A/N: A/N: So this is the start of a multi-chapter look at Tony and Steve in therapy. I will freely admit that I am biased, but in this story will try my best to remain as unbiased as possible. Sweets will not know all that is going on so that it will be much easier to fairly understand what's going on. One of the biggest things that I want to make a point of is the fact that comparing traumas is never okay! Just because someone deals with PTSD while another is dealing with depression does not make one a 'bigger' issue than the other. All of the Avengers have their own mess-ups and flaws. All of them need counseling. I do not own these characters.

Dr. Sweets was sitting in his office working on Booth and Brennan's book while waiting for his next appointment when the two suits entered the room. He glanced up from his notes, "I'm sorry but you'll have to make an appointment. I don't do walk-ins."

The lady seemed to muffle a slight laugh as the man glanced at him with a look that to Sweets seemed a mixture of paternal and 'really?'

The man spoke up though, "I believe you'll find that we are your next appointment."

Sweets buzzed the receptionist who informed him that they were in fact here for the afternoon.

He sighed and settled into his therapist chair, most therapy appointments did not take all afternoon and the fact that this one did made him nervous. "May I ask for your names please and what department you work for?"

The man's smile even more amused now, "You can call me Agent and this is Agent M. We're not here for therapy nor are we a part of the FBI."

Sweets glanced at him, while slowly reaching for the hidden panic button in the room after Brennan had made clear what she would do if he messed up again, he had decided that some security measures wouldn't hurt…

"We're a part of the Armed Forces, Dr. Sweets," Agent M's voice at least was calm, "We have two special force members that are having some workplace conflict. Obviously, this is not ideal for special forces…"

Sweets started to nod, okay they wanted to consult him professionally, he could handle that.

"So we have set up appointments for them to come in three times a week until you can hopefully get this better under control."

Sweets nodded his head, though he did think three times a week was a bit excessive, "Of course, what can you tell me about the conflict?"

The two glanced at each other, "Not much, nor will they be able to reveal several things because of security clearance."

Sweets raised an eyebrow, "You do realize that will make resolving it much more difficult?"

The Agent shrugged, "A lot of doesn't really have to do with the workplace, they just almost tried to kill each other at it."

Sweets sighed slightly, killing each other?

Agent M spoke up, "They weren't trying to kill each other, capture yes. Maim perhaps, kill…Only at the end."

Sweets muttered under his breath, "Do they have to work together?"

The Agent nodded his head very quickly, "It's an absolute necessity!"

Sweets nodded, sighing mentally, "When do I get to meet my first patient?"

Both of the Agents happily stood up, "He's in the waiting room now."