Newfound Strength

Chapter 1: A New Feeling

Royal Woods, Michigan is what many would consider a rather swell town with its many fusion restaurants, bustling streets, and happy townspeople.

Most neighborhoods within Royal Woods are in fact quiet and peaceful, however, there is one neighborhood that happens to not receive such a luxury.

The reason for this is because of a rather large house with toys and sports equipment littered across the yard and roof.

The house was bustling with so much noise you can hear it from 3 blocks away, yes the house creating such a racket was no other than 1216 Franklin Avenue more formally known as The Loud House.

The Loud House was not a home comprised of the average husband, wife, 2 kids and pet no this house is home to a husband, wife, 11 kids, and 4 pets not counting the extra a certain daughter has within the house.

What makes this the house interesting besides the sheer number of occupants is the many different personalities of the occupants themselves.

Clad in a teal blue tank top, khaki shorts, teal blue slip-on shoes, and pearl earrings with a full head of blonde hair texting away on her phone in her and her younger sister Leni's room is none other than Lori Loud. Lori is the oldest of the siblings and due to this, she uses it to her advantage to gain leverage over her siblings, despite this and her commanding personality she loves her siblings and is willing to help them when needed. At the age of 17 she filled out quite nicely with her body, she gained a modest C cup chest but gained the hips of her mother in full force. Lori along with her two younger sisters Leni and Luna attend Royal Woods High and due to her communication skills has gained a small but well-meaning circle of friends.

In the kitchen wearing a sea green dress with long blonde hair, hoop earrings, with sea green sandals making a smoothie in the kitchen for herself is the loveable ditz Leni Loud. The second oldest and arguably the sweetest if not a bit dim. Currently, at the age of 16, Leni is a beautiful young woman whose body grew into the reverse of Lori's. Instead of gaining a large butt she gained a large DD chest with a cute butt to match giving her an hourglass figure along with Lori. Despite her beauty and intense sense of skin care and hygiene, she isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. She shares a room with her big sister Lori. She makes up for her lack of intelligence by being the sweetest she can be everywhere she goes especially to her siblings, she's also quite the savant at fashion as she is always coming up with new clothing designs and trends. She uses this skill of hers to even make clothes for her siblings on occasion.

Rocking out at max volume upstairs in her and Luan's room without a care in the world is Luna Loud. The loudest of the family and a proud anglophile stands the third oldest of the siblings. She has brunette hair fashioned into a pixie cut and wears a sleeveless purple shirt with a skull at the center along with a purple plaid skirt with a white belt, long purple boots, bracelets, and paperclip earrings. At the age of 15 Luna eats, sleeps, and breathes Rock and Roll. When it comes to her body's development she didn't gain much in terms of breasts as she stands as a B cup, but she gained a butt, hips, and thighs to rival both Lori's and Luan's. When she isn't busy rocking out with the volume on full blast she's coming up with new songs and often goes to her siblings for help with a few lyrics and often uses her family as inspiration. She has a rather laid back personality and tries to avoid unnecessary conflict, however she isn't afraid to stand up for her siblings should they be in any danger.

Telling jokes with her ventriloquist dummy Mr. Coconuts in the same room as Luna is the family comedian and prankster Luan Loud. Luan stands as the fourth oldest of the Loud siblings. She has her brunette hair fashioned into a curly ponytail and donning a white blouse with a pink flower attached to the right breast, a yellow plaid skirt, long yellow socks, brown shoes with pink flowers on the soles, and prominent buck teeth with braces that oddly tie the whole outfit together. At 14 Luan gained a body to rival most models with her d cup breasts, slender legs, and supple butt. She's constantly making puns and pulling pranks on her siblings much to their grief and her delight. Despite this, she loves her siblings to death especially her brother/source of comedy Lincoln and her sister/roommate Luna. Luan attends Royal Woods Middle School along with Lynn.

Practicing her pitching skills out in the backyard with her brother is the family athlete Lynn Loud Jr. Lynn stands as the fifth sibling in the house. her brunette hair in a ponytail and wearing her red and white jersey with 1 on the front, red gym shorts, white socks, and black and white cleats this Loud sibling screams sports. Lynn is passionate about sports to an absolute T. At 13 she is rather short in stature but she still holds a great athletic build with a toned stomach, legs, and butt. Due to most of her siblings not being athletic at all she usually turns to her brother to help whether he wants to or not. Her competitive nature can put her at odds with people but she tries to keep it in check due to past mistakes and incidences with her family as well as her sports teams. She's not really in tune with her feminine side as she sees it as 'being weak'. In terms of her relationship with her siblings, she is willing to fight for them no matter what. She harkens on her brother Lincoln the most because she sees it as 'toughening him up' much to Lincoln's chagrin.

Deep within the vents of the house writing her poems is the family goth Lucy Loud. Lucy is oldest of the younger sisters being 8 years old. Like a true goth, Lucy has long black hair that in fact cover her eyes, despite that she can see perfectly fine much to her sibling's confusion. She wears only black and white clothing such as a black dress, black and white arm sleeves, and socks, along with black shoes. She has a rather petit build along with pale skin, however, she is content with her size as it allows her to easily get in and out of small dark places. She loves everything dealing with the macabre and darkness. She expresses this by writing poems about such topics and is more than willing to share her poems and ask for help from Lincoln much to his uneasiness of the subject. She is the quietest of the family due to her personality and is often gone unseen by her family which causes them to jump in fright when Lucy announces her presence. She shares a room with Lynn despite the great contrast they make it work… well, sometimes they do.

Arguing with each other over the remote in the living room are the twins Lana and Lola Loud. Lana and Lola are identical twins at 6 years old, however, Lana was born first by a few minutes. Despite being identical twins they are polar opposites in terms of personalities and interests. Lana is a typical tomboy who likes to go outside and get dirty, play with animals, and even has interests in plumbing and car maintenance. She is the fourth youngest of the sisters under has long blonde hair tied into two pigtails and wears a red baseball cap, a blue shirt with blue overalls, and tennis pets Charles the dog, Walt the Canary, Geo the hamster, and Cliff the cat, Lana has a pet frog named Hops, a lizard named Izzy, and many more. Contrasting her twin is Lola Loud. Lola is your typical girly girl and prides herself on her appearance and status among others. Lola is the third youngest under her twin Lana (much to her annoyance). Lola is prone to scouring for private information and secrets for her own personal gain. She avidly participates in pageants and as such has adopted the mindset behind it. Like her twin she has blonde hair however she keeps it long, she also wears a tiara on her head, a long pink dress with a light pink sash across the chest that even covers her feet, white arm length gloves, and pink shoes. Lana and Lola both share another physical trait which is the gap where they're front teeth should be. Because of their contrasting personalities, they are often at odds with each other and would argue for even the littlest of things. Despite this they're roommates and even though they don't say it that much they do love each other and they're siblings very much.

Currently in her room and working on a new experiment is the child prodigy Lisa Loud the second youngest of the siblings. At a mere four years old Lisa has an astonishing high intellect and even has a Ph.D. Lisa has messy brunette hair and wears rather large glasses, a green sweater, pink pants, and brown shoes. She also speaks with a lisp has a case of astigmatism hence the glasses. Lisa is a scientist first and foremost and much to her sibling's chagrin tries to conduct experiments on them both with and without their consent. Even with her high intellect, she is prone to committing miscalculations which can cause her experiments to explode in her face. Due to her intelligence, she chooses to teach at the local college. Compared to Lucy she seems to be the most detached when it comes to her emotions but underneath her stoic face, she does, in fact, feel for siblings even though she wishes that they would strive to increase their intelligence. Well, a scientist can dream, can't she?

Laying in her crib playing with her favorite blanket is the youngest is the baby of the family Lily Loud. As a mere 1-year-old Lily is as adorable as she is a handful. With a cute tuft of blonde hair on her little head, she is surprisingly observant of her surroundings and the people around her. She is a genuinely happy baby and craves attention from her siblings and parents especially her older brother Lincoln as she is more accustomed to being in his care should the parents not be around to take her.

And last but not least the main man of our story, 'the man with the plan' if you would is none other Lincoln Loud himself. At 12 years old Lincoln is the middle child of the siblings between Lynn and Lucy. Lincoln has a rather skinny build and is taller than Lynn by a couple of inches. Lincoln has his unique white hair with his cowlick sticking up in the back, along with his orange shirt, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes with red stripes going across it. Unlike the rest of his sisters Lincoln doesn't exactly have his own skill or calling yet, instead, he helps out his sisters with their skills in hopes of him finding his own along the way. He loves his family to a fault and is willing to do anything to help them should they desire it, this does not go unnoticed by his sisters as they feel deeply touched that he would go to such lengths for them. In terms of interests, Lincoln is a fanatic of Ace Savvy and video games so much so that he is an avid collector of both. He has a habit of reading his comics in his underwear and using overly long names in his plans. Other than his sisters he hangs out with his best friends Clyde the geeky African American who are close enough to call each other brothers, and Ronnie Anne the Mexican American female who became friends with Lincoln after a confrontation in school, a forced double date, and few other weird incidents that could've ended worse than they could have but didn't. Lincoln along with Lucy and the twins go to Royal Woods Elementary School. Despite this Lincoln has been looking for a change to help him find out more about himself. Unknown to even himself he's going to find out how through the oddest of places.

Picking up where we left off with Lincoln he was currently helping Lynn with her pitching.

It was a warm Friday afternoon, the sun was shining, and a nice breeze was blowing. Perfect weather for Lynn to get some pitching practice in. Even though she was really using this weather to spend some time with her only brother.

"I'm surprised you actually wanted to help me Lincoln, I usually have to drag you out to help me practice." Said Lynn throwing the baseball to Lincoln who threw it back in return to catch it in her catchers' mitt.

"Well to be quite honest, I didn't really have much else to do. So I thought, meh, why not?" Said Lincoln, adjusting his catcher's mitt.

"Huh. No fooling? Usually, you just resort to reading your weird comics in your underwear on your bed." Said Lynn quite confused.

"Is that the only thing you think I do Lynn?" Asked Lincoln a bit offended at the remark.

"Well, it's what I usually see you doing." Said Lynn in a matter of fact tone.

"Pfft, whatever, you gonna pitch the baseball or what?" said Lincoln dismissively.

With a shrug of her shoulders and a cocky smile, Lynn says, "alright then, Lincoln, here comes the Lynnsanity pitch!" She then pitched the baseball with incredible speed and force straight to a surprised Lincoln.

"Oh, shit!" Yelled Lincoln as he puts up his catcher's mitt in hopes of catching the baseball.

The baseball soared to Lincoln dangerously fast, however, despite this, Lincoln's nervousness was soon replaced with a strong sense of confidence and determination to catch the soaring baseball.

This did not go unnoticed by Lynn who saw Lincoln with a steely resolve instead of his usual timidness.

"PUMPH" went the baseball as it was caught in Lincoln's mitt, the force of the throw pushed Lincoln back a few inches and even gave his right arm quite the shock, but otherwise he was fine.

"Woah, What, How did you catch that!?" Exclaimed Lynn as she witnessed Lincoln catch one of her hardest pitches.

"Phew! I can't believe I actually caught that!" Said Lincoln looking at the baseball in his catcher's mitt.

Lincoln wasn't sure what came over him once Lynn threw the baseball at him. All he could see was the baseball and instead of being frightened and avoiding the ball, he was standing his ground and saw the baseball as a top priority goal that needed to be caught. He doesn't know where this sense of conviction came from but he happily welcomes it if it helps in situations like this again.

"Hey Lynn, I'm going back inside, it's been fun helping you out here." Said Lincoln as he walked up to Lynn and handed her the baseball.

"Huh, oh sure... thanks, Lincoln." Said Lynn who was shaken out of her trance by what Lincoln said.

'Since when could Lincoln ever catch my signature pitch!? And what was with his face when I threw the baseball to him, it looked… intense.' Thought Lynn as she watched Lincoln enter the house.

"I wonder about you sometimes Lincoln, I truly do… ah well, all this thinking isn't helping my game." Said, Lynn, as she went to practice her pitches on the tree in the backyard.

'I'm gonna have to look further into this new feeling I experienced when I have the time, but Yakuza Kiwami is calling my name!' Thought Lincoln as he bolted upstairs in hopes of avoiding any of his sister's requests.

You see once Lincoln turned 12 he was given many different gifts from his family and friends. He was given a few comics from Lori, new clothes from Leni, a pair of orange headphones from Luna, a deck of Ace Savvy themed playing cards from Luan, boxing gloves from Lynn, a black zip up hoodie from Lucy, the twins both chipped in to get Lincoln a new pair of shoes, Lisa got Lincoln a small dry erase board for Lincoln to put in his room, his parents Lynn Loud Sr. and Rita Loud got him a new laptop, Clyde got Lincoln an orange digital watch, Bobby and Ronnie Anne pitched in to get Lincoln a few games such as Yakuza kiwami, the Batman Arkham series, and the Devil May Cry series. Lincoln was grateful for every gift he received especially so because of the is he could get out of each of them.

As Lincoln was making his way to his room he was thinking about how much he grew to like Yakuza, especially the main character, Kiryu.

He was unsure of the game at first because of how strange the gameplay was for him, however, he grew to love it as he learned about Kiryu's character and morals as well as the story surrounding it. Said character and morals inspired Lincoln to start taking a stand in his life even if the odds were against him.

He soon made it to his room and closed the door. As he was about to start his console he stopped himself and thought about the feeling he felt outside moments ago.

'That feeling of power and confidence I felt outside reminds me of when Kiryu went through that building of grunts to get to Shinji. C.. could I have taken that feeling of confidence and determination from this game?' Thought Lincoln as he looked at the game case.

He had a grin that soon stretched into a bucktooth smile.

He hoped it came from this game because if it did he wanted to know what else he could take from it.

Author's notes

Well, that was one hell of an introduction… well, at least I hope it was. I had this story rolling around in my mind for awhile and I'm happy that I got the introductions and the start of Lincoln's change underway. The select games I chose are what's going to influence Lincoln throughout the story and he will pick up traits and aspects if those game's main characters.

I'm also a reader of many Loud House fanfictions and many writers inspired me to make my own and well here it is.

I should put up this disclaimer now there will be Loudcest as well as a harem with not just the sisters but a few others as well, however, this won't happen until later in the story.

Thank you for reading my story and please review and tell me what you think or what your criticisms are. I'll hopefully see you next chapter which may or not be put up tomorrow.