Shinichi still heard about some fairly interesting ones that he'd never even thought were possible. Hattori had solved them all, but he still remained the great detective of the west. Not allowing any reporter to give him the title of 'east', unless they were comparing who was better, of course.

Their eyes met, and they both grinned at each other as they immediately toppled one another into a hug. Cameras flashed, hoping to maybe transform the story into 'a gathering of great detectives' or something of the sort, but all Shinichi could feel was the reuniting bond between him and Hattori. Each with their own, yet grins seemingly identical, they could almost burst out in laughter. It'd surely been too long.

Finally releasing, Hattori kept his hand on Shinichi's shoulder. "It's good to see you Kudo," he said, meeting the others gaze with only heartfelt feelings to display.

"You as well, Hattori." The eastern detective shifted his eyes towards the car now parked on the side of the road next to them.

Exiting the vehicle he saw a very excited looking Sato, along with a hands-full Inspector Takagi. Case files, Shinichi thought to himself, certainly not unexpected. He did understand how very much the force would be glad to receive his aid once again, and wouldn't be making complaints anytime soon. They walked up towards the gate him and Heiji had just entered, and Shinichi gladly let them in. They were long time friends, so to speak.

As Conan, the pair had always been suspicious of the little boy's intelligence, Takagi more so than anybody on division one. The man never truly judged him for his size, and looking back on the time when they were both stuck in an elevator disarming a bomb, he had no doubt the officer had the right to know his true identity. As for Sato, she also had a willing right (not like Takagi would be able to keep his mouth shut either), and with the fall of the Black Organization, there was no longer any danger in letting them know. If anything, it served to preserve the bond between them and Conan. Not just as colleagues, but as friends.

A few minutes later and they were inside. Hattori had grabbed kudo's luggage, insisting he take it, with Takagi and Sato following suite. The door shut from behind them all, muffling out the still raging reporters, and Shinichi, expecting to see countless cobwebs, walked into a spotless mansion that looked to be kept under great care.

"Everyone chipped in to make sure you wouldn't have a whole day of cleaning ahead of you," Hattori said, warm grin on his face while observing Shinichi's stunned expression.

"What'd they offer you Hattori, free food?" The two both laughed and Hattori could only congratulate the detective on his very accurate deduction. No doubt Ran's cooking had been on the menu.

Shinichi turned towards the two inspectors in front of him. They'd obviously been promoted, but with Megure still not retiring there wasn't much change within division one, aside from a certain relationship escalating.

"So, marriage?" He looked towards the engagement ring on Sato's left-ring finger.

She smiled at Shinichi and gave Takagi an unimpressed look. "Well it was about time. This idiot couldn't possibly drag me on forever now could he," Sato said, letting out a small chuckle.

Takagi turned and frowned. "Sato-san, calling me an idiot in public is mean and doesn't show affection very outwardly in–"

"That's future Mrs. Takagi to you, Wataru," she cut in, smirk firmly in place. Takagi, on the other hand, turned bright red. They still hadn't changed.

"Nevertheless, it's so good to see you both," Shinichi added, only laughing at the pair. "You don't know how nice it feels to see some familiar faces after so long. Thank you."

"Well we figured knowin' yer kaa-chan, yer arrival would be all over the news and we could at least lend a hand ya know," Hattori mentioned, drawing the detective of the east's attention back to himself.

"Well you figured right on that one. Once again, I thank my mother for not being able to keep her thoughts to herself in front of the media," he frowned, "I swear she does it on purpose..." he added, mumbling.

"Anyways Kudo-kun, we especially came to drop off a few cases we've been working on, if you're willing...?"

"Of course, Takagi-keiji."

"Perfect! In any case, we're so glad to have you back. It's never really the same without either you or Conan-kun to greet us at each scene." he grinned.

Sato laughed. "Couldn't have said it better. Come down to the station anytime you like Kudo-kun, but we're sure that'll be relatively soon with your record..." Shinichi's eyebrow started to twitch. "Oh we're just teasing!" She made her way to the door. "Be sure to get a good night's rest Mr. international detective, and we can't wait to be working with you again, or at least he can't. Means no more Megure-keiji putting him on the tuff cases."

"Sato-sannn!" He basically whined as she dragged him back out the door laughing.

The door shut behind them and Hattori was nearly on the ground from laughter. "Hahaha! Conan-kun! Ya were so tiny!"

His eyebrow started to twitch once more.

Hattori would be staying the night, making himself comfortable in the guest room he'd usually stayed in when visiting the Kudo residence. (In short, he had his own room at his house, since the amount of times he visited were endless. How he managed to travel to Beika so many times, well, Shinichi blamed the bottomless funds of the Osakan's travel account).

Shinichi himself was about ready to crash, and Hattori had made comfortable in his library with a book–correction: many books–and would most likely fall asleep reading them. Eventually morning would come and that's when Shinichi needed his rest most, because the girls were surely eager to see him.

God pray for his soul, the Osakan thought to himself.

In the morning, Shinichi awoke to some freshly brewed coffee, made by none other than one Hattori Heiji. Thinking it'd be absolutely disgusting, considering the expiry date of the stuff in his house, it'd been surprisingly good. He hummed in delight, later learning he'd borrowed some from the professor who, speaking of, was on their first to meet list.

He'd gone over to Agasa's at around noon. He hadn't wanted to get out of bed but the coffee eventually got him, thus he met with the older Agasa (still forever unchanged in physical appearance). He'd been dreading and looking forward to his meeting with Haibara, as he knew it'd be good to see the little angry child comment wittily around him, but he also knew he'd have to be tested as soon as she laid eyes on him. Thankfully they were cleared in under an hour, not without a few 'don't do anything else stupid, Kudo-kun's' from the mad scientist, but eventually leaving enough time to meet up with the girls over at Ran's.

Exchanging goodbyes, he left Agasa's with a couple new gadgets, while him and Heiji made their way over to the Mouri detective agency where he'd meet up with his long-missed childhood friend, Mouri Ran.

Walking down the street had him and Heiji at a loss. With rather unfortunate attempts at drawing less attention by the use of baseball caps and sunglasses, it was much like a covert mission in the form of sad disguise and easily fooled, but sometimes didn't, reporters. Heiji, of course, persistent on wearing his Sax hat, was the most likely reason they got spotted.

The paparazzi were all over them just outside the detective agency, almost making it to the doors before Heiji gave him a clear sign to flee. "Just meet me back here in 5, I'll have this sorted out in no time after I answer a few–" his voice faded out as Shinichi started running opposite Hattori's direction, not looking forward to the magazine/news reporters attention (after the fifteenth explaination on the big case, he was pretty sure they'd never stop). He ran around a corner turning a sharp left, only before startling as he ran past a familiar face.

His face, he thought.

Looking back to what he was sure was a mirror, their eyes met and the other just smiled. And correct him if he was wrong, but he was pretty sure mirrors didn't do that. Because that smile was something else–something entirely unheard of appearing blindingly on the strangers' face–and Shinichi was sure he could never replicate that.

The man in front of him, however, created it with ease, as he smiled back with his wild, chocolate brown hair along with many features that looked much like his own. However, a big difference would be his host to a large pair of indigo colored eyes that Shinichi couldn't take his eyes away from. They almost glowed, as he peered into the other boys irises, pondering the origin of the colour. It wasn't till the other man coughed that he noticed he'd been staring.

"Something caught your eye?" He asked casually, tilting his head in confusion.

Even his voice ushered the silkiest tones, and Shinichi was struggling to peal his eyes from the other man's mouth, that is until he actually registered the words. His face flushed immediately. He didn't normally make such regretful mistakes during observations, but the similarities had baffled him–and he was still smiling.

"Er– sorry, it's just you, uh, looked familiar is all..." he found himself caught up by another quick gaze of the boy, this time head to toe.

Even the two of them had a similar physique, however while Shinichi was wearing a casual suit with only dress shirt and blazer, the other was wearing a dark purple dress shirt tucked into perfectly fitted, black dress pants with a silver clasp belt. He looked like something straight from the cover of Vogue magazine but better, because his shirt corresponded perfectly with his indigo eyes of impossible shade and it made it even harder to lessen the strong gaze Shinichi now held.

For that, he found himself mentally crying.

"Ah yes, a misunderstanding perhaps... Hm?" The obvious model said, he had a sparkle in his eyes at the detectives reaction.

Shinichi swiftly shook out of his trance and straightened his posture, quickly fixing his gaze to that of an 'actually observing, not staring' detective. "Ah, yes, must have been. Sorry for bothering you..."

Yet there was a thought that wouldn't leave his mind, it was odd. "However I–"

And at that, he heard scowering footsteps from behind the corner, the reporters once again finding him, and the man before him seemingly disappearing into the crowd.

"Those eyes..." he pondered to himself as he took a seat within the detective agency. He shook off the thought when he realized everyone had been looking at him.

Balloons and small confetti crackers had gone off and continued to take up a good amount of space in the room of the agency, while continuing to litter the air. Nothing below the sorts of welcome parties Mouri Ran could hold, especially when it came Shinichi.

First he'd seen had been from his big case, and of course that hadn't gone as planned. With the Conan news it was more of a welcome 'back' as oppose to the real welcome back she'd been expecting to throw. She hadn't, however, been expecting to throw punches as alternative, but it made up for a few lies here and there and they made up in the end with the mutual agreement on familial terms between the two.

The girl in question, however, was now sporting a frown. "Shinichi, are you ok?" Ran said, leaning forward on the couch across from him to closer inspect the boy.

"Ah, yes, sorry I was just uh, thinking about a case," he said, hoping to brush the topic off.

Just as Ran's frown grew, the person he'd been least excited to see finally spoke her mind (seems he'd been saved). "It's always case this, case that with this guy. Honestly Ran I don't even know why you bother hanging around the guy when he only thinks about cases all day," Sonoko said from across the room, leaning on the door they'd just come in from.

Shinichi had mostly been dreading his meeting with Sonoko. Sure, she was one of Ran's best friends, but that didn't help the fact that she was a highly annoying, somewhat psychotic, love-obsessed best friend. Not to mention, she had a deep and brewing hatred for Shinichi, even as Conan she never really liked the guy. Surely he could think of a few other reasons as to why they hadn't told her his true identity, but unless he had hours to spare, he wasn't all for voicing his opinions on the matter.

"Sonoko! Don't be rude when he just got back!" Ran pouted. Shinichi could already see the beginning of another thoughtful debate about himself and his work.

Nothing's changed in their relationship, to say the least.

"Oi, oi... ladies, cut the guy a little slack," Hattori cut in, showcasing one of the many reasons as to why they were best friends. "He's obviously tired from just getting back and has been fending off reporters all day. It's possible he's currently not right in the head, since he's thinking of new cases already, am I right Kudo?" Shinichi frowned at him in response but gave him a quick nod to show his thanks.

"True, true..." Sonoko only rolled her eyes, until she perked up to look directly at Heiji. "Say how'd you get past the reporters anyways?"

At that, Heiji's eyes quickly left everyone's gaze in favor of looking out the window, clearly in avoidance. Shinichi could already sense a long discussion being brought his way. Kazuha, on the other hand, had caught on way before anyone else.

"Heiji..." Kazuha began dangerously. "You better not have said anything about an upcoming event..." her voice grew quieter with each word as her face began to blush.

"Ba-Barou, I wouldn't do that," he looked towards Shinichi, then quickly turned back to her, "I only told em' some stuff on Kudo they may not have, uh, heard."

"Which would be?" Shinichi narrowed his eyes, already expecting something that would come back to haunt him.

"Well, let's see... A couple of yer likes, dislikes, favourite colour, what ya see in the perfect relationship, that sort of thing–"

"Wait, what?!" Shinichi blurted out, absolutely baffled once the words had been processed. "You gave them information on who I'd wanna date?" Shinichi looked furious, and Heiji was clearly about to book it out the door.

"I– I just gave em' a few basic things most people look for..." he was hesitant on his explanation, and was acting more like a frightened rabbit than a veteran detective. "Its nothing major, it's just the question happened, and then they all wanted the same info, and it seemed the only way to shut em' up was to give em' what they wanted, and–"

"Ok, ok... I get it Hattori, you did what seemed like your only option. I suppose it'll keep them at bay for a little while before they come looking for more anyways." Shinichi tried to calm his nerves, trying his best to think logically, but he could only think of how his mother would react. He shifted his weight on the couch. "I only hope it wasn't anything too cheesy, preferably at least–"

"Shinichi Kudo, once only a high school detective obsessed with crime, comes back to Japan with new interests. Tune in as we receive word on his 'ulterior motive' from his colleague and best friend: Hattori Heiji." Sonoko had turned on the TV after carefully investigating her phone.

A lot of different emotions circled the room at that moment. Ran and Kazuha sporting open mouths and shocked expressions at each new word. While Sonoko was nearly laughing her ass off. Heiji, on the other hand, looked like he was trying to sink into the cushion on the couch across from them all. It wasn't long before he had all eyes on him, most of the raging anger coming from Kazuha.

Shinichi could only sigh.

"Great, so now I'm Japan's most eligible bachelor seeking the heart of whoever grants my capture..." Shinichi shook his head, knowing full well his mother would never let go of it. "I'm so getting you back for this Hattori."

Heiji shuttered at the words he knew all too well meant certain death if spoken by the other detective. They were both smart, but when it came to pranks or anything involving the embarrassment of another, Shinichi would always win–most likely got it from the misses. Heiji shivered.

It wasn't until Shinichi was halfway through contemplating suicide by washing machine that Ran's voice filled the room like flowers. "Shinichi don't worry it can't be that bad," Ran said in attempt to reassure him.

"Yah, I'm sure it's more focused on your bond with Hattori than anything," Kazuha added, still looking ferociously at Heiji, nevertheless both girls trying to make the best of the situation.

"Oh, but there's more," Sonoko said with a wide grin still reading her phone–what Shinichi could only guess was a recent article on the matter. She, on the other hand, easily wanted him to burn in the flames of social embarrassment.

They turned their attention towards the TV once again and sure enough it showed a video of Hattori standing outside the agency. A few general questions were asked about the detective but suddenly it got more personal as it went on, even Hattori seemed to be getting into it as he responded, smiling brightly at his newly created persona of the other detective.

"And what types of gifts would Kudo Shinichi expect to give or receive, if given the chance to by his significant other?" The question was posed and Hattori put a hand on his chin, grinning.

"Roses, I'm sure of it. My boy Kudo loves flowers, even the thought of a red rose makes him blush, and with only that I can see anyone getting the chance to date him–" the camera slowly panned in on his face. "–If they're lucky enough to earn his, that is."

And with that, the video had ended, going on about their speculations on his perfect someone and what not. Surely nothing Shinichi had ever wanted to see on live television, but it was now something he'd have to remember in the back of his mind for eternity.

"I take it all back, saying stuff like that will only have the media wanting confirmation, plus I'm never going to hear the end of it from my mother... All in all, I'm doomed one way or the other." he sighed and stood up. "So, I guess this is a good time to go get some coffee then, perhaps to ease myself into the process of becoming a socially-doomed individual." A large sigh escaped from his mouth, as he began to make his way across the agency, heading for the door.

Ran quickly stood up after him, trying her best at a natural looking smile while locking onto Shinichi's gaze. "Great idea! I know this wonderful place just around the corner, doesn't get much attention either so it'll be perfect! Kazuha I've been wanting to show you it, care to come along?"

She stood up as well, both girl's smiles were almost identical now. "We'd love too! Right Heiji?" She gave him a certain evil eye, looking down at him, waiting for his standing as well. With a swift, nervous nod in her direction, he was up in arms with Kazuha, who was smiling even more this time. "This is so exciting Ran-chan! All of us spending our afternoon talking over coffee, sounds absolutely splendid!"

Closing the door behind him left the issue thankfully to rest... for the time being.

Shinichi spent the afternoon with his friends, having coffee and discussing many new things happening in everyone's lives. Both Kazuha and Sonoko sporting engagement rings Shinichi had heard so much about through Ran and Heiji on his travels, and as it turns out, Ran had started to date Eisuke as well. They talked of university courses–Ran following in her mothers footsteps, Heiji in his fathers... and yet, Shinichi could only feel like they all had it figured out: relationships, jobs, everything. He was the only one left without experience in both fields.

As always, he knew he'd wanted to be a detective, but whether that meant his own private business or the police force was something he contemplated all the time, he just figured he'd let whatever happened happen. But hearing everyone's plans and ideas for the future, you'd think Shinichi being as smart as he is would have been able to come up with something better.

Surely he didn't have time for a relationship. He couldn't think of a single person who he'd be able to devote his time to anyways, and especially when he was on the job trying to arrest murderers and such. God, he hoped he'd never date a murderer. (But then again, maybe at least he'd have a reason to dedicate his time).

After exchanging goodbyes with Heiji and Kazuha returning to Osaka, Sonoko to her mansion, and Ran to her new apartment near campus, Shinichi was left with a decent amount of privacy, and the mansion all to himself. At least until his parents arrived.

Yes, he was happy, per se, but he was also dreading the unpredictable situations his mother would conjure. They were in town for this huge masquerade party his father would be attending as a special guest, and at it they'd also be displaying a couple of famous books, paintings, jewels... Etc. So obviously his Kaasan would be attending as well. Just what he needed, another party for her to force him to attend. The thought made him shift a little in his chair, happy to find at least some peace while sitting in his library, book in hand.

It was always a feeling of comfort for him, to be able to sit in his leather chair, with his books, in his house... Conan had taken a tole on his identity, as he'd never truly been able to feel himself in his own home up until he'd gotten his body back, or aged a few years. The true comfort though, was the way that nothing really changed in the house aside from the amounts of dust that would pile up. It's not like his parents were there to make changes, and he'd surely never make any himself. In turn, everything was the way it should be. The thought made him further relax into his chair, flipping to the next page with a certain sense of ease. However the sensation only lasted for a few moments.

He felt a shiver down his spine and quickly tensed. The last thing the detective had expected that night was a clacking noise coming from the window behind him. He quickly turned himself around in the chair, almost like an owl, to find an unlocked window he was sure had been locked a moment ago. The gears in his head continued to process the information, but it wasn't until he heard a somewhat muffled, clapping from behind him–the hands were gloved, he noted–that he truly felt bemused. Turning back around he couldn't help but drop the serious expression on his face and meet the man in front of him with a wide grin.

The clapping didn't cease as the man grinned as well. Dressed in his shining, custom white suit, blue shirt, red tie... The thief had appeared in front of him out of nowhere with almost no sound in the process. He could've most likely been there for minutes without him noticing, Shinichi thought, but that idea was too much against the attention loving thief that stood before him as of now. He stood up from his chair and placed the book on the desk in front of him. Watching the infamous Kaitou KID clap before him was something he'd never thought he'd see, not to mention with a grin as wide as a Cheshire cats.

"Congratulations on a safe trip home Tantei-kun!" he said as cheerily as ever, with one last big clap. Animatedly, he placed a hand to his chin as if pondering his next words. "Or should I say... Meitantei," KID said, somehow widening his grin as his hands dropped back down.

"I should've known it was you. You're probably the only one to still get the jump on me, especially in my own home," Shinichi said, eyes meeting the darkness of KID's monocle and top hat. He could see the faint sparkle in his eyes, but unfortunately they were still gracefully covered by his mess of raven hair.

"I'm flattered meitantei, I figured you'd have already tried to handcuff me by now. You're being rather generous tonight don't you think?" he said, crafting his voice as smooth and almost purring in the echo of the library.

"Think of it as my gift to you. Only for tonight that is, that I won't try to catch you out of mutual respect," hesitating only briefly, the detective continued, "... and for what you did to help all those years back." He finished, although it came out more like a mumble.

The thief genuinely smiled and nodded his head.

They both knew they'd helped one another, but it wasn't something they'd willingly talked about before. If anything, they'd only known each other as rivals–I mean really, they'd always been rivals. But then the sudden change to allies... both of their thoughts of one another had changed as well. Had they become more than just colleagues trying to take down the same bad men–?

Friends. The word still lingered on Shinichi's mind.

"Mutual respect," the thief repeated, as if testing the words, "I see. An interesting choice of words." He immediatly recaptured his grin from moments before, shifting back from the oddly warm smile. "But aren't you at all curious as to my sudden visit within your humble abode, meitantei? Or perhaps even my sudden visit to Japan after so long?"

It's true, and he'd nearly forgotten that fact. With Shinichi being abroad for all those four years after the organization fell, KID had followed, mostly becoming active all across Europe. Back to Paris, Italy, he'd even gone to America. And even though Shinichi knew he'd found what he was looking for–Shinichi had even seen him destroy the gem–the thief still continued his games of cat and mouse.

Sure he was curious at his sudden return, but he knew the thief's tactics all too well, and he wasn't going to immediatly join in on his game. Following his new thoughts, Shinichi returned to his chair and sat down, picking up the book he'd been going through, acting as if the thief wasn't even there.

He could tell he'd caught KID's attention, as he heard his feather light footsteps walk slightly closer towards him.

Even after having not seen him for years, his flamboyance was still as dazzling as ever. He could sense the challenge in the thief's voice. Their rivalry had never truly ceased, both had just been absent. The game was still on, he told himself, and even a simple conversation meant gaining the upper hand at their next meeting under moonlight.

He chuckled. "I figured you weren't just here for a visit. So I suppose I'll humor you then Kid," he said, placing the book down on the desk once again.

The thief grinned, this time a little wicked, as if he knew all along those words would flow from his mouth. Although, in a split second his expression changed (Shinchi still couldn't believe his amazing poker face), his face went expressionless and almost bored. "Well, if your only listening to humor me, I guess it's not so important after all. The heist will have to wait, unfortunately."

Heist? Shinichi's mind automatically supplied. The word itself was enough to stir adrenaline in his veins. He couldn't help but remember all the exilerating chases he'd had with KID, and all the close calls each had experienced. Although, he'd never admit it to the thief himself, but KID's heists were almost like a release for him, a sanctuary where he knew no one would get hurt and he could be purely enjoyed. However, he'd only ever experienced them as Conan, and had never truly been able to play on the most equal of footing, not by physical ability at least.

Suddenly realizing the thief was nearly out the window again, Shinichi quickly perked up, still half lost in thought. "Wait a second, you're planning another heist?"


"Well, of course~! I am an internationally wanted phantom thief after all. Who would I be if I didn't host heists?" he finished, now standing over Shinichi with the moon to his back.

Shinichi could almost feel the man's breath in front of him, and his confident presence could be sensed a mile away. He was still sitting in the chair head turned and looking up at the white clad thief. With the moon at his back, light was shining through his fine, raven hair and pushing gently across the sides of his cheeks, toning his cheekbones and further excentuating his wide grin.

He was almost at a loss of words, realizing he'd lost his advantage over the conversation and was steadily falling back into the Kaitou's game. Mustering his confidence, and just quick enough to make the silence go unnoticed (hopefully), he continued, "I see your reason for tonight's visit was to appeal to a potential challenger then, am I correct?" Shinichi said, still trying to catch a glimpse of the thief's eyes.

Eyes that were once again hidden by a large grin. "My seeking of a challenger was in fact correct, but tonight's reason was more or less to give you an invitation."

At the speed of light, a card miraculously appeared in the magician thief's hands, and he extended his arm towards Shinichi in a bow (over dramatic, but just enough for the phantom thief).

He felt his face heat up slightly, and Shinchi quickly fought back the blush. The thief was personally inviting him to a heist? He hadn't recalled any past attempts at this with Conan, nor anyone else for that matter. I don't think he'd ever done that with Nakamori-keibu either.

Tilting his head up, Shinichi noticed the thief was still waiting for him to actually take the card, and he swiftly, but lightly took it from his hands. "Th-thank you," he said, not being able to suppress his still sudden surprise. He quickly gathered himself back together. "I'll be sure to attend. After all, you went to so much trouble as to personally invite me–"

"Mutual respect," KID interrupted, voice rather more serious than before. "You said it before and I do believe that it still stands when we face off with one another. You're the only person who could ever truly rival me, not even the blond counts, and it's safe to say my heists are always a little more fun with you around."

Shinichi felt a blush coming his way, and wasn't really sure what was provoking such reactions. Could it be the way his voice kept purring, or just his stance above him? Honestly there were too many factors at the moment, and he was sure it was just fatigue from the long night he'd had.

"Likewise to you as well, Kid." The thief raised an eyebrow, and his grin settled for a content smile.

"I'll be sure to give one to the task force as well. Oh, and also," with the flick of his wrist, he extended his hand to reveal a deep red rose, "It's good to finally meet you as yourself, Kudo Shinichi."

Shinichi accepted the Rose, still desperately trying to keep his cool, as the thief climbed up on the window and looked back once more.

"I officially declare our rivalry, once again, active!" he said, as if he was the centre of attention on a Broadway stage. "See you soon, meitantei~!"

At that, he leapt off with a nod of his top hat, disappeared from sight into the dark of the night sky.

Shinichi's gaze followed him all the way out the window, provoking him to get up and investigate, surely seeing nothing closely resembling the thief. He still wondered how he could pull off such acts without anyone realizing his tricks? Too cheeky for his own good, Shinichi noted.

He looked at the rose and felt something build up like a tingling sensation in his stomach. What was this feeling he was getting from the thief? Must be anticipation for the upcoming heist. He brushed his thoughts away, and fell into his bed, into a deep slumber... Waiting on the night of the next full moon.