A/N: I'm sorry for the delay, but we have come to the final chapter! A tiny bit NSFW. Thanks to everyone who has followed, favorited and reviewed. It does mean a lot. I hope you have enjoyed!

Both arms squeezed around Regina's waist, her stance wide as she moulded to the older woman. Regina's face was buried in Emma's neck, arms circled around it and holding on in a far too tight grip that Emma wouldn't have had any other way. She nuzzled her nose in Regina's hair, breathing in her scent. With the exception of breathing, Regina didn't move; content to stay exactly where she was.

"Are you love birds ever going to let go?" Katherine said, balancing a box in her arms and walked through the apartment. "This is all your stuff and you've been clinging onto each other like it's the end of the world."

"Never," Emma said, smiling as she popped her head up and placed her chin on Regina's shoulder. The other woman shook her head, puckered her lips against the dip between Emma's neck and shoulder then went back to staying buried in her lover's arms.

"I'm giving you ten more minutes," she said, spinning her head around to find a place to put the box down. "Then you can help move your stuff into your apartment." The box was down, and she pointed a finger at the pair before she walked back outside to the moving van.

"Don't let go," Regina mumbled, body pressed as closely as she could to Emma's.

"I got you." Emma's palms spread on Regina's back. She moved them up and down, resulting in sweet sighs and hums from the woman in her arms. It had been months since they had last seen each other, but with the way they clung on, it certainly felt like years had passed.

Day one:

Regina had woken up for the first time without Emma next to her. She'd clung onto Emma's pillow all night. Now it was time to drag herself through the day knowing Emma was in another state. Regina had already resigned herself to the fact it was going to be difficult, but shook of the negative thoughts and told herself it wouldn't be forever.

A smile appeared when she checked her phone and it stayed for the rest of the day.

'I love you x' the simple message had said. It was enough.


Day two:

'I miss you x' had been the message, one which Regina looked at repeatedly throughout the day with a sense longing.

By day five Regina noticed the pattern.


Day ten:

'Not a day goes by where I don't think of you x'


Two weeks in they arranged a skype date;

"I love you," Emma said for the millionth time since they'd started up the video chat.

"I love you too, Emma." Regina chuckled and placed the pad of her finger against the screen affectionately. "Now tell me more about these last two weeks. I want to know everything."

"Including the time I ran out of gum, so my breath smelt like coffee for the entire afternoon which was the grossest thing ever?" Emma scrunched up her nose, then puckered her lips at the screen from where she was propped up in bed.

Regina rolled her eyes, but a little smirk pushed on the corner of her lips. "Yes, I want to know everything. All the small details like the time you forgot gum."

"Seriously? Why don't I just write a journal and give it to you on our next anniversary?"

"That's a great idea, my dearest Emma. Fill it with lots of detail." Regina chuckled as Emma's eyes grew wide whilst she shook her head. She picked up a pillow and hit the end of it against the laptop. It bounced back and caught her on the forehead. "You are aware you can't physically hit me with a pillow through a laptop? Or have you lost some braincells since moving to New York?"

"Ha. Ha." Emma rubbed the spot on her head where the zip had hit. It really did serve her right for being that dumb. "I'll give you the 101 if I can get the same in reverse. I miss you."

"As do I, my love," she said, eyes staring into ones which appeared so close, but were still so very far away.


Day eighteen:

It was their third telephone date; the hour they set aside every Wednesday to simply talk. Regina clung onto the phone and leant her head sideward, not that it made Emma any closer.

"I helped catch a high profiled criminal today," Emma said, boasting down the phone.

"I'm proud of you, sweetheart." Regina's heart burst, helped along by the enthusiasm she could hear in Emma's voice. It had never sounded as such when she'd brought in some kids for vandalising, or broke up a bar fight. "What did he do?"

"She, Regina. Women can be criminals too."

"Alright dear." Regina chuckled, and rolled her eyes. "What was it that she did?"

"She persuaded street kids to become drug mules. It was smart, most people go for rich kids used to making easy money, but the kids she chose were desperate and I'm guessing she enticed them with her friendly face. I can't go into too many details, but she was a piece of work. They'd been after her for months."

"I'm happy for you. Really sounds like you're enjoying your job?" Regina feigned it as a question, not that she really needed to ask. She plonked down on the couch and grabbed the framed photo of her and Emma from years ago, free hand clutched around it's edges.

"Yeah, I am. It really feels like I'm making a difference. Except for the shit ton of paperwork I had to get done. I only got back to the apartment twenty minutes ago. Worth it, though."

"I thought you would've been back for a while. Have you eaten yet? Changed? Anything?"

"Not yet," Emma said. "We were due our call."

"Emma, you know we could've pushed it back a little." She smiled down at the photo, the two of them hugging with their heads pressed together as Henry had taken the picture.

"That's okay. Who else do I have to share my news with?"

Regina sighed at that, counting down the days until she would be able to pull Emma into her arms and congratulate her in other ways. "Why don't you make yourself something to eat and call me back once you're not withering away?"

"No it's…" her stomach rumbled and reminded her of the meagre lunch she'd eaten, "erm, yeah. I'll take a shower too, then we'll resume this in about an hour? I still need to hear all about your day too."

"Okay darling, speak to you soon. I love you."

"I love you, too," she said, then hung up the phone.

Regina busied herself for the next hour, not consumed with thoughts of the woman she loved. As much as she missed her, she knew she had to get on with her life until they could be reunited again. Even when the call didn't come after almost ninety minutes, she wasn't worried. Emma was there and they were both putting in the effort to make this work.


Day twenty three:

Good morning beautiful. We're a day closer. Hope you're ready for my arms. Love you x

A month in, they had another skype date. Regina was clutching onto a pillow the entire time Emma was talking. "Oh, Mary Margret decided to annoy me today. Will you please call her back? She wants to know if we'll be needing any help with the move."

"Oh shit," Emma said and chuckled. "I forgot about that. I'll give her a call. But if you see her in the meantime, don't be a hard ass. Mary Margret and David are like the family I never had, and I would love to see them and let's be honest. You have enough stuff an army would be needed to help us move in."

"You are the worst." Emma stuck her tongue out, causing Regina to tighten her hold on the pillow. "If I see her I'll let her know, but for the love of god. Spare me and call her?"

"Ay ay, captain. Still up for movie night on Friday? Sorry about cancelling our Saturday night skype date."

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you're making friends. Go out and have fun, and yes, Friday at seven. Henry still hasn't decided what he wants to watch though."

"Henry's skyping me on Tuesday and we're picking a movie together," Emma said and wiggled her eyebrows; glad they could still concoct plans whilst living in different states.

"Of course you are." Regina rolled her eyes, but hugged the pillow closer and took a long sniff. "I miss you," she mumbled and closed her eyes. It had been so long since she'd had Emma's touch, she was certain she no longer knew what it felt like.

"I miss you too," she said softly. "Is that…is that my pillow?"

Regina nodded with her eyes closed and took a deep breath. "It hardly smells like you anymore. I've slept cuddled to it every night," she mumbled, before peeking her eyes open.

"Baby." Emma sighed, face scrunching up a little. "Look how quickly this past month has gone. You'll be in my arms soon enough." Regina hummed, chin propped up on the pillow which she had clung to her chest, legs outstretched where the laptop rested. "Or I could mail you one of mine? Sleep with it for a few nights, roll around in it then send it without so much as washing it."

Regina felt the laugh bubble in her throat before she'd had the chance to snort. Emma's eyes gleamed, offering Regina a watery smile.

"That's better," Emma said softly.

Regina nodded and loosened her grip on the pillow.


Day thirty seven:

"You know?" Henry said, with a cocky smirk and being the smart little shit he was growing up to be. "I think I like you better like this. If you tell me to do something I don't want to, I can just close the laptop and bam…you're gone."

Emma chuckled through the laptop which rested on the coffee table in front of the couch. Regina raised her eyebrows where she sat next to her son, controller in hand ready to press play for their movie. When she caught Henry's gaze she winked, recognizing the sarcasm he had grown up with had very much come into play. They only had themselves to blame when he would come out with such things.

"He's right dear," Regina said and smirked at Emma's face. "I can shut the laptop whenever you decide to annoy me."

"Oh, screw you both." Emma threw some popcorn at the screen, giggling when it fell to the keyboard. Shrugging, she picked up the pieces and chucked them into her mouth.

"I thought we went over this with the pillow. You are talking through a laptop darling," she said slowly, as if Emma was slow at understanding.

Henry chuckled, grabbed some popcorn and through it at the screen. "What?" he said, shrugging at his mother's glare. "I had to throw it back."

"Is this how you want to raise our son?" Regina said, grabbed some popcorn and ate a few pieces.

"He's a sarcastic little thing who throws popcorn at laptops. Would you really have it any other way?"

Henry beamed and Regina threw a few pieces of popcorn at the screen. "You're a bad influence," she said, biting hard on her cheek. Emma rolled her eyes, but recognised that look anywhere.

"I miss you," she couldn't stop herself from saying, eyes connecting with Regina's. "Both of you."

"I miss you too, mom."

"I miss you so much, darling." Regina smiled softly at the screen then ruffled Henry's hair. "Anyway, ready to start the movie?"

"On the count of three?" Emma said, them already having set the movie to the same time.

"Three…two…one…" Henry counted down, smiling at the way both of his parents hit play at the same time. It might not be perfect, but for that moment it was the best they had.


Day fifty two:

'The sun rises with your smile, and what a beautiful smile you have. Don't stop smiling, Regina. It looks good on you. I love you so much x'


Almost three months in, they had another Wednesday call. It was closer to the moving date, but the time seemed to slow the closer they became.

"Mal is doing well," Regina said, pleased with the woman she was training to become mayor. "I hardly go into the office anymore. I honestly don't know what to do with all my time."

"Lots of alone time." Emma's voice husked down the phone, prompting Regina to roll her eyes whilst feeling a familiar sense of thrill.

"Hmm, don't darling, you have no idea how badly I want to touch you." Her eyes closed and she fell back onto the couch, a small throb springing to life. "It's been so long."

"And I'm horny as hell," Emma said and chuckled. "Gods I've missed you. I was thinking…maybe on Saturday, we could erm…have a little fun over skype?"

Regina eye's sprung open and her back straightened at the tone. "What are you implying?"

"We could watch each other?"

"You mean…touch ourselves?" She squeezed her thighs together, knowing she would either end up doing that very shortly or have to take a cold shower. She wasn't sure which seemed like the best option, considering the tone she was receiving.

"Yes," Emma purred. "I want to see your body."

"Naked! Emma! What if someone's watching us?"

Emma snorted down the line. "C'mon Regina? You really think the government is tapping into our skype calls?"

"Well…you never know," she said, not certain if she believed it herself. "We'll have to make it a little later. I don't want to risk Henry still being around."

"Hmm, I can't wait to see you. Maybe we could kind of make it into a date. You know? Get some, then watch a movie together. It's not the same, I know, but it might be fun." And Emma didn't want to end the call the moment they were done. Even if she was in a different state and couldn't hold onto Regina and cuddle after they'd had sex, she could make sure she knew she meant enough to her that she was worth her time.

"I'd like that," she said, smiling softly at the prospect of somehow having almost sex over skype. "Why are you only just suggesting this now? We've been apart months."

"Erm…well, I touched myself yesterday," she mumbled, "and remembered that time in your office and thought how it would be fun to have a repeat. And I miss you and I miss your gorgeous body."

"I miss you too, and seeing you. Hmm, I expect a full view of you." Regina's eyes watered over, over more than one thing. How Emma managed to turn her on this much whilst in a completely different state she didn't know. "Anyway, distraction. We can continue this on Saturday."

"Yes we can. So, I had a thought. I mean, I have zero idea how it works, but have you ever considered running for city council?"

"In New York?"

"No, in Delaware."

"Funny, Emma and no I haven't."

"It was just a thought and maybe something you could look into. I think you'd be kickass at it."

Regina smiled, and took a deep breath. "How is it possible I fall even more in love with you, without getting to see you?"

"Because I'm the best girlfriend on the planet. And I love you, too."


Day ninety six:

"I can't wait for this to be your hand," Emma said, gently running her fingers through her centre. They'd propped their laptops on top of a small pile of books at the end of their beds, allowing them enough room to move and to see all of each other.

"Or my mouth." Regina licked her lips at the sight; Emma sat up against her pillows, legs bent up and spread, hardened nipples on show whilst she explored herself.

Emma purred, head falling back as she slowly entered herself. Regina bit her lip, continuing to draw soft patterns between her legs. Keeping herself present, but not allowing the sight to tease her to the point of madness. Regina pulled her legs up the same as Emma, other hand falling to her left breast where she squeezed and toyed with her nipple.

"I'm going to eat you out for hours." Emma hummed and brought her head back up, locking eyes with the smirking woman. "Till the point I can't taste anything but you."

"Is that so?" Regina chuckled, slowly entering herself with two fingers. She'd already had one orgasm. The sight of her girlfriend pulling her undone as she'd slowly undressed in front of the camera had been enough for her to begin touching herself before her own clothes were even off. Emma had beamed, laughed and promised another strip tease in the future whilst they were in the same room.

"You'll be coming in my mouth for hours," she said and winked.

Regina laughed, slowly pulsing those fingers at a pleasurable pace.

"This is nice," she said, removing her wet fingers and spreading it over her core.

She smiled softly at Emma. She'd half expected them to undress, get turned on by each other and use dirty talk to get each other off, but so far they'd taken things slow, talked to each other whilst they pleasured themselves.

It reminded Regina how comfortable she had always felt around her girlfriend. There's was no one else she'd ever been with where she could relax to this extent during sex.

"Very nice," Emma purred, zeroing in on the fingers moving between Regina's legs. She bit her lip and entered herself, bucking her hips up to meet her fingers. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Regina replied, all gooey eyed then pushed inside herself. "Now come for me, my darling. Let me watch you come undone." She slowly moved her hips into her fingers, building a small amount of pressure, but nothing that would result in her eyes slamming shut and missing out on the sight of Emma's impending orgasm.

"As you wish," she said and winked.

Emma lay back a little further, head lulled back with both her eyes closed and worked both hands between her legs. One inside of her and one rubbing ferociously as a pair of dark eyes glazed over, moaning and humming as she watched her girlfriend slowly build up to her release.


Day one hundred:

'We may have been apart for one hundred days, but my love for you has grown each and every day. I miss and love you. One more week and I'm going to show you exactly how much you mean to me x'


Two nights before the move:

"Emma, I did something dumb," Regina said the moment the other woman was on the line. She bit her lip and cursed herself, desperate to see her girlfriend's beautiful face.

"What?" Emma's heart beat hard in her chest, not having expected the phone call to begin with.

"I already packed up the laptop, so we can't have our skype date," she said in one rushed breath. She had been looking forwards to this, the same as Emma and Henry. She literally face palmed her forehead then sat slowly on the couch. "I miss you and want to see you, I was being an idiot."

"Is that is?" Emma said and let out a rushed breath. "You scared the shit out of me. Regina, it's fine. No biggie. You're both going to be here in two days and if you think my arms are going to be constantly wrapped around the both of you, then you are absolutely right."

"Oh my gods Emma, I didn't mean to scare you. Everything is already packed up," she said, eyes scanning around the empty mansion. "And if you think for one moment you're allowed to let to go of me, then you're wrong my darling. The only exception to not hugging me is your hugging Henry."

"What about if I gotta pee?" Emma chuckled and Regina rolled her eyes.

"Hold it in. You've had three months to pee."

"Seriously?" Emma laughed, butterflies bubbling up in her stomach. "I've really missed you."

"I've missed you, too."


Night before the move:

"Mom?" Henry shuffled from foot to foot, waiting for his mother to look up from the book she was reading.

"Yes, sweetheart?" She slipped in the bookmark and placed the book on the couch besides her.

"We are moving tomorrow, right?"

"Of course, Henry," she said and stood. After walking across the bare room she pulled her son into her arms, holding him tight. "I'm sorry how I handled things last time. I'm sorry I kept things from you." Henry clasped his hands together around his mother's back, squeezing his eyes, grateful for the tight hold. "I promise you we are moving tomorrow. I love you and your mother more than anything on this planet. I was wrong to think of anything as more important than this family."

He nodded against her chest then pulled back with a beaming smile. "Love you too, mom. I can't wait to see mom."

"Me too," she said and cupped his chin. She took a deep breath, knowing it was the last night her family would ever be separated again.

Regina's back elevated as she breathed in deeply, deflating against Emma's chest. Her head popped up, smiling softly at Emma. "I think I'm good," she whispered, chuckling at the lips which pressed to her own.

Regina moaned and closed her eyes as lips pushed down firmly. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Emma pulled back, then tangled her fingers in Regina's dark hair to push it behind her ear.

"You sure?" Emma asked. "Once I let go we're going to have to help move the stuff. If we hug for longer we might get out of the entire thing."

"I heard that," Mary Margret shouted as she entered the room, very quickly smiling at the way they were still embraced. She shook her head and sighed. "It's so nice to see this again."

Emma chuckled and finally let go, squeezing Regina's biceps before walking over to her friend. She took the box from her arms then placed it near the large window.

"She's the love of my life," she stated simply, to which Regina hummed and gazed at her girlfriend with adoration.

Once everything had been moved from the van into the now crowded apartment, the six of them fell back onto the couch which was sitting in the middle of the room. Henry was sat directly in the middle, where the couch bent at a ninety degree angle, the two lengths long enough to fit the rest of the adults in the room.

"Man," Katherine said then yawned. "You sure have a lot of stuff, Regina."

"It was Henry's too." Regina gave her best friend a pointed glare, before shuffling backwards into the arm which rested on the back of the couch. It quickly fell around her shoulders, as she leaned into Emma's side.

"Don't be blaming the kid."

"Yeah mom, you've gotten more than me and mom combined."

"Those boxes were heavy too," David said, on a wink. "What in the world did you have in there?"

Mary Margret playfully slapped his arm. "It's not polite to ask a woman such things."

"For once I'll have to agree," Regina said, letting her shoes fall from her feet with two thuds before curling her legs up with a contented sigh. "And thank you, the both of you, for helping."

"You're very welcome," Mary Margret said, to which David nodded in agreement.

"If you'd ever like to visit, just give us a call." Regina smiled at the couple, swallowing her pride for the sake of the woman who promptly placed a kiss to the back of her head.

"That would be lovely," she said and smiled at Regina.

"Do I not get to visit?" Katherine placed a hand over her heart and spun towards her friends. "Is our friendship no longer good enough?"

"Stop being so melodramatic," Emma said and rolled her eyes. "You'll always be welcome here. No matter how annoying you are."

Henry chuckled at the face Katherine made, pulling himself right back to spread his arms over the bend in the couch. "I think I'm gunna like it here," he said, beaming at his mothers.

"Me too," Regina said and twisted her head, hair falling over Emma's shoulder to look upwards. Emma didn't waste a second in tipping her head and planting a soft kiss over those lips.

"Me three," she whispered, gently closing her lips over Regina's a few more times until there was a collective groan from the room. "Just wait until tonight."

Emma wiggled her eyebrows, which caused another collective groan. Henry placed a palm over his eyes, but Katherine made eye contact with Emma and nodded. She tapped her pocket to which Emma nodded once then focused her attention back on Regina. For the moment, their eyes connected and everything else faded away.

"He's out cold," Emma stated, leaning against Henry's bedroom door. Regina came up behind her, wrapping both arms around her waist.

"It's been a long day," Regina said and propped her chin on Emma's shoulder. "Let him sleep."

"Another minute," Emma said on a sigh, eyes glued firmly to her sleeping son. She would have held him for as long as she had Regina if his body hadn't begun to squirm once he'd deemed the hug long enough.

They stayed for almost another five, until Emma sighed and gently closed the door. They made their way back to the other room, the rest of their friends having retired to a hotel for the evening. Regina grabbed onto Emma's hands and pulled them until one was on her hip, the other clasped into her own. She placed her spare hand on Emma's shoulder, slowly swaying them.

Emma smiled, their conjoined hands floating into the air and holding as they stepped from side to side. The hand on Regina's waist moved to her lower back, her fingers brushing under the material until she touched skin. Regina sighed and looked directly into Emma's eyes.

"I love you," she said, dancing gently around the space they had created. "You're my world, Emma. I need you to know that I'm here for you, too."

"I love you, too, Regina." Emma smiled and closed some more distance between their bodies. Their fronts brushed, feet stepping from side to side as Regina tightened her hold on the younger woman.

Emma's head fell to her shoulder and Regina let go of Emma's hand in favour of wrapping both arms around her lover.

"I've got you," she whispered, holding onto her as if it was the most important job in the world. "You've been perfect these last few months in supporting me. I'm so grateful. You have no idea how much those morning messages meant to me."

"I wanted you to feel wanted," she murmured, eyes closed and cheek squashed against Regina's shoulder. She hummed and hugged Regina back, feeling content to let go and have her girlfriend lead for the moment. Regina held her tightly, continuing to sway and dance with her life partner, running fingers through her hair and placing gentle kisses anywhere she could reach.

After some time, they ended up next to the large window overlooking the city. Regina wrapped her arms around Emma from behind and held her as they observed the busy city streets. "It's so beautiful," she said, unable to take her eyes away from the scene.

"It really is."

They stayed embraced for the moment, until Emma began to shuffle from foot to foot. Regina loosened her grip and frowned when Emma spun and smiled sheepishly.

"Is something wrong?"

Emma shook her head, lips pressed firmly together. On a deep breath, she took a hold of Regina's hand and dug into her pocket. With her forefinger and thumb pressed at the bottom, she presented Regina's original engagement ring and blushed.

"Marry me?" she asked, eyes glistening and purposefully keeping it without the huge speech. They'd already done that. This time was simple and about them righting the mistakes. "All that matters is us, our love and family. I want nothing more than for you to be my wife."

Regina's eyes went wide, heart beating so fast it pounded within her ears. Without any conscious thought her head was nodding and bottom lip trembling before she dived into Emma, arms circling her neck and almost knocked her over.

"Yes," she whispered, peppering kisses to Emma's neck and shoulder. Her head popped up with a glistening smile. She chuckled through the tears, nodding repeatedly. "I never thought you'd…"

"I want you, Regina. Everything I've ever wanted is right here."

"But where did you get…?"

"Katherine snatched it out from underneath your nose," Emma said and kissed her future wife. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

She presented her left hand for Emma. The gentleness saw to it the tips of her fingers brushed against Regina's as she slowly slid the ring back where it was always meant to be.

"Do you have yours?" Regina asked, flexing her fingers and getting used to seeing the simple, yet beautiful sliver ring.

Emma giggled and pulled out the ring from her other pocket. She handed it to Regina, who applied it with the same gentleness. They intertwined their fingers, engagement rings shining as they did and squeezed tightly. Regina stood on her tip toes to kiss Emma, firmly and soundly.

"Take me to bed," she muttered and fell back onto her heels with devotion in her eyes and a devilish smirk.

"Hmm, finally."

Emma crouched at an odd angle, one arm under Regina's knees, the other around her shoulders.

"Emma?" What are you-"

Emma laughed and scooped her up bridal style. Regina's eyes went wide, arms circling Emma's neck.

"Don't you dare drop me," she said, feet kicking in the air.

"Relax baby. I've got you."

All it took was one look for Regina to nod, feeling it cascade over her. Emma only had to take a few steps before they both giggled on the way to their very intimate catch up.

"How did I ever fall in love with you?" Regina smiled and kissed her forehead, butterflies hitting her stomach.

"I'm the best fiancée, soon to be best wife in the entire world." Emma hurled Regina onto the bed, causing her to bounce up and roll her eyes. She reached her arms out to Emma who crawled up the bed and over Regina's body. "And I love you, too."

"Then show me."

"Gladly," Emma said, sitting up and straddled her hips. Regina hummed and arched her back whilst nimble fingers began working on the buttons of her blouse.