Notes: This was inspired by yaboykeiji's artwork which can be found in Tumblr. It'll just be a 3 part crack!fic that mainly focuses on Yachi and the 1st year club members. My baby girl is also my fan bicycle. I'm pretty much done with part 2 and half way done with 3. This is my first ever Haikyuu fic so please be gentle. If you have prompts/requests feel free to leave a comment.
Disclaimer: Haikyuu! is owned by Furudate sensei. I am just shipper trash.
A Fortress of Crows
Chapter 1: Of Love Letters & Confessions
Written by: M. Mondsichel
Kiyoko was the first to know, at least with regard to the entire volleyball team. Her classmates found out during first period when somebody reacted, more like shrieked and cooed with delight, at seeing the pristine white envelope she had carelessly left on top of her desk.
Someone had managed to slip a love letter inside her foot locker.
I know you don't know me but I have always admired you.
Please meet me behind the school gym tomorrow, after class.
~ Natsuki Jun
She was new to this kind of thing and sought the advice of the gorgeous senior whom she knew, received confessions monthly.
"What should I do Kiyoko senpai?" She groaned as they were folding a bunch of towels that would be later distributed to the members of Karasuno's volleyball team.
Kiyoko thought for a moment and replied "Do you have somebody that you like Yachi-san?"
The shorter manager turned red in the face and vigorously shook her head in denial.
"N...No!" but then paused. "I haven't really thought about liking someone... Never really had the chance to because of school and club activities..."
The older girl smiled warmly.
"Well then, you should probably hear what he has to say first before deciding on anything."
Yachi was scared to go meet the guy, she thinks his name sounded familiar but that was about it, she knew nothing of him. But her senpai was right, it was too soon to make a decision.
The guy might not be so bad and maybe she would finally be able to experience, first hand, the kind of high school romance that all her girl friends had been gushing about.
"You're right senpai, I should definitely face him instead of running away." Yachi says with conviction even if her voice betrayed her anxiety. "He deserves a proper reply!"
With newly found determination, Yachi pumps her tiny fist into the air but her little celebration was interrupted when Tanaka suddenly appeared.
"WHA? DID I HEAR RIGHT?! DID SOMEONE CONFESS TO OUR CUTE LITTLE MANAGER?!" The bald boy all but shouted, making Kiyoko Shimizu glare at him and Yachi Hitoka blush from embarrassment.
"NO WAY!" Nishinoya joined in, completely ignoring the mood. Shimizu sighed, already knowing full well the ruckus that the entire team would make at their new found discovery.
"What's this all about?" Daichi asked as he entered the gymnasium and, to Yachi's dismay and horror, was followed by the rest of the club members.
"Ughh... Ahh... Um..." Yachi stammered, too mortified to form coherent sentences. At the moment, all she wanted was to get swallowed by the very ground she stood on and die.
"Don't be ashamed!" Tanaka patted her on the back a little bit harder than he anticipated, making the obviously smaller girl stumble forward. "You should be proud that someone confessed to you!" He laughed teasingly.
The rest of the team members had different reactions to the news, except Tsukishima Kei who remained unfazed.
"Someone what? Wait what?!"
"Who was it?"
Yachi Hitoka didn't want to disclose the identity of her admirer in fear of what the volleyball team might do to the poor guy. She wanted to get out of the gym but they all crowded around her, demanding to know who he was. She felt like a gazelle surrounded by hungry lions, so in fear for her life, she managed to squeak his name out.
"Ah, I think he's from my class!" Kageyama announced after giving it some thought. He heard the name everyday during roll calls but paid no mind since he hadn't particularly warmed up to most of his classmates.
He was sure it was the misfit looking guy with an earring on his left ear. He would sometimes hear the girls from his class gossip about him since they thought that he was such a hottie.
Everybody's attention was on him as if prompting him to speak some more. But being the overly dense person that he was, he didn't get the message. It wasn't until Hinata started pestering him on what kind of person this Natsuki Jun was that he continued.
"I don't know, I haven't really talked to him. He's always surrounded by girls and I'm pretty sure he flirts with them too." Kageyama said with a frown. Come to think of it, there was something about the guy that he didn't like. He sort of reminded him of Oikawa senpai albeit an extremely bad version him. Having that kind of guy confess to their second manager disturbed him. It just didn't feel right.
"ENOUGH!" Daichi roared. Things were getting out of hand and they still had to practice. As much as he would like to find out more about the first year, he knew that it wasn't the time for that. Maybe they could continue their discussion after practice.
"Come on guys." Sugawara said, pushing Hinata and Nishinoya towards the middle of the court, trying his best to encourage the rest of the team to start warming up.
Yachi had wanted to cry. She knew this wasn't going to be the end of it.
Shimizu knew that as well and offered the girl a sympathetic smile.