Welp, my first ever naruto fic, let's get this started I guess
Chapter 1
The moon floated above, watching over three men as they had fought before a massive tree, thousands of pods hanging from its branches. In the middle of a destroyed battlefield, with two bodies lying on the floor, a single man, clad in white with purple eyes panted heavily.
"I've finally done it." he muttered to himself before letting out a low chuckle. "The world is finally at peace, without conflict, without sorrow."
Behind him, there was a slow clapping, as a man with white hair and half of his body covered in a black substance approached him. "Very well done, Madara-sama," he said in a low raspy voice. "You performed wonderfully,"
"Hn, no thanks to you, Black Zetsu" Madara replied. "Hmm, now, what should I do-" he paused mid-sentence as he saw the one he called Black Zetsu walking towards the two bodies. "Eh?"
"Hmmm, this will be sufficient." he said, putting his hands on both bodies. Suddenly, the black substance spread to the two's bodies, covering them, and his own body, completely.
Madara could see it, with his eyes: the Rinnegan. Chakra drained from the tree, flowing and bulging at Black Zetsu's position. The black substance expanded, taking the form of a massive orb that swallowed the three. Madara, having never seen anything like it, chose to stay back and observe. Before long, the mass stopped expanding, and began to shrink, yet its chakra continued to increase. Simultaneously, there was a burning sensation raging in Madara's forehead. He clutched it, still maintaining eye contact.
"What is this?" Madara asked himself, seeing as the blob took a new shape.
Eventually, the black changed color, becoming white, gold, and purple, in the pattern of a large dress of some sort. Then, it formed a head, with white hair over three meters in length. The colors hardened, and in place of the black orb was a woman. Her eyes were white, skin as pale as his, with two horns protruding from her head. In the center of her forehead, between and above her white eyes, was a third eye. It red in color, decorated with a ripple pattern around the pupil, and several black tomoe on the two innermost ripples. It was then, that the burning in Madara's head stopped, as he felt something missing. That red eye, the Rinne Sharingan, was stolen from him. In the place of the third eye on his head, was a horned headband, the same he wore before obtaining the eye.
"Byakugan… it can't be, that's!" he realized, staring at the pair of white eyes she had. The amount of chakra she possessed, coupled with her appearance, meant she could only be one person: the mother of the first Sage of Six Paths, Kaguya Otsutsuki. "Black Zetsu, what is the meaning of this?" he demanded from the woman.
"Heheheh…" Black Zetsu cackled. "Madara, you have served your purpose quite well, and as a reward, you will have your chakra taken personally by mother.
The woman floated in the air, staring back at Madara, and her mouth curved into a frown.
"You... you are like me… I cannot allow this. My chakra must be unified." she said, veins around her eyes becoming visible.
"...I see, you used those boys' chakra and their bodies to serve as a catalyst to summon her. I assume you would have used me were you to have the chance."
"Indeed, now, die with that knowledge, Madara." Black Zetsu ordered.
Kaguya lunged at Madara, both of her hands extended outwards to grab him. Madara flew to the right, using one of the ten black orbs behind him to form a staff. She pivoted, aiming for Madara again but instead, using her hair as tendrils to ensnare him.
"Senpō: Ranton Kōga" Madara spoke, opening his mouth as if he was going to spit something. From his mouth, a thin straight beam shot out at the speed of light towards Kaguya, cutting the tendrils made of hair with ease. Unfortunately, she was able to prevent the beam from doing any serious damage. She stopped her pursuit, deciding to change her approach. With an upward swing of her right arm, sharp stone spikes rose from the ground, aiming at Madara. He noticed though, using his staff to cut apart the attack as it came.
"That was senjutsu, and without question not the only one. On top of that, she has more chakra than I do, though by very little. I need to be careful against her, until; I've identified her entire arsenal. I shall wait for an opening. If we are alike as Black Zetsu said, she will be vulnerable to senjutsu and taijutsu as I am." he concluded.
He opened his eyes as wide as he could, before calling out two words. "Limbo: Hengoku" surrounding him, four copies of himself invisible to anyone without the rinnegan or six paths senjutsu, appeared. Having the same abilities as he did, the four Shadows flew forward at Kaguya in his place. One threw a punch, but she caught it with ease. Another threw its own punch, but that two was blocked. Kaguya gripped both fists, swinging her arms forward and slamming the two together.
"Fool, have you forgotten already that the Rinne Sharingan is also the Rinnegan as well?" Black Zetsu mocked.
The four Shadows rearranged themselves, surrounding Kaguya in a square formation. They attacked at once, using their numbers to their advantage. However, Kaguya had another counter for this. Centimeters above her, a paper thin black polygon appeared, expanding to her length. She ascended, passing through the polygon and used it as a space-time portal to escape. The Shadows stopped before they would collide with each other, returning to Madara and disappearing.
"It appears that won't work. Now she has disappeared." he thought. "She'll be back soon. Her goal is to take my chakra, not kill me…" the black staff returned to its spherical shape, as well as its place behind his back. Madara then brought his hands close to his chest, holding his index pointer and middle fingers vertically, while holding his left index and middle horizontally. The right index finger and left middle finger connected as he activated another jutsu.
"Kage bunshin no jutsu" he said. A puff of smoke appeared beside him, and from the smoke, a visible shadow clone levitated.
Once Kaguya re-emerged from her portal, only one Madara remained. He immediately noticed her, but was not fast enough to dodge this time. She grabbed him by the throat, and Black Zetsu's substance extended to cover half of his body.
"This is the end." Kaguya said in her monotone voice. However, the Madara she held exploded into the smoke it birthed from. In her momentary confusion, she felt a sharp stinging pain in her side. The real Madara, a Chokuto in hand, stabbed her in the abdomen.
"Mother!" Black Zetsu exclaimed.
Madara's attack was not finished however, as he put his own chakra into the blade, causing blue sparks to flicker. In a split second, Kaguya was hit with an extreme amount of natural energy infused lightning chakra.
"It seems You're quite useful, even in death, Sasuke." Madara complimented his fallen kinsmen.
In her panic, Kaguya's Rinne Sharingan flashed, and the two suddenly disappeared from the moonlit battlefield.
Core Dimension
The two had shifted in space, sliding into a completely different dimension. The sky was bright green and the rock ground below was covered in mountain ranges. Madara retreated, taking the chokuto with him.
"This place, she must have used a space-time jutsu, but I can tell it costed a significant portion of her chakra."
"Mother, we are in the core dimension now, we should end this as soon as possible."
"I must reclaim my chakra, especially such a large amount." she replied, "but, there will be plenty of time to recover before they arrive." it was then that she held up her hands, pointing her palms to Madara. From them, two bone-like sticks emerged, and fired out.
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" Madara created another shadow clone in front of him, which intercepted the projectiles. Moments after it did, the area around where the stick had hit began to decay rapidly. In seconds, the shadow clone had turned to dust. "I see, so she's going to try to kill me. If I'm hit by even one of those, I'm done for.."
Kaguya prepared the same projectile attack, but instead pointed her arm to the side, away from Madara. Two centimeters in front of the tip of the bone, another black polygon appeared. The stick shot out of her hand, and into the portal. Silently, and right behind Madara, a portal of the same size opened, and the sharpened bone spear emerged. With his unrivalled sensory ability, Madara reacted to, and was able to dodge the attack, which flew past him.
With that plan a failure, Kaguya decided to take a more close ranged approach. She clenched her hand into a fist, and flew towards Madara. "Yasogami Kūgeki" she said, throwing a punch. Using her immense chakra, she created multiple massive fists out of chakra. Madara used his black spheres to create a square shield, absorbing most of the punches, except for two which managed to hit him with enough force to throw him into the ground.
"It's just like that man's eight gates technique Sekizo. This is getting more and more interesting." Madara smiled, rising back onto his feet. "It's time we ended this, I have things I must do."
"Such impertinence, you don't even know what is to come, Madara." Black Zetsu said. "This whole time, you thought your actions were that of a savior, but you couldn't be more wrong."
"What are you saying?"
"The Infinite Tsukuyomi is a genjutsu, the most powerful genjutsu of all, however, its purpose isn't to save humanity, but to make them into White Zetsu soldiers. When this is over, and your chakra is absorbed, Mother will begin the process, and there's nothing you can do to stop her."
"We shall see about that. I won't allow you to bring any harm to any of them. I will stop you here and now." Madara put his hands together, and prepared another jutsu. "Moku Bunshin no Jutsu" around Madara, five wooden clones spawned, and performed a series of their own hand seals.
"Senpo Katon: Karyū Endan"
"Senpo Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu"
"Senpo Doton: Doryūdan"
"Senpo Raiton: Sandāboruto"
"Senpo Fūton: Daitoppa"
Each of the wood clones attacked using the five basic nature releases. Three dragons made of earth, water, and fire, a lightning bolt, and a massive gust of wind blades. As they came closer and closer, Kaguya repeated her previous attack, thrusting countless chakra fists and nullifying the elemental jutsu. Without hesitation, Madara dispelled his wood clones and continued his assault, using the lightning-charged chokuto as his weapon. He once again stabbed Kaguya with the electrified blade, paralyzing her body and allowing him to attack once more. He connected a right hook with her jaw, before delivering an axe kick, bringing her down with enough force to make the ground shake.
Kaguya kneeled down on the floor, panting like she never had before.
"Mother, are you okay?" Black Zetsu asked concerned.
"I… how could I be brought to this… I must… I must defeat him."
"Shit, there isn't enough chakra to take us to the gravity dimension!"
Madara landed in front of her, preparing to land a final blow and end their battle. After which, he would take the Rinne Sharingan back, and return to the Elemental Nations.
"You are powerful, but you lack the skill to wield it. That, was your downfall." he explained, pushing the sword through her chest.
"Mother!" Black Zetsu screamed. "You, you insect! How dare you do this to mother!"
"This is the end, Black Zetsu, Kaguya." Madara declared.
"No… it's not… for you…" Kaguya said through the blood coming out of her mouth. She slowly lifted her shaking right hand up, but without any strength left, she wasn't likely to attack. Unbeknownst to Madara, a large black portal opened behind him. He noticed, but it was too late
"What?!" he asked, turning his head and seeing the portal. Suddenly, there was a strong force being applied to his front, pushing him through the portal.
"What… is going on?!" he tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth.
For what felt like ten minutes of absolutely nothing, while drifting in the black void of the portal he was thrown to, there was a light, a very dim light in the corner of Madara's eye. He turned his head, to see the light growing in size, or was he getting closer?