Blue Cycle
Shouto let out a contented sigh, twisting his tie into a knot when soft rapping on his door interrupted his thoughts.
"Shouto." Fuyumi's cheerful voice called out.
"Come in." He regarded his sister who he hardly saw since moving into the dorms. And truth be told he missed her; she was the only good thing left in the Todoroki household.
Fuyumi tapped her fingers on the edge of the laundry basket which she carried in hand. "Looks like someone's in a good mood this morning."
"Hm." Shouto dismissed her comment for small talk since it was a given for each family member to feel at ease whenever Endeavour went out of town.
Cocking her head to the side, Fuyumi said, "I think it probably has something to do with your weekend though."
Shouto paused as images of warm smiles and freckled skin filled his mind and despite the wave of affection surging through his chest, he kept his voice flat when he replied. "Yes, we got a lot of studying done."
"Oh did you now?"
Fixing her with a narrow gaze, Shouto grew wary of his sister's tone. "Did you want something, Fuyumi?"
Fuyumi flicked him an amused look from beneath her lashes and reached into the laundry basket, holding out a pair of distinctive blue boxers dotted with 'M' symbols.
"These are not yours." Shouto swiped the boxers from her hand, his face and neck tingled with heat for not only did Fuyumi play him for a fool, she knew unnecessary details about his personal life; he would never hear the end of it now.
"They aren't yours either...and do send my regards to Midoriya." Fuyumi's laughter bubbled over as she slipped out of the room, avoiding a sheet of ice.
A/N: Thank you for reading.