Okay, this one has a few trigger warnings on it. Date rape drugs are used in this chapter, though there is no actual rape. Lucifer puts a stop to that before it happens. Also, warning for homophobic language and implied emotional abuse. And I can't believe I haven't put this story up here yet. It is updated slowly for the most part, because I am writing it out of order, but several chapters are in order and ready. Currently writing occasionally on the next part.

This fic is a series of one shots based around Lucifer helping his clients and workers at Lux through both bad and good things.

Helping Hand

Christian - Date rape

Someone was bored.

It was the first thing Lucifer thought and all he could think of as he entered his nightclub for the night. It was still early evening and already the place was packed with people, just the way he liked it.

What he didn't like was boredom, and he especially didn't like bored patrons.

Still, the young man sat at the bar, with a drink of what looked like coke in front of him. Hopefully with an alcoholic beverage included. He refused to have someone in his club not having fun of any kind.

Naturally, seeing as he still had a half hour until he would go to the piano and perform his set, he found himself gravitating towards this stranger. If anything he could at least get the man talking.

Taking a seat next to the newest person to peak his interest, he could smell the vodka in the drink in front of him.

"Hello," he said as he got himself a glass of whiskey from the bartender working that night. Patrick was on top form, having it ready for him as soon as he sat. The lad was definitely getting better since Maze had quit and he got top position at the bar.

The young man, barely out of boyhood, sighed. "Hi."

"I haven't seen your face around here before. Are you legal?" The man didn't look any older than 18 and the last thing he needed was the detective walking in with him serving drinks to someone under the age of 21. That was a stupid law. 18 was fine nearly everywhere else, why not in America too?

"Today is my 21st birthday..." the young man stated, not looking happy about it at all.

All right, so he was legal. "For someone having a birthday, you don't look too happy. Now, there's a story in there. Want to tell it to me? I'll get you another drink."


He blinked and frowned. "What about Christians?"

And that got a half smile out of the lad. "No, it's my name. And my parents are."

"Well, Christian, I am Lucifer Morningstar. Funny meeting you here!"

And he was stared at for the name, as he was used to when it came to religious folk when he introduced himself. "My parents would freak if I told them I talked to anyone with that name."

He winced. "Ah, poor lad. So, what about your parents stealing away your happiness from your 21st birthday? It's one of the milestone years in humans isn't it?"

"Yeah. Supposed to be anyway. Well, my sister Faith was home from graduating high school and so they decided it best to celebrate that instead. She's got herself a steady job and a steady boyfriend and is thinking of marrying next year or the year after if they're still together. My parents are very happy with her."

"Ah, and they're not happy with you? Why not?"

"Well, for one my ex thought it would be a great idea to come out to my parents. They immediately banned me from any contact with them as long as I live under their roof. I haven't got a job right now, so have no income to even try to move into my own place. My partner dumped me because of their attitude."

"So, you got outed too then?"

He got glared at. "No. If I was, I wouldn't have a home at all. I'm only here because three people from college dragged me here. They're not even my friends. They just wanted to see me make an ass of myself, by being the only one here to not fit in."

Lucifer took a longer look at Christian and had to agree. His clothing was all second hand, though still in good shape, if slightly out of date. His posture screamed out that he wanted to be left alone, yet he was talking quite honestly with him without any power needed on his part. He hadn't touched his drink.

"Your not friends get you that drink?"

He grimaced. "Yeah. I don't drink alcohol and I can smell it in the drink. I just wanted a normal coke..."

He nodded at Patrick, who soon came over and, to show his goodwill to his out of style friend, he made Patrick pour it out right there at the bar, no alcohol or anything else added to it.

The lad looked a little happier with that, and thanked the bartender, before taking a mouthful of sugary fizz.

Not wanting to waste a good alcoholic beverage, Lucifer took up the discarded beverage and went to take a sip out of it.

"I wouldn't. I'm pretty sure they spiked it with something."

Cocking his head to the side, he reached in and wet his finger, before putting it in his mouth. The taste was slightly off. "Hmm, yes, I believe you are right. Good call. Patrick! Can you call Maze for me? If she's not working, I have a little job for her here she might enjoy."

With a nod, he watched his bartender go over to the wall phone and call his demon's phone.

"Now, Christian, if you would do me the favour of pointing out these so called friends of yours, I need to take care of some business. I don't stand on anyone using any drug without the other persons knowledge, and especially not if it is rohypnol. Not in my club they don't."

Christian blinked at him, his eyes wide. "You're the owner of the club?"

He grinned. "Yes, I am. At your service. And there are three people out there in the crowd who do not belong in my club a moment longer. And they need to learn their lesson. So! If you would please point them out, the quicker I can get to know you more. You're interesting. I like interesting."

He shifted on his stool. "You're not going to hurt or kill them or anything, are you?"

He raised an eyebrow at that. "No! Why would I kill them? My day job is working with the police hunting down killers, not doing their job for them. No, I am going to show them the door and ban them from entry. But I need to know what they look like, talk to them in person and if possible get photos so the bouncers know who to keep out."

He saw the lad relax into his seat and smiled. He wouldn't tell him he would have Maze tail them to see if they did this anywhere else. Possibly have some fun with them herself if she wanted to if they did try with anyone else. He also wanted to feed the spiked drink to one of them. Karma can be a real bitch sometimes.

"Umm, they're in the seats over there. Do you sell food or just drinks?"

"Just drinks. Why? Think I should branch out to food too? I could. What foods go well with alcohol?"

He got a shrug for an answer before remembering he was told that his new friend didn't drink alcohol. He dipped his head in acknowledgement, picked up the spiked drink and his refilled glass of whiskey and went over to join the felons at the table that was pointed out to him.

One male and two women were sitting there. One of his girls was dancing on their table. The two women were pointedly looking away from her.

"Down now love. Pick another table," he stated to his employee. She looked puzzled, but stopped her dancing, climbed off the table and went over to an empty one. It was then that Maze walked into the club.

He raised his hand and yelled out her name, getting her attention. When she saw him with a group of people, a huge smile lit up her face. Sometimes he really did miss having Maze around him constantly, but at least she was only a phone call away from fun still. Soon enough, Maze was dropping into the seat next to one of the women, making her very uncomfortable.

Usually his club attracted those who had no preference, or swung towards same sex couples. Maze was just as popular with the ladies as he was. He smiled widely at his demon. "Maze! Nice of you to join me and these people here for drinks! I got an extra one for our lad here to drink. There you are! And no, you're not leaving until every single drop of it has been drunk. So, enjoy your coke and vodka."

She took the glass of whiskey for herself and he laughed. "So! These good people here decided to break one of my rules, Maze. They drugged some poor innocents drink without his knowledge."

Maze's smile got sharp. "Oh? Do you want me to throw them out, or do I get to have some fun first. I like this one, she squirms."

Maze ran her hand up and down the woman's arm, sending shivers down her back.

"What's your deal? Don't touch me!"

"Hmm, was it you who was going to take Christian while he was drugged?" he asked the squeamish woman. She blinked at him and scowled. "Eww, like I would bother touching the little fairy."

He turned to the man. "So, it was you then? Trying to scare him off men? Show him how wrong it is by taking him against his will?"

The man looked sick and unconsciously picked up the glass and took a big gulp of the drug laced drink. "No. I'm not gay."

He cocked his head. "That leaves you, miss quiet in the corner." The woman in question hadn't said a single word. She shrugged. "It's all in good fun. It's not like he'd remember anyway."

He grinned. "Mmm, well, I'll definitely be seeing you later on. Mazie, dear, mind taking photos of these three? I don't want them anywhere near my club ever again. I left my phone upstairs and I don't want them leaving so soon yet, do I? I'll make sure it's passed around to all the bouncers."

All three sat up straighter. "What, you can't kick us out!"

He turned his gaze on the woman Maze had taken an interest in. "I have every right as owner of this club to kick out whoever I like. And I don't stand for people slipping others drugs to get them doped enough to take without their permission."

"How do you know we haven't got permission?" the man asked, a slur beginning to form in his voice.

"Well, for one, Christian told me you're not his real friends and he doesn't drink alcohol. For another, you just drank the drug."

The three of them froze at that, while Maze threw back her head and laughed. "Can I take him home with me? Do you think Chloe would mind?"

He grinned at that. "I think the detective would arrest you."

Maze shrugged. "It'd be worth it for the punishment."

'Now, Maze, I have another job for you, which may lead you to some play of your own. Photos please."

She took out her phone and took photos of the three, before sending them to his mobile up in his room. "Done."

"Thank you. Now, let the poor woman up, so she can get out without contracting lesbian germs off of you." Maze got up and as if to prove a point, kissed him in front of the three humans.

"Mmm, whiskey flavoured kisses. My favourite. Go wait by the bar. I will give you something to do just as soon as I am done throwing these three out."

She nodded and made her way over to where Patrick was making drinks for the party goers out having a good time. Christian was still at the bar. Every now and then he glanced over to see if they were still there.

He waved the three of them out of their seats, but let them finish their drinks first. "Now, I suggest you get your friend here home before he drops. Have fun trying to tell him you've done nothing with him while he was out for the count. I'm sure he'd believe you. After all, it isn't like you think doing this is wrong or anything, you've already stated so out loud! Now, get out of my club."

He watched with satisfaction as the women grabbed an arm each of their guy friend and helped him up the stairs that led to the exit of the club. He went back to the bar and retook the seat next to Christian. A glass of bourbon was put in front of him. Hmm, must be out of the whiskey for tonight. He'd have to order another bottle.

"Maze, I want you to tail them. If they try this again tomorrow night, have some fun with them. Hopefully they learnt their lesson, but if not, we can get them banned from the clubs in the local area no problem. Oh, and Maze? Take photos? I want tabs on this one."

Maze frowned at him, but nodded, getting up off her seat and walking quickly out of the club. He saw the glint of metal by one of her wrists as she played with her knives.

He grinned back at Christian. "There! Done and dusted. Maze is a bounty hunter. She's discrete. She is very adept at hunting down and spying on humans. We'll have them banned from clubs in the area by the end of the week, if they try anything again."

Christian looked at him with a glint in his eye he was quite used to by now. It was one he generally revelled in. Since the whole mess with Uriel though, he hadn't been in much of a mood for sex. But there were always exceptions.

"You actually did it! Why"

He tilted his head to the side and frowned. "I told you. It's bad for business. And I do work for the police. And I like you. So! Now that your non friends are packed up and on their way, and you can enjoy your non alcoholic beverages without worrying about getting drugged, I need to go do my set for the night. Enjoy the show."

With that, he made his way to the piano. He was running a little behind and tinkered with the ivories as he waited for the song that was playing to finish and the sound system to be turned off.

He played for a solid two hours, letting himself get caught up in the music. He was glad he could play again during club hours. He'd had to cancel his set for weeks after Uriel's death, as his thoughts were continuously intruding and disrupting his playing.

Thankfully, Doctor Linda was back in form and helping him deal with his grief and guilt.

And now he had another little interesting thing to keep his mind occupied.

Christian stayed for the whole two hours, his eyes never wavering from him, unless it was to get another coke.

He felt oddly good about the future.