Author notes: Before anyone starts no it's not posted to the wrong category. The title fits the story. Also, this is a female Frisk story don't like it don't read. Also, this isn't self-insert this truly is a Frisk story. Disclaimer I don't own Undertale, nor any of the characters all I own is my laptop which I write this story with. The rating is there for a reason. If you're not old enough for this story don't read is a first and final warning. Also feel free to comment your thoughts and opinions on the story and point out any mistakes. While I can take forever to write things out, I don't always notice the errors until their posted or until someone points out. This is personal thoughts just italics. This is a dream bold and italics. Anything written in bold in load reset, in other words, the omnipresent voice. Now let's start this story.

The crowd's deafening laughter touched my heart. I could even tell the nosebleeds of the arena through the curtains; the guffaws were awe-inspiring standing backstage waiting for my cue. My opening act was Fantastic! He's got them rolling in the aisles.

"You have truly been a wonderful audience. Now that I've sincerely tickled your funny bones. Let me have the honor of presenting our mega-star of the evening, winner of more awards than her home can hold. The singing siren who will steal your hearts and mine … Frisk!"

I knew my cue when I heard it. The light hits center stage. The fog machine rolls in, and I can hear the excitement of the crowd. When I looked for my announcer. He was nowhere to be seen, but then I heard the announcer whisper in my ear,"Knock' em dead babe." It sounded sincere but almost seductive like he was more than a confidant. Before I knew it, I was on stage belting out a few covers from another artist to warm up the crowd for my music and backup dancers, who were unfortunately caught in a traffic jam. My music was the real reason they were here right now, but my mind was on the warm-up act.

I couldn't see what he looked like or who it had been? He was almost like a shadow or a ghost as if he didn't exist at all. All I knew is the feeling of my knees weakens at the thought of him.

It was like he already knew through the confidence of his voice that I was already his. He knew he had this effect on me. Like he knew exactly what to say to have me desperately wanting him.

I shot up awake with my heart racing, grabbing my chest in shock of my dream.

"What was that!?'

I rush out of my bedroom to the bathroom, almost slipping on the rug outside my door. I splash cold water on my sweaty face and take a look in the mirror. I look worn out and drained, then again, what do I expect from an unexpected freefall towards death? It's as if I ran a marathon in under twenty minutes!

Replaying that dream in my mind where he whispered in my ear, I could feel his presence in my dream, but I couldn't see him anywhere. A voice like that can make me melt like butter in a heated frying pan. I could feel myself coming undone from his voice. I'm sexualizing a voice from my dream of a man I didn't see. I'm not twelve anymore dream guys are to be left there. This is not someone I could be capable of making to magically appear or come into being as a real-life person. With another cold splash to the face, I walk back to my room and notice the moon was high in the sky gleaming its beautiful beam of light; cascading across the lowly earth it orbits. Everything seems so peaceful tonight. I look at the alarm to see what ridiculous hour I'm awake at. It was only midnight. I try to snuggle back into bed but instead I'm tossing and turning trying to not think of the voice that plagued my last dream. Fitfully sleeping, I couldn't stop thinking about how only I would seem capable of having dreams so strange that a voice could cause me to turn into a puddle. Well regardless, I need to be well rested. I have a double date with Stephanie tonight and no fantasy dream men can change those plans.

It's early afternoon, and I'm already dressed for the date. What's happening most of the day has been uneventful. To pass the time I update my resume and references. I'm just waiting on Stephanie to finish up getting ready. The date is set for 6 pm, and it was already two. I got my cup of green tea and my laptop in hand to check local casting calls. Recently I've felt the need reflect on the rut I've been in since my latest failed audition. The only person to immediately cheer me up was Stephanie. Stephanie is probably the best roommate and friend anyone could ever have. Then again we have been playmates since we were in diapers. When you're friends for that long, it's almost impossible for us not to be in sync. Plus, how we became friends is already crazy enough.

Our parents placed us in a sandbox together to play while they watched on and took pictures and videotaped the scene. The pictures and videos said it all. We were all but six months old but the smiles said it all. When it came time take us home? We refused to be separated gripping each other like we were each other's life preserver. The crying was unbearable and because of it, we had our first of many sleepovers. That wasn't enough to pacify us forever as we kept crying when separated. It was then, our parents decided it might be easier to set up regular playdates as we got became as closer as sisters and from then on anything we had done was mostly done together. When I was four in preschool, I remember the teacher asking the class what we dreamed of for our future and I said I wanted to be a star and become famous. She laughed it off as teachers are known to do but, in my mind, I was hurt and I wanted to start crying. She thought my dream was dumb but Stephanie gave me a hug saying she believed in me. We told our parents what the teacher said and let's just say she apologized to me personally. Through it all, I could count on Stephanie. She was the one who encouraged me to follow my dreams in the first place. Through elementary, middle, high school and university we were together through it all. She had my back. Not even when we had started to change in college-we had picked different majors, even sororities; but our friendship never wavered. We were like sisters and stuck by each other through thick and thin. After college, we couldn't imagine moving out without living together. Best choice I ever made was asking her to be my roommate since we balanced each other out. I'm the great one at keeping order and cleanliness out of the two of us, and she's the better cook of us two.

Tonight was the night for another tag along blind double date. Ugh, who knows how many blind dates I will I have to go on this year. The first of this weekend, we have another date tomorrow; what a way to spend my Friday night. This another in a long line of many over the last three years. If Stephanie wasn't my best friend I wouldn't have put up the blind dates since they aren't my cup of tea. I know she wants me to be happy but the dates themselves are so awkward. Much less promise my weekend to a blind date without meeting the guy. Or go without getting information of about the guy from Stephanie herself. But she wants me to be happy no matter what it takes. Usually because whoever I'm set up with is A: not my type of guy and B: incredibly sleazy and the bottom of the dating pool. I still remember the last blind date Stephanie set me up on. Next time when she mentions the guy is "quirky," I will outright say noinstead of finding out what she means by "quirky." That's the last time I try to crawl out of a bathroom window in a dress. Apparently, she really likes the guy she's dating but his friend is trying to crash their relationship. So the best way to defuse it? Pawn him off on me to entertain him. Of course, I get stuck with the moron, but I need to put on my best face. No need to stress myself out wondering whether he'll be normal or another dud... The moron can't be that bad. Besides, even if he is there's probably a reason just as I have a reason for wanting to be an actress and I'm one of the best. Honestly, I don't want to fantasize about my dream guy again. I need a distraction from this.

Stephanie and I caught a cab. We would have taken a bus or streetcar if we didn't look so beautiful. With my long brown hair in a gorgeous updo and wearing a long red evening dress with a slit that went mid-thigh and Stephanie dressed in a modest blue dress evening gown. Classy with a hint of flirty. At best on public transport, we would stand out. At worst we'll be catcalled and harassed into hiding. At least in a cab, we know if the driver gets into creepy behavior territory we can take it to their boss. Plus, he's not the guy I'd like flirting with me... My thoughts drift back to the dream last night allowing myself to remember his voice again. I quickly catch myself before I start drooling in front Stephanie. I really don't want her worrying about me again.

One chat filled taxi drive later, we stop in front of a seemingly new and swanky looking restaurant. The exterior of the restaurant was gigantic as it took up about a city block reminding me of when I once visited New York and saw the Macy's building. Though unlike Macy's seeming to waste all the area it has, The Harmonious Enigma was the opposite in that regard. The restaurant had an awning wrapping around the building, and it's obvious that during the day and clear nights they had outdoor seating. The building was lined with red roses and golden chrysanthemums placed out in a row just outside of the gate. If I didn't know how new the restaurant was I would have assumed it was well-kept secret. There was a gigantic vine of ivy growing along the building giving the little touch of age which I enjoyed. With large Georgian style windows, a most beautiful glow emanated from the inside. The building was made of red bricks and had two floors to my surprise. I could see the valet was dressed in a purple uniform vest with a crisp white dress shirt and black formal pants. They smiled and waved as we passed them which we kindly returned. The restaurant opened to rave reviews a few months ago. Seeing how the only theme for the food is nothing fried, everything is up on the menu as long as it was in stock. It's pricey and very in vogue. Whoever Stephanie's new guy is, he was pulling out all the stops to impress us. He's already getting on my good side but I'll leave my judgments for dinner. We finally arrive inside and I didn't have enough time to stop my jaw dropping. The interior was just as beautiful as the exterior. The carpeting was a rich crimson and the walls were a deep mahogany and generously decorated with gorgeous paintings. From what I can tell they were the best works from a local artist. Some of the art pieces reminded me of work some people I met in college had created. The staff's men and women were all wearing a similar purple vest. The men wearing something close to a three-piece suits with a purple trim. The lady servers, the pianist, and the harpist were wearing varying shades of purple dresses. The harpist, in particular, was wearing a sari and that one server while working was wearing a kimono. The diners were dressed to the nines and most of the men in suits looked like they just came here from a Gala. The ladies here were to dressed to kill in beautiful gowns, not to the level of a wedding dress but, they were gorgeous nonetheless. I think the most underdressed patrons were this young teen couple and they were dressed semi-formal. I get the feeling the staff just thought they were too cute to reject. I swear I overheard their waitress go 'aww' when she passed their table and saw them talking over their meal.

From the corner of my eye, I see a man standing in front of Maître d, waving Stephanie over. Stephanie saunters over to her guy. Whoa, I can now see why she liked him. Let's see who Stephanie set me up with. If her guy is already here, then my date can't be too far behind. To the left of Stephanie's date, he was talking to someone else. Oh god, it's him! Is that the guy Stephanie set me up with?! I give him a once over, and I am not happy! He's wearing a tux shirt covered in stains and dress pants with a hole in the knee. What the hell Stephanie?! Another loser, this guy is a schlub what the hell?! I wouldn't even recommend him to work at a newsstand for Christ's sake!

Oh, that's just great! Now he's arguing with the Maître d. I can hear it from here that it's about his attire. Oh god, Steph you owe me a spa day.

"Aiden I would like for you to meet Frisk." Stephanie wasn't even looking at me as she spoke focusing almost all her attention on Aiden.

"Oh nice to meet you, Frisk. My friend is on his way, he's a bit of a funny fellow," Aiden says with an almost nervous tone and an accent I could hear. He's British, way to go Steph!

"Hello, you must be Chad," I say using my most polite and courteous and formal voice. Maybe I'm wrong to judge someone on their clothes maybe his personality more than makes up for it. It wouldn't be the first time looks can be deceiving in the guys I date. Or... I need to put that dream out of my mind that guy isn't real!

"Ah, you must be the lovely Frisk! Aiden and Stephanie have told me all about you, though they didn't tell me how pretty you are! I'm glad I dressed up for this date. " He kisses my hand.

Gross, I need to get my hand disinfected. Come on now Frisk, be nice no judgmental thoughts only positive thoughts. You're a better person than this! At least he can speak English that's a plus, right? I'm internally wincing, but I'm grinning in a way my old acting teacher would be proud of. A smile that looks happy that even goes to your eyes and you don't give away your anger not even in your body language.

"Well, Stephanie didn't tell me much about you. She wanted you to be a bit of a mystery so, tell me about yourself Chad," I say to as we are being seated at our table. Stay kind Frisk! Aiden and Stephanie were whispering deep in their conversation so, I have no choice but to talk to Chad.

"Well, I'm a bit of entrepreneur. I'm a bit of an investor in a little-known startup company; they have a solid business plan and an incredible idea."

"What's the idea?" I ask trying to sound curious. I was nailing it, but on the inside, I can already tell this is a bad idea. He was most likely exaggerating about the whole thing.

"A Food truck, in particular, a bakery business on wheels. What do you think?"

Sounds like a financial flop! Since most restaurants are a gamble and on wheels? Let's sign this business death certificate on this business now! And I have no doubt you made up the whole thing to impress me, but I'll go along with it. Just to avoid making a scene.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea! How did you come up with it?" I say sounding more thrilled for the idea and him. Though in my head I'm daydreaming I grew wings, and I'm flying out of the open window in front of me.

I let him ramble on saying things I know are not even close to real words but were gibberish and nonsense. By this point, the waiter came by to give us our menus and asked if we would like sparkling waters as we go over the menu. Before he walked away, he slipped a piece of paper with his number in my menu and on the other side wrote: "I'm sorry you're stuck with this loser." I tuck away the number into my purse. He was cute but really not my type. He was more up my friend tina's alley than mine. Chad was going on and on about himself for twenty minutes about being a bullfighter for a few months then a flight attendant for a few weeks. Even went as far as to tell me a tall tale that he was the co-owner of a successful restaurant for a few years. If I were a moron, I would still know he's lying. There's no way he could be that successful and not know how to dress for a first date.

"Did you know there's a second part to this date? Aidan planned on us going to a club after dinner, and I was wondering whether you were up for going...?" hoped Chad.

Frisk answered, "Maybe but we're not dressed for clubbing and neither are you."

Are you kidding me?! If I have to leave this date to change outfits, I'm not coming back! I can just stay at home to cozy up and watch Netflix in sweats instead.

"Don't worry we'll meet up at . . . " lowering his voice and a smirk slowly growing on his face. I started to feel a chill running up my spine.

"Chad you know that's not the next part." Aiden had this look on his face of 'he's just playing around don't take what he said seriously.' I glance at Steph's sympathetic face noticing she too understood that Chad was being dead serious. That did not bode well with me seeing how the rest of this night was heading. Continuing, "sorry ladies the next part of the date is going to the play a few blocks away. I think he forgot, right Chad?" Aiden gives Chad an almost disapproving look. Still, he ignores Aiden and continues to gaze at me like a predator stalking prey. You wish buster- touch me, and I will call the cops. I'm not getting my finery or fist dirty because of you.

"Alright if we're done with dinner. Shall we ladies?"

Stephanie chirps, "Sure!" looking completely love struck. Aiden looked not too far off from her, but the grin he was fighting on his face to keep his composure spoke a thousand words.

"Then let's get going."

Inside I'm screaming trying to make something up for later like the stomach flu, the mumps, hell even an instantaneous fever. Anything to get out of close quarters with Chad.

Final note: Before anything my dear reader, you treat the first chapter like the precedent for the rest of the story. You set up characters motivation the bare basics of their personality, and how they react to a few situations, they're involved in. Or get an idea of what they're like from it. Base on a first chapter you can figure whether you want to read the story or not. I know I've done it plenty of times in the past when reading new fics. A lot of just incorrect wording or something that seems badly written or not worth the effort of reading? Or just something that can take me out of the story like inconsistencies in the writing in the first chapter alone. I know that pain, but I honestly hope that's not for something people think of my own fic but that's a possibility for any writer to get about their own work. Now if you end here and read no more I down blame you theirs a bunch of great fics out there thanks for giving this one a look to see if you like it. Those of you who stay, I love you guys and get ready for a wild ride filled with twisting corkscrew turns and swirling vortex loops.