Disclaimer: I do not own Zootopia or any of its characters, they all belong to Disney.

Waiting for Him

Judy stood on the side of the hill and looked into the sky. She thought it was odd that there were no stars – only what looked to like hundreds of small comets. They moved around the sky in erratic patterns and as she watched once in a while far off one of them would touch the ground. She thought she'd hear an explosion or at least ground would shake, but there would only be bright glow for a brief moment and then it would be gone. She'd been here for a while, but couldn't remember how long. There was something she was waiting for, but for the life of her she couldn't remember what.

There was plenty here for a Rabbit to eat – wherever here was – since the hill was covered with long tasty green grass. She'd eaten her fill several times and went to the bottom of the hill to drink at a small pond. Then she would climb back up the hill, stand, and continue to watch the sky. Somehow she never got tired or even needed to sleep!

Seeing herself in the pond somehow her body looked and even felt different. The grey and white fur was the same, but it was translucent and seemed to have a slight glow. She still breathed and when she put her hand to her chest felt her heart beat. But her body seemed smaller somehow and she could only walk on all fours. She still had a vague memory of walking upright, but when she'd tried she just toppled over. She tried several times, but always with the same result. It was the same with speaking. She definitely remembered speaking, but when she tried all that came out was a growl or squeak. Most of the time it was a growl.

There was nothing wrong with her mind other than those hazy memories. When she looked into the pond she knew it was her in the reflection. She could wiggle her ears and twitch her nose and knew they were hers. She'd counted each blade of grass she ate and then reversed the count until she reached one. She looked around and could name each of the things she observed: grass, sky, pond, feet, fur, ears, hill, comet. Her name was Judith Laverne Wilde, but before it was different. It was Judith Laverne Hopps before … what? Why had it changed? She just couldn't remember!

Another odd thing about this place was that it never seemed get any brighter or darker – it just seemed to always be twilight. The sky was a grayish blue with only the wayward comets moving through it. From horizon to horizon it was the same and never changed. She moved up the hill to the top hoping to get a different perspective, but as she turned it all looked the same. There were other hills in the distance with ponds like hers here and there, but she couldn't see anyone or anything else on any of them. There was only the green grass covering the ground as far as she could see.

She thought of leaving this place, but when she tried something told her she needed to stay right here and wait. To her time simply had no meaning and her lonely vigil continued. Then as she watched one of the comets came closer. It became so warm she shut her eyes and threw up her arms to cover her face. The warmth faded and there stood a red fox. Then it all came back to her! He too was on all fours, but she knew that it was her Fox! Her Nick!

She tried to say his name, but all that came out was a squeak. Trying again only produced the same result. Then he yipped and moved closer. Then the glow began and when they touched it flashed. They reflexively closed their eyes. When she opened hers there stood her Fox just as she remembered him when she'd first met him all those years ago. He gave her that foxy smile of his. Since they only had eyes for each other nether of them noticed the changes around them.



Purple eyes met green ones. He dropped to his knees and pulled her into his arms. Their lips met and they were in heaven.