`Author's note: Ok, I had this stored in my little vault of Gajevy fanfics for a while and I admitted I'm a bit of a huge Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) fan. It's one of my favorite series' and I really wanted to do this for quite sometime! So the series is going to have some blood and violence in it making it Rated M and I might throw a lemon in it! As a heads up This series will be having a chapter once every two weeks until further notice. I don't own Fairy Tail or Black Butler.

Chapter 1: In The Morning: The Maid's Work

"You summoned me?" a female yet demonic voice called out to him. He was a Nobleman, rich beyond your wildest dreams. Someone who was happy with life. He had a wonderful home, a loving younger brother who lived with him until he could find a manor to call his own, a fiance he was to wed one day. It was everything this man could ever ask for. But it all came crumbling down the moment someone broke into his home, killed his servants, his brother and set his manor ablaze. He made it out of the home alive and carried his brother's corpse, unaware that he was truly gone.

The moment he discovered that his only brother was murdered while in the manor. He felt as if his whole world shattered. That there wasn't a God anymore or he didn't even exist in the first place. That was when she showed up.

"You wish to start a contract with me?" all of time stopped when he heard that voice. The flames from the fire paused, the tears he sheded were frozen in mid-air, the air was still hot from the flames that were licking around the manor. It was unbelievable. Soon, a black mass appeared in front of him, he couldn't make out much of the being in front of him except for the fact she was wearing a pair of stilletto heels, had bat-like wings, long nails, sharp teeth and a pair of piercing red eyes like his.

"Who the hell are you?" he yelled.

"Hell? Well that's pretty much where I came from." she lifted his chin with her delicate fingers. His eyes looked into hers with horror; a demon this strange girl was.

"What a delectable soul.." she smirked "will probably taste so delicious...Now, I want to make a contract. I'll do what you want, help you get revenge on the people who wronged you and serve you. And as payment, you give me your soul. So, do we have a deal?" he was hesitant at first; but the truth is, he wanted revenge. He wanted whoever did this to him dead. He grabbed the demon's hand and began to feel a searing pain in his left hand, a contract seal was now forming.

In the morning, the Head Maid is the first to get up and at night, she's the last to go to bed. She is the one in charge of everything, from the Master's morning tea to his schedule for the day. Well, that's what Levy McGarden's life has been for the past three years. Working every single day, not a single one off, no pay of any sort. Well, one day she will get her reward; but that will be explained later on. Levy awoke from her sleep on this fine morning before sunrise. She changed into a black maid's dress with a matching white hairband to keep her wild blue locks in place, a pair of black, heeled mary-janes with white stockings, a white apron that was appropriate for a maid and a pair of white gloves. Her first job this morning was to wake the rest of the staff, prepare her master's morning tea and breakfast, get him ready for the day ahead, and make sure that the staff does their job correctly.

She pushed a service trolley that had this morning's tea (Oolong) along with a menu for breakfast, some components that could go well with the tea, and a few appetizer's for her master's crazed appetite in the morning. She gently opened the bedroom door, leaving it slightly ajar and allowing light to creep in the morbidly dark room while her Master's snores ripped through the air. She shifted the cart closer to his bed, unenclosed the curtains, allowing more sunlight in.

"Good morning Master." smiled the maid sweetly "For your Morning tea, we have Oolong tea that arrived fresh off a ship from China." she poured the cup of tea while her Master seated himself in an upright position in his bed. Once he was in the correct position, she served him his tea "You have an option for breakfast today Master. You could have eggs, salmon, scones, or fresh fruits picked from the gardens. Which will it be?"

"I'll take the salmon." grunted the Lord, handing his maid the menu.

"Excellent choice sir." She smiled "Oh, you have a visit from Mister Porla today. He will be here for dinner to discuss the future of The Redfox Corporation." the Lord known as Redfox grunted at her words.

"Ok shrimp." this caused the maid's eye to twitch.

"Forgive me Master." she sighed "But I've told you that my name is Levy. You even gave me that name the day we met and I became your maid."

"Aww, is the shrimp angry?"

"Not. At. All." She pulled out a pair of her Lord's clothing and prepared to help him dress for the day. A gray colored suit, with a black thin tie, a pair of noblemen styled shoes, a single black glove on his left hand and his long, wild hair was combed out. He followed his head maid down the main stairway and made his way into the main living area. He sat at his lounge chair as his maid strolled to the kitchen and found four servants waiting for her word.

The first servant was a tall man, he had wild white hair, a scar over his eye and was heavily muscular. He was dressed in cook clothes and looked like he had seen so much: well, he was through war after all. The next one was a butler, he had red hair that was held back in a ponytail that jetted upwards. He wore a pair of glasses that made him look dorky in sense as well as clumsy. The third person was a girl. A young one to be exact. She had long dark blue hair that was held back in pigtails and wore a pair of work pants, boots, a messy white t-shirt, a pair of working gloves and a sun hat with a slight hole in it. She was young, probably the youngest one here; but she was a hard worker and enjoyed her life here. The last one was an old man, one who sat on a pillow, drinking tea with a peaceful expression. He was dressed in a butler uniform, had a spread out eagle's nest haircut and a mustache. He was small and frail, but if you wronged him, you'd be in for a surprise.

"Alright everyone." Levy began "We have to be prepared for tonight. We have to be on our best behavior and make a good impression with the guest. Elfman!" she pointed at the white haired male "You're to make tonight's dinner. Mr. Porla hails from a Spanish country so you are to make a dish from that country! Jet!" she pointed to the red head "You're to clean the house until every single tile in this home shines! Also, get all the fine China ready for tonight! Wendy!" she pointed to the young girl "You're to make sure the gardens are trimmed, well kept and looking beautiful. Tonight's dinner will be taking place there! And Makarov," she pointed to the old man "Do nothing. You're all dismissed!"

Levy left the room and entered the main hallway where her heels clicked as she walked to tend to her Master's breakfast.

"Miss Levy seems to be really counting on us today." Elfman noted while scratching his head.

"Porla is supposed to be someone who deals with one of the factories and he's supposed to be making a deal with Master Gajeel today." the butler known as Jet theorized.

"So," the little girl known as Wendy piped up "let's impress Miss Levy! Let's do so well today Miss Levy has no choice but to be impressed!" the four cheered at the idea and immediately got to work.

Levy was in one of the dining halls, polishing all the silverware and making sure each and every single dish, teapot, or utensil was completely spotless. She concentrated on her work and making sure not a single spot passed her eye. She heard a sudden crash from downstairs. Levy gently placed the silverware down and raced down the stairs to find Jet, lying in front of a large pile of broken China, a large crack in his glasses and a look as if he realized what he did.

"Jet!" Levy hollered "I told you to thousands of times to take the plates out little by little!"

"I-I-I'm sorry!" Jet stammered "But I figured that if I could bring them all out then it would be less trouble!"

"Jet, those dishes cost more than you're paycheck! They're made from some of the finest China in all of Asia! It's going to take weeks to get a new shipment in!"


Levy's eye's bulged out of her skull the moment the explosion occurred. What was it this time? The maid and butler raced to the kitchen to find black scorch marks, decorating the kitchen walls, appliances, floors and crevasses not even Levy knew existed. Elfman emerged from the smoke, covered in soot coughing from the smoke inhalation. The oven had to be the worst of all since that was the source of the explosion.

"Elfman!" Levy yelled "What happened?!"

"*cough*" Elfman wheezed "I'm sorry Miss Levy. The dishes were taking too long to cook, so I wanted to speed it up." Levy looked at the burnt dishes and picked up the scent of burnt food and...Shepard's pie with Patatas bravas?

"Elfman," Levy cross-examined "is that tonight's dish and The Master's lunch?"





"...Yes." Levy literally felt her irritation levels grow at this moment until finally, she heard a scream coming from the gardens... Now what?

Wendy came running into the kitchens looking for Levy before finding her and hugging her tightly. There were tears in the young girl's eyes.

"Miss Levy! Miss Levy!" She whimpered.

"What's wrong?" Levy asked concerned.

"It's the gardens!" she cried as tears poured from her eyes. Levy followed the girl to the gardens and found them in a dreadful state. The rose bushes were destroyed, the hedges were cut terribly, statues were broken, the fruit gardens were all dismayed. It was a nightmare.

"What happened?!" Levy screeched in horror.

"I was just trimming the bushes!" Wendy cried "And this deer got into the gardens wanting the fruit from the gardens! I chased him all over the gardens and the whole garden became like this while I was after him!" Levy couldn't believe any of this. If looks could kill, Levy's angriest glare would be the #1 murder weapon for homicide. She shot an angered glare at the servants who all looked at her with fear.

"Are you all this incompetent?!" she hollered "I gave you all simple jobs and this is what you do?! Tonight is a very important dinner for the master and thanks to everything you've done today we may have to cancel! Mister Porla is already on his way and-"

ding ding ding!

Levy knew that sound, she looked to the porch and found the bell that had a string attached to the Master's office was ringing: the Master was calling.

"I'll be right back." Levy growled "I need to tend to the Master's lunch." She ran to the kitchens and quickly prepared a quick meal for her lord before having an audience with him.

"Here is your lunch young master." Levy smiled "A Melton Mowbray pork pie with a side of mash and a cup of tea, just the way you like it." The pie was made beautifully with a pork roast center and pie crusts on the top and bottom. Gajeel looked at the meal with a smirk before taking a bite.

"Good." he mummbled "But this isn't why I called you in here."

"Levy looked at her lord with wonder.

"The painting in the main hall." Gajeel explained.

"The one of your parents?" she asked.

"That one. Take it down, I'm the head of this fucking place so I want it put away." Levy gave a knowing smile at his words before giving a curtsy.

"As you wish my lord. I'll have Elfman and Jet remove it later today." she left the room and made her way to the gardens where the servants still stood.

"The Master has been cared for." Levy sighed "Just how are we going to handle tonight's dinner I don't know. It will take a-" she stopped when she spotted Makarov's tea cup. It was a classic Japanese styled cup with a Kanji for peace on it.

"Makarov," Levy asked nicely "can I see that cup please?"

"Oh ho ho ho!" laughed the old man before handing the cup over. She studied the cup gently and an idea struck her mind.

"This night isn't over yet!" she smiled with determination "Jet, grab all the bowls we have in the cabinets and be careful! Wendy, head to the gardening shop in the nearest town and get these supplies with this money!" she handed Wendy a list with a large coin purse of money "Elfman! Run to the market, grab all these ingredients and get started right away! Makrov, as you were. We can still save tonight!" The servants cheered at Levy's words and with a hop and a skip, the servants ran to do Levy's orders.

Twilight struck eventually and a carriage carrying a very important man arrived to Redfox Manor. Lord Gajeel and his servants stood outside the manor as the horse drawn carriage stopped and the door was opened to reveal a tall man with reddish black hair, tanned skin, pointed features, an unusual mustache and was wearing purple colored clothing, black lipstick and carried a walking stick.

"Lord Porla." Gajeel smiled "I welcome you to my manor."

"Ah, Lord Gajeel my boy!" the guest replied "It's good to see you! We have much to discuss!"

"Gihihihi" Gajeel laughed "We will after dinner. Right this way."

Lord Porla followed Gajeel and his servants to the back of his manor and when they opened the doors to the gardens, they found a beautifully raked sand garden with bamboo and smoothed light gray rocks. Jose looked at the garden with awe and admiration.

"We decided to go with the theme of a Japanese tranquility garden." Levy explained "We wanted to give the air of peacefulness to the manor.

"This is magnificent!" Jose clapped with awe. Master Redfox and Lord Porla were seated at the set dinner table while Levy brought the trolly that carried the dinners.

"Tonight's dinner is donburi." Levy explained "A traditional Japanese dish. The meat is a lightly cooked steak meat, below is white rice and the dish is garnished with peas and some clover."

The meal looked amazing to Porla and just how garnished and delicate it looked, it made him in a sense not want to ruin it's beauty. Levy handed both her lord and Jose chopsticks, Jose took the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat, took a bite and immediately was met with a burst of flavor. The meat was juicy and had an unusual texture but it felt easy enough to eat. Jose automatically began to shovel the entire meal into his mouth, Levy rung a bell which summoned Jet at the table's side with a bottle of some of the finest wine on the market today.

"Would you care for some wine?" Levy asked politely.

"Absolutely!" Jose smiled. Jet looked at the scene with complete and utter nervousness. His hands were shaking as he poured the glass of wine.

Most of the wine popped into the fine crystal glass. Well, all except one decent size drop. It mainly went unnoticed by everyone; except by Levy. With a swift flick of her wrists, Levy pulled the table cloth right off the table with no issue, not letting a single thing on the table go out of place and right before the drop of red wine hit the table. Jose clapped his hands in delight at Levy's spectacular performance before joining Gajeel in finishing their meals.

Jose and Gajeel soon made their ways to Gajeel's office for their meeting. A board game was placed on the table while both waited for their after meal drinks.

"So I wanted to speak with you about the future of the branch." Jose explained "The company branch seems to be losing a lot of Euros and could use some extra help."

"You lose your legs in the Forest of Confusion." Gajeel announced looking at Jose's game piece "You can now only move half as fast now." Jose didn't know what to say to that.

"As I was saying... the money will be used to create a new work force and try to make the branch more profitable."

"You're burned to death in the forest fire and before you die you're given the eyes of the dead and are able to see the souls of the dead surrounding you before they take you." Again, Jose was speechless.

"This game is pretty dark isn't it?" Jose mused "I guess it's good for a night of horror stories. Now about the branch-"

"We can finish discussing it after our game." Gajeel explained.

"Um... Excuse me Lord Gajeel, but I would like to use the phone if you're fine with it."

"Alright. It's down the hall."

"Thank you." Jose bowed to go use the phone at that moment leaving Gajeel alone. Levy made her way into the room with a look of curiosity before serving her master.

"He's not budging!" Jose growled into the phone "I've told him a made up story that the branch isn't doing so well to get more money out of it!"

"Is he aware you sold it?" the voice on the other end asked.

"No! He has no clue I sold the branch of the company under his nose! All he knows is that the branch isn't doing well and we need the money for more employees! He has no idea the money will be for myself! I'll try again until I get to dry him to the bone!" Jose hung up and began to redeem his composure. He made his way back to the office but had one problem; he was lost. As he walked around the manor, he started getting a dark and eerie feeling from the manor

"This place is pretty creepy." he muttered to himself "How does the lord live like this?" As he wandered the halls, he spotted something odd with the paintings: they looked as if they were alive. The paintings were all staring at him giving that feeling of uneasiness.

"Before you die you're given the eyes of the dead and are able to see the souls of the dead surrounding you before they take you." played again in Jose's mind.

"The hell am I thinking?" he grumbled "It was just a stupid board ga-"


He stopped short when he came across a large painting of what was of Lord Redfox's parents lying at the side. And what scared Jose Porla the most was the fact ghostly faces appeared over the faces of the deceased. He screamed in horror and ran as fast as he could. Causing Jet and Elfman, who were carrying the painting to the attic on Levy's orders look in confusion. He ran as fast as he could to get away from it all when he suddenly tripped and fell down the flight of stairs in the main hallway, breaking one leg and fracturing the other.

"W-what the hell?!" Jose whimpered "I need to get out of here!" he began to claw his way around, trying to find the exit in the manor until he came across a pair of black, heeled mary-janes; he looked up to find Levy smiling down at him.

"Leaving so soon Lord Porla?" she questioned. He looked at her with fright before dragging himself away from the maid "You know you lost your legs and can only move half as fast now." she followed behind the man with her heels clicking against the marble floors and a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. He pulled himself away from the maid and did whatever he could to get away from her. There was something about this maid that scared him senseless. He soon managed to lose her and found a small hiding spot with a door in the manor. A secret hiding spot! He climbed into the small hiding spot and closed the door tightly.

Jose took a deep breath and did what he could to reclaim his composure. This place was a nightmare! Forget about the money, he needed to get out of here before something, or someone kills him! As he thought about this, he realized the hiding spot was starting to get warmer by the minute. He tugged at his collar and felt his brow grow wet with sweat. He looked around the room and realized it was glowing an orange color. Wait a minute. He looked around and found a small eye door and managed to slide it open. He looked around the dark room and with the light of the small room he was in, he managed to make out a large table with...kitchenware?! That's when he realized where he was.

"Dear me." he heard a voice say out loud. He soon came face to face with the head maid "Something smells like it's cooking. I guess the Master's Meat Pie for lunch tomorrow will be much earlier done than I imagined." Jose looked in horror at the maid and noticed something about her; her eyes were beginning to show a tinge of red. He knew it wasn't the fire from the oven: he knew there was something evil about this woman. He screamed in complete horror and clawed at the door of the oven until he managed to break free and with the adrenaline rush that hit him, he managed to hobble his way out of the manor, never to be seen again.

Unbeknownst to Jose, Gajeel was watching from the window of his office, a knowing smirk on his lips.

"Fucking fool." he smirked "Didn't think I'd know that he sold my goddamn factory? Sucks to be him cause he unknowingly sold it to me. Gotta hand it to the shrimp though. She handled this whole little horror show thing pretty damn well." he let out a yawn and decided to get up and get ready for his evening rituals.

Jet and Elfman were in the back of the house, playing a game of cards and drinking some tea that Elfman made after they removed the painting. They began to hear the clicking of heels and soon found Levy approaching them with a try of fresh black tea and two slices of lemon meringue pie.

"Levy!" Jet smiled "We managed to get the painting put away!"

"It was a MANLY job!" Elfman laughed "You want to join us in our card game?"

"Thank you for the offer but I'm going to pass." Levy smiled.

"Hey, we ran into Lord Porla earlier. Is everything ok with him?"

"He had to leave. He had an urgent matter to attend to."

"I see, what you got there Levy?" Jet questioned.

"It's lemon meringue pie." Levy explained "It was intended for tonight's dessert but due to unforeseen circumstances, Lord Porla had to leave and since the Master doesn't want it, I figured you both would like a slice as a way to thank you for your hard efforts. Wendy already had her slice."

"Alright!" Jet shouted happily "Thank you Levy! You're the best!"

"It's my pleasure." she smiled. She placed the tray on their small table and began to walk back into the manor, ready to tend to her Master's whims. As she walked the main hall, she noticed the spot where the picture once stood. As she looked, she noticed a difference in color of the wallpaper "Oh dear, looks like the wallpaper needs to be changed. I'll have to speak with the Master about it in the morning." she let out a low but slightly hearty hum-like laugh to muse about the day as she left to get The Master ready for bed and prepare for tomorrow.