The game pieces were sprawled out onto the board as Danny and Sam continued to hug each other. When they released each other they found that they both were fourteen years old once again and the house wasn't destroyed. They were back in 1996!

Danny saw he was back wearing his red and white shirt with jeans and Sam found she was back in the Goth clothes she used to wear. They realised with the game over it had taken them back to 1996 when they had started the game.

Danny felt his lip and saw felt the cut that Dash had given him. Sam and Danny both smiled in relief and hugged each other tightly once again. They both let go of each other as they heard the door open and Danny was happy to see that it was his father Jack Fenton alive!

"I forgot my speech cards" Jack said as he walked to the table.

Danny immediately stood up and engulfed his dad in a tight hug as he said joyfully, "I'm so glad you're back!"

Jack looked at him a little confused and said, "I've been gone five minutes"

"Seems like a lot longer to me" Danny said as he continued hugging him.

"Hey I thought you told me you hated me and that you never were going to talk to me again?" Jack enquired confused by his son's behaviour.

Danny looked up at him with tears of regret and guilt in his eyes and said, "Whatever I said dad, I'm sorry. I don't hate you. I'm so sorry"

Jack smiled sadly at his son and hugged him back as he said, "Oh Danny-boy. I was angry and I'm sorry too. I shouldn't be forcing you to do anything and for that I'm sorry"

They pulled apart as he finished, "Danny you don't have to go to Elmerton if you don't want to. How about we talk over it tomorrow man to man?"

Danny smiled and suggested, "How about father and son?"

Jack smiled and hugged him again as he said, "Sounds great. Well I better get going. Vladdie and I are the guests of honour and I can see you have Sam over"

Jack was about to leave when Danny called out as he remembered something, "Hey dad"

Jack stopped and allowed his son to continued, "Back in 199…I mean today at the labs, it wasn't Tucker's fault. I accidently put the PDA in the machine. Tucker was just covering for me and it was a complete accident"

"I'm glad you told me son. Thank you and I'll call Tucker's parents and let them know he still has his internship at the labs" Jack said.

Danny nodded and Jack left the house. Danny walked back to the living room and suddenly gasped, "Oh no! Dani and Billy!"

He was about to head up to the attic when Sam stopped him, "Danny they're not there. It's 1996. They don't even exist yet"

She handed him the game pieces Dani and Billy had. He looked down at them remembering how brave his future niece and nephew was the entire game.

"So are you normal or still half-ghost?" Sam asked. Danny shrugged and checked but nothing happened and smiled in relief.

A few minutes later Danny and Sam took the game to a river and tied a bunch of heavy bricks to it. They had to make sure no-one else would find the game and use it ever again, they threw the game into the water over the bridge and watched as it sunk underneath the strong current.

Sam and Danny faced each other as she said, "I'm starting to forget what it's like to be an adult already"

"That's okay as long as we don't forget each other or Dani and Billy" Danny said. He blushed nervously and said, "When we get back to the house I have a few things I need to talk to you about"

"I think I'm willing to listen and no matter what happens in the future now or no matter what happens to us, this whole ride we've been on together I wouldn't change it for the world" Sam said as she grabbed Danny's hand. "Not one bit"

"Me neither. Sam I…" Danny began to say but couldn't find the words until suddenly Sam leaned over and kissed his cheek.

He then lifted her chin gently and leaned in and kissed her on the lips which she returned, they kissed each over for a bit until finally pulled apart. They both smiled warmly at each other and Danny said, "Wow! Remind me to play cursed board games more often"

Sam giggled and shook her head as they both headed back to the house.


It was now the year 2018 and 23 year old Danny was holding the annual Fenton / DALV Labs Christmas party at his house. Tucker was now a full time employee at the labs and had gotten married to Valerie. Sam and Danny had gotten married and are expecting their first child soon after the holidays.

Vlad and Jack retired and left the labs and the house to Danny. Vlad was going around greeting guests and socialising with some old friends while Danny was just on the phone speaking to his father who was currently in Texas visiting some friends. Sam was walking around offering cookies to their friends when she turned and saw two very familiar faces.

She walked up to Danny and whispered, "Danny they're here"

"Okay dad I'll see you tomorrow at the airport for Christmas" Danny said and he hung up the phone after saying goodbye.

They walked over up to his older sister Jazz and her husband Jason and Danny said as he hugged Jazz and shook his hand, "Hi guys. I'm glad you could make it and so glad that you've accepted a job at the labs Jason"

"Thanks for hiring me Danny" Jason said. Jazz smiled and said, "It's good to see you again little brother. Sorry it's been a long time and sorry you haven't been able to meet your niece and nephew up until now"

"No worries there Jazz" Danny said and his eyes widened as he saw fourteen year old Dani and her twelve year old brother Billy walk up to them. "Oh my gosh there they are"

"Yes how'd you know?" Jazz asked.

"It was a guess" Sam lied quickly. "Plus you've sent us photos of them with your postcards"

"Oh yeah that's right" Jazz remembered. Jason then introduced, "Well this is our daughter Danielle and our son Billy. Kids this is your Uncle Danny and his wife Sam"

"Nice to meet you Uncle Danny" Billy and Dani both said with smiles.

"You're just like we remembered you" Danny said accidently which he quickly covered up, "Well only because you told me so much about them guys"

Danny then just left for a second while Sam said as she showed her pregnant belly, "Well we love children"

They all laughed a little as Danny came back and handed Dani and Billy a Christmas present each and said, "Merry Christmas guys"

"Thank you" Billy and Dani both said and just left to open their presents.

"So Jason when can you start?" Danny asked.

"Well Jazz and I were thinking of taking a little trip to New York first" Jason answered.

Danny and Sam suddenly screamed as they remembered if they went to New York they would die of a car crash, "NOO!"

Everyone looked at them strangely but Sam quickly covered, "Sorry it's just….we really would like to spend the holidays with you guys and help you guys settle into your new house, school and workplace in the advertisement department"

"Oh no problem there right honey?" Jazz said. Jason smiled and said, "Yeah. You know I could even start next week after the holidays"

"No problem. Now let me introduce to some of the people you'll be working with" Danny said. "And you guys are welcome any time you like. You're family and we are all family"

On a beach in another country, two kids were walking along the beach when they suddenly heard an eerie noise. The girl asked, "What's that noise?"

Just ahead of them covered in sand was the game Ghost Zone calling to them to play the game once again!