I remember the day Robin got a look at my essay something happened that highlighted the change I was undergoing in my life. My brother put away the laptop Robin saw my paper on then we started all against Wally, testing his meds. Flash and Batman were guest observers, Black Canary called 'Powers are allowed'. Wally ran his mouth as he was already using his speed and all against one never had the no powers rule. Then my skin started to turn grey as I used my powers against him. When I held him in the air with his limbs immobilized, he ran his mouth, "Finish it. Kill me."

I threw him against the ring and Batman moved forward with a stimulant to undo the immobilization while my skin returned to its white color. Canary said she'd consider changing the dose of Wally's medication. By the time we graduated Wally was done with therapy and was off medication because Martian Manhunter had gone into his mind, created a shut off phrase and blocked the lingering psychosis. Canary talking about lowering his dose wasn't major. Now I can summon my power with just one physical change, my spine can be felt by touching my back.

The major thing hall after Wally rejoined the team. For some reason I said something about my 8 years in Hell and Artemis took offense to how I talked about the psycho's female victims. I said "Sorry if I don't care about people I never knew." I blew up like that then went through the Zeta tube to Star City. My explosion showed how much I was changing. I didn't care about the people the psycho killed or anyone and when I blew up like that it shows I'd learned to care.